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Hi there, happy Friday!

A look back at the chalet

It was extremely heartwarming to read everyone's reaction about the chalet and our build mode gameplay video! We were also happy to collect your feedback and take notes on things to improve. Thank you for supporting us on this journey! It's really exciting to build stuff in the game and we can't wait for you to try it when the game is ready.

Build Mode: What's left to do (For Patrons only! Please don't share)

After seeing our build mode video, you might think we're pretty much done with the build mode. However, we still have many elements to polish, content to add and features to create. Here's an overview of our TODO list for the build mode:

  • Roof tools. We didn't show off these tools in the build mode video because they are not ready. We have some design to do and we need to make sure these tools are really easy to use.
  • Stair tools. Because stair tools aren't ready, in the video, I built two steps between the dining room and the living room using the split level tools so a step was a tiny split level platform. We'll be working on our stair tools to allow people to create all kind of stairs easily. Looking forward to see what people will do with that!
  • Basements. You will be able to build a basement. We also aim to allow people to build houses on a slope so for instance, the front of the house could be uphill so the basement is underground there but the back of the house could be downhill so the basement is exposed and at ground level there.
  • Parafolk interactions with furniture and objects. A lot of people were curious to know how Paras will be using the resizable and customizable objects in Paralives. It's a bit of a challenge but we have planned some systems to take care of that so your Paras will be able to use all your furniture as long as there's enough room for them to navigate to the object.
  • Pools. We'll be working on the pool tools and show them to you in details when they are ready! Many dream houses have a pool so I'm looking forward to build all kinds of pools!
  • Object grouping. We need to snap chairs to tables and couch parts together so you can move them as a group if you want to change their position in your house.
  • Adding a whole lot of furniture and objects. For the chalet, we created new objects for the game but we'll need to create a lot more of them so people can build houses in different styles and have different options for each object they can place in the world.
  • More UI improvements, general tweaks and optimization.

Although we'll still be busy working on the build mode, some of us are making progress on the characters, the Paramaker and the first steps of the live mode. More on that to come later!

Signing Postcards

We are just about done signing the postcards for Patrons who were on the Hero (USD $20) or Legend (USD $50) tier on June 1! This postcard features an exclusive Paralives artwork made by Sonia. We'll be sending them by Monday and you should receive yours within the next few weeks, depending on where you are in the world. Here's a picture of all the 550 postcards that the team signed! ✍️

Have a great weekend!




Pools! Stairs! so excited!


Incidentally I was playing another life sim game so I'm pretty excited for this. An awesome update all around!


Keep up the good work guys!!

Tee W

I'm so excited to watch this game progress. I've been following from the beginning and I am amazed at what has come about so far.


Everything looks great so far, a question I have is about the lot showcased. Was this a created lot where the fence and shrubs were done by the player beforehand or will this be a preset one you customize later? Or is it a static preset lot?


Oh man, I am unreasonably excited to finally be able to build a house with ground level basement access! Here in Chicago it's pretty common to have a basement floor that basically sticks halfway out of the ground, with stairs up to the first floor and down to the basement


Love the idea of building a house in a hill!


I think that some short "live mode" with paras using one resizeable or freely placed object, like the bed or a chair angled to the table would be amazing and help a lot of people see the amazing potential of this game. That being that. I'm so excited! The build tools look so amazing already and there are still so many cool features left to see. I. CAN'T. WAIT!! Thank you so much for making this game 💖


Omg love it! I cannot wait to see how the paras will interact with things


so excited to be able to build houses into hills!!!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The houses on a slope is very exciting to me since I live in Atlanta where that's very common!


Same! My house is built on a slope so the basement is exposed on one of the sides, and would be cool to be able to recreate that in paralives 😄


Sounds promising! 😊 You all stay healthy 🙏🏻


Walkout basements!?!?!?! I am so excited!!!!


I'm so excited about basements! I hope we don't need to mess with the terrain (like sink it) in order to have basements that are half-exposed, like the sort where there are windows almost at ground level into the basement.

Maiden Minnesota

You mean the world won't be FLAT??? What a concept! (hee hee hee!)

Kyle Ansel

The house on a slope capability is so realistic!


The chalet lot was an empty preset lot with preplaced fences and shrubs that the player can change or remove :)

Anna Wendel

The chalet was awesome and I’m so excited to see the future progress of the build mode ☺️ Great job you guys!

Anna Wendel

Oh also I LOVE the thing about basements being able to be half underground, half not. I will FINALLY be able to make my irl house!! 😍

Ella Pilchik

im so proud of you guys for all the work youve gotten done! im really excited for the future!


Walk. Out. Basements. On slopes. This is something I didn’t even realize was missing in other life sim games and something I wanted until just now. Wow, if you can get that working that would be amazing. The build mode looks incredible so far, and I look forward to seeing the stair/pool/roofing tools. Given that we’ve seen all three of those in past videos it seems like you have a solid foundation already (no pun intended). And it’s super exciting to hear you’re starting work on Live mode. Cheers!


Thank you, Alex, for the exciting updates of what's to come and I can't wait to get my postcard!! They are always so beautiful and me knowing each member of your awesome team signs them only make the cards all the more special!! Wishing all the best and stoked for what's ahead!!


Regarding the furniture interaction - by the comments I suppose people were mostly curious / doubtful about chairs, and rightfully so as they are most often combined with interactions with other furniture like tables and desks. I think there will be people who share the thought that chairs can be more rigid and 'snap' to the tables / desks so they can be reliably used in interactions / animations AND I guess not-neatly orginized chairs irks almost everybody, and placing the in just the right angle may be a bit irritating ;)

Melissa Toothman

Your video got some new attention from popular sims YouTubers who haven't even mentioned Paralives on their channels prior! Exciting!


I'm excited to see what else build mode has in store and to see more of the paramaker, live mode, and eventually other paras! It takes time to be great so take all the time you need. 💛


So excited! Thanks team!!! I hope my Para can chill on a floaty


I'm like super proud of you guys. I know the pressure is on and the bar is high but you blew me away.... So excited to see what's next.

Maxayn Henderson

I can't wait to see what else is coming. I did wonder if the stuff shown in the old kitchen video will still be used? I'm here for everything!!! The team is amazing 👏 and this game will reflect that!!!


You all are amazing, keep up the great work.


Wow, sigining 500 postcards.. My hand aches just thinking about it X)


I was wondering about the paint tools. In the sims you can paint walls and floors one by one instead of an entire wall/room, but in the sims there is a grid and the walls are always the same size. So I was thinking that you can drag the paint or you can click on the wall and It doesn't paint but you need to click a second point to paint as much wall as you want!


I'm glad you'll be making more objects in different styles. As customizable as these are, they're still very midcentury modern. As much as I like that style, I'd like to see more traditional doors, windows and furniture like you see in older houses.

Fran Smith

Hehe, not necessarily "just about everybody". I was actually hoping that the snapping DIDN'T make the chairs all uniform to the table. That's a tad boring, and not realistic. And it adds limits to the character of the houses you can build. I'd like to be able to build fancy houses for rich people where the chairs may well be perfectly placed. But I would also like to be able to build houses of poor or, let's say, lower tidy standard houses, where chairs are more lackadaisically placed. I really hope that the snapping doesn't enforce chairs to be perfect. It's a bit like the wall angles, really - they allow more variety and character in builds. There has to be table attachment for gameplay reasons, but the game is more perfect when there is more choice and the snapping doesn't add limits, because these are also character limits.

S&M Gonzalez

Same! I hope they have a lot of different styles someone on Reddit did a post on this idk the name but there’s pic of different door and windows and archways that’s more old worldType European architecture style. If I find the link I’ll post it here


Thank you thank you thank you!

Kanchaross J.

Can't wait to see more updates in the future! I'm also curious to see the pool when it's ready.


I'm looking forward to see the pool features! I hope they can have round shapes!


Very nice! I HAVE A SUGGESTION: I think we need to have the option to mark objects that close to each other and lock them so we can move as one (not only a table with chairs but EVERYRHING, like if I create a book stand with some decorations and I want to move it to another room)


I’m excited to see how the parafolk will preform in game. Thanks for the update Alex✨


Yay!! i cant wait for the postcard!! I have the first one propped up on my desk! <3 So proud of how far this game has come from early development and still so happy to be supporting this game. Always appreciate the updates and how you actually listen to any/all feedback!! Keep up the great work guys!!! As much as we are all excited for this game to be released, please take your time. This game will DEFINITELY be worth the wait!!


Oh I'm so excited to see what Live Mode will bring us :)

Brandi Werthner

I am so excited to get my hands on this game when it comes out 😍


merci infiniment a toute l'équipe paralives j'ai trop hâte de découvrir un peux plus chaque jours le jeux vous faite un travail super merci encore


It’s like this incredible team is doing everything I would if I could. :)) the sloped lots idea is amazing and essential IMO to any life sim game. Sims 3 had it and they took it out of sims 4 for some reason.


I love the video you showed of build mode! I loved it so much that I became a Legend tier Patreon immediately after watching! I have watched your videos for awhile and I have been watching your progress BUT this video was golden! I am looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the future. I am happy to be a Patreon member so that I can help you get there!


I realize this may be a lot of coding and work for you devs and for that I apologize. In big cities it would be amazing to be able to make hotels and design then or even other public buildings with the city. Looking forward to all the new features!


I really love how far this project has come. I am so glad you guys will have many options and customization for us when the game fully releases. I am just excited to get my hands on the build features because that's my favorite part of the sims. Thank you for hearing us too. This will be a great game for me because of how many build and buy options there will be.

Tom Lu

In a lot of strategy games, you can select multiple objects by clicking and dragging with the mouse. Maybe that could work in Paralives too


im so impressed with this! good job guys

Jessica Flink

I'm so excited for this game! It's awesome seeing how far this has come and the passion behind creating it. Keep up the great work! Thank you for being so invested with the community! :D The basement description made me think of making Hobbit homes with much more ease. =^.^=


I just moved and missed your postcards :'( ... But thank you to the team for the efforts.. !

Kelsey Griffith

I don’t check in often because I like just forgetting the game is in development, that way I don’t get worked up over wishing it was ready to play haha. But I just want to say the thing that really excited me about this post was that you’re planning to implement HILLSIDE HOUSES!! Oh my god, that is my literal dream! We want our forever home to be in West Virginia which is mostly Appalachian mountain hills, so we will likely have to build a house that’s got a basement half underground and half exposed. Even if you guys finished the build mode and released it as a build simulator I would buy the hell out of it! Haha