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Hi everyone, Alice here, your character animator!

As my first contribution to a Patreon post ever, I am very excited to share with you the above video showcasing a few of the many animations we made in the last few months in anticipation of the upcoming live mode gameplay. This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it!

You might have already seen some of them in videos or older posts, like the “sit on chair” one, but we also wanted to show you new content. In the video, you can see new animations that will be used for our future sitting, exercising and dancing interactions.

Some of these don’t have facial animations, that’s because in certain cases we want the Parafolks’ face to be neutral, as we will override them in game with facial emotion poses.

Here’s an example: a walking Parafolk won’t have any specific emotion on their face while walking. Let’s call it the neutral face. If at one point an event makes them feel sad, a sad face will be replacing the neutral face, on top of the walk that is currently playing.

In other cases, like emotional reactions (e.g. a Para crying after getting bad news), the face won't need to be replaced as this is already a full body emotion animation. We can mix and match part of different animations in order to reuse each part in different contexts, minimizing the number of animations to produce.

Maybe we’ll share some of these with you soon... They’re my favorites so far!

How Does Animation in Video Games Work?

As you can see in the video, in the left bottom corner, a text shows which animation is playing. For example, for the “Sit on chair one”, the game will require 3 clips:

  • Sit on chair
  • Sit on chair idle → You can play this one as many times as you need as it loops perfectly, that means that the first and last pose of the animation are the same.
  • Get up from chair

These cases are pretty simple, but it can become more complex depending on the action. If you want to know a bit more about that and missed it, Anna shared a lot of very interesting behind the scenes in this Patreon post.

A New Parafolk?

I know you will all ask who this Parafolk is, sadly it is just a (cute) random para Sonia created to showcase to you a bit of my work. This character, the skin details and the hair are still being improved by Sonia and Léa.

Please note that these animations might be tweaked later and are therefore not final. We also know that we have some clipping issues (feet through the floor, hands in the thighs…), but worry not, it will all get fixed later.

I really hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my work, please let us know if animation is a subject that you’d like to see here from time to time.

Until then, here’s my work email for anyone who wants information on animation in general, what software to use, where to start when you’re new to animation, what schools or formations could be useful… I’ll be happy to take a bit of my free time to help: aliceparalives@gmail.com

Have a great weekend, and please take care!

Alice (•◡•) /


Christophe Zajac

Holy crap those animations look amazing!

Brandi Werthner

Okay WHAT?! These animations so far are AMAZING. Not even through the whole video and I’m so happy to see how good these look. The movement is realistic and smooth.


WE LOVE THE WORKOUT ANIMATION competition who ?❤️❤️❤️


These look amazing!


You did a amazing job on the animations! I can’t wait to see what else you can do!


This is super exciting!


Even the legs was shivering a little bit doing the planks. Love it so much to see the progress ❤


I love the sitting on the floor ones can we add a cross cross apple sauce type pose later


Awesome looks good so far!!


This is looking great! ❤


the fact that they can sit on the floor is incredible, but they can sit on the floor in more than one way????? im more excited for this game every day.

Diamond Nicole

It's amazing ya'll are so talented 🔥 I'm so glad to be a patron 😭❤


Very smooth and many unique ones, nice job!

Katie Bellissimo

These are fantastic!! So realistic!! Absolutely would love more animation posts these get me SO excited for this game! Keep up the great work! ❤️


That's looking so good!!

Nyssa Joseph

This is so cool! Love seeing how well this game is progressing. So excited 😍



Chiara Fuentes

This is amazing! I'm so glad I've been able to witness this game grow. Thank you!


I love the variety already going on, and everything looks very smooth and natural


They look exceptionally good! My one piece of feedback is that the animations seem a little slow and sluggish. My personal preference is for animations to be a bit faster. Secondly, I hope there is a lot of attention to idle animations. I don't want Paras to sit around staring blankly like they are lifeless. They should scream in agony if they are hungry, they should be stomping their feet if they are frustrated. The player should feel the consequences of not taking care of them.


Looks awesome so far :) I would definitely like to see more regarding animations and gameplay :) It is super interesting to see how the game is getting better and progressing.


Love it ! Thinking of the "plank" animation. That is not a very good form for working out :) Just thinking how will these animations work when you play?


these look amazing! great job


This looks fantastic.


Oh my goodness, the sitting on the floor is so cute! These animations look so real, Alice and team. Well done!!


The music and I loved all the animations the work out ones especially because it’s more than just pushups and jogging

Daniel Asraf

I'm soooo excited!!! Keep up the great work!


This looks soooo good! The movements are so smooth and natural!


Sitting on the floor and counter makes me so excited! So natural and will make the game seem so much more lively


Incredible work 💕💕✌️


Just a random musing while watching is if there will be animations specific to a personality type? These already look so good, I'm hyped :]


Looks awesome so far!!


These are amazing! I would take them as is and be happy!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I would love to see an inspiration sheet of the clothes and hairstyles you want in the game!


Omg this is so CUTE!!!


This looks amazing


I love the relaxed animations. I'm curious if personality will have an effect on some of the animations such as a more relaxed para sitting back on the couch as opposed to sitting up straight.

Maiden Minnesota

Dang! Almost looks like you used mo-cap to do those! So lifelike!


It's obvious now why her knees are so well-defined 😁


Great work as always, i look forward to the culmination of all your hard work


What on earth is wrong with her knees lol they look bloody


OMG I love these animations!! 😍😍 Where's the photo of the new parafolk? It's not appearing to me 😕


I love them! I'd still like to see different versions of the workout depending on their individual skilllevel, maybe even depending on their love/hate for working out (through enthusiasm or complaints)


In the last couple of animations, the facial expressions really gave them life! I am so so excited to see what you guys have next this looks amazing! I agree that some of the animations seem a little slow at times, but maybe this is more obvious without the facial expressions on some. Wondering if the animations will have other variations based on mood aside from facial expressions? Like if a para is in a good mood they will be more bouncy or if that would just be too much to animate.

Joanna Hinds

Omg I looooveeee these, can we expect some sexy/sensual dance animations or (animations in general). I’m Jamaican and simulation games never make it spicy enough for me. I need that thang to be moving! (Just kidding but not about needing some more sensual animations in simulation games)


I don't know, if the devs are going for a more realistic life sim then should the paras even acknowledge the player by demanding their needs are met? Aside from the occasional toddler, I've never seen anyone IRL scream in agony because they're hungry or stomp their feet when they're frustrated...

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I would love to see animations relating to comfort! Like if they have a cheap bed that's uncomfortable they'll get up and have a crick in their neck or a bad back


They look fab. Would love to see more animation stuff shared on the patreon posts!


Aaaah, these are already very good! Realistic and various, I love ! Thank you so much for sharing with us, I'm grateful to be a Patreon 🤗🌞💜

Joanna Hinds

Alsoooo can we kiss a para while they sit on the counter!!???? Please say yes!


Omg I'm so excited for this game aaa. The animations are looking really good, build mode is awesome (might turn me into a builder lol). But the thing that shocked me the most is that that para sorta looks like me??? Makes me excited to have hair that actually looks like mine (even when not fully finished).


Man, she’s got better form on some of those workout moves than I do 😂

Lane Brettschneider

This is so great and gets me so excited for everything that is to come! She got out of that chair so easily, it made me think I hope that older paras will have a different animation for standing up lol! I'm only 30 and it's not that easy for me to get out of a chair sometimes XD

Shaun Robinson

This is great but I don’t like her knees 🙅🏻‍♂️ Haha too red and weird looking

Kanchaross J.

OMG! I don't know where to start! I'm super excited for the live mode. I didn't know that the animations will be this realistic and I like that. My favourite is going to be the dance. That's so cute! I hope this is not the finalised version of the paras, because I really like Maggie's style. Can't wait to see more. I also want to add something a bit. It's so kind of you to give the space for those interested in animation, Alice!


The animations look good so far! The sitting ones look so natural. I'd love to see more!

Victoria Garcia

So cool!! All of the animations look amazing!! 💕


I love this! I wasn't expecting a glimpse into animations again for another month or so, so getting the email about this practically jolted me out of my sleep lol! I am a bit jealous that they move far less awkwardly than me but I love that they're able to be neutral! It's nice to just let your character(s) be okay.


It looks so realistic, love it!


The animations are looking so great and I know they will all become more fluid with time and your creative and talented touch!! Love the team, love your work!! ❤


Without the facial animations it gives off that uncanny valley feeling, otherwise the animations look so smooth and well researched! Couldn't something like overriding animation be done? For example, each of these actions have an integrated facial expression and if something mood related were to happen, that action would override the regular idle-actions animation. It's probably harder to do than it sound on paper, I'm sure, but it would be such a major improvement!


Looking good so far but I would love to see how much variety we will get with dance animations. Keep them coming


The animations are so nice and fluid… really great job Alice.. Thank you for putting in all this hard work and sharing your progress with us!!! We greatly appreciate any videos you share!!


So first off. I really really like the animations. The character feel life like, and fun. I like how there are different exercise animations. Which brings me to a question. Will different exercises work out different parts of their body? For example, if a para does weightlifting and never does squats or jogging, will they have bigger arms than legs? I understand that this is a pretty complicated system. So to be clear this is not a request, just a pondering

Virginie M.

I love all of these but the "think" one is particularly well done, it's my favorite! ❤️


These animations look great, good work! My only feedback is that the dance moves should look more spontaneous and fun. I realize her neutral expression is detracting from it, but the animations themselves are too slow and considered, not like real dancing. Great starting point though!


The pushup animation could use some work, as she is arching her back when she goes down. She also doesn't go low enough and looks in front of her instead of at the floor, which creates that arched back.

Fran Smith

Love these animation posts! Love how you explain your thinking and how they are accomplished. I also love the casualness in the animations. In many games we seem to always see less casual sitting and body language, but that's not really everyday real. This is more everyday real, and I'm really liking it!! I also like seeing the variety in different stances. I hope that these will also vary with personality. Awesome! Thanks so much!! I can't wait for more!! :-))


Wow, they are so smooth! I also love that they don’t look cartoon-y, instead rather realistic 💕 Keep doing what you’re doing!


En plus des possibilités différentes d' animations sur les mouvements et gestes😎, j'apprécie 🙌🏾le réalisme des arbres 🌳qui bougent qu'on aperçoit au travers de la fenêtre


Yeah, we definitely need something like those "embarrassing Mom and Dad" dance moves. I'd love to see that. xD


The variety of the exercise movements already programmed is impressive. It's great to see the care given for this project each time y'all post! Quel beau travail, merci pour ces p'tits cadeaux


These look great so far! A few suggestions, though: * For the exercise animations, maybe they can be unsteady and sloppy with heavy breathing and flopping down on the floor for Paras with low athletic skill. * Outgoing Parafolks could have more wild and exaggerated dance moves while shy Parafolks wouldn't really move too much.

Sonny J

I’m thrilled to see that the movement style is more realistic and subtle. The wild cartoony gesticulating made me a little crazy after a while. The only thought I have on these is that sometimes the shoulders look too square. A slight tilt or waver would help them look more breathy and real. Keep up the great work!


Will there be a Parafolk in a Wheelchair?


Nothing to do with the animations... but the knees look so off-putting. They legit distracted me from the video.. Like a horror.. just kept staring at the gross knees. Lol


The dancing with no facial expression has me cackling 😆


Nice Animations! Nice Room! Nice Para! 😍😍😍

John PT

I loved the animations! Very fluid! Great work. The only thing I think deserves improvement it's the para's hair so since that's already being worked on, i just have to say keep up the good work. So proud of the teams journey!


I am so impressed with this they move like an actual person


These are really nice! :)


Rude. Also, this is a muscular Para. Not every Para will look like an adolescent. Some people have knees like this too. I’m happy to see some different kinds of bodies.


The animations look great:)

Michael Green

Omg the animations look so fluid and realistic!!! Amazing job! Did you guys use motion capture for the movements or something else?

Anxious Aries

As an animation major this was so cool to watch, and would definitely love more info on what you use to animate and how you do it😊


This is so, so impressive! The animations look so smooth and natural! One suggestion would be for older paras to maybe take more time/have more difficulty doing those things? Maybe they stop more to brace their back/get up from sitting more slowly or something? All in all, this is looking so good!


The animations are GORGEOUS!!! Alice really knocked it out of the park ☺️

Samara Stanleigh

This looks so good so far! I'm super excited to see that the parafolk can sit on the counter and floor, not just on chairs and couches

Ella Pilchik

These look really nice! Great job!


those knees seem a bit too much, like if she was kneeling for the whole day : P but the animations look really nice : )


Love the animations. Can you please ensure that the dancing fits the music? So classic music is more ballet style, party music is more outgoing dancing style and romantic music is more slow dance. And could you add couple dance?


It would be great if some animations were linked to a fitness variable. So depending in your fitness level it would accelerate/slow down animations to display needing more or less effort involved in the motion. You could make it so that toddlers start with zero 'fitness' so that their motions show as still hesitant since they're learning, and for elderly paras 'fitness' could start decaying faster, to showcase their aging through slowed down movements.

Natan Peixoto

they look great!!! almost cried hahaha


I love the animations! I have a nit picky comment … the knees sometimes look realistic, which I really like! But other times they look kinda like they are bloody. Not sure if anyone else thinks that, but wanted to share.


I'm soo looking forward to playing the game, the animations are soo cool XD


Loving the look of the characters and the animations, but the fixed knee texture looks a little weird when the knees are fully bent. I do realise it's probably a hard thing to pull off though.

Megan Santucci

Haha I love the disclaimer that the Para doesn't have a name or anything

Megan Santucci

She definitely has better form doing pushups than I do! 😂


This is amazing!!! I love this. It’s so exciting to see how far and how brilliant it’s coming along 🥰🙏🏻🎉

Diamond Stephenson

Can you make the option for Women to cross their legs


wow thats all i can say ,good job guys


You guys are doing an amazing job, it looks so good! :) I'd love to see different postures and ways of interacting with furniture. Like some paras slouch, lounge in their seats, put their elbows on the table (rude ik), rest their head in their hands, etc.


Fantasic work but just wanted some clarification; some of these animations are looking stiff. Will it be updated as well? I'm used to The Sims fluid animations (the one thing Maxis is actually good at). Just hoping there will be more weight placement around the Paras to make it convincing. I'm a 3D animator and I love the work ya'll do.

Ana Rode

This looks so great!!!👏🏼👏🏼


I. Love. Your. Work. Thanks for sharing the update with us! The hype is real!

Stacey Dunnachie

This is so cool! I'd be happy to see more!

Luther Duncan

WOW these animations are beautiful ! so smooth and unique.


Loving the progress! Looking awesome!!


Thank you for the feedback! Everything is still a work in progress and we are aiming to make the animations look natural and add variations to them


We're still working on the texture details so we'll keep polishing them :)


I love that they can sit on the floor or counters!! I myself LOVE sitting on counters 😂


Making sure that the dancing fits the music would be really cool, we will see what we can do! Couple dance is important so it's very possible that we will add animations for that in the future


Thank you! We have two ways to sit on the floor right now and it's possible that we'll add more later


Doing the plank in real life is so hard! I tried once The animations will be tied to actions that you can ask your Paras todo in the game


Yes! For some actions, we'd love to have different animations that play based on the personality


The new Parafolk is the one in the video, there's no photo other than the video :)


Since we are a very small team, we won't be able to create an infinite amount of animations but we'd love to have some animation variants depending on the personality or mood of the Para!


Good feedback! It's true that animations could be different based on the age of the Para


Good question! We're still thinking about how exercising will affect the fitness level and the body of your Para so more info on that will come later :)


We would really like to add wheelchairs to the game and we are looking into what we can do about that


Thank you! Yes, everything is still being polished including the hair :)


Thank you! Alice filmed herself making these movement so she could use the videos as reference to create the animations. Motion capture was not used


Oh my gosh this is so exciting to see!! Please more updates from you❤ so fascinating to see how much goes into each component of an action, it really makes me appreciate all yalls work 😭😭

Jessica Hughes

I'm so happy to see the progress, and BEYOND EXCITED FOR MORE! You all are truly amazing. Sending love and support!


Clean & nice animations! Brava!

Christina Ozeki

Thank you for sharing your first post on the new animations, they are fantastic. This just made me even more excited (which I didn't think was possible, because I was already filled with happy anticipation) for the release of the game in the future. :) :D


OMG These look amazing!!!! I'm so happy ya'll are showing more of the animations because that is honestly what will make the game more immersive for me. Also, I just want to say that I love how natural the movements look when they bent down to do the push ups. The way the feet curled in the shoe instead of staying straight was downright beautiful.


Absolutely loving the direction for the animation style. One thing that bothers me about other life sims is how difficult it can be to create a more serious, or even ordinary, story because of the over the top style of even just basic actions. Chatting involves arms flailing around wildly, cooking means my character will do a whole comedy routine, god forbid my character is experiencing an emotion because then their whole behavior and demeanor changes to that of a child's. LOL. That being said, there's nothing innately wrong with more "goofy" animations so to speak, but to force that style on all characters severely limits the imagination of the player to impose their own chosen personality on the character IMHO. That also being said, there is something to be said about how an animation can still retain "charm" while keeping a more grounded, realistic style. Boring animations would be on the other end of this spectrum. There is a middle ground that is the jackpot, I think. Anyways, these are just my rambling ideas as I've put a lot of thought into why I (and I imagine some others) have trouble attaching to my characters. But honestly, from everything I've seen so far, you guys seems to be avoiding this trap and striking that middle ground. I'm seeing realistic, but still with a touch of charm. So good work, Alice! :D

Sabine B

You've said it really well 👍 Some of the other comments about her knees were a bit rude. I thought they looked good in the exercise animations but I definitely think they're too red. I was distracted for the first part of the video bc of them.

S&M Gonzalez

I agree I think it’d be nice if the facial expressions and actions were more realistic, and the the goofier/emotional ones could be played based on them actually feeling those emotions instead. I don’t mind neutral facial expressions on some actions

S&M Gonzalez

I love that there’s different animations for different exercises! And also the different styles of sitting on the floor. Does this mean we can be more selective in choosing which exercises our para does vs using a machine?


I really enjoyed that there were two different sitting on the floor poses, and that there was more than just sit in the chair. The counter was another one that felt like it could really help create a more natural setting. Though I wonder if the Parafolks grow old if some of these sitting options won't be as viable, given how tough it would be on old bones to hop up onto a counter or crouch down onto the floor. 😅


Amazing Alice!! I can already see the exercise classes at the local gym.


Congratulations on your first post, Alice :) And on your amazing work. I really like these animations. There is a feeling of effort and weight that I'm not fully capable of describing, but, as the phrase goes for other matters, "I know it when I see it". The Standing Up 2 animation particularly felt really... gravity-aware. Previously we've been explained a few things about the sitting animations and how they're, in part, dynamic, so that they can apply to different kinds of seats of varying sizes and height. But seeing this new character (let's call them Pat ?), I was wondering if you could give us some insight about how animations work with different body frames. Is there any accounting for that ? Because obviously you get a lot more clipping with a fat body if you use the animations as is, for instance. I'd be really curious about that part :)


Looking great! Will we be able to select a collection of animations when creating a Parafolk (like will animations be gendered and will we be able to pick which set to use)?


these all look so fantastic, thank you for sharing :D i adore that Paras can sit anywhere on a floor. though i do think the squat animation might look a bit more natural if the para squares their feet up to their shoulder width? if that makes sense? their feet look a bit too close together for a proper squat, in my experience. other than that, they all look super natural already!! love seeing the progress

M13Vulpecula XIII, ruler of Vulpeculand

Good work there Alice :D I really like the relaxed vibes this video is giving :3 What I think would make Paras feel truly alive would be: that they already start 'preparing' for an animation right before actually doing the action; eg: A Para about to lift themselves on the counter to sit on would get their hands ready to place on the counter during their final steps towards it, or a Para walking to another Para to give them a hug would open up their arms when they get nearby. Small details and fluid animations like that would make the Paras feel truly alive :3


"Some of these don’t have facial animations, that’s because in certain cases we want the Parafolks’ face to be neutral, as we will override them in game with facial emotion poses." I LOVE THIS!!


Just a small note: when she sits down she seems a bit stiff, especially in the shoulders even when she is on the counter. Could you add more ways of sitting? Such as putting an arm over the back of the sofa or chair, crossing her legs, scratching, stretching, drumming with her fingers. I know that's a lot to ask but it would be nice if some parafolks had a personal way of sitting / gesturing or waiting on their feet.


Great Job, Alice! I can see your vision and where you are going with the animations. Looking promising :) Being a dancer myself I really wish we will also have serious dance animations, including classical dancing, more variety really (eg Ballett, Jazz Dance, maybe even couple dances sims could learn with their beloved ones) than we have in other sim games where every dance style is goofy and over the top. I know these animations are a preview, just wanted to share my hopes with you :)


C'est tellement bien fait wow <3


That's an awesome preview! I hope we will get to know how animation modding will be like soon.


It's great to be able to sit on the ground and on the table! I wonder if some personal preferences will be added next. For example, a character is more used to sitting in a certain position, or prefers to sit on a sofa (or chair)?


All I can say is "Amazing work y'all". Cannot wait to see the animation game play.

Gary Hardt

The animations are insanely good for being early preview I get more excited every time I see these vids.


The fact that there will be exercise is super cool!!! I would love to have the availability and maybe a quick how to released with or after the game on what can be modded and what can't. Yall work so hard. Thank you!


"We can mix and match part of different animations in order to reuse each part in different contexts, minimizing the number of animations to produce." Though this has already been revealed in the earlier post, it still makes me smile. It will surely save your resources for creating new and meaningful content and thus, prevent ending up the situation that other game seems to have at the moment. Ps. It's very satisfying to see paras behaving realistiacally. To my mind, watching exaggerated animations and characters doing "normal things" like noobs* might be fun for a while but it easily becomes repeative little by little. ...not to mention about the situation in which funny and silly interactions seem to be the only well done "non-decorative" content in the actual game. * Yes, I know about the parodical aspect of that other franchise. (:


The animations look fantastic and that hair is stunning!


Wonderful animations! So smooth and natural. Beautiful work. I was thinking how nice it would be if the sitting postures often would reflect the different personalities. A slob would most of the time sit leaned back, perhaps feet on the table, or almost lying down on the couch, perhaps also if a Para is really tired, the person would lean back and really sink into the couch. A shy person would sit pretty upright, and a very sophisticated person would perhaps cross their leg while sitting upright. And a very chill or creative person would often sit cross-legged on the floor. I love what you have done so far.


Was about to say the same thing ! It would definitely be cool to have the same actions done in different poses depending on the paras. Some would sit at a table and lean on the table with both elbows, or sit back - and some would definitely be more straight, legs closed, good posture. BTW, i LOVE that we could sit on furniture like that wardrobe!! It increases the realism and the possibilities by A LOT. It'll feel so much more natural when people are hanging out in a room, to have a few on chairs, some on the floor and some on random furniture. Because, yeah, nah, people don't often grab chairs and sit in circles to hang out at home, like in the sims lol. And last thing, I know that this character isn't the subject of this conversation, but can I just point out that the lines defining her knees where a bit too appearing/pronounced to my taste (almost looked like a stain) ? No reproach there, I know the team is still working on it, but I just thought I'd point it out anyways. Anyways, the animations look incredible, very realistic, so smooth and we can see that every small detail of the movement was thought through. Impressive work to Alice and whomever worked on it ! Can't wait to see other posts about animations !

Mari R.

I love this! Its so smooth and natural and not-robotic! Also sitting on floors and furnitures adds a lot of realism to the game, and opens new possibilities. I hope the paras will be able to interact with each other while siting on the floor/forniture, etc! Thank you paralives team!


Oh my god wow


I think it would be great if they avoided certain sitting areas; like sitting on cold and hard floortiles or using toilets as seats


This looks sooo great. As others have said it looks so natural, and I like the variety that you are building in. Keep up the great work, I am certain you are developing an absolutely legendary game.


Looks so good! I can’t wait to play 😭😍❤️

Christina Dipo

It looks amazing, but cant help to think how it would be cool if your para where clumsy they could maybe do the things more clumsely, and opposite when very orderly their movements would be more rigid? Just a thought? :D


isnt the hair supposed to move?


Oh my god i love this so much, i wanted to cry. I cant wait for this game. You guys suprise me more and more each and every update


Omg yes! I love realistic animations and face expressions. Keep up the good work.


SO good


SO GOOD what i think would be sooo funny is if u have a low fitness skill if ur para tries to do a pushup they will groan and fall on their stomach


This looks awesome ♥


they look so human i will cry


These animations are so smooth and natural! Better than in The Sims. I love it. ❤️


This was beautiful🥺


could we have a sit position with crossed legs? as an asian, it only feels right haha, but i understand if it comes in a future dlc/pack.


The animations look lovely already, but I kept getting distracted by the para's knees. They're so much more detailed than the rest of the body texture and looks kind of strange.


Brilliant! ❤️❤️


Great animations! Love it! 🙂 Knees/joints should be be less red... looks like they're ignited. 🙈😅


How do you obtain the motion files I've been using this site for years, I believe they are free to distribute, copy and render in your own works, this could result in some increased movement to the database http://mocap.cs.cmu.edu/search.php?subjectnumber=%&motion=%


I think they will be incredibly inclusive with their base game and if it's not in the base game it'll be in a free update. Or someone will release their own add on in the steam workshop.


The animations are good but it will be more natural if some facial expressions are included during the exercising and dancing animation.


Nice background music, and I like how "weighted" the animations are.


I love the animations, great job!


Oh yes, I love animation content, I'd love to see more! The animations look so smooth and realistic! Also the facial expressions (those near the end, not the neutral place holder) look very lively! I love it so far <3 Only the skin detail on the knees is a bit too much for my taste, but you already said it's still being improved :)


Peep the push-up form thoo. Very nice!

Ashlee Brenner

This is really detailed, wow


I absolutely love it!! But the knees are throwing me off so bad. 😂 you guys have came a long way!! ❤️❤️🥰🥰


The hopping off and onto the counter is brilliant! It looks so realistic, amazing job!!!


wow they look great! love the dances


love the facial expressions, fluid movements, and the sitting on the floor options. so excited!


Do you guys like how the Parafolks look? I think they look a bit comic book-ish. Not saying that is a bad thing but perhaps they could look a bit more realistic to fit in with the environment (house, furniture, etc)? What does everyone think?


Great work, my only concern is that the graphic of parafolk doesn't fit in the environment


Love these animations and the look of that parafolk!


Love it! The animations are flowy but still a bit stiff. However, I trust you guys will find a way to make everything smooth. You have come such a long way, it's amazing to see! It would be so cool if the parafolk had a few more ways to sit or if they would change positions after a while. :)


I like the animations but wish the faces had emotions to go with the movements.

Hoff Fondue

One thing here is to make so the Paras head follows the movement that these doing, like, before we sit, we look at what is in the chair, we just don't sit anywhere. That granted, animation are amazing, loving it

Sherri Small

In the first videos of Maggie, there was hair animation/physics. What happened to the hair movement???

Michelle Lovette

I agree with this, I think it’s a little to comic book-ish/cartoony and I love the way the environment/ world looks, I just want paras and animals to match that


As a person who prefers to sit on the floor over anything else, I love seeing animations for sitting on the floor. :)


Wow the movements seem so smooth! Definitely would like to see more life in facial features/body langauge but for just movements, this is awesome!


Omg amazing work you guys but quick note when she does the interactions her shoes goes sinks into the floor . I know this not the final version of these interactions but also can you please add emotion and expression to their faces when they do these different interactions . But honestly I’m really blown away at this video and the animation.

Anastasija Duk

oh, wow! Such smooth animations!


Omg love it


That counter is gorgeous!


I love all the animations, especially the sitting ones. I hope you guys also add a sitting animation with the legs crossed, kids sit like that all the time. Also, I sit on the arm of the couch sometimes and I think it'd be nice if paras could do that as well.


This looks so good, I'm so excited! Please add a variation to the sitting poses: slouching, leaned back, legs crossed, etc. Anyway, great job so far.


Please dont put the animation with the fingers put together like a lookinglass, its from sims and I hate it!! Otherwise it looks good. The run though, needs a bit more spring...no one I have seen running have the head still...it goes up and down. Another thing I would love is a facial expression; You lift only one eyebrow , that can be interpreted so diffrently..which make it soo good for storytelling.

Marta Čisáriková

Love these animations ♥ The hair look a little wonky, but the animations are awesome, especially the possibility of sitting on higher objects or the floor!!!


I very much appreciate being able to sit, especially in a natural, relaxed way! this art style is so cute. I would love to see a sit animation with one leg up, and the other leg tucked under it, if that makes sense. Something like the beginning of sit on floor 1 :)