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Hey there, how are you doing today?

We’re already in December and we’ve been slowly getting into the spirit of the Holidays here. We decorated the office a bit and even put on some Holiday music the other day at lunchtime!

A few months ago, the Paralives team switched their focus to the Paramaker. We had a plan to work on the important core features that were still missing from this part of the game before switching our efforts on to the live mode. Good news! We’re closing in on that and we’re preparing a video showcasing many interesting features of the Paramaker. It will quickly highlight the features we have built to let you customize the look of your future Parafolks. We’re so looking forward to sharing that video with everyone!

What did we do on the Paramaker exactly?  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Today, I wanted to share an overview of some of the Paramaker elements we have worked on over the past months and that we haven’t shared much about yet.

We use a spreadsheet like this to track the major features we needed for the Paramaker and our progress on them. I blurred out the descriptions because there are still some secrets in there!

  • Fat and muscle sliders: All the sliders we had before were made to customize specific parts of the body. We added the fat and muscle sliders that now affect the body as a whole.
  • Adapting skin details automatically: When you change the fat and muscle sliders, the look of the skin should change. We made it so it automatically changes the texture of the skin based on the current values for the fat and muscle sliders.
  • Makeover of the style of the interface: The Paramaker interface went through a complete overhaul to have a more finished look and incorporate the new features
  • Managing premade characters: Players will be able to save characters in their library to be reused later or to eventually be shared with other players on the Steam Workshop
  • Integrated hair and dress physics back into the game: We had an issue with these before and they stopped working. All good now!
  • Worked on Paramaker specific animations: When zoomed on the face, the animation should be more subtle so it doesn’t become a nuisance. Alice also created many outfit reaction animations for the Parafolks.
  • Bone sliders: Before, we already had many sliders to change the size and shape of the arms, thighs, waist, nose, eyes, etc. However, some sliders like the width of the shoulders, the scale of the feet and others needed us to literally move a bone of the skeleton so we did that.
  • General body slider improvements: modifying the shape and size of the different body parts and facial features is one of the biggest technical challenges of the Paralives project. We made a lot of improvements to eliminate bugs and to improve performance so that the game runs smoothly when editing your character.
  • Added sound effects: almost everything you will be interacting with in the Paramaker will make a sound. Helpful to get feedback on actions done and satisfying too!
  • Adjusting the camera angle in the Paramaker: There is a height slider in Paralives so that means that the camera has to adapt and position itself to be sure that you get a good angle at your character no matter it’s height.
  • Global colors: Some elements that you can wear or activate on your character share a common color. For instance, you can change your hairstyles but the color you had previously chosen should carry on. Also, we added a checkbox to define if elements like beards and eyebrows should have the same color as the hairs or not.
  • Non gender locked clothes: In Paralives, we want clothing items to be wearable regardless of the sex or gender of your Para. To do that, we had, among other things, to create a system that would load a variant of a piece of clothing, depending on if the character has breasts or not.
  • Support undo-redo: We want players to be able to test changes to their characters without fearing to lose a state and look that they like. That’s why we added features to undo and redo the different actions and manipulations that you can do in the Paramaker.

I hope that gives you a good idea of all the things we went through with the Paramaker recently! There are also other features that I didn’t cover here because we talked about them in previous Patreon posts: body presets, patterns on clothes, skin tone selection, heterochromia and others.

Again, we will be able to showcase a lot of these features all together in a video that we are currently putting together. In January, we will be switching our focus to the live mode but Sonia and Léa will keep working on the Paramaker to improve our body and face sliders as well as starting to add a lot of content like hairstyles, clothing, accessories, and so on! There will still be some Paramaker features left to be done at a later time like improvements to the genetics system, randomizing Parafolks and managing outfits.

Poll: What’s your favorite thing to do when creating characters?  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

With all this talk about editing and customizing Parafolks, we would like to know what’s your favorite part when creating a new character in a video game? Please tell us in the poll below!

Have a great day and take care,



Cali Ann Y.

You guys have been working so hard!! So proud to be a patron and feel like I’m a part of this big project even in a small way ❤️


My answer to the poll: all of the above!

Megan Cartier

I usually random my character until I get something I'm at least 75% happy with, then adjust the minor details, make tons of outfits and then obsess about adding quirks/personality for a while and then name them last. Next step is making children/setting relationships. I rather like the Wildermyth model where new characters have a bit of a bio that can be changed/edited but also serves as a starting point for inspiration.

Charlotte Stevens

Most importantly I want them to feel like individuals, so as much variation on facial/body sliders would be great, along with unique personalities! Easier said than done I'm sure :)


It’s fun making everything a sim/para wears and owns their favorite color


Please allow the option to save Outfit presets, for example I want to create a lot of paras with the same clothes, hair, makeup but looking the exact same stuff for every para could be so boring

Nicole Penny

Tweaking the face for sure. I love writing, but I can't draw, so when I have a character in mind, the closest I can come to recreating what I see in my head is through character creation in video games


This is so exciting!!! Every time you post an update I get hype. :)

Giammarco Victor Venturi

I'm so happy to read about the progress of the game. Well done guys

Maiden Minnesota

I pretty much do all of the above. I have a backstory of sorts in mind, but I don't write a bio usually. The backstory, or maybe the look I create for them gives me an idea of who they are, determines what kind of character they would be, including their career and the type of house they would live in. I like to be able to really tweak sliders because I'm not one of those players that feels every single character, including toddlers, needs to be a supermodel (which makes toddlers look like miniature adults, taking away their cuteness). I have some Plain Janes, and some downright unattractive characters because that's reality.


Just randomizing and getting to the game. I've honestly never cared for how my characters look but i know I'm in the minority


Thank you for making non-gender locked clothes a priority and working hard to make it a day one feature, as a non-binary person who likes to make myself in life-sim games this is a MUST. Thank you. 😭💖


Choosing outfits based on what I think the personality is going to be


For me, its the abbility to make the most unique and diverse characters; so basically, have an option to pick the gender identity (not sex), pick the best outfit (sometimes culture related), pick additional features like heterochromie, vitiligo, albinism, birth marks, etc...

Sean McDorman

The amount of work you’ve done on PAM is staggering. I bet you all feel immensely satisfied at taking that leap forward and hopefully you can carry that momentum into the design of live mode. I’m really excited for 2022 because it feels like with a full team, a solid foundation in build/PAM and a year’s worth of community brainstorms, you can really hit the ground running in January! Question: I know UI for PAM got a total overhaul, and no doubt all the menus will undergo more revisions before release. Are you planning on doing a short contract with an expert in UI/organization towards the end of production, to streamline and bring an outsider’s perspective of what works and what’s not as intuitive to players as you thought?

Heaven Moore

I’m so excited for this video to come. You guys are doing amazing work, good job!!

Lane Brettschneider

Sometimes I like to create real people or characters and that's when tweaking the face and features is super important! But mostly I looooove picking out outfits that fit my character's personality. I also like to live vicariously through their closet :D Every week I look forward to these updates. They bring me so much joy and excitement! I love hearing about what you're all working on! Thank you!

Christine Harvey

I'm so excited! What a great and fulfilling update! I really like making family relations in the (what we call) paramaker as well. So making siblings and parents, etc. I'm looking forward to the next updates on these later on once the game is more developed. I know we talked a lot about identity inclusion, but I'm hoping that this will allow for different types of bodies and body capabilities and identities, specifically regarding the inclusion of those under the trans umbrella and if their stories can be told by adapting the para throughout their life? Thanks for all the great work!


I have no idea if you are nearing a point where this would be possible, but I think we would all enjoy a small ParaMaker demo that we could play with. I remember the Sims 4 doing this pre launch and I think that, as backers of this project, it would be a fun thing for us to play with and sate our thirst for a little while. Just throwing it out there, but even a version with limited hair, clothing, etc. would be fun to play around with.


Man, there are so many enjoyable elements to creating a character but it all starts with their story in my head. I invision their body, a vague idea of their hair, and their personality. Their backstory is important too. This is why I hope we have a way to start them out with some skills.

Michael Green

For me it’s coming up with a name. I always want the last name to stick and mean something and to go along with their bios. As for looks, I always just randomize them and then make tweaks to their hair and clothes and maybe their eyes but that’s pretty much it.

ranine hay

will there still be the ability to push/pull features on the body/face as shown in the Maggie reveal video?


I completely randomize the creation of my characters and must develop a bio and backstory based on the randomly generated appearance and characteristics of the character.


Can’t wait to see the video and everything you’ve done so far with the paramaker 🤗

Vera Ohlsen

Both personality and identity can be shown through their clothing and hair style(s), so having a broad selection of styles is a boon for story telling. I rarely write more than a few lines for the bio, and basically only bother with it for uploads to a character database. Being able to craft pre-existing relationship parameters between the newly characters would be nice, as having family members vs. friends vs. "I hate you but neither of us can afford to move" room mates is a different scenario/experience.

Vera Ohlsen

Plus, it might help them figure out what stuff needs tweaking, like adding in certain hair styles or removing stuff that feels like accidental copies of other pieces.


Managing premade characters - will we also be able to delete them from the library after placing a copy in town? I hate all those premade sims in TS3 that will stay there forever, even after their 8th generation offspring is dead. Looking forward to the vid!


I use a lot of sliders to create quite different realistic avatars and recreate celebrities!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The ability to have your characters mouth naturally hang a little open should be implemented! Some people have larger front teeth or just lips that are naturally shaped to hang open and they should be able to make themselves.


Yes, premade characters can be deleted from the library so this shouldn't be an issue!


Reading all the tweaks made has me in awe of all that the team does for the sake of recreation and relaxation of Simulators everywhere. I'm just as excited to play with it as you guys have been creating it. I'd also like to add a vote to a Paramaker Demo TM.

Bre Indigo

I am grinning ear to ear!


Yes! Please please please integrate a function where we can save the outfits we make. It would save me so much time so I can actually get to the playing the game part. Also, I currently spend way too much time in the game that shall not be named going through and deleting all of the outfits for whatever character I'm fixing and then building up their wardrobe from scratch. Could paralives please have a function to one click delete an outfit entirely and save me going through and deleting each item?


thank you to the ParaTeam for working so hard on this amazing game ❤


All of the above! 😄


It might've already be addressed somewhere, but will the Para's body adjust when they put on high heels? Will they get taller etc.?


All except for name for me... I have never had an issue coming up with unique names cuz I do a whole story of who the character is and likes and doesn't like in my head... the name just flows out after that.


Yea exactly if I am sharing the character - then they get a character bio... short one. Cuz this ain't art. Lol here isss what I was tryna do with this character. 🤣 ( whole reality people gonna do what they wanna do with them anyway .. but still for those that aren't so inclined it's nice to have this fully fleshed out back story just there waiting for them to continue the story with ) If it's just for me and my game personally? I don't bother... cuz I prolly spent 3 or 4 hrs setting them up and already got this entire history of them in my head. So I won't bother with a bio then

Diamond Nicole

Cough creatinganimecharacters cough cough 🥴😅


I never thought a bone slider would be something I’m excited to experiment with in a game 🤣 so impressed with how far this team has come and I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with next!


What huge and exciting news! 1) I'm impressed by how nice that spreadsheet looks, haha. 2) I can hardly believe all you've accomplished with the Paramaker! The return of hair physics! The ability to save characters and undo/redo! All clothes for all genders! I'm really looking forward to getting an even more in-depth look at all you've added in that video.

JossGun Shipper

I'm planning on recreating Tricia Takanawa from Family Guy and making her the town nuisance. So i chose the first one. I want to try to make an accurate recreation as possible!


Hi ! I was wondering if it will possible to select as an option in the paramaker one skin type or multiple skin types, that I would like to see appear in my game. In fact, if I'm download new skins on the workshop, i think that it will be great if my Paras and NPCs have the same skin(s) type(s). I would like a coherence in the appereance of all the paras of my game. Because, In the Sims game, Sims I create have an uploaded skins while NPCs have the same game-defined skin. If i decide to chose new(s) skin(s) for my paras, I really wish that all paras (NPCs include) in my game had custom skins. In fact, I especially like that the NPCs don't have too different skin from my paras. Also in this case, I would not like the new generations (newborns, new NPCs) of paras in my game take automatically the skin designed by the game. I wonder that if it's possible for the skins downloaded, and also maybe for the hair, eyes, teeth, clothes downloaded on the workshop ? Example : if I want to create a story only around aliens, I would like all my paras (NPCs, and newborns included) all have blue or green skin with a very special skin type, with special clothes, hair, eyes...etc without exception. I never play with aliens in my game, it's just a example. However, i download a lot of new skins/hair..etc, that's why i come up with this idea .. I don't no if it's possible, but it just suggestions. Last thing if it's possible to select a box in order to revert to the skin/hair/eyes... defined by the game's creators would be nice too. Thanks you Team Paralives, for all your great work !


For me its Hair, makeup and clothes then skills, personality ect. I would like to see long hair styles with variety of colors. Hairstyles in the sims is lacking which is why I have so much Custom Content. On Makeup, I would like to see the ability to have long lashes, variety of colors for all manner of make up and have the choice of shine or matte lipstick. Clothing, I can work with almost anything however, please give me a good selection of High Heel Shoes! That is one thing Sims always frustrates me on the lack luster choice of high heel boots and shoes. I like my females to have sexy shoes! Traits, personality ect, A wide variety of choices would be nice to choose from and hopefully more than 3 per person. 3 is just not enough to define someone. I do agree with others that having the ability to pick out CC by creator when creating your Para would be handy. I currently use Sims 4Studio to customize my CC in the sims I would like to see the ability to do that with Paralives.


I think it would be nice if we could have sliders to make the trunk and leg size bigger and smaller.


I though maybe it could a usefull info, but I personaly never use makeup in the sims 4 because it get on my nerve that I have to redo the makeup from an outfit to an other. Also the same with acessories like percings. I wish there was an option to copy makeup and acessories from an outfit to an other. If you guys add an option like that, I would for sure love doing the makeup of my parafolks


When I make characters, I like having down any preexisting relationships when fitting them into the world. As such I like when things get complicated, for example: when one person has a dislike for another else who loves everyone. I kinda hope that relationship meters can be toggled when making a para household. Just cause relationship dynamic is something fundamental when building characters.


In the paramaker there would be great if there are more link relationship like uncle, aunt, cousins,great-grandparents, boyfriend, fiance, ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, guardians (for children and teenagers)... etc.

BonaparteBardithion .

In Sims there is CC that overrides the default skintones. I think it's quite likely a modder could create similar for Paralives. Since there are going to be tools to customize the sky and day/night cycle there might even be a way to designate default skintones in-game, which would help if you're trying to roleplay a specific region, time and ethnic group.

BonaparteBardithion .

Sounds a little complicated for Paramaker. Maybe have more in-depth relationship levels be an optional menu. Would definitely like to have easy cheats to set relationships (sibling, gf/bf, ect) in live mode. It'd be nice to make someone's cousin after the fact.

Keosha 6

Umm lol I love this comment please marry me, we can create chaos together!

Hoff Fondue

Yes please, I'd love to have something more than "parents and siblings" only when Creating a Household.

S&M Gonzalez

Will we be able to select different talking voices in different ranges including a singing voice in different styles and ranges? In the paramaker.

S&M Gonzalez

I like really detail sliders so I can make really unique and ethnically diverse characters especially if I want to make a multiracial character. Sometimes it’s hard with limited sliders facial wise. I like playing around with makeup looks too, because eyelashes and eyeliner can change a face so much!


My last post was deleted thanks it's super cool!

Christine Harvey

I do a similar thing. I have an idea of how I want the story to go and what type of character I am creating, but I don't write down the backstory. I try to use the traits and career and relationships to play this out. Whether the parent and child don't get along for one reason or another or if there's other drama of sorts, or even just generic stories where they go through their lives. I like having my characters looked varied as well.


I completely agree with you at100%. I do find in some games that the face sliders are quite limited, which does not make it possible to make unique characters or even very much look like a real person. Then I also found that the different types of eyelashes (long / short / bulky), hollow eyelids and eyebags (pronounced or even very pronounced), wrinkles, freckles change a face. Makeup also changes the face of the characters.


I would also like as a body model: dwarf / giant bodies. I would like to be able to redo the size and the physique of Peter Dinklage, Warwick Davis or Jason Momoa, Arnold Schwarzenegger...etc.


I also like the idea of ​​being able to choose the preferences of our paras (like / dislikes) from the paramaker. Example: my para likes this type of music, this type of activity and this type of body but does not like this type of outfit and colors ...etc). And not be too limited to a limited number of preferences and also character traits. In order to have more complex paras. Also traits or preferences that can appear if my para is very often confronted with an activity that he often practices or if he has recurring actions on the part of my para. the game can then ask me if my para likes to do a certain action (or if he still has an aversion to this action). if it's yes the game adds it as a preference or trait and if it's no the game does not add it as a preference or trait,but can maybe add it as an aversion.


I like the possibility of randomizing almost everything because most of the time I am very indecisive. :D


Small things like eyelashes{real looking} make a huge difference in the appearance.


When I create a character in That Other Game™, I like to try to create an appearance that matches the personality and/or backstory I give them. It's usually more of a pitch than a complete and detailed description ("she's a plus sized sports athlete" or "he's an orphan who wishes to lead a life of party"), but I try to have a character that somehow makes sense to me, even though sometimes that includes some contradictions [contradictions make for awesome characters imho]. Something I spend a lot of time on is to find clothes that match, all my characters usually dress in one or two recurring colors, but that's because That Other Game™ is notoriously bad at managing matching colors, so I'm wondering what I'll like in the PAM. It's probably not going to be the same experience because some things won't need to take as much time as "oh no, I wanted this character who longs for exotic travels to dress all in cyan, and there are no cyan pajamas !". So it's a very strong possibility that I'll actually divert more time to new aspects of character creation when creating in this new game. And since you've discussed a couple of times the possibility of a "knowledge tree" for traits, I might actually plan character evolution a bit more ; I look forward to discovering what kind of player Paralives will make of me.


Would love if we could modify/create a family tree in the paramaker. With great-grand-parents, Cousins, Uncles, Parents, nephews, step-father or step-brothers, sister-in-law, and other many titles you're able to find.


Also, lashes and brows, as any other facial-hair feature, DO make a big difference. So please, don't forget different lashes features <3.


And last thing i'm thinking about is teeth. Can we make different types of teeth? Front ones longers, or hole in the front ones, or braces, etc... And also, to quote someone else, being able to modify the mouth opening would actually be pretty dope.

Marta Čisáriková

If it's possible, please make an option to randomize stuff - from name to shape of the head. Sometimes you want to spend hours creating one family, sometimes you just want a random base to get into the game :) Also, if there would be a possibility to chose which categories will be changed - like if you wear glasses, you probably wear them for most of your outfits. Same goes for make-up or eartings. Also you might want the same outfit for everyday and formal - so you wouldn't have to create the same outfit over and over again.

Runner Bunny

Are disabled parafolks still a thing? I remember the paralives team used to post polls about it but I haven't heard anything about the inclusion of disabled paras in a while. I'm kinda worried they won't include them in the final product. Sorry for bad english.


I would really like to have options for details like scars, beauty marks, wrinkles, acne (not only in teens), blush, that sort of thing. And realistic looking beards and diverse body hair

Mary Breyer

Last I remember specifically hearing about them was when they were explaining after the Maggie Christmas video why they showcased the different socks on each food, because that was for implementing prosthetics in the future. I would assume that they won't be able to focus on those until the base paramaker functions are finished, but I'm sure they are keeping it in mind

Allison Marshaw

My favourite thing in life simulation games, or any games that simulate characters at all really, is putting unlikely casts from different IPs (or real people) together and seeing what happens. This involves recreating those characters as accruately as possible for the best experience. This also plays into the world creation feature you've promised. I think it's great fun to be able to recreate fictional worlds and the people that live in them and letting it bleed over into eachother.


I think creating a personality and identity is something that includes things like outfit selections and styles as well as all the fun quirks that could be included. I really love things like selecting a birthday, favorite hobbies and foods, temperaments. Even if most of that can't be really show in the game. It helps to create a backstory and more personal to each player.


You guys are awesome in everything you do and I can't wait to see more stuff you can show as you continue to work on Paralives. Happy holidays! :)

Pepper Dee

I like experimenting with scar shapes/placements, beard shapes/placements, and tattoos. At the very least, I hope it'll be simple to create our own. The options we've been shown so far with the newest reveal have been so promising and exciting to me for this goal that I became a patron, so I don't doubt that this has already been considered. I have a character I've never been able to recreate faithfully with any game, even using CC, but Paralives seems like the first game where I'll get to get SO close!! Even if I have to create one or two things I think it'll be easy enough to make it and insert it.

Kt S

Is there talk of being able to add previous paras to the family tree when making a family? Sims currently has no one listed as parents or it's a parent with no name or picture. It makes it hard to do fun backstories when there isn't a previous family line to play off of.