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Chalet Reveal Schedule  (For Patrons only! Please don't share)

Over the past few weeks, we have worked hard on building a whole house from scratch in Paralives based on a theme chosen by Patrons, a cozy couple retreat chalet. We're very excited to finally reveal it so here's the schedule:

  • [Patrons only] Today, June 4: Showcase of the floor plan for patrons only
  • [Patrons only] Friday, June 11: Exclusive chalet screenshots for patrons only
  • Saturday, June 12: The chalet house building video, published publicly

It was really great to work on that house because it helped us test our build tools and improve them a lot! We still have a lot of work to do but it's a great milestone for us to be able to showcase the building of a whole house in Paralives!

Chalet Floor Plan Reveal  (For Patrons only! Please don't share)

This first screenshot shows a top view of the floor plan. We decided to only have one floor for this build so it's more comfy and not too big for a couple.

The next screenshot below shows where the Kitchen will be. It's in this room that Paras will be cooking a great meal after a long day of enjoying the great outdoors. There are tall windows with a view on the back of the lot. If you are lucky, you might just see a deer in the backyard. Deers not confirmed for the initial release™️ of Paralives!

Next to the kitchen will be the bathroom. How about enjoying a nice bubble bath with some candles while reading a good book? Would be nice! We'll have to test if it's possible to make your Para read a book while they are in the bath once we make some more progress on the live mode!

A chalet wouldn't be complete without a fireplace or two! That's why we have one in the bedroom and one in the living room. This cozy couple retreat will be a great place to relax and stay warm in the cold days of winter.

On the image below, from left to right, we have the living room, entryway and dining room which are in a big open area with a split level floor plan so you can get a good look at the huge windows and actually feel like you are part of the nature around the house. This great view will be the first thing you'll notice when entering the chalet and you'll also be able to enjoy it while chatting in the living room (left of the front door) or while having dinner (right of the front door).

That's it for the floor plan tour! Stay tuned for next week's Patreon post where we'll show you screenshots of the final chalet with all the furniture and deco before we release the final video! We're pretty happy with what we made so I'm really excited top show you!

We Hired a Music Composer!

We're pleased to welcome Andrei to the team! He will be taking care of all the music and sound effects for Paralives. Audio is a big part of any video game so we're pretty happy about having Andrei with us. I'll let him introduce himself:

Hey everyone! My name is Andrei and I'm very happy to be the new Music composer and Sound Designer at Paralives! Video games have always been a very big part of my life since my childhood and being a music geek, I’ve always dreamed of doing the music for one. My main instrument is piano. I’ve studied many sorts of musical genres and their production ranging from symphonic orchestral music, jazz and latin music to pop, funk, R&B, rock, blues, indie, Lo-fi and many more. All those genres are gonna come in handy in the game ;)

When I was a kid, I used to be addicted to the Sims 2 on the first Xbox. I used to spend unhealthy amounts of time (like most of us) just fooling around with the same 2 characters. Good thing that I found another vice in music later on! Other video games that have influenced me greatly have been all the Assassin’s Creed saga, all the Dark Souls saga and Minecraft in its early days. If it’s worth mentioning I’m also a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars geek.

I’m very excited to take over this role and to hear all of your ideas concerning music and sound effects whether it’s for the characters, UI or basically anything! I’d also like to show you in the future my workflow and how I get to create music! It’s been a life-long dream of mine to be part of a project like Paralives and with my experience and your ideas, I’ll do my best to make justice to this dream-game. Thanks everybody!

Have a good weekend and stay tuned for the full chalet reveal next week!




NICE! I’m so excited!!!

Mo Des

Welcome, Andrei!!


welcome andrei!! dark souls uses music very well so you have my immediate approval ;) wow, the team is in the double digits now. and definitely looking forward to seeing the full chalet.


Welcome Andrei!!! So happy you're joining :D The chalet looks amazing. Especially loving the split level room 😍😍

Christophe Zajac

Welcome Andrei! Congratulations on joining the Team! Can't wait to see what you'll come up with. Super excited for you!



Sara Rocha

Welcome Andrei! And I'm so excited to see the full chalet next week :3


Welcome, Andrei ♥


Its wonderful seeing the team expand so often. Being solely in charge of a game's audio is a major responsibility...looking forward to hearing some great stuff in the future. Also, the curved walls for the build mode really intrigue me. I'm excited to see how that will work too. Nice work as usual and thanks for sharing (: Keep up the amazing work!!


You guys are growing every day! I can’t wait for this game to come out to see all your hard work :)


It's so nice seeing the team growing. I've been following Paralives since it was just Alex and I'm so glad we get to meet everyone as they come on, know their names etc. It makes it more personal and I love each and everyone of you and am so proud


I'm loving the Chalet floorplan and so looking forward to walking through it!! ❤ Welcome to this fabulous team, Andrei! The Sims 2 music is my favorite of all the Sims games and I still listen to the entire soundtrack, often!! 😁 I'm looking forward to hearing yours for Paralives!!


Welcome to Paralives Andrei, can't wait to see what you can do. And I love the layout of the chalet.


Welcome, Andrei!! I'm getting more and more excited each Friday! So, thank you very much for your hard work, and I cant wait to see what more you will share with us! Each time you share a photo of the surrounding (the Paraworld/town), I'm stricken (in a good way) with how beautiful it looks! and now, with the chalet, I can't but wonder will the paras ba able to go on hikes? alone and as social interaction? and again thank you very much!




I like this build it’s so pretty, can’t wait until it’s decorated!


welcome Andrei! Also I just love the aesthetic of everything so far!


Love it! Can't wait to see it fully built!

ღPark Nikkiღ

I love how this is getting better on and on, also welcome to Andrei! 🥰


Holy balls I am going to have so much fun building in this game

Maiden Minnesota

Got a kick and a giggle out of the [Insert Chalet Here!] screenshot! 😂

Elizabeth Gonzales

Welcome, Andrei! I get excited every time I see curvy and slanted walls! Thank you for these screenshots! 😁


Welcome Andrei! I love the floorplan, I would love to get cozy there! I have the suggestion to make the grass less "squeaky green", a little darker and patchier, less manicured :)


Yay! I was sitting on my porch watching fireflies/lightning bugs last night and thought how pretty it would be for that to be in the game. Just little random lights lifting up from grass and plants in the evening hours.


Will there be an option to switch to parallel perspective/projection when building walls? I think that would make it easier to create rooms because you can see the shape better....

Stacey Dunnachie

So excited for the chalet and to hear the music that is going to be composed as well! I love music, so will be great to hear the sounds unique to this game!


Welcome Andrei!! It’ll be amazing to get a sneak peak into the process behind the work that you do, and I can’t wait to hear the tunes you bring to Paralives! Bonus points for being a lotr/sw fan :D Also, so far the chalet looks great, and I’m so excited to see the fully furnished result!


The chalet is amazing, thank you! I love it. I can really see a couple or a single person really enjying it! Welcome, Andrei! I can't wait to be able to hear some of the things you create for the game. I personally usually turn the music off in games, but there is so much more to sound in videogames! And I promise I will try to listen to your music the first times I play.


Welcome to the team, Andrei!!!


Great suggestion! The grass is still a work in progress and your idea could improve the look!


It's something I've been considering and I agree it could be helpful! We might try it to see if it can work later


I'm not a big builder, but seeing how you all have designed the build tools gives me a big creative itch. I find your layout for the Chalet beautiful and can't wait to see it in action. Also, welcome Andrei! I look forward to your sounds :)


welcome Andrei! :)

Macanon Snow

Welcome to the team Andreil, hope your work goes well! ^_^


Remember to update Patreon about page, I’d like to see the two new faces 😊

Alice Taylor

Looking so cool! Welcome Andrei ❤️❤️❤️

Paige Fletcher

Welcome, Andrei! This is all such exciting progress!


I love the floor plan! Now I just wonder how it looks like on the outside


omg it's pretty ✨👄✨ can't do anything but to stan harder now


Very promising! And I’m excited about the music, too! 😁


Seeing this post makes me so happy. I'm really excited to see the building. And welcome to the team Andrei. :)


I can already see myself getting up early in the morning, making a cup of coffee and opening this game. Can't wait. :)

Kanchaross J.

I love the floor plan! The curved walls truly add that cosy vibes to the build! and the split level is so cool! I can't wait for the full reveal. Also, welcome Andrei to the team. I can already imagine smooth jazz music playing in the background!

Anja Hoffmann

Welcome to the team, Andrei! The floor plan looks great ... this looks so natural as a build, with the curved walls and the different floor levels.


Welcome to the team, Andrei! I already imagine all the great music you will create for this amazing game. Also this floor plan already looks great, I’m so excited to see the video next week.

Holly Kinglund

Welcome to you! I'm sure you're gonna do some great things! :D


Hello Andrei! 👋😃 And look at that, the chalet already looks so cozy without the furniture. 😌


Omg i would LOVE a Lo-fi vibe with this game😄


Interested to see what the roof looks like, if you guys made one for this. ^^ Great work as always!


Welcome to the team Andrei !


Amazing floorplan. Can't wait to be able to NOT make a square or rectangle house ! Also the split level tool is going to be AWESOME. I wonder if we're going to be able to zoom in and actually be the size of a para, like the camera being on the same point of view. So that we can actually enjoy the homes as much as the paras. Great works once again ! Eager to see the video and to start brainstorming about the music !


Welcome! We are so excited you're here!


looks incredible!! :D and welcome, Andrei!!

Catalina Lunessa

I am loving the depth of the textiles!


Welcome to the team Andrei!!!

Earl Grey

Welcome, Andrei! I can't wait to see more about the Chalet.

Alex Agustin

Welcome, Andrei! Do your best!


Welcome Andrei!! :D


Thats so great !

Tom Lu

Welcome Andrei! I really enjoyed the music in the chalet build video. I have some (hopefully constructive) feedback about some of the sound effects: when painting/papering walls and laying floors, the sound that plays is rather long and potentially irritating considering we'll hear it so many times in short succession. I think I would prefer a "chunkier" sound, particularly for laying floors. Seeing a paintbrush icon for these actions is also dissonant to me. On a positive note, the sounds for the colour wheel, stretching objects and building walls are very satisfying. I'm very excited to hear your contributions!


Really looking forward to hearing more of Andrei's work! The House Building Gameplay had some excellent relaxing, house-building music :)


I cant wait to hear the sounds that go along with the beautiful visuals! I just graduated for audio design and production and imagine there will be so many fun sounds and musical interludes to create!!!!