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Hi there!

I hope you had a nice week. It was an exciting one for us because of some updates that we are sharing with you today!

Team Update

We have 2 good news regarding our team!

  • First good news: Étienne has completed his 10 weeks internship and will be staying on the team with us as a full time game programmer. Cheers to that!
  • Second good news: A new team member will be joining us next week! We'll announce her role and do proper introductions in next week's Patreon post. Stay tuned!

Chalet Reveal Date

We can finally announce this! The public Chalet video reveal will be on June 12 at 1pm ET! It will be showcased as part of the Wholesome Direct. There will be exclusive footage and announcements from 75 uplifting, thoughtful games, including Paralives. Check out wholesomegames.com for more info.

We've been hard at work on this house building video and we're looking forward to show it! Of course, we will be sharing with you Patrons screenshots of the Chalet and related features before the public video on June 12. Also, please keep it a secret between Patrons that this video will be about building a house (the Chalet) because you are the only ones to know its existence!

For Patrons only: here's what the lot looked like before the construction.

Maggie's Reveal Anniversary  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

It's been one year since we revealed Maggie, our first Parafolk! It's been a crazy ride for us developers since then. We were only 3 on the team at that time and it kept growing since then. We'll be 9 members next week! A huge thank you to each and every Patreon supporter who has made this possible. This game is happening because of you and we can't thank you enough for being here with us. It's awesome to see what we've done in the last year and we can't wait to show you what's coming!

To celebrate Maggie's reveal anniversary, here's a best of of all the bugs she had to endure over the last year. Enjoy!

The pants think the belly is fat but the shirt disagrees.

Maggie's shirt moved to the right for unknown reasons letting us see a plant behind her (or inside her?)

Hand and shoulder sliders gone wrong

On the left: jaw dropping. On the right: ever wished you were invisible? It happened to Maggie, except for her eyes, hair and clothes.

Maggie's Summer 2020 Memories: Extreme Sunburn. Don't worry, she fully recovered!

Left: clothing pieces living their own lives. Right: that's closer to what it should look like!

GIF: buggy waving animation. If you are on mobile, you might have to read this post on a computer to see the GIF.

GIF: sorry for the nightmare fuel! If you are on mobile, you might have to read this post on a computer to see the GIF.

GIF: Pro dance move! If you are on mobile, you might have to read this post on a computer to see the GIF.

That's it for this week, have a great weekend!




Can't wait to meet the new member and again congrats Étienne!


the lot is so beautiful!


these are gold!!!


Goodness, Ill never be able to look at Maggie the same ever again


Once this post is public I'll make Big Hand Maggie my pfp on discord lmao


I cannot friggin wait to build a town of my own. Also hilarious....but got me thinking especially because of the SUNBURN??? Will there be active tanning mechanics while outdoors?



Nicole Penny

Giraffe Maggie hits different


still hoping to see a blend of the new and old Maggie style tbh (I love the softness and outlines) but thank you for sharing the gifs!


Congrats Étienne!! Happy to have you join the team ❤️ I'm a little concerned that the hype I felt for the Chalet will be lowered by seeing a shortened, lesser version of it in the Wholesome Direct and that we won't get the hype in Discord leading up to finally seeing the video that I had previously understood we would get. But I'm happy we have a date for when we'll see it. Congrats on Wholesome Direct as well.


Can’t wait until June 12 🤩


There will be sunburns as we have shown in Sebastian Summer's video but tanning is not planned for now :)


I need to see these new paras... please 😭 Also is sunburning in the game or was that a joke? How did the plant get inside of Maggie?? & could that 2nd gif be a leak from a paranormal update?? Lol


It's true that the Wholesome Direct video will be short-ish but we are working on the idea of releasing another longer video with more details on the same day

Bianca J

I do spot new Para's, I'm hoping we'll see them in the showcase, which I'm super hyped for. So again I'll say congratulations for this amazing opportunity, it's well deserved. Also happy birthday to Maggie, what a wonderful, magical adventure this has been. Also congratulations Etienne on the permanent position, well deserved and I can't wait to see what else you bring to the team. I'm super excited to meet the new team memeber and learn all about them.


That's not a sunburn, that's demon possession 😳😂 Wow, I can't believe it's already been a year! Happy reveal anniverssary Maggie :P


Poor Maggie


Sunburned maggie is my new sleep paralysis demon


The empty lot by itself looks beautiful! (and I didn't miss those paras there either, new ones being introduced later perhaps?) It reminds me of a peaceful bucolic scene, which then reminds me of a favorite simulation genre of mine - farming! At some point you guys should consider perhaps having that as a future add-on for the game. I'm sure plenty of players would appreciate it! For now though I love what you guys have accomplished so far. Its been a really long road and I'm sure Maggie knows that better than anyone else. Congrats to Etienne and really wonderful work Team. Thanks so much for the updates and looking forward to the chalet reveal finally!! :D


Thank you and good catch! These are two anonymous Paras that we created for this Chalet couples retreat Farming has been requested a lot and it's a cool idea for a possible update after release!

Mari R.

I looove the way the lot looks!Love it. And the road made of soil?sand?such a nice detail.


Not a paranormal update 😭😭😭 reminds me of that book we used to read where the character swallows a fly


Honestly seeing those bugs makes me happy I didn't go that route, making games must be frustrating xD But I loove that eyeliner, reminds me of Jeanette in VtM: B :) Good stuff, keep them coming! And congrats to Etienne!! :) Haha I just realised Etienne was a guy, it seemed like a girls name to me x'D

Kanchaross J.

Can't wait for the chalet! I was laughing so hard with that nightmare fuel gif.


That empty lot photo looks stunning, the visuals are beautiful,the lighting,the shadows just gorgeous to look at.Great job Paralives team 🌹, it really shows how much effort and love you guys are pouring into the game.Can't wait to see the chalet video 🥳🌠.


Its the dirt road for me! I can't wait to meet the new paras <3


Lol some of those bugs are hilarious! 😆

Christina Ozeki

Hehehe the bugs are hilarious, especially the one where her face is changing and it briefly reminds me of one of the facehuggers from alien haha :D


Lol, thats horrifying. Thanks for sharing xD


Love the empty Lot preview. The Simulation Game of my dreams.

David Guth

Wow. You can already feel the atmosphere of the neighborhood. That split log fence is great. The variety and density of the plants and the dirt road really make the lot feel private and secluded. But my favorite detail? The power lines. Love the powerlines.


Loving every bit of every detail of the build lot and Maggie's creation journey!! I must say, when I saw the Paras in the lot pic I instantly thought of it being members of your team, Alex, ingame checking out the available real estate!! 😁 My support and anticipation for this game grows stronger every week with every update and reveal, and as a true builder at heart, I'm so looking forward the the 'Chalet' video!! The team's amazing talents and straight forward transparency is so appreciated!! Keep on keeping on!! 😄


Ah yes, the powerlines! Fingers crossed for getting them as the deco object in a create a neighbourhood/world mode, too. ♡


This looks amazing,nice progress guys all best.I am just wondering will hair be growing over time or something u can do freely with her?


I hope I won’t become Sunburn Maggie while waiting for June 12 because the the weather has been really hot lately 😅


i know exactly what groans sounded like and how the blood pressure spikes felt when these things happened xD you guys are brilliant <3


I wonder if the developers will add a pet management feature? I still hope not, because I want more realism.


Love how the lot looks! 😍


as someone who’s been going through internship hell here’s a hearty CONGRATS to étienne, i’m glad you’ve found a place to call home!

Mary Breyer

Hahaha, it's really funny to see all of the funny bugs that have popped up while you guys are creating the game! I love seeing them because it shows how tirelessly you are working towards fixing any and all unexpected bugs. Keep up the great work!

Mary Breyer

Also the lot looks amazing!!! So excited to see the finished product! Also so excited to play this game in the future!


Can't believe it's been a year since Maggie's reveal! Every week has been such great exciting ideas and cool stuff you've shown us... I really feel like Paralives is gonna save this genre <3


I'm excited to see how this is coming along! I'm more excited for when I am able to play such an awesome game!


Don't know why but these glitches are my favorite part of watching behind the scenes just like bloopers are my favorite part of movies. It's really nice to see the work in progress and not just the final result. :)


Well at least now you've got some horror assets to spice up scary events in game, horror movies, live theatre and the mysterious cabin in the woods.


makes studying necessary to perform in school, as in Youtubers Life

NaJa Jackson

Maggie you meme-able icon.


I love the idea of showcasing a bunch of wholesome games. It's cool that you guys will be a part of it.


Poor Maggie 🤣