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Community Brainstorming Recap: Aging  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Hey everyone, Christine here for a little recap of our latest community brainstorming session, which was about aging!

Now, this past month definitely flew by! Tons of interesting ideas were suggested and it’s always really heartwarming to see everyone coming together around a same topic. As a team, we usually have a pretty good general idea of

what the community wants, but these brainstorming sessions allow us to really dig further and consider aspects we never had thought about before. As they say, ✨teamwork makes the dream work ✨so thank you to everyone who participated in the brainstorming, whether it was by sharing an idea here on Patreon or by posting on our dedicated Discord channel or Reddit post.

After spending quite some time reading through the ideas and feedback, I’m excited to share with you some of the community highlights regarding aging (and these are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ideas)! As always, we will need to see how these ideas could integrate with the rest of the gameplay before we can confirm anything. However, this list is definitely a good starting point for features to look into.

  • Mix of gradual aging and lifestages: having small, gradual changes throughout a same lifestage with a more pronounced visual change when entering a new lifestage
  • A good array of lifestage options, which could lead to more in-between lifestages or “substages” (good try, but I can’t name the lifestages we have in mind 😉)
  • Adapting the length of the lifestage to the size of it: longer lifestages (such as senior for example) could last two or more years, meaning that your Para wouldn’t necessarily always move up to another lifestage when its their birthday. More birthday parties and less stress about aging, the best of both worlds!
  • Ability to set auto-aging off and decide when your Para gets to the next lifestage
  • Ability to set a custom length for a lifestage
  • Younger Parafolks could learn skills and make friends more easily
  • Lots of stimulation for very young Parafolks: imaginary friends, favorite items, creating games, drawing (everywhere), learning (everything)
  • Introduction to basic skills for younger Parafolks when they’re accompanied by adults such as learning how to cook easy recipes
  • Going through puberty: acne could randomly appear on some Parafolks
  • Gaining independence in the teenage years: chores, experimental phases to discover identity, rebellion, driver’s license, part-time jobs and babysitting
  • Adults could focus more on long-term goals or short-term goals
  • As Parafolks get older, some body aches could start appearing, eyesight could deteriorate and the flu or other small illnesses could become easier to catch
  • Older Parafolks could have an easier time sharing their knowledge and in return, this could allow other Paras to learn faster
  • Fun activities for seniors: volunteering, crafting little gifts for the family, passing down heirlooms, traveling, senior homes
  • Making “healthy” choices such as eating your greens, meditating or exercising could improve the longevity of your Para

That’s it for me! I hope this list has inspired you and that you have found something in it that particularly resonates with you.

New Community Brainstorming: Identity and Personality  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Next week, we are going to announce our new community brainstorming theme but as usual, we wanted to share it with you first. It's about the identity and personality of the Parafolks.

  • How should the identity and personality of your Para affect the gameplay?
  • Should the identity and personality be represented by traits and sliders in the Paramaker? Are there other ways to represent these?
  • What are some of the elements you would like to define for the the identity and personality of your Parafolks?

Please share your ideas in the comment section below or on Reddit and Discord when we announce the brainstorming theme to the public next week!

Poll: Your Para's Identity  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

In relation to the new community brainstorming, we'd like to know: what are the most important things you would like to define for the identity of your characters in Paralives? In other words: what makes your Parafolks who they are? You can select multiple choices in the poll below and tell us in the comments about other aspects that are important to you.

Thank you!




We definitely need zodiac signs!!! 😭

Kenya Mckoy

I would like to label my sexuality and gender identity.


I think it would be cool if genes affected how much acne a Para gets as a teen or how fast they visually age


I love the Sims 2 style of opposite traits (serious active, extroverted introverted, etc) and it makes a lot of sense because it fleshes out basic core personality. Core personality should be reflected in animations, AI, and behavior so that it makes paras feel different to play. Specific traits on top of core personality would also add flavor


Having Zodiac signs be optional (or for some Paras to be skeptical of things like that!) would be super. I think a Skepticism trait where they don’t believe in ghosts, Zodiac signs etc could be great compared to something like a Mystic trait.


Honestly, just all 😭 maybe that could come with updates, I understand that’d be a lot, but everything listed in the poll is what I want when creating a simulated life. What would also be nice is for each new life state, having the ability to remove or swap out traits/fears/goals. Someone could be rebellious and moody as a teen and then mature into something else as an adult


i feel like a system where everyone has certain traits like how clean or messy you are or how shy or talkative you are on top of having personality traits like quick learner or awful cook would be really cool


I was about to say "culture and origin" but that could be extremely tricky to implement so I'm not sure that's a good idea :P


I do agree with other folks here that having a mix of slider and specific traits would be awesome

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I love everything in this post! My idea is that different clothing and hairstyles have different style tags so other paras will react and have a first impression of your para. Like a para can dislike the goth look and be judgemental of a goth styled para who in turn can dislike an athletic leisure style and so on. As for traits, I think there should be 3 chosen traits and 3 slider traits, OR choose about 5 traits (certainly no less and you don't want too many) and place then in a hierarchy of which ones hold more weight than others.


Memories/experiences affecting personality and behaviour Like if a para had a house fire or lost a loved one it'd be cool to see that affect who they are going forward


Flu (as in influenza, not gastroenteritis that some Americans seem to call flu) and colds are actually harder to catch as you get older. The older you are, the more times you've had flu/colds and the more strains you are therefore immune to. Of course, when you do get it, it tends to be more serious the older you are.


Would love a combo of having more overarching personality traits/lifestyles -- like introvert/extrovert etc. that really impact the kind of actions your paras make combined with smaller quirks and preferences that pop up in smaller contexts, like having a favorite food or having a pet peeve.


So hard to pick, I want them all!


Wound up picking a whole bunch in that poll because it was so hard to choose! I think it would be nice to have traits and then sliders accompanying them so you can change the level of impact it has or intensity of said trait in the paras personality


This is what I hope for!!! "your Para wouldn’t necessarily always move up to another lifestage when its their birthday. More birthday parties and less stress about aging, the best of both worlds!" I also really hope puberty will include periods in some form, even if it's only as a mention when the para first gets it (and maybe when they no longer get it, when they reach menopause).


I think zodiac signs would be a cool aspect, but I wouldn’t want to define my para with it. And while I think sexuality is important, I don’t want it to define who they are. Personality traits, dreams/aspirations, hobbies, likes/dislikes define them a bit better i think.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

An example for the 3 chosen traits and 3 slider traits is: Examples of slider traits: • Type A personality to Type B personality • Introverted to Extroverted • Optimistic to Pessimistic • Judgemental or Empathetic (mean or nice) And the chosen traits can be along the likes of: Artistic, animal lover, hopeless romantic, mechanical, etc. Essentially slider traits are core traits and chosen traits are growing interests


having senior homes sounds SO COOL cant believe i never thought of that as an option.


I love all of this! What about strengths and weaknesses or certain traits have a downfall to the trait possibly 🤔

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yes I want growth in Paras over time! For better or for worse! A para being too scared to cook after a house fire, a para being paranoid in a relationship after previously being cheated on, a para that was once timid gains confidence after winning a fight against their bully, etc!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

If they had a lower immune system then it would be a good balance of stakes where they are less likely to get sick but more likely to die from it.


What about short- term wants? Sims 2 mechanic did this the best. Keeps things fresh


These are all so great, so hard to choose from.!’


I feel like you can go more in depth with personality traits and they wont end up blinding together like the others and accidentally creating the same characters which can quickly get boring


I love the idea of having enough likes, dislikes, and personality traits to create chemistry with other characters. For example, two geeky characters might bond over it - or they might clash if one of them is also a snob ("my way or the highway, your fandom is bad!").

Lily Tindel

I agree with what some people have said about the zodiac issue. I want it to be included but not have it define the para because there’s a lot of misinformation that you simply have a sun sign. And it’s just not true. So if it highly influences the para, it would reinforce those stereotypes, instead of the reality that people have more Placements than sun.

Nea Emrys

I think for me, the most interesting part of a simulation game like this is when the identity and personality of the para has consequences - I want the interest and actions of the para to be both good and bad and not just all 'perfect'. I want certain aspects of the para to make some things harder to accomplish and some things easier. For instance the wants/fears aspect could really define a para's identity because it says a lot about them, and maybe they dream about one thing, but they're also scared about doing it, you know? Things like that. So maybe a fear would make it trickier to accomplish a goal, but once the para does it, it was all worth it. As in, a para's life isn't defined by where they come from, but what struggles they overcome.


I think it would be better to merge Likes & Dislikes

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yeah like a fertility window or to just show your para is starting puberty rather than jumping from child to teen

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I don't think the sexuality will define them, just imagine your para family child grows up and realizes their sexuality. It'll be fun to help them meet other paras to have a bond with.


I like the idea of sliders being involved somehow, like in Sims 2: you could put them on a scale between shy and outgoing, messy and neat, etc. That combined with aspirations that effected their short term and long term wants made them more unique and dynamic, imo, than sims in later franchises. Ifl a mix of broad sliders and specific traits could be cool and allow for a lot of options.


My interest is being able to think of a personality and then use the system to apply it semi-accurately to the Para. I like the idea of culture, likes, dislikes, and life styles the most. I like the idea of being able to write a bio for a Para, but I don't 100% need it, and the big thing for me would be: can I design a Para with a personality that fits the bio I write for them? Is the personality system robust enough for that? I think that with The Sims, it started feeling like every Sim was a carbon copy no matter what traits they had b/c they ONLY had traits to make them unique from one another, and it wasn't enough. You go out in town, and every Sim would just be doing something random, filling space rather than staying true to their style and personality.

Elizabeth Gonzales

I love the idea of having introverted and extroverted paras! That could be a personality trait. I would also like it to be possibly for paras to earn traits based off of experiences. Paras need multiple traits, and maybe not so limited, though I understand a limit might be needed.


Love love love the idea of having slider traits for certain ones that every para will have and then other quirks that make them unique that someone else mentioned. I can’t find the comment now my app is glitching on me!


Fake horoscopes could be fun

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I love this! I think chemistry should have 3 different levels: platonic, romantic, and attraction. That way different trait and interest and physical compatibilities will have different effects on each level. Makes it more realistic and fun, imo


Fully agree. The Sims 3 Sims 4 trait system is flawed because traits are minor (“likes outdoors”) which just turn into moodlet buffs. Need to differentiate between these minor personality traits and fundamental personality sliders


I have a suggestion thats not related tho. What if they have thought bubbles when looking at the tv or a picture and they have a comment or thought about it. This came to mind when i saw the picture frame video and was thinking about an art gallery in the game. The sims have museums but going to them is pretty useless and boring. What if para had a comment about what they thought of an object or a picture or a reaction of some kind. Idk.


Some of these would be great as a mix such as personality traits, wants, and fears.


A mixture of all of them. I have selected cultures and origins only because being Scottish forms a very big part of my lifestyle and who I am as a person. :)

Sophie Goodman-Merel

True. I think it would just be more fun than anything else. Maybe their will be an astrology nerd trait and they will make many decisions based on their chart or something while other paras don't care. Like they can check the computer for their daily horoscope and suddenly all their wants match what the horoscope says 😋


A big thing for me is fluidity—I would love to be able to see changes in their personality over time, a child’s dreams/fears/traits/identity aren’t the same when they grow up, and like someone else mentioned I also feel their experiences/memories should have a solid impact on who they become, for example if they have a rough relationship with their parents maybe there could be a chance they end up less trusting of people and have a hard time making friends, and over time maybe the bonds they form later in life help them work through those problems and allow them to be more outgoing


Also, personally, I prefer that everything you can define for your Para adds values to your personality & identity . That is, likes and dislikes, personality traits, lifestyle, culture etc.. But some things should add a lot of personality and identity to Para, while other things should add only a little.


Bingo. Fears are great and should actually have a probability of happening (not just always fearing a fire in the house)


I think the interaction between traits is very important. For example, a para with the traits Snob and Rude might critique other people’s homes/clothes/lifestyles and brag about their own, whereas a para with the traits Snob and Good/Friendly might want to suggest excellent restaurants and films. An Evil and Outgoing para might want to manipulate others into trusting them, or doing what they want, whereas a Fun and Outgoing para just wants to go out, party and meet new people.


Would love to see a combination of short term and long term wants, to help guide gameplay in unexpected directions! I would also like it if Para's personalities were more dynamic, could respond to gameplay. As a basic example maybe a "lazy" Para would begin by responding with discomfort to being asked to exercise, even "bargaining" with the player by showing wants to rest or watch TV or something. After a while, though, refusing to give in could bring them down to a neutral position, even eventually becoming more active. I think this should be difficult to do, the older Paras get, but it would be nice to see changes in how Paras act reflected in changing personalities.

Maiden Minnesota

Where's the "All of the Above" selection? LOL! I finally narrowed it down to 6, focusing on the words "most important". Sliders could allow you to decide just how neurotic your Parafolks are, from normal worries to a completely paranoid conspiracy-theorist. This keeps them from being exactly the same as the Para next door. (Where have we seen THAT before? Hmmm...)


Yes! Would love to see different aspects of personality interacting in new ways.


I like the idea of slider traits, because that would add more depth and variety to personalities. You could have similar traits to someone else, but be less extreme in one or the other and it change how the para behaves.


What about a flow chart or umbrella? You choose between broad categories (I.e. introvert/extrovert or dreamer/realist ) and narrow down your Para's personality by going down the chart (introvert>loner/introvert>small grouper: preferring to be alone than in groups/preferring to be in small groups than alone or large groups, etc).

gianmarco orsini

I think that traits and personality is a great place to start, but also that your actions could influence them and change them (like sliders) over time and so they’re not permanent but set in over time!

Katie Bellissimo

I love all of the options and lots of the suggestions I'm seeing! One thing that I think would add depth to personalities would be if you had to pick 3 "good" triats and 3 "bad" traits. Good traits could be like kind, green thumb, artistic, genius etc and bad traits could be like mean, litterbug, bad cook, messy etc. I dont think good and bad are necessarily what you'd want to call the categories, but you know what I mean. I think it would add depth if every character HAD to have some quirks because in other games I find myself making every character like "friendly artistic and genius" because it makes playing easier. And maybe an option to toggle this off too.


I’m seeing a lot of consensus for personality sliders “introverted vs extroverted” which allow for more choice (ambivert would be in the center). Spectrums could also affect AI, such as more extroverted paras having higher probability of autonomously striking up conversations when idle. This personality is better than minor traits “likes outdoors” which often just turns into mood buffs without making the characters feel fresh or unique.


I would like Memories to also impact on behaviour significantly, and form part of personality over time. Eg someone who has had bad luck in love could gain a marker which makes them more cautious in new relationships, someone who had a great childhood would be more likely to want children?


I think sliders and traits are both great for different things, but I also think other aspects of paras’ personalities could be simple tick boxes. For example, for different diet types, you could have check boxes like “vegan,” “vegetarian,” “gluten free” etc and let players select as many as they want for their para. I think likes/dislikes and fears could also work well with check boxes, but could also work with sliders if there are gonna be different degrees of fear (eg VERY scared of heights, mildly afraid of bugs). Sexual orientation could work with either sliders or check boxes too, depending on how detailed it’s gonna be. I know this was mentioned in the relationships discussion a lot, but I think it’s rly important for identity as well so I’m gonna mention it again: I think sexual and romantic orientation need to be two separate things regardless of how detailed the system for them is, bc that’s how it is irl and I’ve never seen another life sim that’s allowed for that level of self-expression, and that’s def an important thing to me when it comes to my para’s identity


There was somebody on Reddit that suggested paras could have 3 slots for 3 separated categories. So for example the first 3 are personality traits/culture passed on from your family etc. you get from when you are born. Another 3


Yes! The only thing I didn't like about the sims 2 system was the points which limited how much you could slide. There shouldn't be a limit to that, I think.


The ability to set attractions like being attracted to certain eye color or hair colors or specific traits where if a para has those characteristics your para will want to be around them more or talk to them or something


Oops pressed enter. Then the next 3 could be during your adolescence where you are learning through experience. And then the last three are filled in by the user or creator. However they see fit. Which I thought was quite good. That would mean really unique paras because the chances of a copy would be harder to replicate


Memories, off course <3


LOVE the idea of higher automonous conversations depending on intro/extrovert!


All of the Above I Can't choose between them


All of these ideas are really interesting! A primary concern for me is that none of these things are stagnant. For instance, culture can change over time if you spend time with different people or marry into a family whose traditions are different from your own. Now you and your partner and any children you may have will experience blends of culture which I think is really beautiful!


I like this idea! In Sims games I try to give every sim at least one "bad" trait to spice things up.


this would be amazing. extrovert/introvert are too vague. everyone in somewhere in the middle because there are different factors that come into play


I've recently introduced to the "Myers & Briggs 16 personality types". And I'm finding it quite fascinating, and I thought it would be cool to implement it in the game if possible... + I think it will also be cool if you'll have a choice to randomize everything! Like a different button to each "category", for example, one random button to select the sexual orientation and another random button that will generate one of the 16 personalities or whatever system it will be... etc... another idea that just came to my head while I was writing this.... is that it be nice if some of the "traits" will be chosen for you (if you'll select the random) as a baby/infant/newborn but will stay hidden until you've experienced something related to that (again like sexual orientation: will stay hidden until you have a crush on someone) I'm sorry if I went overboard... :) and I have no words to portray my admiration of you and what you do! So thank you very, very much for everything! And I can't wait for it to be released!

BonaparteBardithion .

Regarding astrology, I don't think it should be used to determine personality. But astrology should come into play in relation to certain traits and hobbies or skills. Like a Para with a superstitious trait could check their horoscope and have it effect their mood and it might be used in a fortune telling career or skill. I'm okay with it being used in the attraction system, but only for Paras that already believe it. Everyone else would ignore it for attraction.


I feel like all of these ideas can be implemented. all of the themes contribute to a personality.


I think they all sound great but I would understand if it is not possible to get all of them in the game because it is a lot of work


In addition to acne, it would be awesome if kids could randomly loose teeth!


While defining sexual orientation is exciting, I also worry this may limit gameplay. For example, if I define a Para as "straight", can they change their mind later as they learn and grow? I like the way the Sims handles this, which lets you decide your Sims sexual orientation by way of gameplay rather than labels. It also allows the flexibility for sexual orientations to change or be discovered over their lifetimes, which can parallel people's real lived experiences. While some could argue that a changing/discovered sexual orientation is the same as being bi, I think there's some nuance here worth considering. Similarly, discovering new interests and traits based on what actions a Para actually takes, or based around memories and experiences, creates a whole dimension to gameplay where a Para is much more defined by their actions and experiences than by identity labels. edit: basically, instead of only asking how does identity affect gameplay, we should also be asking how gameplay affects identity.


Not to be a party pooper but please don’t add every detail or idea into the base game!! Save some ideas for expansions or free updates. I really don’t want this game to take 5 years to come out because the team is trying to stuff every wanted idea into the base game. Please have limits on what you can add to the base game and please as fans y’all should check your expectations.


I was thinking that events that happen in your Paras life should also effect their personality. Say for instance, a Para gets cheated on, they can develop a trait that makes them distrust others or not warm up to people easily.


Hi!! I'll share here my idea for the personality system. I'd like to have 6 dimensions of personality based on the HEXACO or OCEAN model with 6 dimensions of personality being on some sort of slider (extraversion, openness to experience, emotionality, agreeableness, conscientiousness and humility/honesty). These dimensions should be able to cover most personality types and also be able to be implemented in the genetic system since they'd be values on 6 scales (Kinda like sims 2, except without having a maximum of points to spend in order to be able to make any personality possible). Maybe adding a scale for intelligence would also be nice. But only having these dimensions would not make a para a unique person. So I would like to have a complementary "Quirk" and "Flaw" system kind of like the trait systems in the later Sims games and Sims Medieval. This would be much more specific things that truly made them unique, and they would work differently depending on your sims personality values and also maybe only some of them could be accessed depending on that (if say you wanted a quirk like "party animal" and your sim is low on extroversion, that wouldn't make much sense). This I feel is a good system which could be expanded! And it's not too far from real life ;)


All are amazing ideas ! I'll try to chose but it's difficult. I think that something important is to seperate some things : for example I hate that being "vegetarian" is a personality trait in the Sims 4 because it's not. As personnality traits are limited, I find it frustrating that a sim's diet is considered like a personnality trait, it means that I can only select him two other traits, not more.

Alani Mason-Callaway

The Big Five personality test is well-backed by research and can add nuance to personalities, so it can really work out for a personality system. You can find more information here: https://www.simplypsychology.org/big-five-personality.html. Also, as far as traits, you can have a "color wheel" type aspect for specifying how each trait comes out in that para, to give the trait further nuance (e.g. "smart" can have shades such as "clever", "curious", "quick-witted", "brainy", etc. or "nice" can have shades such as "sweet", "generous", "thoughtful", "pushover", etc.). I think a para can have a certain personality profile as well as a few traits (which can be other adjectives that describe them, or likes and dislikes, etc.).


Yeah I agree with you I would much rather have sexual orientation expressed through gameplay and not through labels.


Also, that would be soooo cool if your para can gain all of those things with time ! Fears are related to traumas, likes/dislikes for trying new things, and some personnality traits are defined at birth but can evolve through time etc... :)


I'm not sure if it's already confirmed or if somebody said it already but I'd LOVE a memory system, it would make the paras feel so much more real and relatible🙈


I want the option of Traitless Paras. Children should be born with NO Personality traits (with an option to set them). Their parents activities friends sibling interactions etc should allow them to unlock traits. This could be incorporated into life stages by allowing kids/children to unlock trait slots or categories or whatever trait system you have as they enter life stages. Certain things can be inherited but I don’t want to set a child as a sexuality and than they don’t get to experiment

Jaylene N

I like the idea of unlocking certain traits based off what happens during gameplay. Definitely implementing “bad” traits and “good”. And maybe as you progress it fluctuates. I was an introvert as a kid but as I got older I find myself being more extroverted.


As an autistic person I would love to be able to add traits to my paras that line up with my own experiences! Ideas for this could be becoming confused by social interactions, thinking about special interests/ setting a skill as their special interest etc. It isn’t my top priority in a game but it could be really fun for me and other autistic folks


Something important is to name traits properly as neutral, not good or bad. I hate the thing that a sim can be "mean", because the reality of someone's personnality is more complex than that. Maybe he/she lacks empathy and/or self-confidence for example !


Agree with lots of the comments: a mix of personality sliders with some sort of ranking would be great, plus extra singular traits such as likes, dislikes etc. Also a combination of proper *life* goals/aspirations (not nonsense tutorial 'life goals') and short term goals based on traits, life goal etc. These could all influence attraction, activities the para chooses when not being controlled, ease of doing activities/learning skills/building relationships etc. I agree with some commenters saying we need to not put too much pressure on the developers and that they should scale back for launch, but the gameplay is what will set this game apart and make it stand out. I think it's worth 'wowing' us with personalities and gameplay and scale back some of the build/buy, paramaker etc.

Samara Stanleigh

I can’t pick and choose in the poll because I’m really liking all of them. However, with sexual and gender identity, there’s also romantic orientation. Maybe that could be differentiated as well if possible? As well not everyone gets along irl so dependent on the paras personality traits, what if some paras just couldn’t get along at all and there’s no way to make them friends.


I’ve seen someone mention memory system here, and I truly agree! I remember the memory system in sims 2! I loved it, and that exact detail kept the game interesting for me. I tried my best to work for only good memories for some sims, and only horrible memories for some 😂🙈🙈 with no memory system in sims 4, it just feels like a waste of time to play. Like you’re playing for nothing. The story is only in your head, and your sims gave no clue their spouse died after a week. It’s unnatural, you know? So I would love a meaningful memory system, where we as players see the memories, but also where paras come to think of specifik memories from time to time! That would be so cute ❤️ Also, not personality, but life stage: PLEASE! Give justice to the newborn baby and infant stage! And please consider having really REALLY old paras! Looking like a 65 year old is not old! We need the 95 year old people represented too! 🥰🥰🥰

Samara Stanleigh

Another thing I’d love to see is being able to create the Sims Astrological chart (sun, moon, rising) or at least just their star sign because that impacts personalities a lot. Favourite colours and a favourite food would also be super fun!


This is more general, but I think body language (gait, posture, gestures) could add visual clues that would differentiate one Para from another. I'd also love an option to exclude certain interactions/actions/traits from individual Paras. That's something I take issue with in TS - everyone is "goofy"-ish, there's too little difference between how my artsy/sensitive young adult character acts and how my aggressive/mean 200-year old vampire character acts, which makes it more difficult to roleplay.


The para's place in the family should have something to do with the personality, for instance was the para an only child? Did that make the para self assured or selfish? Were they a middle child? Did that make them caring or needy, etc....

Diamond Nicole

I kinda would like to see different option of choosing different personality types. Like we can have the option of choosing them individually or in clusters by using Meyers-Briggs 16 personality types/astrology/zodiac signs or using a personality slider like some comments have suggested. Also for dreams/aspirations, I think it would be nice to have undecided and/or carefree option for those that dont know or dont have a specific dream.. and dreams for kids such as being a superhero or mermaid(me lol) or being a firefighter or president or queen.. and whatever dream they choose they can reenact that dream through play! ❤ Love all the suggestions and love paralives ❤ yall are doing great stuff!!


I love the idea of babies being born without traits and acquiring them through their social interactions! How about hidden traits that they inherit from parents/grandparents that may or may not be unlocked through gameplay depending on if they're exposed to it (for example, a nature lover who is born and raised in the city, a natural baker who never tries making bread). They could also be randomly assigned rather than from family, but again, hidden until unlocked.


I love this idea! This makes every one para super unique, and i don't see gameplay getting repetitive or boring with a personality system like this!


How should the identity and personality of your Para affect the gameplay? It should affect how our Paras behave. How they act, what they find interesting, boring, how they feel about something, how they interact with others. Should the identity and personality be represented by traits and sliders in the Paramaker? Are there other ways to represent these? Maybe something mix of these, maybe something from psychology. Temperament - innate part of personality. You can find various studies, some basics are from Hippocrates (sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric), Pavlov's , Jung's, Eysenck's and Kretchsmer's. And then you have character, acquired part of the personality - self confidence, etc. I'm not really fan of traits though - I feel like you can replace them with sliders and with other systems (there is no need for "bookworm trait, you can have interest"). But if we end up with traits, I believe they should be able to change What are some of the elements you would like to define for the the identity and personality of your Parafolks? Basically almost everything you listed when we are in PAM. But when it comes to para born in game, I feel it could be interesting if all things developed through time. There could be some defined personality atributed, but interests, behaviour, fears, etc could develope. And I believe that elements like bravery or self confidence could change even for paras created by us. As for the others elements, lifestyle should contain diets, bio lifestyle. And I would like to see secret talents and inteligency as system instead of traits and sliders - not everyone should be able to reach same level in something if someone has higher inteligence or natural trait.


Introvert to extrovert is a really good example of changing traits! A Para who is a social butterfly as a child but becomes shy when they transition to a teen and move to the next stage of education, but then evolves their social confidence as they get older, preferring either a small or large circle of friends.


As I was writing, I forget this one - bad habits would be cool. Like Para is biting their nails, or use phone too much, or drink juice. And paras should have flaws - I really like The Sims Medieval where you have to choose one bad trait.


I just really would like to see some allergies and intolerances. 🙈


I like the idea of having traits for each life stage. A baby trait could have the potential to follow a para through their life, just in a different form. Eg. baby - good sleeper, child - lazybones, adult - unmotivated.


I like the traits system that there is in the sims, but I think you need to have at least 4 or 5 trait options. Also, your para's traits should affect the actions they can/can't do with other paras or objects, what they do autonomously and what they want to do (if this is a feature). This is something MAJORLY missing from the sims 4. For example, if your para has the hates children trait, they should never autonomously feed a crying baby, or talk to/help/play with a child para. If your para is noncommittal, they could autonomously flirt with random paras, even when in a relationship or married. I do like the idea of sliders, too, for more basic things. A slider between introvert and extrovert, neat freak and slob, etc. Sliders should be for more generic things, whereas traits should be what makes your para unique.


I think having something that affects the way you make, maintain, and lose relationships would be helpful! Not everyone cares about having friends, while some people are clingy. Some people may have toxic traits, and maybe you can work through that and become “better”

Danielle Ellis

When it comes to acne and sicknesses, please remember those of us with trypophobia. I try not to bring up the Sims 4 but I have to have to have a mod that turns off sicknesses and the poison overlays because it just triggers me. So an option to turn off the visuals would be nice. Or please design it so it's not triggering.


I'd love a personality system kind of like in The Sims 2, where they had those point bars with two "extremes" on each end. The amount of points in each bar defined HOW MUCH a person was shy or extroverted, sloppy or neat, serious and playful etc. And the best thing about this was: The Sims actually ACTED in a unique way fitting those specifications. For example a rather playful Sim would sometimes slide down the banister instead of just walking down the stairs like others. And everyone would react different when given a compliment by somebody. Shy Sims would move very insecure, not believing someone would even notice them, extroverted Sims would make a "yeah, I know I'm great" gesture and Sims with an average allocation of those points would react normal, just thanking the other Sim. These are just a FEW examples of what that personality system had to offer, and god, I loved it so much Q.Q It really made every Sim unique, because there were so many possible combinations!


What would be cool is (similar to the toddler traits in sims 4) is that the paras could work on their traits/fears/goals and if they're able to gain enough points that the system would replace traits/fears/goals based on how they did in that life stage.


A lot of these are really good! A para's goals should be especially defining. Maybe they really want to be a master chef, so their office job leaves them feeling sad. I think that certain aspects, such as cultural background, sexual orientation and disabilities should also effect the way they react to their surroundings. A straight male para probably wouldn't stare at another male para, but a lesbian para might offer lingering glances at other female paras. I did not select "fears," but I really would like to see paras who have a fear of water absolutely refuse to get within so many feet of a body of water. "This para doesn't want to get any closer," type of thing. I want to have control of my para, but they should absolutely have autonomy as well, and it should reflect their personality and other traits.


I absolutely would prefer to see a return of personalities based on likes and dislikes i.e. TS2 than see anything like personality traits like TS3 or TS4 where sims end up all behaving the same.


I can see certain ways that could be tricky/controversial. What are you meaning by saying that it would be "tricky"?

Naomi Vincent

As for what makes up ones personality- I voted for traits, likes and cultural background. Being able to define cultural identity is a huge part of what is lacking in current life sims. There's also politics, if there is a voting system for the rules of the city (as in ts4 eco lifestyle), discussing your views can either bring you closer to another para, or make you enemies. Also, I'm not a religious person in the least, but religion is a HUGE and extremely important part of the human experience. Like even as a non-theistic person, that's a big part of my identity. I don't think you can have a true life sim without divinity and sin/good and evil. I know ParaLives will not feature religion, so adding a grouping system (as seen in ts4 city living) for cultures, I could make faux religious groups from that. It would be awesome to have Hellenism (Roman/Greek) or Norse belief in paralives- and when Sacrificial makes a violence mod for PL I'd like to be kidnaping paras and sacrificing them to please the gods for a long buff. And as I'm typing this I realize how crazy it sounds, but fun too. Which makes me think about what a crime and punishment system would look like in paralives. Will there be a jail? It would also be great if there is a wishing system that I can mod to be prayer- like a magic-8 ball. As well, that grouping system is just incredibly essential- groups that have their own do's and don'ts and paras can be in multiple groups. Also, love the idea of elder paras making crafts to give to their grandchildren or children! It would also be great if your para received (from their close friends and family) postcards, holiday cards and pictures to hang around their home!


Likes and dislikes would be really nice. For instance, maybe your parafolk is pretty active but doesn't like to swim. Set that as dislike and they won't autonomously go swimming. They like movies, but not horror. They won't autonomously watch scary movies. And if they do something they don't like they won't be having a good time. Maybe their fun meter goes down, or they will be nervous or scared or grumpy.


Sorrowscopes - that's an actual Twitter thing. Something like that.


Hard to choose. I wold like do train my paras behavior like likes, dislike, night owl, etc. by playing it tat way. Or choose in the situations. So a Para may change over time. For the main Paras, maybe only what is a starting value. But for the less active played, all sounds good. But even, disabilities, my come in game? So I haven´t select any of the options, even I like to have nearly all for the passive Paras.


I honestly would really like it if the sexual orientation could be random. Sometimes I'm not sure what I want to play and want to leave it up to what the Para ends up liking, so to speak. Overall, I think it would be great to have general and specific personality traits. For example, first you choose on a slider how good or evil they are innately, which would influence their actions and choices overall, but then you also get to choose, oh they love the outdoors and cooking, they are a perfectionist, they are an introvert etc. Of course maybe the good and evil side of things could also be changed through external influences over time too.


Turn ons and turn offs <3


I love every single thing about this. You even gave us a two part! Plus the framing post! I really appreciate how much you are putting into this project. You all are amazing.


I think a lot of those cover what will make each Para different and I think that's the most important thing. Not all Paras should like each other (or it should be harder to make a friendship), there are conflicting personality types and likes/dislikes etc. Them more in common two Paras are the easy becoming friends should be (like in real life some people you just click with). But i think if you have traits like "charmer + selfish/narcissist" or something like, maybe other people see them as a friend (relationship meter wise) but their friendship doesn't go up. Main point is I want their differences to matter.

Megan Santucci

I think more than any one element, I want the elements to feel interconnected. Like memories affecting personalities, as suggested above. Personalities affecting your hobbies. (e.g. an extroverted + sporty para likes team sports but an introverted + sporty para likes swimming or hiking) Life goals affect what you fear. Etc.


The culture and origins aspect is really interesting for me. I always disliked in the Sims 2 when the townies would have very diverse names and surnames, but always acted like a North American. It would be super interesting to have maybe Aboriginal/Indigenous cultural variants, African cultures, Latine and Hispanic cultures, European variants, and of course Asian cultures.

Megan Santucci

I don't wanna compare too much to The Other Game, but I'm thinking of TS2 hobbies v. say TS4 Nifty Knitting. TS4 in general feels like any additions they try to make to personality are very disjointed instead of elaborating on/enhancing the existing structure.

Naomi Vincent

Also, I'd be interested in a community poll for playstyle- I wonder if anyone else plays the way I do? All of my sandbox life sim playthroughs are themed. Like usually, I start off with modern day, normal legacy (usually in a seedy, gritty, urban city or sunny, bright town with farm land. Then historical (think Bridgerton or The Tudors), apocalyptical (fallout style where my characters have to live in a bunker under ground, and supernatural where some characters are born with super powers and are in a struggle with super villains/ mafiosos. Themed playthroughs help me focus my imagination and satisfy my moods.


Maybe there could be a system for personality traits, but also other stuff like preferences? For example personality trait: hot headed food preference: pescatarian relationship preference: single music preference: rock style preference: minimalistic and so on? Just a thought. Great work on the game and so much fun to see the passion flourish


Life goals and dreams I believe may change over time. Abilities could be gained by learning or doing things to improve your skills. I would probably choose personality traits during character creation as I don't know if that changes too much over time.


Culture and Identity plays such a huge role in my identity! Culture forms our morals and ethics which, therefore, influences our life decisions. It also influences our likes/dislikes, and who we surround ourselves with (i.e. people with similar values and cultures). I'd love to see that reflected in Paralives!


Yees I do that too! I also love to create backstories for all characters, which also can include reputation and rank. I also like to give my characters not only a profession, but also a title or a status. It can be anything, from warrior to king to servant, mage, monk, middle class, high class, no class, or something like that, depending on the setting and the world. I would absolutely love traits, titels, rank, skills or biographic events that will also change how other para will act around your para and how they wil treat and think about your para.


I would really like random personality traits and such that pop up as a result of expirences your para has/your play style, like if when your para is a kid you have them make a lot of friends they develop the outgoing trait, where as if you have them spend more time by themself they develope the loner trait, and these things can change throughout their life but it's easiest to gain traits in childhood/teenhood (and perhaps an option to disable random traits in settings for people who don't want this) But also for things outside player control like random events that happen to your para can cause then to develope (or lose) different traits


I'd be really excited to see neurodiversity and disability represented! It's so rare in games


I think the most important thing with this is (no matter if we are talking about skills, traits, fears, likes, etc.) is the question how this will actually not only affect the world around the Paras, but also their life's. How do other Paras behave around your Para? What will they think about your para? Will it affect their relationship? Will they greet your Para or ignore him? Will they fawn over him or will they be neutral or angry? For that I think a reputation or rank system might be good. If I want to create a para who is a well known politician, or an police officer or a nurse or a star. It should actually affect the interactions with other paras, but also how they react to each other. For example, a well known music star with a good reputation might be treated differently than a star who just had a scandal. A heartbreaker and cheater should/could also be treated differently than a loyal loving Para. A fit and attractive para might also recive different attention than a chaotic, dirty Para.


I'd like some nuanced character traits : for example being a tiny bit shy is not the same as having social anxiety. Maybe add different levels to character traits, while still being able to choose which ones you'd like to activate ? Also, it feels really important to me that game events effects the personality, especially in childhood. For example : seing their house on fire could have a chance of making your paras afraid of fire, and the probability could be greater if it happened during childhood ? I don't think it's perfectly realistic (nor fun :p) to have a fixed personality over one's entire life. Important events affect you...


I like the senior activities and benefits for Parafolks. It gives hope that the elder stage won’t be boring.

Naomi Vincent

I think I accidentally deleted my comment on a dynamic slider for traits, but I've mentioned it before.

Naomi Vincent

Jayme Namkcir said: I am posting my answer to the poll under this one since it is pretty much the same (I just would of called it something different). I like the idea that experiences can potentially shape behaviors and personalities, and think that would be something that would be a HUGE improvement in terms of the personality/behavioral systems found in other life simulators. One other addition to Naomi's ideas I would add is that some traits (once reaching a certain threshold) would compound. Like an 'anxious' character would have both a lower threshold for what elicits an anxious reaction, but also might have more extreme reactions over time. Really just the idea of feedback loops, some negative and some positive. For negative feedback, the suggested idea of 'drama queen' might be a good example. Where over time the character would become more and more dramatic until their behavior robs them of their audience, at which point they would reign it in at some level bellow the max amount of drama queen, but above the lowest level.

NetherHeartz ~ ( Stephen )

Well, why not give it an option for individual Paras to have a specific type of identity they gravitate to more? For example, a Para could be extremely ambitious, so they'd focus more on their aspirations/dreams instead of their culture or lifestyle. Imagine a Para who has an ambitious trait, so they focus more on their dream of being a veterinarian..but they also hold "night owl" as an additional trait! A Para without an ambitious trait (maybe with a different trait?) would gravitate their personality more towards being a "night owl", and wouldn't be able to be a Veterinarian as easily as someone with an ambitious trait would! This could also give way for Paras who are very intergrained with their culture and background as well, and give an easier way to have a deeper-ingrained personality system. This could be done in a way where..there's a set amount of "focuses" that the Para will want to go for. THEN, on the side, there's the "traits." Each of these traits could have points adding towards a specific "focus". Once you have all your traits in, it chooses the one that has the most points to be the Para's main focus. If you're able to weigh specific traits it could end up with a Para who simply has no focus, and I think that would be fantastic to add anyway. Anyway, these are just my ideas!

Aaron J Levesque

I would like to have “life earned traits” If that makes any sense? Like traits your Parafolk Earn over time after they do certain interactions, or display personality over time! Types of personality that grow and change with gameplay and maybe sometimes can be random like small “moody” personality’s which see your Paras changing how they act and there mood constantly!


I want to express how much I hope they add Neurodiversity and Disabilities to the game. For people who experiences these things it can be a large part of who they are and helping to normalize it in games like this help "typical" people see it is just another aspect of life for some people. Also, in games like this, people want to see themselves being represented and disabilities should be a part of that.


I don't think it's a good thing to lump sexual orientation and "gender identity" into one option at the poll. Those are very different things and people might have different opinions on these two very different options. I wouldn't want that my paras sexual orientation or their sex mattered in any greater sense. I just want to play characters that happen to be male/female and happen to have a sexuality. No big deal at all. I think we should rather put emphasis on their actual personalities: their likes, dislikes and fears!


One thing that stuck with me in character design was that character flaws is what makes them interesting and more personal. I think it's important to have a bunch of interesting and worthwhile flaws to make the paras more human. I think the sims has mostly fallen flat in that respect, kleptomaniac and evil traits don't really do the job... Stuff like arrogance, naievity, sloppiness or cowardice are decent, but I think I'd want a dedicated flaw section so I don't have to give up interesting positive traits just to have them feel real

Giammarco Victor Venturi

I really would like to see the parafolks gaining new traits though their life as experience. The traits don't have to be the same, they can change during the life of the character.


Vision impairment: When you're playing a para who has a vision impairment, this will affect how much of the world around the para you can see. Depending on the severity, an experience of increasing blur, tint and darkness, or even total blindness. When playing these paras, they would gain a skill level of echolocation over time to help them navigate, which could be visually represented. Alternatively or additionally, a skill could be built to work with a seeing eye dog, which could also be visually represented.

Giammarco Victor Venturi

I'm now playing The Sims 2 and I love how the wants and fears system gives personality to the character, I like to see that when something wrong happens you actually lose points. It feels as a good representation of what humanity is in a videogame.


Yes yes yes for the old paras! I'm an aged care worker, and life simulation games seem to think that the elderly do nothing, feel nothing and have nothing. In reality, they are the quirkiest, most knowledgeable and sometimes the cheekiest people around. Playing an elderly para should be challenging, meaningful and fulfilling.


I think it would be cool if paras could grow different ”hidden” traits over time, for example something your para has gone though can inpact their personality and behaviour. Or that their actions has consequences and a repetitive behaviour of something will form who they are more and more over time.

Hannah Nikina

It totally makes sense that younger parafolks can learn skills faster and will gradually learn them slower as they age. This is really thoughtful!!

Luciana Keil

I remember in a lot of writing advice, they say the most important thing is to know and define how your character goes about solving problems. I think it would be really wonderful to be able to have noticeably different options in this area for our parafolks.

Luciana Keil

Trauma- especially generational trauma- is another thing I'd really like to explore in paralives. It's such a huge part of what defines so many families, including my own, and it would be wonderful to be able to work it out a bit in my digital make believe.


I think it would be cool if we can choose in the Para traits weakness and virtues

Megan Santucci

I really like this idea and it would add a lot more variety than just "music lover" or whatever.

Fran Smith

Personality traits should tie in with a lot of stuff. If you have multiple animations for things they do, eg, High-fiving, jumping into it or just standard high-fiving, than personality should tie into that - an extroverted person is more likely to jump into it, an introverted person is more likely to not do that (unless they are extraordinarily happy, so that would really surprise us and we could laugh and think, "Wow! He really is happy! He doesn't usually do that!", so plus current mood. Added up, these types of little variations would greatly add to diversity in the display of character between Paras and show different personalities. Personalities should also relate to how fast a Para reaches a goal and how they reach that goal. In real life people learn at different speeds in different ways - there are visual learners, audio learners, tactile learners (they learn by 'doing'), and various combinations of those things (I'm a teacher). Of course everyone is on a sliding scale, but how people learn can differ greatly, and generally relates very much to personality. I'd like to see Paras who learn in different ways. For example, fishing, usually a physical activity: some people might just grab a fishing rod and go and learn fast, some might be more academic and need to read about lures and fishing techniques first, some might be impatient, so their progress, regardless of how they learn will be slow, and some just don't have a talent at all, so they never get above a certain level. The tactile person learns fastest by grabbing a rod, the academic person might learn slower that way but if they read for a while first they might learn faster later, the impatient person might learn faster if they meditate first before fishing to be calm, the untalented person might just be sluggish and not get to a high level. This would also add variations to personalities. This would not only add personality, but longevity and DEPTH to game play because for every Para, the player would have to figure out how they learn best, find different ways to play. Every Para might be a new experience. Perhaps the biggest variations might be in reactions to people. People with different traits reacting differently to other people with different traits. This would make relationships much more challenging and fun to watch, and visually interesting, and add replayability to the game. Also, what the Paras do automatically, when idle could be tied to personality. An animal lover would gravitate to their pet, an outdoor lover would gravitate to their garden, a food lover would probably gravitate to the fridge and stare into it whether they are hungry or not, a lazy person might just slump on the couch and stare into space, a creative person might sit table and start drawing, a scientist gravitate to something sciency, etc. But nobody has only one trait, so kind of random those actions. If the traits are a sliding scale with variable strengths and not just on/off switches (which I think would be the BEST way for traits - traits aren't just on/off switches - that would enable you to make all sorts of personalities plus extreme personalities too - players would be able to create the mental illnesses like ADHD if they wish (some players want these things, some don't - this would be a way to satisfy all players), extreme shyness or gregariousness, given the right traits, or not if they wish). Then you could tie the frequency into the strength of the trait, and get complex personalities. I want to be able to laugh at the personality, and think, "Haha, how typical of this Para to do that!", not just think, "Oh yeah, that's the one in the red dress drinking water just like all the other ones". Overall, I think the more aspects, and the wider variety you can tie into personality, the better. And I don't think those silly 'buffs' in that other game really work. That's not personality - it's just mood, and a pretty bad representation at that, because it really didn't affect the character at all anyway.


I don't care if astrology actually has an effect on personality or not. Lmao I just want the option to choose it please and thank you


Also there need to be TONS of different options of traits and I need to be able to choose more than 3 lol


I think it would be interesting to have a leveling traits system kind of like skills, these would develop overtime and influence the paras

Emerald Sausage

Their personalities should have an effect on their relationships with other paras with conflicting or compatible personalities. So some will be harder to befriend and cause more arguments, and others will get along more easily. For instance, two attention-seeking paras will not get along so well, because they both want to be the centre of attention. But they would get along better with quieter, more introverted paras. Opposites attract and all that. This should apply to romantic relationships as well, with paras being more or less attracted to others with certain personalities. Their personalities should also be shaped by their life experiences, as well as their own attempts at self-improvement such as attending an anger management course, life coaching and counselling.


Just imagine a para having a sloppy personality trait so they leave trash around and then neat paras get upset at them and have new dialogue options to reflect their frustrations. Or maybe those frustrated dialogue options are the only ones now available!


I think that the most ideal system is to have sliders (like in sims 2) for more core aspects of personality like neatness, activity, friendliness, shyness etc. but having a quirks section (similar to traits in sims 3/4) for more unique parts of a para's personality such as loyal, hopeless romantic, easily amused etc. It would also be cool to have a flaws section for negative aspects of a para's personality as well, like hot-headed, stubborn, envious etc. I also wonder if it would a good idea if instead of making us select a certain number of traits (e.g. 3 quirks 3 flaws) is if we have a maximum limit of how many traits we can choose for both (maybe 4 or 5?) but can have as many/few as we want up until this limit.


I love the idea of the different systems being interconnected: a para who hates sports and is super social shouldn't have a reclusive lifestyle with a job as a football coach.


Personality should be a huge tie in but also lifestyle and general experiences, the ability to lose or gain traits depending on what happens on them through their life.


An example being if you had a para who was naive and a bit of a romantic but for gameplay you wanted them to be in relationships not good for them then there should be a way for them to either grow positively or negatively from the experience

BooDotBoo .

If we could get wants and fears and an ability to get more want/fear slots, I would love that!


For me, I think all of the above would help define a Parafolk as their own individual. Perhaps a slider for more basic aspects like being an introvert/extrovert, active/lazy etc followed by more specific traits (i.e romantic, clumsy, extreme sports goer??) to fine-tune their personalities further. Also having said traits impact how Para act would be great too, like extroverted, outgoing Para maybe pulling finger guns to people they walk passed or active, sporty Para doing simple stretches as they idle. One thing I'd personally like to see is Para getting random quirks the player has no control over, such as laugh-snorting, knuckle cracking, etc

Virginia B

memories and life experiences altering how a para reacts to things. for example, if they were bit by a dog as a kid, they might be afraid of dogs as an adult, and maybe with repeated positive exposures to their fear they could overcome it. same thing with good or bad memories with other paras or locations. if they have their first kiss at the beach, maybe they could have a happy moodlet whenever they go to a beach? something like that. also, I really love the idea of including neurodivergences and disabilities in general for paras. a blind, deaf, or physically handicapped para could add so much immersion and depth to gameplay, and allow for more players to recreate themselves more accurately. while it's kind of possible to use personality traits to somewhat emulate mental disabilities like depression or anxiety in other life sim games, I can't remember ever seeing a physically handicapped character in a life sim. I think paralives could be that inclusive. include wheelchairs and prosthetics, that could be so cool, and physical therapy could be a career choice too.

Madi Crouch

Talents - paras are born/made with a disposition oriented towards certain skills or interests. Paras with talents for music, art, science, mathematics and so on build related skills faster and succeed more in related careers. They also enjoy them more and take fulfillment from them. They are disappointed if they don't achieve well in the field.


For me things that are less important to a Para would be abilities and culture. I personally like the idea of creating my para how I would like them to be not based off of set traits from a specific culture. Life experience and memories are important to me in terms of shaping different likes, dislikes, and fears. Something I would not enjoy is temporary traits as I didn't appreciate how they were done in other games. I would be worried it would hinder gameplay instead of enhancing it and the way I have experienced it in the past I found it frustrating and anxiety-inducing worrying about losing a good trait or dealing with a bad one. Paras having different life goals, dreams, wants, dislikes, and fears would really drive gameplay for me. I also saw someone mention little quirks before that would come with different paras automatically and I think I really appreciate that idea.


I think it's fine to have astrological signs included in the game, but it shouldn't have any effect on personality. Maybe have a "superstitious" trait which makes your para read horoscopes and care about the sign of potential romantic partners.


When your para is asleep you should have the option of entering their dreams and trying to control the outcome. You get booted out when they wake up. This then affects their day.


All of the above... over time of course.

Korina Mills

Myers-Briggs personality types or Enneagrams or even just some fun made-up personality type would be such a fun addition! Maybe you could choose 1 of xx types to create a pre-made trait stack, or when you choose your own traits it could auto-assign a personality type based on what you picked! These types could affect compatibility, career choices/goals, friendships, etc!


I would like Para's personality to tie into animations for how they move, sit, etc. For example, a neat Para walks up straight and sits up straight, while a more easy going Para would walk more loosely and sit on the couch cross-legged and a lazy/sloppy person would maybe be waking more trudgingly and sit on a couch in a slumped way, etc.

M13Vulpecula XIII, ruler of Vulpeculand

I fully agree with this. Having different layers of personality systems would allow for a much more layered character to play with, which would make gameplay much more interesting :D

Captain SebT

It could be contextual too a Introvert would sit differently with friends than in large gatherings.

Captain SebT

I want Personality to change based on gameplay. Maybe you were hsppy go lucky but your wife died and now you just can't laugh anymore.

Captain SebT

I would also like sexuality represented and if the para isn't accepted I want to see them effected long term in a realistic way. Maybe now they abandonment issues or become more quiet.

Captain SebT

There could be therapist to reveal the hidden traits and give your character steps to remove them too.


I have so many ideas, but I mainly want to talk about 'memories' because I notice it isn't in the poll options. It'd be good to have paras keep track of important memory events that can both temporarily and permanently affect their behaviour and such. I'm mainly thinking of how it worked in The Sims 2. Sims who had a lot of bad stuff happen to them would accumulate bad memories (coloured red) and this would affect their wants, their fears, their aspiration level (which kinda functioned and an overall happiness meter) and their behaviour. If a kid had one of their family die then they would generate a fear that their other family members might die. Getting married would be a good memory for a sim who wanted a family, but a bad memory for a sim who wanted to play the field and never settle down. It also allowed the player the keep a log of what kind of life a certain sim had led; especially cool for picking up someone else's save file / a pre-made sim and figuring out what had happened to them thus far. It was a feature I really loved in Sims 2 and really miss in current iterations of the franchise. I'd love some kind of memories system in Paralives, it would be amazing and really add levels of complexity to each character. Honestly, things in general that can keep a log of the history and experiences of paras would be amazing. Memories, complex relationships, personality traits acquired through experiences, etc. Family trees are another one. And of course some kind of bio for players to write things in, creating a manual way to describe a paras history and life. The Sims 2 also had a sort of photo album feature, but it was admittedly kinda clunky, so I don't know if that would work or not.


I think the star signs are cool and I would certainly like to be able to add them to my paras' bios, but whether they actually affect personality or not is another matter. I don't mind either way, but I think personality should be more complicated than *just* a star sign. I do like the idea that star signs mostly just affect funny things, like compatibility with other star signs, or paras with more mystical interests. Another thing you could consider is making 'different' star signs (like The Elder Scrolls series) and attaching unique traits to each of them. Born under the sign of the goose? You have good luck with love but can't manage money, or something, idk. Could be fun. (Might want to consult Maggie about it first though, since she's the star enthusiast.)


Turn-ons and turn-offs in other Parafolks (like the system in The Sims 2)! Also, maybe like.. "assigned hobbies"? As in, these are the hobbies the Parafolk really likes doing and is drawn to do.


Most of the above options could define an individual but there is a huge BUT - it will only enhance gameplay if those traits and preferences actually change their autonomous behaviour!! In The Sims, all that happens is their buffs go up if the player happens to make them do something they like, otherwise autonomously they all behave the same. I want less player-facing scorecards and more actual behavioural effect.


Thank you for the opportunities...


i'm so excited


astrology could be a fun way to incorporate a lot of personality mechanics (a sign likes something more than another sign or one sign prefers a different lifestyle than the other etc.)


I world love for experiences in life, good and bad, big and small, influencing the paralives personality and wishes. For example their childhood and how they were brought up by their parents. Or a really bad break-up influencing their future relationships. Genetics could also be a factor for personality traits, that you can inherit certain traits. And I love the idea of hidden traits that you discover during gameplay.


I voted for "likes" as a shorthand, but for me the ideal would be better described as VALUES. I see it as a combination of likes/dislikes/lifestyle/culture maybe, if I were to limit myself to the terms of the poll ? Something I've always wanted is to have characters that share values, and are naturally more prone to relate to others because they have beliefs in common (or, because opposites attract, too !). This idea that what makes you, you, is how you're going to interact with others, and that's defined by how you see the world, not how you see yourself. What defines you is not who you think you are deep inside, on an abstract level, nor is it arbitrary labels, but rather, the things you got from others, and the things you'll share or give to others. So yes, values. Personal history maybe ? I don't know if that makes sense, but to me "traits" feel like they exist in a void, like they come out of nowhere, like they're just things you were somehow born with ; I prefer the idea that you grew into who you are because of how you were raised, in what culture, in what context, with what habits, and that the manifestation of that is how you end up looking at the world, what you find important, what you don't approve of, etc. It fits my idea of "personality" more to picture it like that. So yeah, I'd definitely prefer to set up a character according to how they look at the outside, instead of how they look at themselves. Plus, gameplay wise, it's much more interesting to me ! So, regarding "How should the identity and personality of your Para affect the gameplay", I think it should affect who your Para more likely to get along with or not. Who are they going to build relationships with (good and bad ones), and based on what. Internally there should be mechanisms that say "ok, this Para has nothing in common with your Para, and maybe getting along will be complicated because of it, or maybe they complete each other, but either way you don't have a full control on it, because you can't control the history of the people you meet". And also it'd be nice if Paras could evolve over time. Being able to change your mind about things is so rare in games, and a life simulation is really perfect for an example of the contrary. When I was young I didn't like spinach and now I crave it regularly. As I'm getting older I find that I care about what people think of me (a bit) less. As a preteen I was WAY into reading, now I'm more into TV and videogames. I didn't always have musical preferences and now I know what I like better. It's important because we don't only create Paras in the Paramaker ; we're going to have Parababies, and watch them grow up, and play them until they die, and over time I want to have the feeling that they're not just aging but also having a full life, with tons of experiences that might influence them. Sometimes you meet the right people and they change you, too ; I'd want that for my Paras. Not traits set in stone. (a few months ago I mentioned to Alex that I'd love a form of "knowledge tree" for traits, so that over time Paras unlock characteristics that are more complex and subtle, and that's definitely something I also want to see https://www.patreon.com/posts/33256528 ) God I'm so sorry this comment is that long >_<


Turn ons and turn offs ie(what attracts paras to other paras )


One thing that might be interesting to add is some kind of chronic illness (something that in the game is fairly mild, but troublesome) that a Para might begin to suffer from at a particular life stage or during a pivotal moment in their life. Like, a Para that's spent their entire life eating nothing but grilled-cheese sandwiches (cough, cough) might get to a "mid-life" stage where they're diagnosed with a heart condition that they have to maintain in some way. They could need to take meds, exercise, start rolling the die (and I do mean "die") every time they eat another grilled-cheese sandwich, etc., and it could affect their moods. Or if someone has a physical profession, like construction, bodybuilder, ski instructor, etc. they could get some non-specific "injury" that forces them to switch professions mid-life. Heck, this can even happen in non-physical professions, e.g. a game developer burning out from overwork. (It happens!) (Speaking of mid-life stuff: Don't forget to add Mid-Life Crisis elements too! Suddenly John buys a sportscar, Jane gets toned with hot yoga, and they both cheat on each other with college students they meet on ParaChat. Oh, the drama.)

Jana Mahlich

If we do get fears in the game, i believe it is very important to have different levels of fears. For example your para could be so paranoid of that spider on the wall that your para goes hiding in the closet or runs away. Or the para could just be a little tense and try to remove the spider herself. There should also be a somewhat “conquered” aspect of fears. So maybe the tense part could be a para that has already fought their fear well and has learned to manage it. Does that make sense?^^


I think the totality of an individual's experiences is quite definitive on a person's character and depending how those experiences play out, a Para's life can be impacted significantly either by one event or a series of events. It would be really cool to see how experiences can impact Paras throughout their entire lives and not just as triggered event with a cooldown timer. The overarching aspect of the "Paras' experience" would also work well with the important things listed for identity-building.


Paras need own wishes and dreams, need perfect autonomy.. You as player are THE GOD for them, but they can work without you (they need their own preferences for time spending, etc ;-)).. If they will stay and waiting for your choices, it will be wrong ;-) Their life must be smooth ;-) And what doing game playable? Options and choices what you can make ;-) So if you will have complete modeling, core etc, pls work on choices, options etc for the players ;-) Pls work on AI ;-) BTW: if you make time planning for paras day, it will be awesome ;-) for example: 6:00am awakening 6:30am breakfest 7:00am going into work etc :-) And for it its important the passage of time :-) --------- Build mode looking awesome and i know, it will me much more better in future. Pls dont make same mystakes like EA with the sims.. Bild mode for now is awesome (yours looking much better), but gameplay have soooo boring ;-)


Instead of a certain amount of traits to define a para, I wish we had a more slider like option that we can make a decision for on each characteristic/trait. So for example a slide for musical inclination and by default it's set to neutral and we could move it to music lover or hates music. I would prefer this over a limited trait base system since I feel it would round out the paras more instead of being one dimensional. I'm not sure how feasible that would be coding/ game size wise, but if possible I would love to see that. I love how everything is looking so far, thank you for all the hard work you are putting into this game!


A really good AI would be a game changer, really. Like when waking up they would tend to take a shower, have some breakfast if you don't stop them from doing that. Or if they are learning to play the piano, they would automatically try to go there and play some, instead of using the computer all the time at every party :) It would be so nice to have parties where paras behave in the ways that people behave at parties - drinking, eating, talking, dancing and what not. Not using the computer (yeah it gets to me very much in the Sims 4). Other examples: good students who strive for success would automatically do homework, really social kids - would call their friends and hang out, sporty kids - do sports etc. Introverted paras would never want to start a conversation unless they really like that para, or they are a bit tipsy, or something else. And wishes and dreams are a must, I believe too! I really liked the Sims 2 version of that. And if they have a certain wish, the AI could push them in that direction. I can't even imagine how hard these systems are to build, but I hope it is achievable at least to some degree!


Maybe like have personality traits that can evolve or change as the Para grows older or as long as you play that Para? IRL the people we surround ourselves with forge who we are. Our habits, how we speak or sometimes even act. Our beliefs and morals can change and evolve as we expose ourselves to different people with different backgrounds. Like with each life stage progression you can evolve one of their traits but have options for the negative side of the trait? like how zodiac signs have positive and negative traits associated with them...


Here is an idea I had. I've been reading the comments and really like to idea of a para's personality being effected by events in there life, which is great, but what about pre-made paras? The paras created in ParaMaker. They are basically being born as an adult, or what ever life stage they are. What if you created some sort of backstory system. Like the stories system in sims 4 CreatASim but allow players a way to choose what has happened in their life that could potentially shape who they are along with the current traits we choose for them, depending on how the actual personality system works. It can be as general or detailed as possible such as; "death in the family", "marriage", "divorce", "having children", "bullied in school", "rich or poor lifestyle", etc. That way we won't have to work with "blank slates" if that makes sense. ;)


And as for the personality system, I think it might be a good idea to combine many different aspects of what makes a personality, instead of sticking to just one system, like one section can use a collection of traits, and another section can depend on sliders, this might sound confusing, I'm just spouting ideas, and I'm just saying that you don't have to stick to one way of creating a personality, you could try incorporating lots of methods and have them work together somehow. Sorry if that was confusing.


It would be so awesome if astrology was implemented as a fun part of the personality system! The Myers-Briggs personality types would be interesting too!


I like the idea of having life goals/dreams, but not to be pressured all the time by *'do this to obtain ...'.* My preference is for certain goals (particularly artistic ones) to be pursued in the manner that suits the personality of the individual para, just as IRL artists are about as diverse as they can get Like the idea of Myers-Briggs more than astrological signs.


I'd really love to see fears appearing in Paralives in some form. I feel like the sims in the later sims game are weaker for not having fears. I think if Paras have things they want out of life it makes sense that they would also have things they really don't want. I feel like it adds some potential vulnerability to a para as well, so they're not just perfect people who are never negatively affected by anything that happens to them.


I think it would add to the depth of the para as well. For example paras who have experienced a house fire before might be more likely to get fears about fire in the future. Or maybe paras don't usually have fears about loved ones dying until they become elders...but if they have a para close to them die in a tragic accident they might start getting fears of their friends and family members dying regardless of their life stage.


It will be great if Astrology will be part of the game. I don’t think that it should affect Para’s personality traits in the way Sims 2 did, but as a little part of their bio – why not? Also, I have a silly suggestion: what if a retrograde Mercury, for example, will make your character less likely to succeed in some tasks? I know that not everyone believes in astrology and this kind of mechanics could make gameplay more unrealistic for them, which is why it should be optional :) I didn’t vote for abilities but if Paralives will have hobbies, there should be some type of indication that shows which field your character adores and more likely to spend more time and be happier doing it.


I would really like to be able to define the personality of our paras using sliders instead of havin to manually select some traits. You could have a slider with two opposite traits like introvert and extrovert. Same thing for gender identities and sexual/romantic orientation. I would really prefer a slider system where you could indicate if your para prefere/feel more identified as a man, a women, a neutral gender, all of them or any ... rather than having to manually choose straight, gay, bi, non-binary. Likes, dislikes, fears, wishes, dreams... really help to customize our caracter, same thing for a biography even if this one will not have an ingame repercussion, it hads more story telling. I think it's great to be able to specify neurodiversity, disabilities, gender identities an sexual/romantic orientation cause beside being great for diversity and inclusion it will add something to GP, however i don't think it's usefull to be able to choose culture/origin. The game universe will not have religions and it will be a totally different world than ours, obviously it's important to add paramaker and buld/buy mode elements of diverse cultures, same for the social events and holidays but choosing if our paras will be english or mexican will be totally useless in my opinion, i would actually prefer to create a caracter who looks like he is part of some culture (without it being to cliché) rather than saying he is from that specific culture. Love the idea of life styles, and about that maybe it could be nice to choose what type of diet our para has: healthy/unealthy, vegetaria, vegan, or even decide if our para will be abble to eat pig for example. It will offers a huge range of customization and would be really great for inclusion! Anyways this are just some thought i had, but overall i'm really happy with everything you are proposing!!!


Astrology signs affecting personality, maybe even relationships would be great, as long as it's an option and that it doesn't define your hole personality like in sims 2. Mercury retrograde, moon phase and other celestial events affecting your para mood coold be fun, butr again as long as it's an option and it doesn't have a too big impact.

Lisa, Professional dumb ass

If astrology ends up in the game I would like it to be optional if it actually effects gameplay or not. As a person who don’t believe in it, I would not find it fun if it affected my para but some who does believe in it would probably enjoy it.

Lisa, Professional dumb ass

Maybe you could have some paras who don’t believe in astrology and wouldn’t be as affected with it and some paras who do believe in it and would be more affected. Maybe a para who fully believes it and a para who doesn’t believe in it at all would have a harder time putting their differences aside and a friendship would be harder to form (not impossible tho)


I think a lot also depends on memories, so those should also be customisable when we're creating a Para. For example someone might feel being a person from LGBTQ+ community defines them because of big memories connected to being in the closet, coming out and the support or negative reactions they received, while it wasn't a big process in somebody else's life. That's just an example to illustrate how one thing can have either a huge or small impact depending on memories around it.


It would be great if the Para's reactions to life events would be in keeping with who they are based on their traits, their history of game play actions, and their personalities which develop over time.


I think it would be cool if build mode could be affected by para's personalitys as well. Y'know how when you design a characters room or house in life sims you choose items YOU believe they would like, what if when you were buying/building a house, the game would suggest to you your paras preference based on their personality. Like if they prefer smaller or bigger houses, wood flooring or carpet. And when buying new items in build mode, like decorations or furniture, the items they like the most would be highlited or something. You wouldn't HAVE to buy them of course but this way items and the world around them could have an affect on them. You could do this with clothes too.


I like the idea of my character's likes, dislikes, abilities, personality, wants and fears to be somewhat shaped their life events and the memories that they collect


"For example, if your para has the hates children trait, they should never autonomously feed a crying baby, or talk to/help/play with a child para. If your para is noncommittal, they could autonomously flirt with random paras, even when in a relationship or married. " This! Dislikes children trait doens't make sense in any Sims iteration without the mods. Traits should really affect the behaviour, not to be watered down version.


Many lovely ideas! Just a quick silly question: if the gender/sexual identity is a slider, how can you create an asexual (a para who feels no sexual attraction at all) and cis-gender para, for example? Just curious to know how it would work in this case. (:


Just a little question: have you ever played the original Sims? There was a feature where the sims really estimated your ability to build an aesthetic and functional home. Tbh, it was very irritating and restricting feature which leaded all the households to look same. I still remember the joy when I heard there was not anything similar in TS2 anymore. Maybe if there was a choosable preferred style in PAM, it could work anyway.


I think it would be good if when you create a para, they already have certain skills based on their traits, even if they're low skills because no one starts life as a young adult with no skills


I would add "Inherited from a family member". Also "Traumas" (somehow related to "Fears") like the ones that could derive from losing a family member, changing home at an early live stage, a big argument+losing the contact with a BFF, etc.

Megan Santucci

"can I design a Para with a personality that fits the bio I write for them?" 💯💯💯💯

Megan Santucci

I'm cracking up at the mental image of a para running on a treadmill while spinning up "Watch TV?" "Eat a snack?" "Do my taxes??"


As many have already mentioned there are many awesome options on the list. Even though having voted for almost everything listed, I hope you might include just some of them in the initial release and the others via updates in future. Just worried about the crunch and stress you may experience otherwise. :< Maybe you could publish the list some day where you announce your plans, like a roadmap with clear destinations. Of course, no hurries with this because everything is still pre-alpha. Just thinking of transparency and its benefits: people have features to be expected for and hyped about. Once again, I'd like to share a few thoughts: Personality traits and likes/dislikes ▪As having mentioned earlier, I see a lot of potential in dynamic/slider-based trait system. It would offer much more nyances compared to a simple traits-to-be-placed-to-slots system. At the simpliest, it would affect the para's behaviour: how likely they do interaction X and do they enjoy or hate doing X or interacting with Y (object, para etc.). When it comes to likes/dislikes, I really like the idea of having the ability to adjust the intensity of liking/disliking by the slider because it would enable to create the paras with variable interests - from casual person to die hard fan. Besides, I really adore the idea of choosing the liked/disliked targets like for music, sport activities and movies by the player or playing by the game. The consept of general music lover seen in other life simulation games is weird to my mind, too. Likes/dislikes system might make easier to create different kind of asexual paras which have got rather poorly attention in the earlier lifesimulation games so far. ▪Many have suggested having both slider-traits and stable quirks. It sounds the wise idea as long as there will be the opposite quirks for as many traits as possible. For the reference, I don't get why it's not possible to create calm and serious (but not grumpy or moody) sims in TS3 though there are (easily) excited and good sense of humour traits. Sorry, this might not be the best reference because calm-hyped might a good choise to be coded as a dynamic trait. opeless romantic as already mentioned, dramatic, sceptical, curious and loyal/committed (to choosable targets) might work much better as quirks instead. (Btw, no sense of humour is not an equivalent trait to serious in TS3 because they still have the option to joke in their own way.) ▪Please, consider the "real" sliders instead of the point system. It would enable the players to create the paras they desire: completely flawed or perfect archetypes or something between - in other words, more human. (Btw, creating the "flawed", if you allow me to use this term in this context, sims is possible TS and TS2 when you simply refuse to add any trait points. Why not vise versa?) ▪Connectivity between traits and other aspects in personality mentioned above sounds very interesting and lovely idea! ▪Developing traits, likes/dislikes etc. plus inheriteable traits sound very interesting. As a fandom player however, I wish the player could set and change these either via PAM or by cheats in order to make them "stabler". Maybe an option in setting could work, too? ▪If you choose to create a "traditional" trait slot system with less or no dynamic traits instead, I hope where will be the separated slot sets for personality, like/dislike, ability/talent traits. If the player prefers to create complex characters, three or even five trait slots alogether is unfortunately way too nifty. ▪A tiny nitpicking about introvert-extrovert-dichotomy: as a social introvert, the idea of having just a simple dynamic trait for introvert-extrovert might sound a bit risky. That's why, I suggest there might be more dynamic indicators ("the slider traits") like a need for social interactions and openess to new people. (▪Really like the idea of life styles. Just thinking if being "a night owl" is actually the life style. Yes it's a minor nitpicking but I've always thought it depends on the biological clock... :S)


Interesting idea! Just thinking if it was up to the player choose the skill points when creating a para. Maybet traits etc. could give extra points to certain skills instead?

Megan Santucci

Maybe the "nice" person is a bit of a pushover/people-pleaser whereas the "mean" person goes out and yells at people who are doing bad stuff. 😂

Megan Santucci

For some things, I wonder if the game could make "suggestions" rather than it being generated and locked in. Like in TS3 if you had a child who played chess a lot the game would suggest that they wanted to be Chess Master but you'd have to click to lock it in. Maybe when I create a Para and make them outgoing and creative the game fills in their favorite hobby as theater 🎭 but I can change it before saving the para. Or my parakid becomes a teen and the game generates their sexual/romantic orientation but a dialog box pops up asking me to confirm it.

Megan Santucci

Sometimes I have a specific vision in mind and other times I just want to see what the game gives me.


I like to define personality and life styles through fashion. Black leather and piercings, rebellious. Black velvet and lace, dramatic. Pastels and hearts, sweet. Dirty sweatshirt, lazy. Pencil skirt and tailored jacket, ambitious. For traits, I don't want random traits that are just there to be fun or silly but don't actually do much. I want umbrella traits that combine to create more intricate personalities and which future additions of activities and interests can be connected to. Possible Examples: Introvert/Extrovert, Passive/Active, Fearless/Fearful, Generous/Selfish, Optimistic/Pessimistic, Trusting/Skeptical, Thoughtful/Thoughtless, Confident/Insecure An insecure introvert would have a harder time with starting social interactions. A confident thoughtless person would have an easy time starting social interactions but a harder time making friends. An active fearless person would be more likely to be adventurous and take risks, and a generous thoughtful person would be more likely to give their time and money to worthy causes. All of these could be on a slider, or combine to offer a custom trait (fearless active -> adventurous, generous thoughtful -> helpful, etc). I also very much like the idea of defining what/who Paras are attracted to.


Personalities affect how we react to events in our lives. It would be good if Paras' personalities dictated their reactions to small and big events, from laughing vs helping if someone else falls over, to running away from a fire vs staying to put it out, to staying in bed for a few weeks vs seeking lots of human interaction when a loved one has died.


It would also be cool if events could give us the option to change a Para's personality. eg. a romantic relationship ends and we can give them an "untrusting" trait, or they go on vacation and come back with an "open-minded" trait, or they make friends with a Para who has a partying lifestyle and becomes more of a party-er themselves.


inspired by the previous comment: if we use sliders and one trait can be stronger or weaker. for example your para is very outgoing, they could influence other paras to be more open if they spend some time together or become friends. so paras who have one trait that is maximised could influence others to change their traits a little bit (spending way too much time with a very mean para could cause that your para's kind-mean slider is getting closer to the mean side


I remember reading about plans for Paras to form/develop Habits, based on the actions taken often. I think that sort of thing should play a foundational role in developing/expanding traits too. I would absolutely love it if Traits were something gained through playing and by Paras doing certain things. So as an example, a Para spent a lot of time playing an instrument and formed a habit of playing that instrument. Once it's an established habit, progress toward maintaining the habit would go toward earning a musical/virtuoso trait. Then, once they earn that trait they can do more things and hold conversations with other Paras about relevant topics, and maybe tutor others if they are highly skilled in an associated skill. Other skills/habits (and possible traits) could be: coding/programming, carpentry/building/making/construction (makes them a Puzzle-solver); playing ​sports or being active, meditating, reading, studying, any creative/artistic pursuits, gardening; teaching; communicating with people/networking, mediating, organising and hosting parties (makes them Sociable); house-keeping, care-taking (makes them Organised or Nurturing); investigating/analysing, people-watching (makes them Analytical); working a lot (makes them more Ambitious, Work-aholic) Additionally, being a habitual person (developing consistent habits quickly) or doing things erratically and not really hammering down a routine (eating and sleeping at odd/inconsistent hours) could influence their personality traits too. Making them Organised or Social actions also would influence these traits as well as skills and hobbies. So, repeating the same social interaction to another Para could work towards establishing a 'Dogmatic' trait or something similar. Cycling through different topics and talking about topics that line up with the other Para's interests could conversely work towards a 'versatile' or 'accomodating' type of personality trait. and then, how they interact with other Paras could be linked to a different set of Communication traits. These might be along the lines of reading and writing comprehension skills and how well they can express themselves to other paras. Or maybe more of spectrum/scale between contrasting traits. Such as Introversion and Extroversion: in which the more introverted a Para is, the quicker their social need refills by talking to people but as a trade-off the faster their energy drains while socialising; on the other hand, the more extroverted a Para is, the faster their social needs drain without people around. These dynamic elements could probably be selected in the Paramaker. Maybe some are secret or only available by certain actions and gameplay elements. These could then all combine to calculate a Paras general ambition or "Life Path", based on the number-based life path theory that sorts people into broad categories of lifestyles and individual journies through life (but without the birthdate addition stuff, just taking it based on their actions and habits).


thinking a bit more, and maybe when you select a trait that has associated skills in the Paramaker, then the Para will also get a bonus to the skills (maybe you can select one if there are a few relevant skills). the actual boost probably related to age or just random or calculated from hidden stats idk


traumas is def interesting but tricky to do well imho– will say i love the idea of paras' identities being some fusion of inherited and self-determined. the idea that we're defined by our family...🥺💖


Something I would love to see would be for para children, as they grow they take on some of their parent's personality traits as we do. Say a mother is a neat freak the child might be OCD or might be a messy person just because of their mother's neat freak trait. This trait would clearly evolve and change with each life stage the child takes once the child ages to their adult years it's set and it's not something you need to pick or can change since it was a learned trait from their parent. All other traits or personality quirks could be chosen like normal just that one trait is locked and it could say who they learned it from or how they got that trait.


To add, I would like to see how experience can influence thought and behavior patterns manifest through Paras in an organic way. It would be nice to see how this aspect can be further developed beyond emojis in a thought bubble.


Can someone make a wicked whims for this😔✋🏼


I completely forgot the turn ons/offs. The expanded system suggested earlier sounds very cool: from physical appearance to personality, profession/degree/career, talents and skills.


All that I undertand Wicked whims' coding structure and its features, the mod requires script modding which is not planned to be included in at the moment. Of course, if the developers make possible to mod custom animations, social interactions, skills, needs, traits etc. (wow, how much features WW actually has. :O I wasn't aware of them before reading the list.) without scripting, it would be very likely to be done. :)


if my parafolk could have autism like it would mean the world :')


I hope for a solid Create-a-Trait-system that would allow us to customize Traits for our Paras. I'm thinking smaller "Trait-pieces" that can be dragged and dropped to form more unique Para-Traits.


Is it wrong for me to say that I was looking forward to having two or more of these options in our paras for a more unique gameplay, the idea of having 2-3 of each of these things or even more to help differentiate each para would really do it for me!


Absolutely. Traits and preferences should affect autonomous behaviour. I just wanna bring in, I know Sims 4 sucks in this department, but I swear Sims 2 had this working though. 'Sloppy' sims would avoid cleaning things at all costs, would never make the bed, would leave trash and dishes lying around, had a special messy eating animation, and would make objects dirtier faster. 'Neat' sims would autonomously clean up, pick up trash, could clean things that weren't visibly dirty yet, and even had a special 'soap bubbles' effect when they were cleaning. More than just their autonomous behaviour, however, it also affected how your sims responded to you the player. If you told a slob sim to clean something then they would whine and complain about it. If you told a neat sim to clean something they would actually cheer. And I'm pretty sure a messy environment effected neat sims more negatively and sloppy sims less negatively.


I want to try and articulate what Sims 2 did for personalities and why it was so genius compared to later iterations. Let's see... The concept behind a 4 digit code, for example. How there's only four slots but each slot could be anything from 0 to 9, and suddenly there's 10,000 possible combinations now. The Sims 2 had Aspirations, Zodiac Signs (functioning as Personality), Chemistry, and Interests. I wrote and deleted many many long posts here, so rather than get into what was happening in Sims 2 specifically, let’s just look at what can be learned from it. It was a method to create multiple complex combinations of personality, pretty much unique from sim to sim. (Though you can control 3 out of 4 of these inputs, you can’t always control how they’re going to interact together, or what will happen when they clash.) Starting with your sim’s ambitions and dreams (aspiration) combined with their behaviour (zodiac / personality) combined with chemistry (for romance) and interests (for social conversation and personal hobbies), creates a strong and indepth ‘character’ for each sim. Then as soon as you put your sim into play they generate wants/fears which, when realised, will drive your sim’s aspiration meter (overall happiness) up or down, and generating either positive or negative memories (affecting their mood, temporary behaviour, and the wants/fears they might generate next). Also affects which events your sim views as positive vs negative; how your sim socialised with other sims; your sim’s views about a career or a family; the state of your sim’s environment; even what your sim does in their leisure time. This has multiple levels of different aspects of personality, combining and compounding or even conflicting, created something greater than the sum of its parts. As opposed to a wide but shallow selection of ‘personality traits’ which, while intellectually appealing to the player, resulted in pretty uninteresting and unsurprising characters as a result (especially when you can only pick three traits). I think the ideal system would have something of both. Players enjoy being able to manually adjust things, specify certain traits and eliminate unwanted traits. But I think a system that has multiple layers dealing with multiple aspects of ‘personality’ would result in a much better experience and better, stronger ‘characters’ overall.

S&M Gonzalez

I like the idea of having sliders giving an overall base and then picking some traits like maybe 7 where you can adjust the intensity of and maybe even could combine into a new trait later in their life. Like for example a trait like neat freak or cleaniness. You’d have extreme where they’re constantly cleaning and get mad if you make messes, then you have the less severe where they clean when things are dirty but don’t fret if not clean, then there’s mild where they like things organized but can cause messes too. If that makes any sense. I’ve been thinking a lot of how I’d like paras to act and their identity and I chose most of them in the poll, because they’re all important. I think it’d be important to make them dynamic but there will be windows of opportunity to steer them in another direction. With that being said I think paras having regrets for not taking chances or not fulfilling opportunities is important, I mentioned some of these things before in the other brainstorm like as paras age they have certain life goals be it short term or long term. And they compare their life to others at times, with things they have or don’t have vs things other paras have or don’t have, things they want and don’t get it or strive to and maybe they do. Fears paras have is something I really hope to see that affects their choices in life and who they interact with especially with romances, some being afraid of love or getting married or having children. Fears of small things like insects, driving, ghosts, etc. Opinions amongst themselves,hobbies, and towards others lol I’m not sure how this could work but I guess it’d be more autonomously done in their social settings. Also what I posted in the last brainstorm was giving generation of paras different memories that are surrounded by different time periods, like a generation of paras who grew up in a disco era or historical time (if we get expansion packs like that) will have different experiences and memories than a younger and newer generation. That will be meaningful to them and events that happen would be meaningful to them or not. Younger paras taking interest in vintage eras would be cool which could tie in with culture and lifestyle by wanting to live a certain way. Negative experiences also is important to see too where they can lead a horrible life or maybe one their not proud of, and want to change it for the better. Mend broken relationships with family and friends, change hobbies,change their outlook aka life goals. It’d be cool if they could be aware of that and people they hurt and it stay with them. This might be too realistic, in my head it seems simple but explaining it seems more complex haha. This is all I have for now but I’ll post more if I think of more! Oh also on Reddit someone mentioned something about babies having personalities like once they’re born from newborn to toddlers I though that would be really fun to have as well for babies because babies do have finicky ways sometimes!


That sounds an interesting idea! (This is a bit off topic to your suggestion but inspired by your message, I overall hope modding the personality by expaning the system by custom mods will be easy to do. It's the area in TS3 which has always been very tricky to edit.)


It's really important to me that Paras feel alive in the sense that they have wants and fears that change during their lives. They have aspirations and goals that relate to these wants and fears. Just like real life, our aspirations can change as we get older. As a child we might aspire to be a pop star or a sports player, but when we become adults we might want to do something more realistic like being a teacher or starting a family. These wants and fears should relate to their aspirations but also their personality. Ambitious paras who aspire to be the best in their career may want a promotion and fear a demotion for example.


Anything remotely like Sims 2 plus traits would make me very happy. 😊 And maybe something inspired by MBTI or the Enneagram?


Yes, I think that MBTI could be a good way to set a basic personality and we could use other features as tweaks to make each Paras unique, like fears, diskiles, traits, etc.


We need a memory system in the game, like we had in the Sims 2.


It would be wonderful to be able to make a different game mode based on preferences. I explain. You had commented that you wanted to include topics of neurodivergence or functional diversity, something that I find wonderful and, personally, it makes me want to play it more and I think it is a positive point in order to give visibility and provide sensitivity regarding these topics. Well, yes it is true that there are people who would prefer to play in ultra fabulous mode with a perfect parafolk in an ideal life, which is fine too, but for those of us who want to try something like that, it would be great to have options in the configuration to play with these factors or not. On the other hand, it occurs to me regarding personality that a balance can be made of some more limiting or negative factors such as fear of something, insecurity, etc. for each certain positive (again in the case of wanting to play like that). Also include some type of neurodivergence as a possible option along with the personality and that affects the game with one or two extra traits (social anxiety, etc.) but that is not too heavy in order to play it, something that by going to therapy several times can be smooth for example. On the other hand, and here I am still anticipating because I do not know if you have even raised the issue of including children and stages of life, that if at least one parafolk is like that with regard to the offspring, that there is a certain percentage of probability that the baby can develop it, as would be the genetic theme of green, brown eyes, etc. Of course it is just an idea, for my part to tell you that only if you consider including something like that, it seems wonderful to me. If anything else occurs to me, I'll leave it commented on the relevant topic. Thanks for reading and have a good day


I really want paras to have customizable morals. I imagine having a few different types of morality, and an option to be highly moral, amoral, or indifferent to each type. so for example a para could be highly moral in personal relationships, but amoral when it comes to abiding by laws. in gameplay, that para might speed a lot when they drive or not care about spraying graffiti, but would get very upset if they lied to someone or cheated on a partner. for me this would have massive implications for roleplaying value in the game, especially when it comes to criminal paras and certain situations like poly relationships.

S&M Gonzalez

Paras being able to pick morals for cultures, i think this would really make paras whole family dynamics really diverse and unique too. Instead of a traits. like in sims there's a trait called reserved, there could be many morals that are tied to being reserved not just one. Empathy is another one i think would be really interesting to see morals being helping someone or being a great listener when a para is going through a rough time,etc. So if we could have like a moral then pick from each catergory what it would entail that would be applied to either individual paras or families as a whole. Of course they can change their morals over time too depending on actions they take. Another idea I had was paras having admiration. Towards others, lifestyles, or things in general. By this I mean paras maybe see other paras who are acting a particular way, could inspire them to act the same way, or even act opposite. Admiration could even cause stress or pressure! This could also tie in to them feeling pressured to be a certain way, like maybe they have more outgoing friends and they're an introvert it could be stressful for them to be someone their not. Examples a para sees someone who always gardens, they notice this para when they're out walking, which inspires them to want to start a garden too. Ex. 2 Para A sees Para B being mean to Para B's sister in school, and as a result makes the para want to be more helpful or to be a better friend to their own siblings, parent, friends they have. So they'll act more friendly than usual which could cause some paras to ask questions like 'what are you up to?', or be surprised, or thankful Culture idea i had was it having an affect on behavior amongst paras. Maybe some paras are more comfortable talking to someone who's from their own culture more vs another culture. Which could result of them feeling out of place sometimes. This always reminds me of the sims 3 ep where they go to france and asia and they all have their own ways of greeting like the locals. If paras are acting out of the norm in worlds with different cultures,maybe it'll make it harder for them to fit in or make friends. Oh as for romances maybe parents are more acceptiing of their children dating or marrying someone of the same culture vs if they weren't. But there'd be room for them to be accepting or not also. Also to go back on what i originally mentioned on opinons. Itd' be really cool if we could select opinions for paras such as, what they think about money management, politics,books, college, art, working (i think it'd be cool if some paras hate working and refused to get a job or never keep it long if they hate working), marriage, kids, school etc.


Like d&d? Like chaotic good, chaotic neutral, chaotic evil etc.


I really really like that about learning and developing skills! Learning skills (or habits or whatever the skill anaglogue ends up being) seems likely to be a large part of gameplay. So making the way you go about learning actually matter and making that tied to personality would add a nice bit of variety to gameplay. And if this was something attached to a slider (as a lot of people seem to be hoping for with personality) then there would be even more variety to it. Some paras would really only learn by doing, some would need research, some might not care at all, and some might have a bit of a preference. This could also affect how a para relates to their job as well. A hands on para would probably be happier with a more hands on career, while a scholarly para would thrive in something more research orientated. And this could interact with other character elements and activities too. An active, hands-on para might take longer to do their homework. An anxious, scholarly para might be more willing to do something risky or unusual if they research it first. Or perhaps a para's job or hobby isn't well suited for their learning style but they love it because it's well suited to another trait of theirs.

Michael L

Would love to see a wants and fears system similar to The Sims 2

S&M Gonzalez

Another thing i was thinking about was culture and how some families are generational and all live under the same roof as a family until they’re married or even sometimes they are married and still live at home and there’s grandparents which is seen as normal, parents,and children all still living together. I think having some cultures of paras or paras individually could have different views about this, moving out or wanting to, maybe it could bother them to keep living at home so they want to move away, to some it doesn’t bother them but their friends could question them as to why they would still want to live at home, I think it’d be interesting if some paras asked to come back home and stay with parents which I’ve never seen happen before! :) Which goes to a conversation I was talking with someone on the discord the other day and we were talking about making generational families in PAM and also making relatives of our current household families. And we were thinking what if we could after exiting out of PAM, be given the option to move the separate families within the vacant homes within the neighborhood of our current para or of another world. Instead of them being moved into a “cloud home” where you never see them in town nor able to visit their actual homes like how sims does. They’d still feel and be affected by these family members moving away even if they were never actively played in the game if that makes sense.


I think age related traits that can be added at age-up would be really cool to have. Maybe a senior could have the trait “senile” vs “sharp as a tack”. Or a teen could be a “rule breaker” or “studious”, etc.


Some sort of morality system would be cool too. Kind of how the holiday and club system works in sims 4, where you can customize your own holiday and choose activities. But instead of holidays, have it be morality (or religion) based. There would be enough activities and possible traits to choose from, that you could make your para fall under a morality system that really exists in the world today, or completely create your own. For example: you could create a nature based religion, where a required activity could be “dancing under the full moon”, “planting flowers in spring”, “meditate outside”, etc. and then select for the trait portion of that window “hates littering” or something like that. Going outside of your moral code, failing to participate in religious activities, or abandoning your beliefs could create negative or confused emotions for the Para, throwing them in a period of existential crisis so to speak lol Without straight up listing Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Wicca, etc. to choose from, and allowing the player to “name” it themselves, I think you’d be able to implement such a system without creating any controversy.


Life goals are very important, but perhaps they can also be shaped while in school or colleges? I think that the personality traits would be the most important from the list in general.


For my other: If creating a character at a certain life stage, maybe being able to choose some kind of memories or traits from before their creation? So they don’t just pop out of know where and exist, they have a little bit of a past, even though you didn’t actually play through it. Either with a selection to choose from during the creation process or something? Memories generally a bit like The Sims 2 did, but a little more tailored/interesting?


Oh just had another idea, for a possible Trait idea! “Conflicted”, or potentially anxious but I think the latter works better for this. A Para that is in conflict when making decisions or about doing something out of their comfort zone. They could want to do something but maybe dwell and get nervous, which prevents them from actually doing it. But eventually, they may end up doing it (so maybe it kind of cancels itself out because they are visibly struggling with the conflict and worry, maybe animation and thought bubble) but when they DO it, they get a special animation or reward/mood/etc for actually finally doing it, making them feel good! (If went ok I guess lol) And maybe if they haven’t done it for some time, they could feel down as they haven’t actually done it, or even if they did it but it didn’t go as planned... I’m not quite sure how this would implement in game play but possibly having the Trait and then randomly if there are Wants etc, it would make whether to go ahead with them more difficult due to not being able to go ahead due to the Para worrying and stalling! I know I try to talk myself out of or not doing things due to being scared or not confident in myself 🤣


One thing I really want to see is traits that develop due to life experiences. Some traits develop at an early age, but some only develop later in life due to experiences you've had that affected you. I'd like to see paras be able to change their personalities over time. Sometimes you have a really scary experience that makes you afraid of something or makes you lose part of your personality from before. Or you might go to college and have an enlightening experience that changes you for the better. Going to therapy can change you and help you get rid of some toxic habits and traits. Major life events, traumas, aging, all of these things should cause a para's personality traits, habits, lifestyles, likes/dislikes, goals/dreams, and fears to adapt and change.


Hey, me personally I would think that personality and identity is best described via a set of skills/talents, strentghs/weaknesses , traits and lifestyles. I think it would be neat to have enough varitey in those to represent or hint to disabilities and neurodiversity, e.g. Being „awkward in social interactions“ , „gets pains from too much body stress/ little rest“. Like being able to mix it up is what i mean, so more life experienced can be covered. I think for gender/sexual identities, to leave it be without a labeling system, i love the Sims change were u just decide the pee animation and leaves it up to the player to fill the rest, though i think a trait if a para is not interested in romantic and / or sexual interactions (aro/ace) could enrich the gameplay ( but then again it could limit interactions to much idk). The same with culture and heritage, there is just too much if u want to start labeling some. The character customisation should have enough variety to make the look right. But it would be nice to have culture variety in every part of the game, e.g. Furniture sets that isnt just some white persons souvenir but actually could come from an authentic arabic/asian/african country. Clothes and food options. It doesnt need to be complex :) maybe even some interactions to represent non western traditions and mannerism . Like different kind of greetings. I could imagine some kind of memory sytsem that sets the defaults for e.g. What food to cook or how to greet for the para by themselves, once the player done it enough. Just some thoughts, i obvs have no idea how much time it would take, i just think it would otherwise get to complex if u would want to manually label and represent each and every kind of heritage and identity! Good luck yall!


Memories! Please let us have memories and ability to reminisce them 🙏


Thank you for your comment, Magi! You mentioned many good points. When it comes to aces/aros, maybe a dislike system would be a solution if there is not possible to tweak nyances of sexual/romantic orientation in Paramaker? It would allow to blacklist all the interactions the para would prefer not to do. However, just hoping there will not be just a kind of unflirty trait which causes A to behave like demisexual or a chase person (looking at you, TS4). It's just wrong and insulting to suppose everybody likes woohoing and that kind of stuff if the relationship bar is high enough. >_>


My dream is that my Para's have a story, something like a diary or a photo album, something that I can review and remember everything they have experienced, let's call them memories .....


bro i reaaaaaallllyyy hope that astrology is put into paralives


Oh noes, this is very embarrassing but I managed to remove my original messages when editing them. That's why, I resend them with new ideas I'd like to suggest. The suggestions have been marked by "EDIT".


Hi guys, I hope you're doing well! Look what I found in my archives: an old draft about personality sliders! Yaay! I think of having sent it to some forum earlier but in case of having lost in the Internet, I resend it under this thread. The draft just focuses on the personality which can be both herited and taught via socialisation. The socialication in this context refers to the progress where paras' personality is shaped by the environment they live: social interactions, experiences, relationships and that kind of stuff affect it. The original text also contains concepts about talents and weaknesses, wants and fears, likes/interests and dislikes (all of them are sliders because why not :D ), moral( code)s, a sex, gender, attraction (turn ons/offs) and sexuality. Besides, I attempted to connect temperament traits (purely heritable, "how babies act") and the personality (the mix of the temperament and taught behaving which comes visible when the para grows). However, these concepts don't bring anything new to the discussion, and the original temperament+personality might be too complex to code. That's why, I chose to remove some text and simplify the concept itself. Please mind you, this is just the concept about the personality and how it might be done when based on the real psychological theory about personalities. Alongside these, I support the idea of having "static quirks" for the personality aspects which can't be created by these. ...and removing the suggestions mentioned in this text is not the statement by no means. (: Wish you all the best! *** ~Personality~ The scale of the following sliders ranges from 1 to 7 in which 4 indicated neutral and both 1 and 7 extreme. All of them are both heritable and adapted via socialication. In other words, the environment para lives shapes their personality. ▪biologic rhythm early bird - night owl ▪The stimulation sensibility of senses a tolerance to pain: low <-> high a tolerance to heat: low <-> high a tolerance to coldness: low <-> high a tolerance to noice: low <-> high an ability to interpret social situations and others' feelings: low <-> high ▪the strength of reactions Stoic/calm <-> easily enraged Stoic/calm <-> easily embarrassed Stoic/calm <-> easily astonished Stoic/calm <-> easily delighted Stoic/calm <-> easily disgusted Stoic/calm <-> easily crying Stoic/calm <-> easily afraid ▪general mood negative - positive ▪Conventional - innovative traditional (= prejustices to anything new, keen on traditions) <-> radical/liberal (= curious about new and posive attitude towards a change) concentrates on everyday life" <-> dreamer emphasises on practical functions <-> emphasises on aesthetics emphatises on facts <-> emphatizes on feelings ▪Spontaneous - conscientious carefree <-> responsible disorganized <-> organized flexible <-> systematical no disciplined <-> disciplined impulssive <-> deliberate ▪Introvert - extrovert restrained <-> vivacious careful/caucious <-> brave/courageus lonely wolf <-> outgoing adaptable <->willing to lead ▪Restfull - restless patient <-> impatient/short-tempered relaxed <-> tense/nervous self confident <-> concerned high stress tolerance <-> low stress tolerance ▪Distant - warm reserved to talk (generally) <-> talkative/communicative Doesn't listen to others <-> listener formal (=doesn't talk about own private matters to aqcuitantes) <-> open-hearted doubtful/sceptical <-> trusting dishonest <-> honest proud <-> humble EDIT: whatever the final system will be, I really hope paras with coflicting personalities don't get well along. In order to ensure it, it would be so awesome if the (possible) dislikes covered the personality (traits), too. If we had turn offs for attraction system to make sense, why not the personality aspects paras cannot stand by any means? Sorry if this is too complicated. EDIT2: When thinking more carefully about the draft, I found out more complicated traits such as vain might be done when using sliders + likes (+morals) altogether. However, it means the players should have the bigger picture on their mind what kind of aspects affect people to behave in the desired way. That's why, I'd like to suggest there were "trait buttons" in Paramaker. When the player clicked the button, the game would adjust the sliders automatically to emulate the personality trait the player aims to. However, the buttons shouldn't lock the sliders in order to leave the player the chance to adjut them for their liking. If the multiple nyanced sliders seemed too frightening, it would help the players to figure out the system. The solution would also help those who prefer to create their paras quickly and prefer not spend so much adjusting all the nyances. I hope it makes sense.


Honestly, the astrology thing doesn't even need to change anything about the para for me. I just need to put them in every little box possible. I LOVE giving them signs. It would be nice if it affected say their birthday.


it would be interesting for the construction mods to be able to create in a house on the zero floor a shops or bakery or a company and after meter on the floor a housing of the para. it will be possible to create the construction mods. be able to select the rooms of the accommodation on the 1st floor for the considered that the 1st floor for sale and that the zero floor which is not put for sale like Japanese dwellings. it will be great for gameplay if interested in devolopeur


Biography is a must! It's missing in *ahem* 4, in my opinion. Even if it doesn't affect the para directly, it's still a great tool to keep up with the story you're creating (it can get a little too complicated sometimes).


Their style! (Clothing).


I ended up picking everything except astrology, lol!

친구 숲속

It would be nice if there were personality changes depending on the parents' genes and environment.


I think it would be cool to have neurodiversity. Like you could have a young Para with ADHD who is forgetful and struggles to do homework unless he does something active for an hour first.


There was already a survey about sexuality and gender. Anyways, I'd like to share some resources which might be useful for you. At the moment, I'm planning a hypothetical mod for TS3 which focus on adding ace spectre, demi(a)sexuality and ACRsexuality to the game. Making it as representative as possible in the limits of the game code is quite challenging and sometimes frustrating but at the same time, educational and absolutely fun. During my planning, I've found out how nyanced and complicated the sexuality identities can be. That's why and in the case you plan to enable players to determite paras' sexual identities in PAM, I'd like to suggest to include different kind of dynamic indicators (sliders? check boxes?) instead of static traits. There are many good definions for different kind of attractions, attitudes and so on in LGBTA Wiki. For my project, I found terms found on "Asexual Spectum", "ARCsexual" "Demisexual" pages very useful. If you consider creating separated attractions, "Aromantic spectrum" might be good to check, too. (Please mind you, this suggestion is not meant for promoting ace, demi and ARC identities over the others though I'm primarily refering to these. Every kind of identities are equally important!) I hope you find these useful and easily approachabled to be used. However, I completely understand if you've decided focus on other aspects of the PAM for the initial release or/and find out this too complicated to code correctly, inclusively and respectufully. Though being a little bit late, happy Pride month and week for everybody who find this time important! I'm really proud of you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜♡◇♤

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

I'd like an option in game - n I know this is not popular opinion but - where Paras can just fall n love with any Para n dress n look however n there's no word for it n there's no gameplay for/it's isn't seen in a way where any para says anything - cuz that was the goal I think. N as a option cuz I know a lot of people would love the words n vivid diversity

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Also having conversations with prospective partners about wanting to be polyamorous. Changing from mono to poly or back as you feel like in diff stages in what u looking for or want or staying either through life n being able to optionally set it in the characters profile. Having poly marriages or group marriages (n poly group relationships) idk what that's called tho I don't know enough about poly. N dating n falling in love with multiple people... n org plu sies ?


Neurodiversity and disabilities is really important to me, and honestly not something I ever considered a simulation game representing. I understand if it doesn't make it into the first release of the game, but I would love to be able to create characters that I can fully relate to. Additionally, I think it's important to include physical disabilities that you can't necessarily see, but that effect the paras with them, such as chronic pain.


Teenage rebellion, mid-life crisis


So it mentioned that you could have multiple birthdays without aging up? What if between each life stage, let’s say a teenager has his first birthday when he’s 15 and then his second teen birthday when he’s 17, with each birthday they get a new trait or learn something new about themselves, their likes and dislikes. I feel as though this would add more realism too each life stage as well, a child could start out at 6 and then their 2nd birthday would be when they turn 9 or 10. This would add more depth to each sim without having to fully age them up.


I'm really sad that disabilities and neurodivergence is so low on the list. I really hope they can still be incorporated


I know this is from a year ago, but I am catching up on some of the stuff I missed before discovering the game. And this is something that is very important to me, so I still want to share my thoughts. I love all of the poll options but the biography one was less important to me. The 2 that I want to specifically comment on are sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as neurodiversity and disability. I am both nonbinary, a lesbian, and have various disabilities. Firstly, I feel like it is important to note that gender identity and gender expression are 2 different things and should both be determined separately. Even if someone identifies as male, for example, they may still want to wear makeup, dresses, etc. And while someone may identify as female they may take on more masculine or traditionally male clothing styles, hobbies, careers, etc. Such as having short hair, wearing "men's" clothing, etc. While these things shouldn't be gendered, society has made them that way, but even if someone identifies as male or female they may not always express that. Also, I believe that pronouns are incredibly important. I use they/them pronouns, while others use she/her, he/him, she/they, he/they, they/he, they/she, and even less well known pronouns like xe/xem, or ze/zir. And others even use all pronouns, or only use their name. And even still there is more related to pronouns that should be considered. Next, gender identity and sexual orientation are also different. For example, I am a nonbinary lesbian, others are male lesbians, etc. Also, I believe polyamory should be included. While I am monogamous, I know many members of the LGBT community are polyamorous, and they should be represented too. As for neurodiversity and disabilities, I know it would be impossible to have every single neurodivergence and disability in the game, but I like the idea others have mentioned, and that is mentioned in the recap, which is adding different traits or aspects of various disabilities. Some examples would be light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, sensitivity to certain textures, getting over stimulated, needing to fidget with things to cope and/or concentrate, social anxiety, getting physically and/or mentally exhausted more easily, needing to sit closer to the TV, etc. The other thing to consider is that, while disability representation in games is fabulous, and something I always fight for, it should be implemented in a way that reduces the risk of disability bashing, discrimination, ablism, etc. I know this can't be completely prevented, but finding ways to positively represent disabled people is a must. I could go on and on about these topics, as I am an LGBT, mental illness, and disability advocate all over the Internet, but I've rambled on and on enough for one comment. So I'll press pause for now.

maya rose

SLIDERS and nuerodiversity would be so cool


I honestly think it should be traits but I would have it be something like life in the way some traits you automatically have. While others you attain in life based on your life experiences. I think adding both types of traits, ones the Lara folks get over time based on memories, social interactions and life experiences. Like say you have a parafolk wheee o