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Hello everyone!

Sandrine here! Hope you all had or are having a great holiday season! We’re well rested and back on track! Today, I’ll share a summary of the latest community brainstorming session as well as the new theme!

Food & Cooking Brainstorming Recap  (For Patrons Only! Please don’t share)

Thank you all for participating in the Food & Cooking brainstorming session, we gathered many ideas from the comment section as well as from Discord and Reddit. Here’s a general summary of our notes for you. Please keep in mind that if you don’t see your idea there, it doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t be taking it into account when working on this aspect of the game. Please enjoy your ideas below!

  • 📖 Different kinds of food: Recipes, instant meals, finger food, condiments, leftover soup, homemade drinks, pet treats, etc.
  • 🌍 Have a variety of meals from different cultures and allow modding to add more food and meals.
  • 🍲 Customize recipes, have different variations of a meal (e.g.: different cake toppings) and have the meal’s appearance change depending on what you put on the plate.
  • 🌿 Functional items to get food from: Fruit bowl, cookie jar, tea set, cheese platter, fondue set, small herb garden, etc.
  • 🤵 Multiple course meal for special occasions.
  • 🥣 Different food preparation would require different equipment.
  • 📺 Different ways to learn recipes: Sharing recipes, cookbooks, internet, TV, cooking classes, experimenting, traveling, etc.
  • 👩‍👦 Family recipes could be passed down to other generations.
  • 🏷️ Classification of food by tags: Sweet, savoury, sour, salty, spicy, hot, cold, meat, fibrous, organic, seasonal, fresh, canned, etc.
  • 🍣 Classification of recipes according to the preparation difficulty and complexity.
  • 😁 Food and drinks could impact the Parafolk’s mood, energy, lifespan and their relationship with others.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Group activities: Teach kids how to cook, have a family dinner, cook in group, gift food items, have neighborhood BBQs, picnics, etc.
  • 👩‍🍳 Other activities: Donate to food banks, pack meals, write a cookbook, set up a lemonade stand, decorate cookies, store food, participate in food or cooking competitions, etc.
  • 👩‍🌾 Careers: Chef, baker, waiter, barista, bartender, food critic, cookbook writer, cooking teacher, fisher, farmer, etc.
  • 🐔 Raise animals or grow plants to get organic ingredients.
  • 🥗 Ability to set and change a diet type (vegetarian, vegan, kosher, lactose free and others) for your Parafolk.
  • 🤤 Cravings according to the weather, the Parafolk’s favourite food, if they are pregnant, etc.
  • 🐶 Small interactions could happen while eating or cooking such as giving pets leftovers or stealing food off another Parafolk’s plate.
  • 🍾 Store different goods in appropriate storage spaces such as refrigerators, freezers, pantries, cellars, and cabinets.
  • 🥢 Have various styles and colors of tableware, including various utensil choices such as chopsticks.

Special thanks to Patron and Discord user Axart once again, who made a summary of his own during this month. As always, it’s been very helpful to us!

I also wanted to include a word cloud to see what has been mentioned the most in the comment section of the previous brainstorming session. This is what Patrons mentioned the most:

Results of the poll on the Food & Cooking brainstorming post showed that you were most looking forward to letting your Parafolks enjoy a family dinner, but also followed closely by learning recipes, going to the restaurant and getting ingredients. You guys are real Para-foodies!

Next Monthly Brainstorming: Generations  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Let’s start the year with a brainstorming topic pretty different from the ones we’ve discussed recently. Generations will be the theme for this month’s brainstorming session. To get started, you can ask yourselves the following questions:

  • 👁️ What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children?
  • 📚 What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down?
  • 🏺 What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another?
  • 👨‍👨‍👦 What would an intergenerational home look like in Paralives?
  • 👵 What kind of specific interactions could different age groups have with each other? For example, grandparents with their grandchildren.
  • 🏆 What generations related rewards or challenges would you like to see in-game?

We’d love to read all your ideas in the comment section of this post. As usual, we will open this brainstorming session to the public next week on Discord in the #generations channel and on Reddit.

Note: Due to the holiday break postponing the new theme, all monthly brainstorming will now start at the beginning of the month (usually the first Friday of the month). You’ll still have 4 weeks to share your ideas as usual.

Happy brainstorming!

Poll: Generations  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Following the announcement of the new theme, we wanted to ask you a question: Would you prefer to play a single generation over a long period of time or would you like to move on and play the next generation frequently? You can answer in the poll below. If you can think of something that is not in the options, don’t hesitate to share it in the comments.

Have a good weekend!




I really don't like the idea of having foods labeled unhealthy.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I think kids having to learn to cook from parents or look up recipes to learn them would be great! Some people never learn to cook while others grew up cooking and the very different lifestyles is realistic and dynamic


Concerning ageing I think that it would be cool to be able to set how long a paras lifespan would be (excluding how the para lives,eats,exercises etc…) p.s live you guys you’re all awesome, can’t wait for the game to come out


Those cooking ideas are amazing! I really like the idea of being able to pass on traditions or skills to next generations in the family. As far as how to do that, I'm really bad at ideas outside of the obvious like a social interaction or participating in the activity with an older para.


Perhaps a cookbook of sorts for future paras to learn off of

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I would love base setting at each para lives 100 days with each day counting as a year and players can adjust that in settings according to their personal play styles


I want to play with my current generation for a while but I want to be able to play the next as well if that makes sense

Christine Harvey

I would like skin coloring, hair color/texture, eye color, height, overall body type (to an extent) to be passed down. It would be nice if intelligence could be inherited and personality types could be influenced. For a multi-generational house, I would like the ability to build an in-law suite off of the main house. So it could have a bedroom, sitting area, kitchen, etc. but it would be the specific para's (grandparent/parent to the home owner or maybe adult child to the homeowner)'s house and other paras in the main house wouldn't hang out in the space all the time unless they're 'visiting'.

Ava Wolchuk

People should be able to cook together to make it go faster. And maybe older paras can teach children how to cook.


I love the ideas so far! I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but I would like if Parafolk didn’t gain or lose weight rapidly or at all. Though some people might want it added maybe an option to turn it off?


I love the cooking ideas! For generations, (This may be too dark/real) I wonder if it would be possible to have generational trauma? The recent Disney movie Encanto and Coco are both good examples of how generational trauma is a large part of family dynamics. I'm not sure how this would work, but like if a para dies in a pool their spouse may overreact to their children being in/around pools or get really uncomfortable and then this passes on a fear of pools to the kids or a desire to rebel and be in pools all the time.


I don't like to feel rushed when playing a character. Takes a long time to build a character and they learn so much through game play. You bond with them and create a whole life then they go and die 😅


Your so right, weight loss and gain is for the most part a gradual thing and should be depicted as such


Same, play one for awhile then when I get bored move on to the next generation as my focus


Child paras should be able to sleepover at their grandparents' home and you could follow them and interact with that family. Relationship meter would improve and the better the relationship, the more both grandparents and child paras would unlock: extra family recipies, life lessons, life skills, better focus, more kindness, grandparents could feel younger and fitter....


Other: I turn ageing off and on, depending how much I want to get out of a particular set of characters at the stage they are at. Then I turn on ageing again until I reach another point in a life I want to go into at depth. So basically I would have voted for "turn ageing on and off"

Diamond Nicole

All the cooking/meal ideas will be amazing additions to the game. So very open-minded and thought out. ❤ For Generation ideas, I personally like to play one generation and semi-control multiple households in the family. I think it would be nice to have a way to for paras to find their relatives through DNA testing or through social media of some sort. Or they can even ask their family members about their relatives? I just want an easier way to get in touch with relatives never met so when I want to have a family even (such as family reunion, thanks giving, funeral ect.) My paras can invite relatives they havent met before. Also, the idea of "hand-me-down" clothing or favorite items that are meaningful can be passed down through generations could be an amazing addition (like a pass down of a guitar or vase/ collectable figurines ect.). Wishing the team a prosperous 2022!!


I really love all the ideas about food so far! About the generations, I definitly love to see my parafolk grow up and get older. I never play with aging turn off. I think one of the most rewarding things is seeing a baby grow older, learn, develop and at some point have to say goodbye to. That's simply a part of life. And it would make the "passing knowlage down trough generations" have more meaning.


I hope families will be able to pass down clothes (with some special clothes like wedding dresses or jewellery, e.g. necklaces or rings, having a chance to become a family heirloom, to separate the significance from getting a T-shirt from your older sibling), maybe books can also be passed down. An idea I suggested some time ago was also to inherit titles like Prince/Princess or Duke/Duchess etc. or even houses. Imagine the story potential with inheriting a weird old house from a relative you didn't know you had had.


I want long life spans and the game to be balanced around that to give time to include more features that are part of life, e.g. longer lifespan -> longer pregnancies -> there is now time to include doctor's visit(s) like ultrasound! But, I would also love to have generational gameplay be rewarding and that I can experience new things by playing multiple generations. Examples of that could be: * One of our paras getting famous and their descendants learning about them in school. * Heirlooms passed down through generations. * Owning the whole town only being possible over generations (or ageing off). * A famous para getting a plaque on a building or a bench or something to remember them. * If there is reputation, maybe there can be a "family reputation" that is built over generations, e.g. "this family has been in good standing for 'centuries'". Just basically, a bunch of features available when playing multiple generations. But if I had to choose, I prefer a focus on a single generation over a long period of time. It's more important to me to have many interesting things to do in one life, than doing similar things during many paras' lifetimes.

Melina Roxanne

I would love the ability to turn aging on/off for the one family and also a toggle for the rest of the world. Sometimes I create a family and want to play through that family, with aging on, while keeping the rest of the world “in stasis”. Or I could play a few houses and get them all to the points that I want to generationally, and then turn on aging for the whole world so the kids all grow up together no matter which family you’re playing. I hope that makes sense!

Lucy McClean

Just a note about classifications around food - don't label food as healthy or unhealthy. 1. Because healthy (and health) is subjective. Strawberries are incredibly unhealthy when given to someone who is allergic. 2. It is triggering for those with eating disorders/disordered eating. 3. It tends to treat a racist narrative where cultural foods are labelled unhealthy more often despite nutritional properies. Thanks 😊


I like being able to have a birthday part and age them up when I want to.


For the traits being passed on, I think it would be cool to have like a natural hair color. So if a Para has pink hair, their kid doesn’t get pink hair too, they get the natural hair color.

Vera Ohlsen

I tend to focus on a single character, to the point of letting everyone else around them age and die, whereas the #1 gets to live a very busy life, potentially prolonged through in-game means. I might decide to play a few of the children of #1, but I usually don't find it engaging - too many people to keep track of, not enough excessive min-maxing. I am thinking about Generations: Having a scenario where you get the announcement that Grandpa died, and that his estate/house/stuff needs to be dealt with. Your Para visits the home to access which items to keep as mementos, so that they can be passed down. Each successive generation then gets to choose whether or not to keep (Great-)Grandpas items, or toss them, as they deal with the various estates of their deceased loved ones. Maybe Paul REALLY loved fishing with his dad, so he keeps the old fishing rod that they shared when Paul was a kid. But Pauls daughter Pauline doesn't have any sentimental feelings towards some old fishing rod, so she leaves it for the house clearers once Paul passes. Or Grandma Maple loved to collect pictures of family events, making a scrap book of the life and times of the generations she was surrounded by. Maple's son keeps the scrap book, but can't bear to look at it (a painful reminder of loss), so he carefully packs it away and instructs his children to never throw it away. The box with the book stays in the attic, until it is unpacked by a curious descendant...


I think it should be easy to play a cross multiple generations. I like to have one child that I will continue with once they become of age, but I don’t like how I lose track of their siblings or parents.


I do this also. I'll turn aging off until I reach a certain milestone or goal and then turn aging on for a bit. I especially do this when there are youth in the household.


I would like to play multiple generations of course but I dont want to rush one either. I want to experience that generation to the fullest before moving on to the next.


I’d like to add a thing about controlling multiple households, for exemple if my original para had two kids, I’d like to keep up with both kids’ households to some extent when they have a family of their on as well as the original para. Maybe a bit more controlled story progression within one dynasty? I also like the idea of family reputation someone had already mentioned here, especially within a neighbourhood or if it’s a small town. On that point something like family profession would also be interesting? For exemple if a para comes form a family of doctors, they’ll be more inclined to become one themselves or they don’t want to follow family tradition there will be some tension? Also the idea of heirlooms and inheritance sounds great. Maybe even some sort of will can be implemented? Siblings fighting for a house seems a bit dark but may be fun to play for exemple if it’s a wealthy dynasty with an old family home or something like that.

Jo Landers

Wow ok for multi generational homes- what really makes it is photos, art, items found and earned during prev generation's gameplay A robust genetic's system is a huge plus. Sometimes traits skip generations, some traits are directly inherited while others, such as skin and eye color, might be in between the coloring of the parent's (though not always!). Seeing what my para's babies look like will be so exciting!! Watching them develop and noticing they have grandma's nose, dad's eyes... superb.

Katie Bellissimo

One of my biggest hopes for this game is a more natural age progression and for there to be more interactions between a para and their families. I think this has been mentioned before, but it would be really cool if the game kept track of more than just siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I would love to be able to come across a para in town and find out their my cousins child or great uncle something like that. And the ability to have family reunions would be great. Maybe paras are born "knowing" all of their family members (so they can be called or invited to things before they've ever talked) but they need to actually talk to them to get any sort of friendship bar. Like how your parents talk about their cousins so you know of them even if you barely talk. I also like the idea of family relationships decaying slower without interactions to maintain them. Grandma won't stop loving you even if you haven't called her in a week!

Katie Bellissimo

In terms of interactions that I think would be cute here are a few ideas I had: -grandchild asks grandma to make cookies -grandchildren asks grandparents for stories about the old days or what their parents were like as a kid -parents/grandparents gripe about "kids these days" or say things like "when I was your age we walked to school uphill both ways!" -teens ask parents or aunt/uncle for dating advice -kids can ask their parents to visit relatives house (maybe more realistic than letting kids just go wherever without supervision?) -cousins can gossip about family drama or talk about shared grandparents etc. -Maybe the ability for kids to nickname their grandparents/aunts/uncles? (They call grandma "grammy" or something)


When it comes to aging, I tend to play with aging turned off because I don't want to be pressured to have my sim accomplish their goals in a certain amount of time. I want the freedom to take as loooong as I want, and then move them to the next life stage when I'm good and ready, lol. 😊 thank you for all your wonderful work and engagement with us on this game, I'm so excited for when its ready! If even half of the things discussed end up in the game I'll be so hyped


I feel like the paras should inherit the parents assets, unless there is a will. I like to play with the same family over multiple generations, and sometimes the parents will have a lot of money or a big house. Having the option to inherit the parents stuff will make building a dynasty easier. Also if you plan on implementing adoptions it would be cool if the adopted child could choose to find their biological family.


I loved having in Sims 3 the parents/grandparents wish for their kids to get married, have a grandkid, become a certain career, learn to be a genius, etc. Basically having hopes and dreams for their kids/grandkids. I would love the ability for grandparents to "entertain" kids/their grandkids with stories, teach them how to do certain things (like bake a pie!), things like that. From the kid, I would love for them to tell their parents/other adults or elders stories from the playground/school, make up a story, do a little puppet show, etc. Fun little interactions like that. In Sims 2, I loved how siblings and grandparents would stop by to hang out. I would love that kind of interaction, like calling a grandparent to babysit or having a sibling take out their nieces/nephews for the day, maybe having kids with good relationships with their extended family runt to the door and give a big bear hug when someone stops by!


I've only played Sims with the aging turned off mostly because I hate the randomized townies and love having control over the design of all characters. Like, my thing is setting up a perfect world to start from, but I've never actually accomplished that because something always randomizes and ruins it. A while back, I talked about being able to limit Para styles (personality, fashion, etc) by location so that random townies will still fit my preferences for that locale. If that is successfully implemented, I might actually enjoy playing multiple generations. At the very least, I'd give it a shot, because I wouldn't feel the need to "fix" things that don't make sense in my town.


I don't know if this is something feasible or not, but it would be so SO awesome to have a smooth first-person gameplay option where you can play from the view of the Para. Not just something to use for taking screenshots or as a gimmick, but have the game be actually playable in the first or even third person if you wanted to. I'd LOVE to be able to switch from point-and-click mode to manually walking my active Para to a destination with arrow keys if I had the option. 🥺

Katie Bellissimo

Some ideas about things that could be passed down: Maybe when paras that we have played with die with money, things in their inventory or clothes/jewelry on their person, a dialog box pops up that gives you the option of gift those things to family members. So you can give grandmas wedding ring or necklace to her granddaughter, pass down the cookie recipe to her son, give the family photos to her nephew etc. Kind of like a will. (That would also be nice to keep things in their inventory from getting lost when someone dies.) It would also be nice when the last para in a played house dies the house gets "gifted" to a para that is still alive (of your choice) so they can either move into the property for free or choose to sell the house to get the money etc.

Michael Green

👁I would just love to see certain genetics passed down throughout the generation. Like maybe there’s a chance a grandchild will inherit an ancestor’s eye or hair color or maybe their nose etc. Hopefully genetics will also blend as opposed to a baby inheriting just mom’s ears, dad’s mouth, grandma’s nose and grandpa’s eyes etc. I would love it if the game could take all possible genetic inheritances and then randomly blends them by a small percentage so the baby still looks like it’s family but still has its own unique look - if that makes sense. For personality, i would love if maybe a close loved one’s hobby was passed down as an interest - with the possibility of that hobby changing or growing stronger. Also the same for a parents’ strongest personality to be given to a baby when it’s born and then as the child grows, it can be influenced to grow out of that personality or have it grow stronger. Ex. Baby inherits mom’s shy trait. (If the Paramaker has traits with a point system then this will make more sense). So the baby is Shy with 5/10 points. As the baby grows and chooses more outgoing interactions, the child can effectively be 0/10 points for the Shy trait, lose that trait and gain the Brave/Social (whatever would be the exact opposite) and be 1/10 for that. Or it could wind up with 10/10 for the Shy trait. I hope that makes sense 😅 I would love to see jewelry passed down through the generations like wedding rings or wedding dresses. Maybe even collectibles like comic books or action figures. And these things could increase in value over the generations. Also if these items are sold or stolen, paras would react to it and be upset and devastated. Or depending on the trait or relationship with the original owner, they’d be glad for the money or happy it’s gone. Also recipes should be passed down. Depending on how the cooking system works, if we could put individual ingredients together and cook it and call it whatever we want, then someone can ask for ‘special recipe’ and they’d share it but only if they have a close enough relationship. Since I play my Sims as 1 day = 1 Year, it would be so cool if there were a way for players like myself to set when the seasons change and also have them change in one day to better sync up with the ages. Like we could choose Winter to start at midnight, then Spring 6 hours later and so forth. And if we want longer seasons, then we could choose what day the seasons change and how long they last (or not have them) if we want. I know that might be a stretch but it would be fun feature some ppl would enjoy.


I grew up on the property my family has owned since immigrating to the US before the civil war. I feel like my connection to the land and everything on it gives me a sense of home different from almost everyone I know. The point being, I think for homes/lots that have been with the same family for many many generations it would be neat if members of that family had reward traits or a lot trait like “heritage” or something.


I love the sleepover idea, I used to do that with my grandparents. It also gives something fun for older Paras to do


I think it would be useful to have subfamilies that are temporarily added to your active control when invited over for people who like playing large or generational households. For example, Grandma and Grandpa have grown children that have moved away and started their own families, but want to invite everyone over for a Holiday dinner. They are technically separated households, but when invited over, everyone becomes active as if they belong to the same household so that they are easier to control and let interact for the party. Then they can be sent home later back to their own households and Grandma and Grandpa get some peace and quiet again. Alternatively, I like having autonomous guests sometimes, but I think you should also have optional control over *any* Paras at *any* time. Maybe the solution is not that controllable Paras are split up into families, but that all Paras are optionally controllable at any given time. You can select the Para you want to control at any point in the game by finding them and clicking to control them, and for Paras off-screen or far away you can have a "Para queue" or "Para grouping" option to create lists of grouped paras (such as Paras belonging to the same family/sub family perhaps) that you might frequently want to select. I have a lot of thoughts about this 🤔


Personally, I only play with aging off only because in a current popular life simulator that wont be named, theres nothing for older or younger sims to do :/ in earlier versions of that game i used to LOVE having long generations and sticking with the family, so I guess it all just depends on how much there actually is play with with each life stage

Michael Green

Also to note i would love it if freckles and moles were genetic as well


I want generations but I also want to live out a single life at the same time-


I’m a mixture of all three. Sometimes I play with my generation for a certain amount of time then I go to another generation from that household then at times I go to the a second different family to play then I do age off so my families don’t age up without me knowing 😭


In the Sims I play generationally but also rotationally-- so I'll spend a week playing each family in the world as they gradually age. I'd like a genetics system for physical traits, but as for personality traits, idk if that should be a player chosen thing? Personally I give Sims one trait from one of their parents, randomize one, and choose one. I could see myself getting bored with second generations if I didn't have at least a partial ability of choosing personality.


I don't really do generational gameplay at all, I make a character and play out a very specific storyline or scenario and then move on to a different character. I'll play like a sim save for maybe 10 hours before making a new one and sometimes even less depending on whether I end up liking the story I made. I can never seem to get past the first generation of a save before getting bored


I think obvious things should be passed down such as eye and hair color. Freckles would be nice to be passed down. I would also like if body types were passed down. If the parent/s are naturally thin then the child will be as well. If the parents are naturally muscular cause they are blessed (lol) then the child will be as well. But if the parent/s is not naturally muscular but worked for it than the child will also have to work to get there. Some traits would be nice as well such as athletic, genius, etc. But maybe not traits such as bookworm, lazy, etc. Maybe some skills could be passed down as well. If a parent is good at something, there is a good chance the child has a little of that skill or can gain that skill quicker. Maybe even have skill that a child is born with that isn't inherited but are "gifted" with. Like maybe a child is born with a singing skill that's already at level 7 because they are just naturally good and maybe that gives them the opportunity to grow that skill beyond the natural max of 10 (or whatever you decide max level is)


I like the ability to manually age up parafolks. That way I can fit it in when I want it to happen and not feel rushed or hindered.


on another note i think it would be really fun if paras had food preferences and passed those down to their children. For example, my mom's dad made banana sandwiches with mayo or miracle whip instead of peanut butter, myself, my mom, and my brother will eat our sandwiches just like that but my dad thinks it's disgusting. It would be cute if paras had the same weird family recipes that people marrying in or family friends think is gross or strange.


When I think of playing generations, playing rotationally is a *MUST* for me and a large community of simulation fans. PleasantSims on Youtube is famous for this. Her video "Rotational Gameplay in The Sims 2 is MORE FUN!" is an excellent systematic explanation of what it is and what features will be required for this playstyle! Video is here https://youtu.be/h45DMVPi-ys


One generational item that I think would be cool to pass down is wedding rings! In general, wedding rings being a bigger deal would be fun (multiple options, having to actually purchase a ring, etc.). When dating another Para, you could have the option to ask your parent for their ring to propose. Maintaining the ring through a legacy challenge could be really cool!

Lisa Sarver

I like the idea of having some personality traits randomly generated. I know I tend toward specific personalities on my Sims games. Maybe having to learn how to play with a couple different personality traits would be a fun challenge.

Lisa Sarver

I like the idea of having some traits be "gifted". It would be fun to discover your Para has a traits like this. But these kind of features should be Opt-In.


I'd like to point out that the nuclear family structure is not universal. It'd be neat to have support for other family structures, and household/neighbourhood structures that don't assume nuclear family.


It would be nice, like, I make a para then it's getting married, have children. Kids growing up become an young adults. In that moment I would like to choose one of the kids for example and start playing with him but keep living with their parents and siblings without having them in current "household" I play. They live together but I can control only the ones I choose to control without having the rest of the family that lives in that house in my household. I don't know if it is uderstandable, please someone tell me if it is X'D


For me having generations is super important. Traits being passed down, inheritance, etc. is very cool. Having a way to set the time a lifespan spans out to me seems to make the most sense. That way players who just want to play with the same para forever can and those who like to move onto the next generation are able to do so easily as well. I think being able to toggle ages would work well for this. I personally like playing rotationally, so being able to turn on/off story progression so I can play with generations or many different paras is also important.


I would love to see some at least basic (and ideally slightly complex) genetic inheritance of stuff like hair and eye colors. I'm so tired of life simulators that just randomize the parents traits in a kid. It'd be nice to see a grandparent's traits unexpectedly pop up. It might be interesting if traditions or knowledge are passed down through including kids in things over an over. For instance, I have families in other games that do the usual Christmas stuff, but have a weird little tradition of watching horror movies then, too. If a bunch of families do a certain thing over the course of generations, it could become part of the cultural landscape.


Hi Paralives Team, hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I personally like hopping from household to household with aging turned off as I like to take my time with seeing how their lives and stories intermingle and play out. If there's a way to implement an aging system in the game where the player has discretion to choose which Parafolks get to progress to the next aging stage when their birthday comes due, that would be much preferred for me.

Alex Robitaille

Hello, I am a huge fan of yalls work so far and happy holidays! I appreciate that you read the comments, so I am writing one. I am a generational player, currently on generation 22 of a sims legacy. Here is what I think an ideal genetic system would consist of: color blending or direct inheritance variants based on percentages and not just randomized (hair color, skin, eye colors), genetic mutations allowed but some things are more inherently likely (though still very low chances) like eyes rather than say suddenly a gap-tooth. Height being based on the grandparents genetics. Mostly actually everything being based on 4 sets of genes rather than just the parents. I understand how it would be so hard to code for a 6 generations-back eye color to suddenly re-appear, but it would be really fantastic if children took genes from their grandparents (if they have some) into consideration when their parents reproduce. Family trees are so important-I think it wouldn’t be weird if second cousins were allowed to get together bc yk genetically, not a problem, but maybe there is a higher chance of gene mutation (all kids are tall. Purple eyes? Suddenly heavily blushed cheeks, or freckles even). I think it would be fascinating for parafolk to really have their features blend and change little by little with each generation: say parents both have curved noses, but different, maybe one of their child’s would be even more curved, rather than just mom or dads nose. I think freckles (idk if this is possible) could be so cool if they’re inherited separately, and can always layer so a kid could inherently all of both parents or none or just some. Also, like metabolisms? No idea if that’s even in yalls concerns… but could be cool to have a genetic component to metabolic rates that parafolk could inherit or have mutate. Basically I would be cool for them all to be X-men… Im joking but if you read this all Tysm team y’all are the future of gaming.

Alex Robitaille

Okay second comment, but the genetics part was too much. I’d love if jewelry could be passed down and not just given to all parafolk, or maybe certain jewelry you can find and only wear if it gets passed down (books too, artwork, furniture?). Would love if families could develop skills faster inherently if they have a family member who’s mastered one. I think it would be so cool if photo-taking was built in to the game with auto-changing portraits. That’s my favorite part of playing a legacy is seeing generations of sims photos rotate automatically on the walls, and I’d love to have the same but better feeling for parafolk knowing it’s not linked to a one off stuff pack


Family cook books. Make our own will/testament wich will say who gets what. (Jewellery, watches, something special to the family, houses, land, cook books, etc) Grandparents who are retired could watch the children whilst parents work. Give them a small amount of money when seeing them. Kids could get a small amount of money for doing house chores. Older para's teaching the children about their traditions, culture etc. By doing it together, telling stories, reading. Agree that we should be able to choose wich para's are playable (might want to have a big family but not necessarily be responsible for all of them) It could be a joined house but their own front doors, share a garden or the grandparents live upstairs or something. Genetics is important. Such as shapes, the way they walk, deiceises, the way they look, if they have adhd or something. Also a nature/nurture kind of thing when it comes to behaviours and such. Treated badly or abused turns them into ....... etc :)


I play a single generation for 19 years already and I always play with aging turned off.


I chose all 3 options because I would like to choose all the options mentioned for different para families and households!! I currently have a 'legacy' family where the 1st Heir and spouse have passed and the their firstborn son is the 2nd generation and soon to pass with his spouse, and the 3rd generation heir I'm grooming him and his soon to be spouse to take over. However, there was also another son and daughter born to the 1st heir and his spouse who grew up in the legacy home and married and they wanted their own kids, and due to the houshold size limits they had to move out to do so. (Btw, please, please do not let 'pets' count as household members!) So, I moved the other son and daughter and their spouses into their own homes in the same town and would have liked to be able to play all three families actively. But this is not allowed within thevparameters of the legacy challenge. They come to visit the legacy home and my active legacy family members go to visit them but I'm not able to have gameplay control over them anymore, which is a bummer. 😐 So, I would like to have all my generational families active so I may play any of them at will regardless of where they live and the family ties not be lost or changed. However, there are families I play who I do not want to age up until I choose to age them up because of goals, aspirations, and family gameplay I enjoy which forced 'aging-up' just does not allow the time to do so. I want to enjoy a family dynamic I created and play for however long I want. It should take time for family members to age, grow and pass. Plus, it's really hard for me when family members pass on. Although, the legacy challenge I'm playing has allowed me to appreciate other family events I hadn't experienced because I would not let my family members die. And, this is why I'm hoping all 3 options will be possible so I may actively play many different households with any option I would want for their particular family dynamic. Also, if even possible, it would be really cool to be able to choose those generational gameplay options per 'household' and not per 'world'!! 😎 😊

Megan Santucci

Yeah I try to avoid using that terminology e.g. when I'm teaching my kids about food. For example, they have an uncle who carries a bag of candy around everywhere he goes because he has Type 1 diabetes so in that case food that's pure sugar is actually GOOD for his health!


I play a lot with LGBT+ characters and I really want them to pass their genes while keeping it realistic. So what I would really appreciate is that if our LGBT parafolks could have different options for getting kids except adoptions; Artificial insemination and Surrogacy. What I also find important is family tree and wide family relationship options; I want to be able to check all family members and their relationship towards current active parafolk. I would like to be able to see informations about them in family tree, like number of kids, spouses, degree, etc. The tree should be also customizable, like changing colors, different frames and background, etc. Unknown family members! This is something I really want to see in game, especially when you have like sixth generation. It would be interesting if we wouldn't know about some family members; this could easily tie to family tree. For example, my parafolk lost touch with their brother, right now, they would have in family tree informations they've knew about him before they lost touch. They met again after some time and they learnt that their brother now has a wife and two kids, new job... This could bring lot of story telling possibilities

Maxayn Henderson

Happy New Year! I play with a family and go through all members of the family. I would love it if the mom could pass down her wedding dress to her daughter or son, The father could pass a watch. Jewelry can be passed down too. A family diary could be passed down as well, their personal family tree. A family receipe can be passed down as well. The ability to pick what can be handed down would be nice. Like the father has a lucky charm that he passes to his child. I would like to see allowance for kids that don't go in the family funds. A banking system that can be passed down too. The house can be passed down or maybe the option to sell the house and divide the money. A family could lose the family house due to debts. Alex Robitaille had some good ideas about genetics being passed down. It would be cool to see a child that looks like their grandparent or great grandparent. Maybe their laugh could sound alike or voice.


In the Sims games I've always played one generation, one Sim as the "main". The Sim gets married, has kids, but I move them out once they become young adults.

Cecilia Ward

I love rotational gameplay, so in order for generations to work well I would need complex settings for how to disable aging for the people I play until I'm playing them, but I also would like some sort of story progression for the families I don't play. As for generations, I want the different age categories to feel unique, so retirement, retirement homes, canes, rocking chairs, hobbies like train models, knitting, crossword puzzles, and the like for elders. For older adults I want midlife crisis (maybe they want to move, cheat on their spouse, get divorced, change their appearance like plastic surgery, get a new tattoo, have another baby, change careers, buy fancy cars, or expensive vacations. For younger adults I want them to feel a bit reckless and free-spirited, sleeping around, drinking too much, dingy-apartments or bad starter homes, debt, eating junk food too much, and i want them to want to dye their hair crazy colors or get tattoos and other stuff. Teens need prom and graduation, even if its just rabbit holes, I need to feel like they actually have milestones, and while we're on teens: part-time jobs, acne, first love/kiss/bf/gf, learning how to drive, social media, and phases like going goth for a few days, being really into certain tv shows or books, wearing lots of crazy makeup or clothes, teen clubs and friends groups, pranks like ding-dong ditching or prank calls. Children should also have clubs but different types of clubs, I'd love to see children and teens have different types of school like homeschool, private, and boarding school as well. I want homework for kids and teens to actually improve skills they have in the game over time. Kids should also have phases of interest like a favorite tv-show or book, but maybe add in interests for jobs, lifestyles, or animals too, like lil jimmy can want to be an astronaut or a cowboy and always wears a career costume made for kids (idk how you'd make it work, but if the career coincides with their parents career, I'd love to see the kids raid their parents closets for costumes, like wearing mom's heels, or dad's fireman hat, or whatever). For lifestyles, I think it would be fun to see kids trying to emulate adult paras, like playing house, or if grandma went vegetarian the kids might want to try being vegetarian too. For animal phases, the kids might be obsessed with cats or dogs or horses and want to decorate their room full of that animal. Or they could even be obsessed with dinosaurs and have dino themed rooms (it doesn't have to only be base game animals). I'd like all age groups kid and older to be able to have a diary or journal that would increase their creativity/emotional control/or writing type skills, but I think teens and children could have a lot more fun interactions with this. Teens can put locks on their diaries and gossip about their friends, crushes, and enemies. Kids can use theirs to daydream and scribble in, drawing cute little doodles and such. Kids and Teens should both be able to learn how to cook from their guardians, I remember when I was a kid I got a cookbook for kids for my birthday and my parents would help me read the recipe and make food for myself. Toddlers need to learn a few basic skills, but I really want to look at Toddler toys right now: rocking horses, favorite doll or bear, always wanting a pacifier, a blankie that they can't sleep without or they'll throw a tantrum, they'll only eat certain foods depending on their moods, wanting to nap with their parents, nightmares, playgrounds in the back yards. Babies I have less opinions about except they can't be objects. I need them to be able to act like normal parafolk in that they can move out of their crib and I can see their needs easily. I'd love strollers, and tummy time, and special baby food, and animated mobiles above their cribs. I'd want babies to be able to be gifted toys that they keep with them for multiple age stages, like a stuffed bunny that they've had since a baby but still have as a teenager and have the types of interactions with it change as they age. For more general generations wants, I'd love more types of parties: babyshower (maybe with a built in gender reveal, I don't think both types of parties are necessary, but it could come with gifts, and a gender reveal otherwise the gender is revealed at birth, and baby shower games like practicing diapering baby dolls, and what not), bachelor/bachelorette parties (I want drinking, and sexy-dancers for hire, if possible I want food shaped like genitalia, maybe some normal wedding shower type stuff too like gifts, and picking out who the wedding party members will be) graduation parties (the whole family gets together for the graduation and comes home for a bbq, gifts of money to the graduate, pictures, and perhaps different types of decorations depending on how well the graduate did in school, like more decorations for summa cum laude or valedictorian), weddings (I want a pretty robust wedding planning feature, with picking out the location, colors of decorations, the menu for the event, toasts to the happy couple, some sort of non-religious officiant, maybe an option for celebrity impersonators to be the officiant, bridesmaids and groomsmen with one of honor per spouse, first dance, walking down the aisle, themed decorations like maybe a halloween themed wedding, throwing rice or confetti at the end, taking wedding photos, the chance to be left at the altar! Finish off weddings with a honeymoon and maybe anniversary reminders after a few weeks/months of playing in game and I feel like it'll be amazing) retirement parties (we need some way to celebrate our old Paras, and what's a better way than a retirement party, maybe it would be on a golfing trip or at the bingo hall or something, but there would be cupcakes, and maybe if the para was a good worker their work would give them a going away gift), birthday parties of course (birthday cakes, pinatas, different birthday themes depending on the age and interests of the para like princesses or dinosaurs, or a 1920s flapper theme for young adults who can finally drink, I think birthday parties could also have unique npcs like a party clown that certain paras would either love or hate, maybe its a princess impersonator, or a superhero that shows up to be the entertainment, birthday gifts). There are so many occasions that we humans celebrate that I want my virtual people to celebrate as well. As for the questions you asked, I'd love to see dominant and recessive traits and genes, like a baby para could be born with grandma's eyecolor or grandpa's trait and it can skip a whole generation sometimes. I'd love to pass down traditions so if a family always eats a certain food for a holiday if they don't eat it one year they'll get a negative moodlet or memory that says that they didn't get the traditional holiday food. I'd also love a way to "pass down a family name" where the game will recognize that a para has the same name as an ancestor and will either get a positive/negative memory associated with that name depending on how they feel about the person they're named after. (I'm named after a great-aunt I've never met and feel indifferent towards my name, so that can be an option as well) I'd love to incorporate wills or inheritance into the game, so elder paras can write a will and say "my favorite couch goes to my grandson" or "I leave my house and its furniture to my daughter". For intergenerational families, I don't have too many ideas, but I'd want unique interactions or at least unique animations for certain interactions, like I feel like aunts and uncles hug their nieces and nephews differently than parents and children. Perhaps another thing is that Parents can better understand the children in certain phases, but aunts/uncles/grandparents are out of the loop and might get a gift for a child/teen based on their previous phase. Like getting a teenager a horse doll because they liked horses as a kid. I think the guardians of children/teens should be able to teach them the birds and the bees, and if they don't whenever the child or teen has their first "woohoo" as an adult they might get a bad memory because they didn't know what to do. I think paras should be able to ask their grandparents about their lives and childhoods. For instance when I was pretty young my grandfather died, so sometimes I talk to my grandmother about him to get to know him more. I think older paras should be able to reminisce and think about the olds times, and maybe chat about the good old days with other old paras. I think siblings should get unique interactions at different age stages, like children will play together, teens will bicker and fight, young adults will gossip and reconnect, older adults can baby-sit for one another and go out to mature special occasions like fancy dinners with their sibling and siblings spouse. Elders can recall memories with elder siblings like when they would bicker or go out to dinner together. Speaking of which, my siblings and I play games a lot, sometimes virtual video games together over the internet, sometimes in person board game nights, and I would like family traditions like weekly board games too. Or even Taco Tuesday where every week the family will have the same meal on the same day autonomously if you do it frequently enough. For generations related rewards or challenges, I'm not too sure, I think there should definitely be an achievement for playing 10 generations, maybe for having 4 or more generations living in the same house at the same time(might be tough depending how aging works), maybe an achievement for playing a para from birth until death by old age, I think that's all I've got for now, but I'll add another comment in the next few weeks if i think of anything else. But as you can see generations is a passion of mine.


I like trying to play with one family as a legacy and being able to see the family tree grow as generations go on. But one thing that I would love to see for inherting is for even unnatural hair colors. I know that some people would like for dyed hair so, in Pam maybe have it so people can choose the parafolks natural hair and dyed hair.


I like to play rotationally so I would like to see lots of families develop over lots of generations! It would be interesting to see the implementation of a proper genetics system so grandchildren could inherit things like eye and hair colour from their grandparents, maybe distant cousins end up with the same nose from a relative, etc.

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

I chose play 1 generation... but really I play with aging off, and then if I happen to get bored I will age up... and keep going to the point I may then move on to play the younger generation. Basically I mix up how I play but unless I'm doing a challenge I play with aging turned off always.

Megan Santucci

I'd love Paras to have (an option for) really long lifespans because it makes rotational gameplay easier for me - including generational gameplay, because then I can play, say, all 20 of my founders' grandchildren and their spouses and kids and so forth. I'd love it if there was some way for parababies to inherit either their parents' traits OR a trait similar to one of their parents' traits. E.g. in TS4 if I have a sim who's a Music Lover I might make their child an Art Lover, so it's similar but you don't end up with a whole family who have the exact same traits. (In general I think Paras should be born with inherited personality traits and then as they grow, nurture gradually takes over from nature.) Paras should be able to tell stories of deceased relatives to younger members of the family. My mom's sister died before I was born but I know as much about her as I do about my other aunts and uncles. Maybe there could be something in the younger para's relationship panel or their family tree will be more filled in if they know more about their various relatives? (Toggle between “objective” and “subjective” family tree views, lol.) This would also work really nicely with things like scrapbooks and photo albums and family heirlooms; you could have an option of “Ask/tell about relative” Having some kind of system of inheritance/wills would be great. It always bugged me in the Sims games where I'd have to move older Sims in with their relatives or else their house and money and possessions and everything would be lost forever. If your Para doesn't have living relatives (or doesn't like them lol) they could will their money to an animal shelter or their fossil collection to the local museum or whatever.


I'm a big fan of playing multiple generations, but I tend to lose interest in a sim (TS3) when they're old. Mostly because their lives are boring, little to do and it takes them forever to go to the bathroom, shower, make food and all their needs deplete very quickly so I basically end up tending to their needs the whole time (and getting frustrated with how slow they are/their complaining) without 'fun' stuff. So, I really hope older/elderly paras get to actually have a life. In TS3 I usually kill off all townies and create a handful of households with sims of various ages. The game will respawn some townies and NPC's for necessary stuff. I will then play/build families and generally have them pop out babies until they're elderly and from then on focus on another household or offspring. In between I generally rotate among their offspring, make sure they get proper lives and their own families although some get more of my attention than others. And then I just keep going - depending on how much I like the elderly, I'll occasionally visit/play them, let them do their own thing or have one of their offspring or a random sim live with them and kill off the elder(s) for the inheritance. I really love the idea of story progression in TS3 but not its execution; I always use the Awesomemod version and it also allows you to include/exempt specific household or even sims within a house to its rules. It would be great if there's a similar option in Paralives. That way players can choose their favorite(s) to be part of/exempt from story progression without having to constantly toggle it on and off. Hopefully my preferred playing style (focusing on several families and rotating between their offspring until the originals age out) will also be possible in Paralives. More generational gameplay I’d like is tighter relationships between paras and their adult (grand)children and an interest in their lives. Examples: - Paras can ask their parents to babysit their children (either occasionally or structurally like 1 day a week) - Grandparas can invite their offspring (with their kids) over for a family visit – and vice versa, paras can ask their parents to come over for a family visit - Grandparas can invite their oiffspring and/or grandchildren over to spend the holidays or school vacation with them - Grandparas can call the household of their offspring to talk to them and also ask to speak to the grandchild(ren) from age children and up. Depending on the relationship between child and grandpara, the child will be excited or bored and do it as an obligation (maybe even make a fuss about having to answer the phone to their parent) - Adult (grand)children that are less scrupulous can cozy up to their elderly relatives in the hopes of securing an inheritance. - Adult and elderly paras can make a will in which they assign their assets (could split up between money, house(s) and objects). This could be a general will in which they leave everything evenly split to their offspring, but could also choose other unrelated paras or specific offspring (and others get less/nothing), donate everything to charity or leave it all to their dog with an assigned guardian! - Adult and elderly paras can set up trustfunds for their offspring - Grandparas have special options when it comes to interactions, like telling their grandchild a story about when they or their child (grandchild’s parent) was young, giving grandchildren a gift/money for good grades in school, be overly affectionate in public to the child’s dismay, discipline and praise them, share family secrets, buy them clothes, autonomously creating gifts (painting, book, photoalbum, dollhouse, etc) for their grandchildren and so on. - Adult paras can ask their elderly parent(s) to live with them and vice versa (if the adult ever left home). Rent-free or not. The moved-in relative would then either become a member of the household OR like a roommate you can’t select. - Teens and up can ask their ((great)grand)parents for an advance on their inheritance and depending on their relationship and both their finances, the para can decline, be outraged, agree or give a percentage. - Teens and up can ask their relatives for loans, including elderly asking their (grand)child for one. - Family reunions and family days as organizable events! - Paras can introduce their children or partners to relatives as an interaction, through an event (family dinner, birth of child) or through a card/email/message/phone - Children can ask to go visit relatives/grandparents - Paras and grandparas can agree the grandchildren will go to grandpara’s home after school if parents are still at work and then the parents pick them up from there before/after dinner - Grandparents can invite their grandchildren for a day out (zoo, playground, shopping etc) and kids can also ask their grandparents - Grandparas can complain or brag about their grandchildren to others - Gradnparas can criticize the way their child is raising their children to them, which could negatively impact their relationship - Adult paras could ask their parents for general life advice or advice about childrearing with first baby As for physical traits, I’d like natural hair and eye color, facial features, height, bodytype and genetic predisposition for good/bad health, longevity (or lack thereof) and for having (fraternal) twins.


I think that there have been a lot of great ideas here about physical and intellectual traits being passed along from parents to children. I would like to add that it would be neat to have recessive gene traits (ie hair/eye color that skips a generation or 2). This gives a child much more than just the traits of their parents, but of their longer ancestry. Also, I think that there could be a neat feature of being able to make anything an heirloom as it can be almost anything that holds value to a person/family. That way, it could be jewelry, a piece of furniture, or a special glass that gets passed down through the generations.


What if Grandparas could live in a retirement or assisted living community, and it's just this really nice set of condos where residents coordinate and there's an event organizer with bingo and shuffleboard and karaoke and mixers and a pool that isn't open to the public? And when grandkids swing by, the entire community dotes on them.


I like the idea of allowance for kids, maybe building off of that Paras can have individual funds in addition to family funds? I.E. kids can save their own money over time to eventually use on college/their own first home without taking a huge chunk from the family funds when they leave, or roommates/spouses in the same house can each have individual funds that belong to only them, but can always move some funds into the family funds to share rent/remodeling/vacation etc.


*I'd love for aging to be manually turned off, I get way too attached to the characters I create and I'd prefer them to stay in the state that I made them. *Any physical appearance to be passed down, including specific skin markings we give our characters and natural hair colour, eye colour, height mixed from both parents etc. * In terms of generations, I'd love for more personal interactions between grandparents-grandchildren, aunts/uncle's/ maybe even godparents? Being able to tell funny stories from the past would be neat. * Passing down jewelry or specific clothing items would be awesome. Like engagement rings, wedding bands, wedding dresses, other jewelry. * I think it would be cool to have a paras kid be naturally gifted in some area where their parent excelled * I think having specific items to spice up the paras home in terms of generational impact would be cool, like "grandma's painting" or "vase from Grandma" * The option to send the kids to family members houses for a night or weekend, get them to pack a sleepover bag with some essentials and they leave to be with Grandma/grandpa/ uncle/aunt + cousins to build good relations while over there


I like to play a different way every time. Sometimes I'll play a generation for a long time if there's stuff for them to focus on. Other times, I'll want to move to the next generation quickly to expand the family. With certain characters, I like to play with aging turned off.


👁️ Physical traits: eye color, skin blend, heterochromia, natural hair color. 👁️ Identity traits: culture 100%, values if you have a value system, and politics. Politics can change later in life, but most kids follow their parents at first. 📚 Knowledge: family history (family photo album), recipes (family cookbook), etc. Paras can add to these during their lifetime. 📚 Traditions: holidays. In my family, our big traditions are mostly which holidays we get together for. 🏺 Items: Family Scrapbook, Photo Album, Recipes, Real Estate, Jewelry, Photos, Art, Trophies, Furniture, Instruments. 👨‍👨‍👦 Intergenerational Home: Shared bedrooms for kids, allowing kids to crowd into Mom & Dad's bed if necessary, pull-out couch. Unpopular opinion -- I hate playing huge mansions, but I LOVE cramped little houses. I want to be able to pack generations in like sardines. It might just be that I find it easier to navigate small houses, but I also dislike mansions in real life because they're wasteful with their space and often leave entire rooms unused. 👵 Interage Interactions: IRL, parents have rules they use when raising their kids. The grandparents choose either to conform to those rules or ignore them. When grandparents fill your kid with sweets and send them home to vomit all over you, it's a negative. When grandparents are stricter than you are or use punishments you don't approve of, that's a negative. Parents have to decide whether to have A Talk about it or let the behavior continue long-term. Grandparents would respond to having A Talk differently, either apologetic or defensive based on personality traits. (One note: a grandparent who doesn't pay attention to Allergies is a serious problem.) 🏆 Generations Rewards/Challenges: 🏆 Family Legacy - Varies based on the bulk of the previous generations' accomplishments. Gives a family-wide buff to enhance the thing the family has proven most skilled at: entrepreneurship, social reputation, education, political clout, artistic mastery, physical prowess, criminal empire, ridiculously prolific, etc. The buff strength increases with every generation that adds to it (with a max cap). Can be overridden if more than one generation pursues a different path. Cannot have more than one legacy buff in the same family except through marriage -- and only the children of two legacy families can get both buffs. 🏆 Rags to Riches - A family that starts with nothing (no home, no job, minimal education, no money) must work their way up through the generations to uber-wealthy. 🏆 Family Feud - Your family is enemies with another family throughout multiple generations. 🏆 Town Founders - This Para is descended from one of the town's first families. A painting of this Para's ancestor is in the town hall.

Ashley Brent

I really like your rewards/challenges. I would love to have something family-wide buffs! Great idea


"I love rotational gameplay, so in order for generations to work well I would need complex settings for how to disable aging for the people I play until I'm playing them, but I also would like some sort of story progression for the families I don't play." 100%

Mary Breyer

For me honestly it depends on the type of style I want to play with, sometimes I love generation challenges, other times I really want to stick with one family and really explore everything that they can do for a long period of time, other times I start a save and switch families a lot


I’d love there to be just one inherited trait that you can’t change - e.g both your parents were genius’s and so one of your kids is too. Maybe not every para inherits one and it’s random chance. Random thought on story progression- I’d love it If other unplayed households (traits permitting) automatically had children. I end up with neighbourhoods of only one families kids if I forget to go round making them.

Sabine B

Welcome back! Hope your holidays have been wonderful 💜 I love the idea of family heirlooms, little clutter items that might make a para think of a family member (a gift system could work like this too, would give a reason to keep random gifts from npcs). One thing that's never been easy to do in other games is send the kids to a family member's house for a night or two. I spent many nights at my grandparent's and auntie's places. It would also be ideal for divorced families, spend one week at mum's, one week at dad's etc. I'm thinking it could work kind of like boarding school in Sims 3? Maybe we could choose whether we as the player go with the kids or if we enjoy a kid-free house with the parent paras 😁 When thinking of a multi-generational home, I'd love to be able to have, for example, my para's grandma living as an npc on my lot. It would be ideal if I could mark the area that they prioritise as where they live, like a granny flat, but not completely stop them from being able to use the rest of the house. Having typed it out I guess I'm thinking of a full roommate system oops! I'm not sure if my ideas really fit the topic of Generations, sorry! I saw many other great suggestions in the comments and I didn't want to repeat the same things 😊


For an intergenerational home I would like how it's handled in Encanto. Living with your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, parents and siblings! (Perhaps we could have the option to choose how many Parafolk would fit in a household, so that if you think your pc is strong enough, you can have more and if your pc is low budget you can have a few)


It would make such a difference to my game play if I could view a full, detailed and extensive family tree. The game that must not be named does this to such a limited degree that it is infuriating. I want to see how the family I'm playing relates to other families and so on - makes for a much deeper experience.


I like to play sim households with modded lifespans that are incredibly long, with all skill and social gain/decay values decreased enough so I feel like I have enough time to do things but allow for Life to happen in my sims' lives.


I love playing with my original created-by-me generation. That being said, it's always good to keep an option for aging for the ppl who prefer to play with the next generation instead.


What if they could pass down family lore e.g. this cousin married a vampire, your great-aunt (from the rich part of the family) ran off with the penniless baker or did you know that your dad was adopted? Or even a "We don't talk about them" if the para you're asking had a poor relationship with them or they have certain traits e.g. snob, argumentative and would react with a different emotion- embarrassment, fear, anger, excitement etc.


I like having the option to turn off aging and also cause people to still age up so i can have a family line but keep my favorites alive and kicking


You could also pass down particular skills if the parent was a gifted musician/ painter/ sculptor/ baker etc. You could also include the option to go back to their parent's for Christmas, birthdays or summer holidays and bring their kids with them to learn family traditions. Children could spend the weekend(or longer) with their grandparents. Also if a para wants to give up their child there could be an option for the grandparents to adopt them. Items that the family perceives to be lucky could also be passed down e.g. rabbit's foot. If supernatural creatures were later included in the game they could pass down grimoires or potion recipes. A reward/challenge system could be included if a para's parents are separated or divorced and the challenge is to keep it balanced so that they still spend time with mum & dad or members of the different families- which would give them a settled life trait (reward) if everything was positive, meaning that they're better able to pick careers, do better at school etc. or a trait could be added depending on which side they spent more time with (mummy's girl/ boy or daddy's girl/boy) which would then negatively affect the relationship with the other parent. This could also apply if the child para's parent refused to let them see the other parent, which could lead to a trait such as 'cut off' or 'long lost' if they met again as adults.


1) Using real world genetics as a reference would be great. Eg, darker hair and eyes being dominant over light, maybe red hair requireing two copies of the gene to actually show up (therefore skipping generations). Inheriting skin details along with skin colour - being more likely to have moles or freckles. (a small random chance % for a para to be born with a birthmark would be cool!) I dont think that hobby/lifestyle oriented traits shold be inherited, eg, "loves sport", because that doesnt really make a lot of sense to have a newborn that wants to watch footy. Instead those traits could be 'unlocked" as they grow up to a child/teen and experience life and their family culture. Inheritable traits I think would be better suited to someones nature such as "kind spirited" "hothead" or something along those lines. 2) Older family members could encourage young paras to study at specific skills, or perform certain interactions that increase their likelihood of developing a specific trait when they grow up. Family culture/religion (or lack thereof) would be great, with a degree of choice for young paras as they grow up. Culture/religion could also tie into specific food preferences. Im imagining a teen para who was raisedin a vegan only household sneaking out with their friends to try a burger, then either feeling very proud of themselves or incredibly guilty 😂 3) I think elder sims should have a "pass down" interaction where they can give something important to them like a wedding ring, or a chair they made by hand. This would identify the object as an Heirloom. A marker on the item description could show how many generations the heirloom has been through, with its value increasing with each one. It would be interesting if paras could get distraught when an heirloom is destroyed in a house fire, or worse, sold off by their offspring before the elder sim who gave it even dies. 4) Not much to add here but I also like the idea of grandparents or even a paras siblings family acting as "roomates", provided you can leave then re-enter the household to swap between playing them. 5) Nothing to add here, ideas mentioned above are great 6) Same again


I play rotationally. I like to set up an entire world and then play the families. I definitely want connections to last across extended families. I also want to be able to easily hop from one para to another.


I'm with you Rebecca. I don't want the game to be built such that only a single household that you play is locked into each save file.


This, but also, one of the only reasons I move people out is so that I can focus on the generation that I'm primarily improving. I would love to have extended family live in home as NPCs so that I can interact with them, but not be responsible for their every move.


I think you should know of family that has been mentioned before, but I think it'd be cool if you could research your lineage on a computer or take a DNA test to find more distant relatives -- and/or biological relatives, if the Para is adopted.

Fran Smith

Yes, I want rotational play, similar to PleasantSims and many, many other people. I also want neighbourhood progression with that rotation, so that every time I complete a rotation through all of my families (usually per week), the neighbourhood families progress too, so that they all grow up together. I want a village of many different families, all different and unique so that every family is different to play. And I like to play through the generations, watching them all grow up, have families, get old and pass away etc.

Fran Smith

I'd love to see a generational inheritance system where many different things can be inherited, not just looks, from various members of the family: mother, father, grandfather and grandmother. Things like: LOOKS: - basic body shape - height - hair colour - hair type (curly/straight) - facial features (eye colour/nose type/face shape etc) - blemishes (freckles/moles) etc. PERSONALITY TRAITS: - shy - confident - extroverted/introverted - serious/sense of humour - lazy - patient - loving/ - kind/unkind - social/loner etc. INTERESTS: - sporty - intellectual - cooking - crafty - computers/cars etc - reading/writing - love of animals - gardening/plants TALENTS: (different from interests ideally) - sport - music - writing - comedy - luck etc. OTHERS: - favourite food/colour/music style - collecting interests (books or rocks or flowers) -favourite games/activities All these things could be inheritable. They don't all have to be inherited. For example when a new baby is born, for each of these things there could be a certain chance of inheriting each trait from various family members, or just random (random also keeps Paras fresh and original for replay value - for many people we tend to diverge too much towards favourite traits etc - I certainly do, although I try not to). Eg. If Paras inherit 5 personality traits overall, 25% chance that it's a father's, 25% chance that it's a mother's, 15% chance that it's a grandparent's, 10% chance from a great grandparent (if it's very rare, it would be a lovely surprise when it does happen, and thus add to enjoyment, as rarer events tend to), and 10% chance that it's a random (nobody knows where it came from - as sometimes happens in families) for each of the 5 traits. Perhaps they could inherit one talent (talents are rarer and could help differentiate Paras more), perhaps 2 interest, and each Para a favourite colour/food etc, and a couple activities. This way, each child's inheritance could be very different - one child might inherit more of their mother's traits, another more of their father's traits, one could be a real mixture of all the family, another could be more of a throw-back. It'd be great if this could actually be documented in the Para's personal information, too. I'd LOVE to know and be able to read with each new Para birth, what they inherited from who. That's be a fabulous aid for imagining the future personalities of each new Para, story telling for those who like making stories in advance (I prefer the idea of stories unfolding rather than planning them), and for those who like to control such things, gives them a chance to do a bit of file editing/modding etc to change something they don't like or doesn't suit them. Regardless of how it's done, really, I'd like to see inheritable traits come from a variety of things and and a variety of family members, and I'd like to see what the child inherited from who. This would greatly add to the surprise and anticipation every time a new child was born. :-))

Dawn Star

I love playing between many families, often having the children get together to form new connections between them all. It makes me sad if families do too much without me but I do like the illusion that they are busy when I go from one family to the next.


I'm very big on allowing them to age, I love to play from generation to generation having no clue where the long dramatic story will lead...Who will be the next heir and what they'll do. I think that's a really significant and important thing to allow players to have. I do think it should be optional but I definitely don't think no aging should be the only solution, give your players the choice and everyone should end up happy!

Marta Čisáriková

I am somewhere in between. When I was younger and played the sims (2,3), I've had this one supersim, who was eventually immortal and gathered all skills, additional traits possible, reached the top of all careers, and then there was the other part of his family (either sibling or a child) who aged normally and I've played with that family for generations. So I've had both in one household. The thing I'd want the most from the game is to be able to hande hundreds of things collected over the generations (I think in TS games only the 2 could handle them). Family tree is also great thing to have, and also to name even a little more distant relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles, or just a "distant relative" then "very distant relative" :D and after like 4 generations they wouldn't have any family status (?)). Memory system! Maybe a scrapbook where you can keep your photos, so they don't have to be on walls and you can pick the picture for a memory to keep. You could have a book starting with babies first steps up to his death, or there could be only pictures with friends, because their parents did not take many photos of their children. I love when the game can randomize stuff, I liked in TS3 the fact that if you took care of your pregnant sim, you could choose the child's trait, if not the game chose for you. The same with traits for children and teens. (but some people don't like it, so it could be turned off?). When it comes to achievements, there are the obvious ones (play the game for XY generations, have a X household with X generations, have X kids in one generation, maximize all skills, etc.), but how about "memorizing X generations" (with pictures, songs, writings) or "memorize one para from the birth to their death" - to keep pictures (or the scrap book ;) ). Paras could have a certain connection to things their family created (like they would have better mood while watching a picture their child made than some premade from build), no matter their value. But maybe parents who are perfectionist would appreciate only higher quality pictures from their children. Children could make pottery, pictures, bracelets, dolls, cross-stitch, knit, crochet.. There can be small things children make (like a bracelet or earrings or even a T-shirt) which could be transferred to the paramaker and into the family dresser. Everyone could keep a diary, maybe they could autonomously go to write in their diary if they have one, when they are feeling strong emotions. I don't know if there will be ghosts in the base game, but interacting with ghosts, even having a family with them was also fun O:) Oh, having a relationship, even babies with all NPC characters, I always love to bring new randomized characters into my family tree :) I don't know how I feel about "passing a trait", but passing a talent or a predisposition to a trait would be nice. I'd love if there was a difference between a child who's parents actually took care of them and the one who's been growing up in day-cares and with nannies. And it doesn't make sense to me when babies automatically know both their parents, I think they shouldn't know anyone outside their household. I don't know if it's possible, but maybe the parent they don't even know wouldn't be in the family tree? Or there would be a question mark instead of a face? (to not complicate things, if you click on the question mark you can see the family tree from that para's point of view, just if the child doesn't know his parent, it would be hidden)?. This is just from the top of my head, if I think about something else, I'll write another comment :D Have a wonderful day ♥


What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another? What about a piece of jewelry like a ring/necklace/watch, a book, honestly any object could be relabeled or tagged as "memento".


Another topic when it comes to generations for me is gameplay, I think everyone made a lot of good points as far as family trees, and how we pass on genetics/possible talents that can be passed down, but as far as gameplay generations wise, I find it really important to have the option to have family and friends be able to babysit your kids instead of just a random service, like that’s great but for family bonding being able to have grandparents, aunt, uncles, or older children be forced to watch their sibling over a service is a great idea, I think a service should be an option, even if you have to post an ad and interview people for the position. Sleepovers are a big thing for me and not just having them at your house but having other kids ask your kids and then they have to be dropped off, or picked up, having the choice to have kids walk places and ride bikes is an option but I think a school bus/ having your parents or family have to take you sometimes is more realistic, as far as grandparents interactions I think it’s important to have like grandparent days where they come over and have big family dinners, or you go to your parents house and have it and be able to help out, and the kids decide they want to stay the night at grandpas and it’s allowed, same with divorced parents or parents who just didn’t work out, they go over dads every two weeks, I’m rambling but I just want to get every idea out that I have based upon like a generations gameplay perspective being grounded, throwing house parties when your parents are gone for the weekend, getting things taken away, having to come home right after school, sneaking out, I hope being able to actually go to school with them at some point would be really fun gameplay, but getting pop ups to start off with to make choices for different paras throughout the day would be cool, after-school activities/hangouts, house phones and cell phones! Gardening with grandma on the weekend or grilling with grandpa, grandparents can decide to take the kids on vacation, or keep them for their busy child for the week to catch up on stuff, I think with generations running a day care should be an option, boarding school should be an option, or a private school instead of public, for teens they should have realistic mood swings/periods and puberty they should be able to learn how to drive and have to take a road test, prom and school dances should be a thing even if these things start off as loop holes that we just make choices from on the screen, adults should be able to have mid life crisis, as far as liking engagements and bachelor parties and engagement parties and rehearsal dinners, and wedding planning/ baby planning is important. I just think generations had to include a lot of depth for para development and story telling have all of these options to make life full, and realistic, there’s so much more I could say but


This is what I was trying to get across with a little more added as far as teens, proms, being forced to babysit, sneaking out, being grounded, getting things taken away like allowances and phones and computers, having to come home right after school, boarding school and private school, if parents are out of town throwing parties, getting busted by police throwing parties in public, I think that home phones and cellphones are important, learning how to drive and taking tests, I think that throughout the day work/school, grandparents at home we get little pop up menus to choose options throughout their day, I think for kids their should be daycare, delivery food services, after school hangouts/activities ballet, guitar lessons newspaper club, glee club, sports, I think a good part of generations is choosing your family members or friends to come over and watch the kids or for them to go over there and watch them and still get to play as them somewhere else, there’s a lot more, like split families, every other week at dads house and we choose to go back and forth between households


Also generations have things to do with like doctors appointments, I want realism in that way too, dentist appointments, doctors appointments, different kind of sickness and having to call off work, or call your kid in at school, and stay home and take their temperature and cook for them and check on them while they sleep all day, give medication for headaches and belly aches, holidays are extremely important to me with generations because we pass down stuff from holidays, generations has everything to do with which holidays we celebrate, we celebrate/ do so many things in the real world that I really want that implemented in a game I’m playing, grocery shopping, taking the kids to the park, teaching them how to ride a bike, walk, belly time, going from bottles to soft foods, to harder foods


Allergies and having to take allergy medication for that, I think it’s realistic to break or sprain something or cut yourself on accident and have to go to the hospital especially kids, they hurt themselves often like it’s a priority lol


I’m also really hoping this game is closed to done either this year or next because it was in development in 2019 I of course don’t want you to rush I am just so excited

Brandie Haynes

Instead of having to buy an eight thousand dollar statue which is highly unrealistic, it would be cool if a founder could make something, like maybe earrings or a keychain or a bookend, and then when that para was an elder, they can pass it down to the heir, and each heir could keep passing down that item to the next heir, and that’s how we could do legacy challenges.


I would like to have some kind of menu/overview for the relatives that moved out and that I don't want to control directly. Through this menu/overview I could see how many children where born in which household, which goals and jobs are these sims following and which relationships do they have with other families. And then it would be nice to have the possibilty to easily change these goals and paths. Maybe this overview could be accessible over the familytree, that I hope will have no limits. In this way you could have some control over the moved out familymembers but still wouldn't be overwhelmed after x generations.

Megan Santucci

I love all of this but especially the part about parents reacting to their child's drawing/crafts! It always bugs me in TS4 where I will have my kids give their parents drawings or whatever for Winterfest and the parent automatically dislikes it because it's a cheap gift. HE'S FIVE HE CAN'T GO BUY YOU AN ESPRESSO MACHINE OKAY.

Megan Santucci

I would also love autonomous extended family interactions - like if my para takes their kids to the park, they might run into another kid visiting with their grandma. (Obviously depending on the relationship between grandma and grandkid etc.)


I want all of my family to know each other. Like when a para is born they have a bit of relationship with everyone in the family and as the para grows she/he can socialize with whoever they want to, and let the relationship line grow more. It's annoying to trying to find all your family members. And PLEASE, extend the para's genealogy beyond aunt uncle, grandma, grandpa and first cousin, we need step, in laws great aunt/uncle, half, second third and fourth cousins. And also it would be nice for grandparent to teach grandchild activities like sewing and stitching as well as their favorite recipes and also if we can get para families together for family photos. If you can't do it for launch maybe make it some kind of dlc or update please and thank you.


I have to say, I really like how careful you are with these posts. It shows that you review them and plan them carefully, without spelling or grammar mistakes, with a proprer order... I am a linguistics teacher and I know that requires attention and care. Thank you for that.

JossGun Shipper

idk if you guys know this but Trauma and Metabolism can be passed down to the next generation. That might be something to think about if you feel like facial characteristics isn't enough. If you are at a certain weight during conception, that usually passes on to your future child. For instance, its actually hard for me to gain weight cause my mom was really thin when she had me.


I don't really know about this, I like playing with the same generation when there are a lot of things to do for them, but if not, I prefer using the next generation. It's all about the gameplay !


I think it'd be cool if not only physical traits (eye/skin/hair color, height, weight, hair type, facial features) were passed down, but also personality traits, aversions to things, and talents were passed down as well. Basically, as realistic as it can be.


Some things that could be passed down could be photos, arts or crafts that family members have made, certain possessions, or trophies.


we should get the option and choose if we’d like to move on to the next generation

Brandie Haynes

I for one do think that if one para has green eyes, and one para has one blue eye and one purple eye, there should be maybe a 2% chance that their child is born with purple eyes. The chance should not be very high, but there should be a chance.

comprehensive galaxy

I actually prefer the option to mix and match. Sometimes I have one or two households that I really want to hang onto and keep playing, but I want to see how far their next generations can go at the same time. Being able to freeze individual households while letting others continue to age works well for that.


I think all kinds of items could be passed down! It would actually be quite funny to inquire about some of the NPC “heirlooms”. Imagine visiting one of their homes and they’ve got their 80 year old ketchup bottle or something proudly on display lol. As far as interactions between ages/relatives , I’d love to see grandparents and grandchildren with some mischief. Grandparents giving that child cookies after you’ve already told the child no. Etc


I prefer somewhat of a legacy storyline, start with two parents and once the children aged up and moved out, I play in rotation, spend a week in each household, usually ended up with 15 generations and filled the entire town with relatives and cousins lol


This is generations-adjacent, but I'd like support for nonstandard family structures, such as parenthood decoupled from relationships. edit: e.g. Alice and Bob married with child, roommate helps with parenting and eventually as much a parent as the other two, and that (more than two parents) being considered perfectly fine and something the game can handle. And situations where someone who is family in all but blood becomes part of the family, but as a sibling instead of marriage/child.


My B if someone already explained but I don't understand the options. Is the long one generation just playing an inter-generational home all at once? Is moving on and playing the next generation just switching the control to your child after they turn into adult? Like do we still interact with previous living generations? or do they all go away in favor of a new "playthrough?"


I like playing long generation but with aging turned off so I can age them up when I wish to. I would also like to be able to play more than one family without having to worry about things happening to those families when I am not there to control them. That is one of my biggest bitches of sims 4. I liked back in the day earlier sim games where you could go back and forth between families with out having to worry what happened to them. Its hard to make stories for your neighborhoods when the other families whether Created or Npc are aging up, having kids, changing jobs, ect and so on....


Traditionally, I play a single character with aging off then once i reach a certain stage in their development, i age them up then start again. :)

Samara Stanleigh

I love this!! One thing I will say about the dietary restrictions is for the lactose free, the paras should still go for dairy to make it more realistic and I say this as someone lactose intolerant 🤣🤣 As for aging, I prefer to play with aging off but with a cheat (like mccc for sims) where I can manually age them when I want


Generally, I like playing with ageing off and having the option of choosing when to age the characters up or not. I generally find myself getting a lot more bored with anything other than the adult/young adult age group I think that is one thing that could be worked on. I like having large families and being able to switch between all the different children, cousins and so on because i do get a little bored playing with just the same set of people. I think as with generation and families across the board you should have the option of having maybe a closer family like there should be an option to have strong family ties, where things like traditions are passed down, but you can also have the opposite and this could cause traditions to dye out. I think receipts is one of the easier things to create to past down, but things like trinkets such as jewellery, but also I wonder if there is a way to have more active traditions, for example, my family are not particularly religious people but we still have a tradition of going to church on Christmas Eve. Little things like that that you might only do once a year, but it is the type of thing that you would probably end up doing with your own children and so on. One thing I would like to see is the teen age explored a little more. It is often the age where you make mistakes, you might experiment with things you shouldn't and you might end up in a situation which is bad. I would like to see Teens behave like mini-adults rather than big children. I also would like to see family relationships in families a little more modern rather than traditional. So things like broken families and blended families, and the good and the bad that comes with those sorts of things, maybe have some sort of interaction for half-siblings that don't meet each other until later in life. Another thing which I would quite like is adopted children maybe being able to track down their birth parents.

Maiden Minnesota

I can't answer this poll. The way I play, I prefer to have aging turned on only for the household I'm playing. I cycle through households, though, and don't stick with the same family for generations on end before I move on to another family, though. I like to be able to control the aging, so that cousins tend to age up together, rather than grow older than their younger cousins. I do it that way so that I can go from household to household and hold birthday parties and invite all the family members to come. There's always somebody having a birthday, and having extended family attend birthday parties allows them to maintain family relationships.


I'd love the ability to play a single family over a long time.....but for different reasons it's never been very feasible for me. In the Sims 2 & 4 sims outside the family don't age and there's no story progression. Sims 3 was the only one I really got anywhere with generational play but by the time I got to maybe the 4th generation my save would start having errors.


👁️ What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children? Skin tones, eye and hair color, body and face shape, hair texture, size, personality traits, ability with certain skills, disabilities and illnesses.... 📚 What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down? Cooking knowledge, crafting, gardening, career or business-based knowledge; cultural traditions or holidays traditions.... And maybe a way to learn about your family history through a genealogy thing? 🏺 What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another? Heirlooms (that we might choose when we play the previous generations), money, properties, cars, jewelry, recipes, songs, letters, diaries, portraits, photoalbums, family history anecdotes/books, businesses... 👨‍👨‍👦 What would an intergenerational home look like in Paralives? Accessible home that takes into account people's different physical and mental needs! Lots of family photos, heirlooms displayed! A family recipe book that everyone scribled in! A meds cabinet for everyone's needs! Polyamory and queer families dynamics!! 👵 What kind of specific interactions could different age groups have with each other? For example, grandparents with their grandchildren. Older paras teaching younger paras! Siblings and other relatives being able to have parenting interactions to kids! Kids and teens having phases that affect how they interact with others and their environnement! Body changes through the years (teething toddlers, kids losing their teeth, teens getting acne or other puberty stuff, adults getting grey hairs, elders getting more chronic pain and disabilities, etc.). Coming out to your family, telling them about your love life or being ashamed to... Teens being ashamed of their family until they get to know more about them or their history? Parenting / household rules that kids and teens can break to rebel or test boundaries.... Family reunions and parties for holidays and big life events (graduation, weddings, funerals, birthdays, etc.). Going to see the kids' play or science fair to support them. Getting a report card every week or every season and having different interactions depending on their results. Paras having separate money accounts and a common family one so that kids and teens can get allowances or money as gifts to help them save up for a special toy or project (or for moving out). Having special interactions about pregnancy, adoption, fostering, surrogating, etc. Being able to brainstorm for the baby's name, going to the pregnancy appointment with the partner or another relative. Kids getting excited or nervous about future new siblings or parents in law/siblings in law. Special interaction to explain a divorce, death or other difficult losses/changes in the family... 🏆 What generations related rewards or challenges would you like to see in-game? Number of generations played giving rewards, finding and maintaining heirlooms, making a family business thrive, have a certain number of kids, growing your family's fortune through the generations despite some specific challenges, etc.

S&M Gonzalez

Im still writing ideas for other stuff for generations but one thing I’d really love is history for each generation of paras. Like just like in real life they remember events and trends and ways of life that a current generation might not get or understand. But they can pass those stories down and knowledge down to them. So each para born into a generation would experience a different past and experience and remember different events.

Bethy Grace

I can't really answer this poll because I don't know what you mean by "frequently" versus "long". I generally always play with a longer lifespan in The Sims, and ideally I want to be able to customize it to suit my liking. The Sims 3 had sliders for age groups, this is ideal. As well as an on/off switch. But I also like to play rotationally, so I play with all of the families in my town for a certain amount of time, and the whole hood gradually ages. The more options the better, I'm hoping it doesn't have to be set in stone? 👁️ What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children? - Genetics (eye / skin / hair colour), body shapes, freckles, how likely it is my Para gets sunburned vs a tan 😅. Identity is harder, that's more learned early in a person's life and for me goes more into having different parenting styles - strict, playful, loving, distant, things like that. 📚 What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down? - Recipes, family values, religion, stories - most of this I image would be passed down orally and also by experiences. Story time, cooking time, again the parenting styles... 🏺 What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another? - Family heirlooms, jewellry, furniture, knickknacks and keepsakes 👨‍👨‍👦 What would an intergenerational home look like in Paralives? - One thing I'd like to see is the option for temporary family vacations. Sure, Grandma and Grandpa could live in the home, or we could have the option of relatives coming to visit and stay for a holiday or set period of time. Maybe new Mum Para could invite her Mum to come and stay for a few days to help with the new baby. Maybe at Christmas time Grandma and Grandpa could host the whole extended family for a massive celebration / family holiday. This was a huge part of my childhood and I'd love to see it. 👵 What kind of specific interactions could different age groups have with each other? For example, grandparents with their grandchildren. - Stories, days out to try new activities, teaching traditions, teaching new skills. 🏆 What generations related rewards or challenges would you like to see in-game? - I'm not really a fan of set challenges, I'd prefer to create my own.


I'm not quite sure how to answer this poll because I prefer to have a very long lifespan for my characters but I typically switch my focus to the next generation when the one I want to focus on becomes a young adult. I also like keeping multiple generations in a house sometimes.


👁️ What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children? - Obviously skin/hair/eyes colour, but also hair texture, height, facial features (e.g. one family has a distinctive nose shape), allergies and general health (so some characters are genetically more likely to get sick). Maybe likes and dislikes to some extent. 📚 What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down? - Recipes, holiday traditions, superstitions, maybe if a para is a master of a skill, their children could learn it slightly more quickly? Perhaps there could be family rivalries, too. 🏺 What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another? - Things that a para has made, like paintings, books, etc. Trophies that a para has won could also become heirlooms. I like the idea someone else posted of paras being able to have family businesses. Maybe there could be a family album that paras show to each other to share memories. 👵 What kind of specific interactions could different age groups have with each other? For example, grandparents with their grandchildren. - Grandparents could tell their grandchildren what their parents were like as children and the parent para might get embarrassed if they hear it. Grandparents taking care of the kids while the parents are busy. Maybe, if children don't get to spend enough time with their family (for example, maybe their parents have very demanding jobs, so they don't get much time with their kids - an extroverted child would need more attention than an introverted one) they become upset and depending on their personality could misbehave so people will pay attention to them. If a child spends all their time with a babysitter or nanny, they could become more attached to them than their family. Children should also be able to do things to improve their relationship with their parents (such as helping with certain tasks or drawing pictures). The parents' reaction to a drawing made by their child would mostly depend on their relationship with the child, but would also be modified by their personality - a cheerful or easily impressed parent would be more excited, and maybe a workaholic parent would quickly comment on it before going back to working. Paras should be able to sneak out, hide things from their parents and have relationships that their parents don't know about (such as a teen girl dating a boy her traditional, upper-class parents would definitely not approve of). Kids should be able to tell their family when they're getting bullied. I also think boarding schools for rich paras to send their kids to would be good. If there's a way to make separated parents work (with the child going to live with a different parent every week/few days) that would be great. I don't know if fostering could be implemented but it would be interesting too. I think paras should also be able to make a will, deciding who inherits what and maybe cutting some relatives out of the will entirely. And also having the option to donate some to charity. 🏆 What generations related rewards or challenges would you like to see in-game? - Maybe an achievement for having a lot of children. There could also be an achievement if you adopt children several generations in a row.


Also maybe both parents having maternity leave, mom at first and then dad when mom returns to work like it is in most of Europe and Canada. Very thorough Manon.


I think it would be ideal to be able to change the length of their lives or turn to age off. As I like to play with ageing on and off depending on what I am trying to do


Bonjour, bonne année à toute l'équipe. J'espère qu'elle sera productive et passionnante pour tous ! À propos de la génétique des paras : ils pourraient transmettre la couleur des yeux, des cheveux, être gaucher ou droitier, être sensible ou colérique si l'un des parent l'est. le parent pourrait immortaliser des moments avec son enfant, comme le baptême, les premiers pas avec un camescope, la réussite du baccalauréat, lui apprendre à conduire, les bonnes manières, les valeurs de la vie (ou pas !), Les grands-parents pourraient parler de leur vécu et de leurs expériences, avec leurs enfants et petits-enfants et faire des photos intergénérationnelles et de groupes dans un album. Ils transmettraient leurs bijoux anciens, leurs vieux meubles, peut-être aussi leur maison, lors de leur décès. Les parents pourraient donner leur bénédiction à leurs enfants pour leur mariage, et donner leur aide pour le déménagement ;-) Et enfin, transmission de délicieuses recettes de "grand-mère" aux enfants pour le plus grand régal de toutes les papilles !!! Merci beaucoup à vous ! :Hâte de voir les prochaines nouvelles ! -D


Bonjour cher équipe, bonne année à vous tous, et également enchanté d'apprendre à mieux vous connaître, puisque je viens juste de rejoindre, avec plaisir en enthousiasme, les rangs de vos mécènes ! Tout d'abord, je lis et visionne avec attention vos messages et suis très impressionné (même surpris) par cette attention du détail dans vos sollicitations et votre volonté d'étoffer votre jeu. Aller jusqu'à considérer quelles interactions inter-générationnel vos parafolks peuvent avoir, ou imaginer un système d'héritage (aussi bien matériels que génétiques, y compris les handicaps), c'est quelquechose de très spécifique auquel on ne penserait pas forcèment et ça témoigne d'une belle volonté de vraiment pousser les "features" du jeu dans ses moindres détails. Je souhaite intimement que vous aurez les moyens de toutes vos ambitions ! Mais j'ai confiance, au vue de vos avancées que j'ai pu voir, à travers annonce et vidéos, jusqu'à maintenant. Bonne chances à vous! Pour ce qui est du sujet des Générations et de l'héritage (matériel et immatériel) et de la passation : 👁️ What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children? - Tout ce qui serait attendu d'un héritage génétique d'un parent à un enfant, en allant de l'évidence (couleur de peau, des cheveux, des yeux, traits du visage), à ce qui peut paraitre moins évident (les traits de caractères. Les chiens ne font pas des chats comme on dit). On pourrait imaginer qu'une personne né d'un parent colérique sera plus à même de l'être soi-même.... A moins que son éducation ou expérience de vie (durant l'enfance et l'adolescence) amène la personne à casser ces "traits de caractère" hérité d'un ou des 2 parents, selon toute attente ? (vous pourriez imaginer une mécanique de jeu permettant au joueur de défier l'héritage de personnalité d'un parafolk via une éducation/expérience de vie qui éloigne celui-ci d'un trait de caractère pourtant commun à la famille. Cela pourrait être un challenge intéressant pour le joueur. Exemple : Un enfant issu de 2 parents timide, qui né avec une propension à devenir une personne timide aussi. Le joueur pourrait alors essayer de combattre ce trait familial hérité en l'entrainant, durant sa période de développement personnel (jusqu'à l'âge adulte), à combattre la timidité. L'héritage de tare génétique (maladie et handicap) est une bonne idée aussi. La vie n'étant pas parfaite (et elle serait ennuyeuse si elle l'était), les parafolk ne devraient pas l'être non plus. Je suis persuadé qu'un parafolk sans défaut serait bien plus ennuyeux à jouer qu'un parafolk trop parfait. Dans cette idée, hériter des tares génétiques de ses parents est une bonne mécanique. 📚 What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down? De manière obligatoire, je dirais aucune tant que la "connaissance" et la "tradition" ne sont pas effectivement poussées par l'éducation (directe ou indirecte) des parents. Mais parmi les impacts les plus évidents de "knowledge" et "traditions" transmis, je pense aux idées politiques (avec tout ce que ça peut amener en bien ou mal...), les croyances bien sûr (croyance religieuse ou en général, si ce genre de chose seront implémentés dans le jeu). Pour les connaissances en général, on peut supposer qu'un enfant de parents ingénieurs aura plus de facilité à accroitre ses connaissances scientifiques. Mais de manière générale, je pense qu'il n'y aurait aucun sens à un héritage systématique inter-générationnel de connaissance ou de tradition si la famille ne fait rien pour cela. 🏺 What kind of items could be passed down from one generation to another? Je dirais tout ce qui peut se cataloguer selon ces 3 critères : forte valeur matérielle, forte valeur sentimentale, rareté. A partir de là, les classiques de l'héritage : immobilier, tout objet de "luxe" (bijoux, voiture, œuvre d'art diverses). Des choses un peu moins évidente également, comme une robe de marié (ou une tenue bien spécifique typique de la famille?). 👨‍👨‍👦 What would an intergenerational home look like in Paralives? Pas de suggestion sur ce point. 👵 What kind of specific interactions could different age groups have with each other? For example, grandparents with their grandchildren. - Parents / Grands-parents à enfants (mineurs) : - Eduquer / Influencer le caractère de l'enfant ou ses connaissances (en bien comme en mal?...) - Réprimander / Faire la leçon à un enfant : = combattre un comportement de l'enfant ou un trait de son caractère par une attitude plus négative... ou - Féliciter / Approuver : ou par une attitude positive - Activité parent/enfant : Toutes sortes d'activités récréatives qu'on peut imaginer entre un père ou une mère et son enfant, que ne pourraient pas faire des enfants entre eux (jeux, sports et activité qui demandent l'attention d'un adulte... Cela pourrait être d'ailleurs un biais d'apprentissage pour l'enfant. ex : Aider son père à réparer la voiture familiale) 🏆 What generations related rewards or challenges would you like to see in-game? Comme dans la vraie vie, l'un des challenges des parents et d'éduquer son enfant afin qu'il devienne la meilleure personne qui soit. Du coup, plusieurs challenges me viennent à l'esprit : - L'enfant surpasse les talents/compétences de ses parents. - L'enfant arrive transcender une tare familiale (personnalité ou handicap) Sinon, plus simplement, une entente familiale parfaite entre les différentes générations d'une même famille est déjà un bon challenge. Si l'envie vous en prend, vous pourriez développer des mini-jeux compétitifs entre parafolks "parent-enfants" ou "grand-parents-enfants" comme on peut en voir dans certaines kermesses/fêtes d'écoles ou de villages.


Sorry by the way if speaking in french is an annoyance for the team. I can reiterate my message in english if needed (it's just that it's easier for me to express myself in french).


I think that you should make it so that grandparents can cook cookies and other baked goods with their grandchildren. And they should also have special types of things to make, life for example, Christmas cookies. The kid could put in the sugar, maybe eat some, decorate the cookies, stuff like that. I think that would be great.


I'm really looking forward to advanced family trees... that, and genetic mixing. Two things I'm very excited to see in this game. There really aren't any great genetics games out there. Both of those combined, and that's a lifetime of fun for me. Love making spreadsheets and obsessing over my trees. Happy New Year Paralives team!

Amanda Hannu Näckros

I chose the "play one generation for a long time" option but I feel I need to address it. I love playing with generations, but I need some time to hone some skills, build friendships, go on events and so on. Since I've played The Sims for about 22 years I need to reference it. My issue with generations in the latest game is that the normal lifespan is too short, if you want your sim to climb in life, that is. And the long lifespan is toooo looong! It gets way too boring way too fast and all the skills and careers you want to challenge your Sim goes into max level before your sim aged. Sooo a slider or something would be nice to be able to choose how long a life should be (but it would be fun if we didn't get to know exactly the days left since everything can happen in life...). Anyway, it all depends on the aging, skill system, events and how fast you advance at work and so on. I have full confidence in you guys, and that you'll make the game more "balanced", fun and unique, but still wanted to get my thoughts out about this.

S&M Gonzalez

Sorry if this is all over the place I really just brain dumped what came to mind. I’m excited to see what’s in store for family and generational gameplay though. I’d love to have inherited talents passed down from grandparents to grandkids (multiple generations), not just parents to kids. Which, would make for having an aunt or uncle with the same talents as a niece or nephew. Like me for instance, I am a very handy person I like fixing things up around the house and I like building things which I got from my grandfather because neither of my parents are into those things. I’d like traditions to be passed down such as hosting parties/events being celebrated. Marriage traditions (like etiquette), societal traditions (debutantes), having family dinners being important, having family outings whether that be a restaurant or at some public lot in town. Doing certain activities during holidays also having and hosting holiday dinners to be celebrated a relatives home instead of our active paras being a host, including being invited to family holiday dinners and parties. Taking annual family photos. Little everyday family traditions like a family movie night once a week or a dinner or brunch the same time each week being important, like sunday dinners being important. I’d also like to see the negative consequences to having your para not participate or interact with family so they could be shunned from the family, become estranged, create tensions, feuds, and even rivals between families. Like two brothers being rivals with each other and their families or those two aunts who’ve never gotten along but they are cordial during holidays only it seems or only if a new baby is born. Your para not attending family events could stir up why they’re not there and cause sadness or anger. Passing down old stories (positive or negative, family, drama, family secrets, etc.) and fables, folklore stories, from generation to generation that are always told at family gatherings. With the ability for translations to be wrong so another relative can tell the true story. The ability for grandparents or extended family members to raise a child of another relative for whatever reason if they don’t want to or aren’t able, and also maybe the child just prefers to stay with someone else in the family beside the parents so its not locked to just adults deciding this. Interactions: I’d also love to see more extended family members interact with other extended family members. Sending kids away for summers to live with grandparents other extended family send their kids to the grandparents house too and being able to actually follow that para to the home and play them. Cousins getting to know cousins they've never met before and becoming best friends. Grandparents and aunts and uncles beign able to take out smaller children and do activities with them as well as teaching them skills or how to communicate and manage life, being able to get and take advice from older generation about certain life events they're going through. What physical and identity traits could be passed down from parents to their children? Individual personality traits, quirks, bad habits, good habits, talents, interests/hobbies, physical traits like eye shape, like for example curvy figures passed down from mom to daughter or grandparent to grandchild. Certain body figure shapes being passed down in general. Height, hair type, skin color, beauty marks. What kind of knowledge or tradition could be passed down to other generations? How would it be passed down? How garden, homesteading in general especially if they live on a farm, farming, artisan crafting, how to make/craft certain items that are time period specific, how to hunt for food, how to hunt and gather wild plants turning it into medicine, survival skills for camping/wilderness e How to cook certain family recipes which could only be passed down through word of mouth instead of it being written down in a book but they can also be passed down through journals/ recipe books. As for knowledge in general it’d be nice if you have to hunt down certain people to find out knowledge from generations ago because there’s no books or journals around. Paras only knowing half of the knowledge passed down would be interesting and could make room for them to gain an interest to learn more about it or not. I think it’d be cool if your paras had to go through a ceremony or attend an event to gather information and knowledge from certain relatives. What would a multigenerational home look like? I can see a big family 2 sets of grandparents maybe a great-grand parent or two or great-aunt/uncle, parents and their kids, aunt uncle and their kids, and the uncle’s/aunt’s kids children which would be 2nd cousins. So it’d be a mixture from newborn to elderly. Lots of family photos and photo albums, scrapbooks, that one family cookbook and then grandmas secret recipes hidden away. A medicine making book that’s passed down through the family that uses plants/herbs that not only includes recipes but plant history and facts about the plants. Boxes in attics filled with old letters and clothing, around the home you would see objects from the older generations like blankets, or vases, music collection, trophies, etc. I think what is most important to me in game would be actually seeing your family members coming over to visit and just hangout with each other every other day or here and there like you para could come home from the store and see their cousin and their kids over playing with your paras kids and the two husbands are talking and catching up, or seeing an uncle pass through the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and bring a dish he made for the family, or even just bringing fish he caught on the last fishing trip he went to. Or you para has a sister who always comes over to visit and has the afternoon catchup with your para over a drink or two before they head back home down the street. These type of interactions are what makes family gameplay important to me and experiences. Challenges I’d like to see would be trying to take care and manage a sick parent or grandparent or elderly parent deciding who would get them to live in the home. Maybe a family member is behind in bills and has to ask for a loan from another relative, running a business for another relative because they’re not able. Managing having in laws coming to live with your paras family for a little while and that adjustment. Disagreement on parenting styles like your para and their spouse has a style of parenting but their parents try to but in with how they parent the grandkids or would parent the kids, would be a interesting challenge. Not liking in laws visiting so much being a challenge because they help with the kids but you dont want to cause tension. Children expected to run the family business but they dont want to. Homesickness is something i rarely see and i’d love for family to experience this whether is because they moved across town or they’re just not around as much and miss them. Getting back in family good graces after a bad conflict or situation. Getting family to learn to trust a relative again.

John Bergstrom

In Ts4, I age my sims when I want, If I want to, I’d love to have that same amount of control over my para’s.


Physical identity traits from parents to children: - Apart from the obvious, like hair colour and texture, eye colour, facial fetatures, height and body shape I would like to see characteristics like freckles, dimples and… passed on. Though they should not automatically obtain their parents characteristics, as mutations can occur. - Also «negative» characteristics like crooked teeth, bad eyesight could be passed on, and if you wanted to correct these chracteristics, you would have to pay for it. For instance pay for braces, glasses, or laser vision correction, to make it more economically challenging. - Acne could also have a genetic component, where a teen could end up getting more pimples if their parents had acne when they where young, and they would have to buy or make remedies to get rid of them. This could also affect their moods, self-esteem on dates, etc. - What a pregnant mother eats and does during the pregnancy could also affect the physical traits of a para, though not irreversibly. Knowledge or tradition passed down to other generations, and how it would be passed down: - Knowledge could be passed down from grandparents/parents teaching their children, and they would gain the specific knowledge easier that way. - It could also be passed down through some sort of generational manual. For example each familiy could have their own familiy cookbook, notes on plants (where to obtain them, and how to use them), a fishing manual (where to catch different fish, which bait to use), etc. That way if one para didn’t complete a collcection/goal before they died, the next generation could continue pursuing the same goal. Items passed down from one generation to another: - Jewelry, specific clothing items, easels, instruments, books, or other objects that were special in some way to a para. - Although pets are not items, I would like to see pets passed down too. If the grandparents living in another home died, one should have the option to adopt it. Parrots whom live for a long time, could also be passed down from one generation to another, from one family to another, but also from one main para pet owner to another. What an intergenerational home would look like: - I really don’t like to choose between which siblings to go on playing with, especially not if they’re twins, so I would like to see intergenerationsal homes with grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, and their children. - Maybe there could be an option to choose which family members to play actively and which paras who just live in their home and make every day life more challenging. Specific interactions different age groups would have with each other: - Parents would have to take care of their babies properly, with feeding, bathing, diaper changes, lullabies, and making sure they are placed safely. It would also be cool if their life situation was reflected in their physical appearence, like gaining weight after pregnancy, puffy eyes because of nursing a child, and so on. - Parents should be able to teach their children practical skills, but also life skills, like «how to suceed in love», which could affect them later in life when they try to aquire a new romantic relationship. - Sibilings should be able to cooperate and have group activities, like homework, pranking others, playing, and skill building. - Grandparents could be a part of raising children, but when they grow quite old, the children of the household could have to help their grandparents in their daily activities Generations related rewards and challenges: - The most important thing to me is that you don’t have to start over on every single challenge and goal every time you start a new generation, that some challenges are that hard and time consuming that one could not possibly finish them all with one para. If you wanted your second generations of paras to pursue different goals and interests, you could, and then you could continue with the generations related challenges later on if you wish to.

Sabino Mutino

Insects would be interesting among foods.


I think almost any physical traits or characteristic could be passed down from parents. I think there should be a slight chance of inheriting something from a grandparent or great grandparent too. Like further back in descendant line the less likely a feature will be inherited but it’s still likely. For example my eldest uncle has a darker complexion than his siblings and parents but if you look at his paternal grandfather or maternal great-grandfather they have similar dark complexions to him. My mother looks a lot like her dad, same eyes, nose, mouth, chin, but his face is more narrow. I saw a picture of his grandfather and while they all have the same mouth and nose, he has a wider face just like my mother’s. So anything from height to eye color, to the shape of their head. I think inheriting or being nurtured to have certain certain personality traits or being inclined towards or away from certain skills would be fun too. Like I watch shows dealing with genealogy and lots of times there have been clear family traits like they all leaned towards creative jobs or tried to be creative in their spare time. Some families had a strong desire to help people that seemed to be passed down in the generations. Being stubborn could be a family trait, or having a strong sense of ethics, or being family oriented. But these could also be traits that some members of the family may shy away from or rebel against based on experience or personality as well. Like the rest of the family may be heavily into being with and around and celebrating family but the idea of the great big happy family may be shattered for the one child who witnessed one of their parent’s cheating. Or most of the children could know their parents don’t have the idea marriage but some choose to keep the faith, some lose faith, and others fall somewhere in between. I think parent or family values could be passed down generation to generation, and maybe they get tweaked some as time goes on or a para may learn or come to realize that certain values are bad so they want to make changes or realize that those values are too good and they rather be worse. My family doesn’t have many traditions so I can’t speak much on that but I do think mapping out events on a calendar could be helpful with traditions and holidays. Land, homes, and money, I think, are big and important things that could be passed down. Depending on the family maybe the family business could be passed down. Recipes, family heirlooms, antiques, photos, vehicles, furniture. I don’t know how possible it is, but I’d love to be able to eventually create deceased paras for the sake of creating family lines, family cemeteries, family photos, etc. Also, if at all possible, I think it'd be nice to be able to make babies and pregnant paras in the Paramaker with the ability to decide if it's multiple births or single and the gender of each. That would be even more useful for creating different family dynamics and inter-generational homes. I think it should be possible to at least link great grandparents on down to great grandchildren in the paramaker and include cousins, exes, fiancées, spouses, girlfriend/boyfriend/partner because it can open up a ton of possibilities and dynamics in a household. Like a guy moving him and his girlfriend into his parents house because they’re getting older and need a bit of help, or grandchildren staying with grandparents, and therefore their cousins as well because maybe there was an accident and their parents all died. Or two exes staying with one of their parents and grandparents in the same house but they still love their child/granchild’s ex like their own so they won’t kick them out. I think inter-generational homes could be multiple homes on a large piece of land or a one small/modest/large house with enough space to live cramped/semi-comfortably/well. Specific interactions could be anything really. I mean, it really depends on the personalities involved. Some that I would like to see are older family members going though photo albums with younger paras and teaching them the family history. Older paras teaching younger paras how to cook, drive, brush their teeth, walk, talk, dance, do school work, or pull a prank. Younger paras encouraging older paras to be a bit more childlike and relaxed, like having tea parties, playing with them on the playground, use their imagination, play dollhouse or build forts out of pillows or cardboard boxes. For as much as young paras may learn from the older paras in their life I’d like to see older paras learn from younger paras too. I’d like to see children paras learn by example from their older siblings like maybe seeing how badly their sibling sucked at sneaking out the house made them learn how to do it better when they’re ready to sneak out. I want to see heartfelt talks and deep conversations like maybe an older para is struggling at work and feeling a little down and a child para comes over and asks what’s wrong and gives them the advice that the adult para gave to them when they were struggling at school, to try your best. Or a younger para was just dumped and their grandpara gives them some solid advice that doesn’t completely ease the heartache, but makes them feel a little better. I think a cool generations related award would be a family trait, kinda like I mentioned above, and that can be a trait, if rewarded, that gets passed down to every descendant in their line until changed for whatever reason.