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Hi there,

I hope you're doing well. We have a few updates regarding the development of the game for you today!

New Team Member

This week, we were happy to welcome a new team member, Étienne! He will be with us for 10 weeks as part of an internship. Here's what he had to say to introduce himself.

Hello people!

I'm Étienne and I am so excited to join the Paralives team as an intern programmer! I’ve been playing video games since I was super young and started programming not a while after. I have been tinkering with all sorts of programming softwares until I picked up Unity and immediately fell in love. I’m graduating in Computer Science with a handful of game jams around my belt. For those interested, Unity is the game engine used to create Paralives and Game Jams are small events where game devs must create a game in a few days based on a theme. They are great opportunities to learn and test your skills.

I have my fair share of experience with life sims, like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, but I enjoy all kinds of indies like Factorio, Sayonara Wild Hearts and Noita. I’m always on the lookout for games that defy the tropes and create amazing experiences that stick with you. Outside of gaming, I love playing Dungeon and Dragons and listening to music all day.

I've been dreaming on working in an indie studio since forever! There’s this magical feeling inside indie teams that I’ve been seeking for. I can’t wait to work on the game and imbue it with the logic that makes life sims fun to play. I also have a weird love with optimization and making the game run as smooth as possible regardless of the gaming setup you have. Do you need 144fps when playing a life sim? I do, don’t @ me. Anyway, this is going to be a great adventure and I’m overjoyed to be part of it!

What We're Working On

Here's an overview of what we'll be doing this month, taken from the Development page of our website. We are continuing our work on the Paramaker and build mode while brainstorming and designing more live mode features.

Town Design Vision  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

I wanted to tell you about our vision for the first town that will be available in Paralives when the game releases. We've established a list of important elements to keep in mind while we will be creating this town.

  • Encourage players to explore the town: Since Paralives has an open world town, it should be full of activities, events and interesting places. The goal is to convince players to go out of their house and explore. We want to avoid making a huge town that feels empty. Instead, we aim for a medium sized town packed with great things to do.
  • Encourage player progression: Some people like to cheat and buy the biggest house right from the start but for the rest of us, the town should contain different sizes of lots and premade houses at different price points so your Paras can move into bigger and bigger houses as you gain money, if you wish to.
  • Encourage player customization: In addition to premade houses, there should be empty lots so players can build their own house from scratch, if that's what they like. Also, players should be able to easily bulldoze and edit the size of a lot to make it fit their needs.
  • Something for everyone: For our first town to appear in the game, we'd like a good mix of urban and rural, a mix of different architecture styles, cultures and lot types. The goal is to make it so every player can find a cozy spot they like and want to live in.

We've also been thinking about lot types that will be in the game. In addition to residential lots, there will be parks, shops, a public library, etc. We also made a huge list of potential lots that could be added in Paralives for the initial release or later. We really can't confirm them yet but some of the ideas we had included a pet shelter, a daycare, a hotel, a museum and many many more. Is there a specific lot type you would like to see in Paralives? If so, tell us in the comment section of this post!

Here's a few quick mock ups we did to brainstorm about the aerial view of our first town. These are just ideas for now and nothing is set in stone since we are in the early design phase of our town. After the launch of the game, the plan is to add more and more towns, each with their own characteristics, weather, events, etc.

Please note that for each of these 3 town mock ups, there are no loading screens when you travel between the districts (the colored zones).

Town FAQ

Are there loading screens between the different part of a same town?
No, the town is open world and you can travel as you wish inside it.

Will there be a way to create new towns in the game?
Yes, we plan to release a tool to create your own towns in an update after the initial release of the game. You will be able to place roads, public lots and buildings, lakes, mountains and choose the weather.

When there will be multiple towns in the game, will my Paras be able to travel between them?
We still need to test this before we are able to confirm. Our goal is to make it so you can travel between towns but the game will have to load this town so there will be a loading screen when you travel to a different town.

Will I be able to build town houses (no space between two neighbor houses)?
Yes, we allow players to place walls on the edge of a lot so you will be able to build houses next to each others.

Will I be able to edit the lots?
Yes, you will be able to edit the size and shapes of existing lots. You can make them pretty big but we have not decided the limits yet. See this video we made a while back to show the lot editing feature.

Is there a way to create sub zones inside a lot to make buildings with a shop at street level and apartments on top?
Not right now but we would really like to add a feature like that eventually.

Are workplaces and schools rabbit holes or can I follow my Paras there?
For the initial release, workplaces and schools will not be playable because it would be a lot of work to add these features. Adding them in updates after launch is a possibility though.

What will be the name of the first town in Paralives?
We haven't decided yet but we will keep you updated about that and we might also do a Patreon poll to name it!

Thank you and have a good weekend!




My favourite is one I think! I’d love a beach


I see you guys talked about it in the post, but I'd just like to emphasize that we NEED mixed use zoning. I would love to have shops, cinemas, cafeterias, etc venues at street level and housing on the higher levels of buildings. Maybe even have the choice of buying several flats and leasing them for a recurring income!


Oh man I’m so torn between al three! I love the idea of a canal, but also MOUNTAINS.

Julio Saliba

Welcome Étienne to the team ❤️


i love the town layouts!! also hello and best of luck to Étienne :D


I really like number one Hopefully we are able to buy beach houses and vacation homes.

Jo Landers

The creating a town aspect is soooo important. The main reason I still play ts3 is for create a world!! I'm excited


love that #1 has a beach AND mountains! and welcome Étienne!


Love the idea of a canal running through the town ❤️


I hope we have a bigger day cycle so we can do more things and explore more of the game, instead of just keeping the basics needs of the characters


I definitely prefer one, but would love a mix between the three. One, perhaps with a river leading down from the mountain, separating like how they do in two, with the rural area wrapping around the underfoot of the mountain, perhaps being cut in half by the river.

Michiko Frey

Honestly, my main hope for Paralives is that we will see a diverse range of cities and towns ranging from rural towns to urban cities.


Hi Étienne!!!❤️ The customization options look amazing so far! I’m so proud of all the work you guys are doing! Keep it up!!!😁


welcome to the team Étienne! also im so excited to see you brainstorming on the town!! personally i rly want there to be a mall lot. i dont mind if its rabbit hole, personally. but a lot my parafolks can enter to shop for clothes, eat at a cafe in, get their hair done or just spend the time exploring with family and/or friends etc.! all the town layouts look good, personally 1 is my favorite


Lot types: day spa (facials, manicures, massages, etc.) General city/town lots like Town Hall, Hospital, etc. although those are not usually open and are rabbit holes which is fine by me (personally lol) Movie theater Grocery store

Aaron J Levesque

I love the town 1 and 2 ideas! Both seem large and unique


I love all those maps!! I really enjoy #1 though :) I’m excited for Étienne! Welcome!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Zoning on a single lot would be perfect for malls, renting out part of a house, or apartments. I would love a feature that makes an age range more likely than others to attend a lot. Like a teen hub or a playground or a bar.


I would love for there to be a pre loaded apartment complex in the game!


Of lots that I would love to see I think a movie theater and grocery store are a must. Outside of that laundry mats, boathouses, malls and all the different activities within them would be cool. I also really like the zoning of 1 but I'm partial to beaches.

Sara Rocha

The ideas for the towns look really nice. And welcome to the team Étienne 💕

Christine Harvey

I'd love a swimmable beach and a gym. A park with activities and games would be fun. Cinemas, restaurants, coffee shops, pastry shops, grocery stores, art galleries, museums

Chiara Fuentes

Welcome, Étienne! What a lovely name


I really love the beach idea but the way #3 is built is so cool! Also, welcome Étienne to the team!


#1 is nice and simplistic but I don't care much either way. I would love a daycare for toddlers & maybe like a bookstore/café/nerdy hangout spot in one. Also welcome Étienne!

Sara Rocha

In terms of lots, I'd love to have Animal related ones. Dog parks and stuff. Training grounds for dogs and horses. If competitions end up being implemented, places for these competitions to happen. Just some ideas


I would LOVE to see lot types like restaurants, movie theaters - things for my Paras to go do out on the town. I’d also love to have a grocery store or laundry mat - something to add that realism aspect! I’d absolutely love to have to keep my fridge stocked by buying groceries for my Para every week, etc ☺️


A hotel is a great idea bc obv the paras could stay there but could also hold events there and such!


So. Many. Exciting. Things. I. Can't. Even!!!!! *Calms down* Welcome Étienne! So happy to have you! ❤️ I most like #3 out of the town mock ups. What I like is that the "city centre" (High density Commercial) is in the middle. However, I would really like a beach area as well, so maybe if the beach area from #1 was added to #3. The canals are super cool as well though. Can I say "all of the above"? :D Finally: "Yes, we allow players to place walls on the edge of a lot so you will be able to build houses next to each others." - Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! ❤️


Welcome to the team Étienne! Excited to see what you bring!! Also #1 or #2 catch my eye the most!


I feel like a court house or a strip mall or something like that in the center of town could be really cool


Welcome Étienne to your team! Would be cool to see a blend of the #1 and #2 town..like the canal/river go into the beach area. I mean you could even do a waterfall from the mountains and have the water flow to the end of town to the ocean! I'm a Vancouverite so this would be awesome to see!


Wooooow. Everything looks so awesome! I guess I pick #1 for town layout, but I really do love the canal feature. Welcome to the team, Étienne!!

Mike Grande

#1 with the beach would be so cool

Katie Bellissimo

I think #1 is my favorite but it's close with #3! Honestly I would love to see any of them or all 3! So excited to be able to create my own worlds too! This game keeps getting better and better haha

Amy Wallis

I would love for something similar to a "community centre" where there could be random events like book readings, performances, classes, or meetings, etc.


I would like customizable lot types where the player can e.g. specify who (and how many) visits it, what they do there, etc., basically giving the opportunity to at least allow mixed usage of one lot (e.g. like a shopping mall which combines shops with cafes, etc.).

Sean McDorman

Bienvenue Étienne ! Options 2 and 3 of the town mock-ups have a lot of character. How about a great old manor on the mountain top? Maybe the rich family that built the town wanted to look down and see their kingdom...


Welcome Étienne! I love all the layouts, but especially #1 with both the beach and the mountain. Would players be able to go to these places and interact with them? For instance- could they take a boat on the canal? Go surfing or hiking and the beach and mountain?


I think it'd be interesting to have "empty lots" available that aren't pre-buldozed. For example, a lot on the outskirts of a forest might be covered in trees that blend into the forest, so you have to decide which trees you want to remove and it's a little more realistic. Or maybe a lot in some sort of swamp climate, that might already have a marsh on part of it? Lots that are undeveloped rather than empty.


welcome Étienne!! I’m so excited to see what you bring to the team and I’m v excited about the town planning!


A hotel is my number one. No question.


It would be funny if the name of the town was a play on a real city like Paris is too obvious but something like Paradelphia, Los Pareles, Paronto, or something dumb like that just to jump right into the tongue in cheek vibe that I'm getting from the games vibe so far . It would be super fun to be able to make towns coastal as well so that you can have a beach house or different beach themed shops and restaurants.


So glad to have you here Étienne!


I like option 3 with a beach from option 1 since it looks the most organic of the town development ( I was thinking it should be more of a concentric rings than just split into weird districts, like real urban planning.)

Jeff the Hobo

My biggest concern about Paralives has always been the thought of performance at scale, since most mockups and prototype video clips we've seen have been little more than a single room feature showcase. A large neighbourhood/small town would have a dramatically different effect on game performance to a single house in the middle of open land. How much is being done to address these performance concerns?

Jana Mahlich

Welcome Étienne! I hope the entire team is doing good! I love the new ideas for the town! Mock 1 and 2 are my favs, looks like mock 2 could be a more zoomed in version of mock 1. Oh! And it would be AMAZING if there would be a lot of paras walking around the highly populated areas and not as many in the low density areas. In addition, it would be cool if we had Cafes, Restaurants, a public pool, and possibly a gym! Sending love to everyone :)


Welcome Étienne!! You're enthusiasm for this game leaps off the page and I'm so very excited to see what amazing aspects you will add during your internship! I really like all three layouts, but I am, for a first town, leaning towards #2. As for lot types: a mini golf course, though that would be a fun DLC for later down the road. Outside of the ones already mentioned, I would also like the ability to create places of worship and children centered museums/science centers.

Kaitlyn Metro

Welcome Etienne! So excited to have you on the team, Congratulations!


Town design vision hahaha it’s like marvel cameo, pls name the fist town west view hha

Maxayn Henderson

Welcome Étienne! I love all three options. I like all the "soon to come" options....maybe a zoo, city hall, driver license center, hospitals and/or car dealership. Can we run for mayor? Lol.


I would love a canal running through the town! I would adore to have my paras go have a "fika" next to the canal, outside a cozy "fikaställe" (kind of like coffe house" like we can do near my home town. If you google "sweden uppsala fyris river", that's the one i mean! Cozy vibes for sure


One thing I liked in one town I made in That Other Game 3 is the town history museum where I added some information panels describing the town's history. This would be nice, especially if you can share towns.


Oooh this is so exciting. I love all of the sketches, my favourite probably being the first 2. But I definitely would love a beach/ mountain. In terms of lots, I’d mostly love to see restaurants and cafes, retail stores, a corner grocery store or deli, definitely a park or two in each district, between neighbourhood congregations and one in a town. Extra lots I’d love to see would be ice rinks/roller rinks, public swimming lots, horse riding centres in maybe the rural area. Activities people can do on their weekends. Definitely rabbithole movie theatres or theatre shows though! So I can get a break from playing while my paras are having fun. Something I definitely want to see in each area though would be a plaza/ central area where we could see flea markets, farmers markets, selling used clothing, that sell some items we might not see otherwise or fruits/vegetables that are higher quality. These wouldn’t pop up everyday and rather once a week or so, in my town we have it come up every Thursday and I love checking out the plants they have or the cheap wallets.


I would love a town like #2 but that the canal goes into the sea. So that there's also a beach. If that isn't really possible I'd rather just see #1 with the beach and really cute beach houses! But amazing work I love it can't wait to play paralives😍

Joanna Hinds

I think #1 with the beach and a canal coming from the mountain would be sooo beautiful! One thing I would love is shops! Particularly a barber/salon and a clothing shop! I would also like it if Paras had to buy the clothes and pay for the new hairstyles and colors. It would also be cool to have different shops in different districts unique to that district. For example: an artisanal shop/antique shop in the rural district and a boutique coffee shop in the suburban district. I loved today’s update, keep up the good work guys!

Jana Mahlich

Hold up- there’s a create a world in sims 3. How did I never know 😱


Welcome Étienne, always wonderful to hear a mew member has joined the team! 😊 and I love the world layout idea! I was just thinking about the mountains, as I love me some cozy mountain cabins! The beach is also a must for beach and coastal homes 😍😍 aaand OFC the area, where the more modern houses are located! I was a massive fan of desperate housewives in my younger days, and always dreamed of a “Wisteria Lane” kind of neighbourhood. So definitely also a suburban area/modern farmhouse area! 😍 Also,, not so much town related, but INTERIOR related. I have asked this before, but Imma ask again: I live in Denmark, where the most popular interior style is nordic/scandinavian design. For the kitchen in these types of styles, we don’t usually use stoves! We use built in ovens in the cabinets, and cooktops on the counter islands. PLEASE can we have this in Paralives? I have it as custom content in sims, but not functional ofc, so it always ruins the aesthetic of the kitchen to put a massive stove in there! 🙈😋

Joanna Hinds

They say multiple times that the game will be properly optimized??? Etenniel (sorry if I misspelled) said he was “excited to make the game run as smoothly as possible” ???


Just casting my vote for museum among the different ideas you mentioned. Since Étienne mentions enjoying Animal Crossing, it would be really fun if museum/s could function like the one in AC, where you could donate to the collections and see them in exhibits! Also, as far as things that weren't mentioned, a graveyard/cemetary would be a welcome addition, and something I frequently notice people asking for with existing life sims.

Daniel Asraf

OMG another team member! Hey alex, please don't forget to update the overview of this patreon page.. ok? Welcome Entienne! Can't wait to see your part in this project!

Tanisha Rogers

Welcome Étienne I like #1 with the beach.


Oh no, I can't pick between a beach/mountain combi town (1), or a town with a canal (2), but I think I have a slight preference for 1, with 2 coming later. Cafés are a must, and I'd love it if there were hairdressers/tattoo shops/nail salons/etc. where your Para can go in and then it'll open PAM and you can change a specific thing about your Para there (+get a moodlet). Also, it's great to see the Paralives team expanding again; welcome Étienne!

Catherine Glick

I like map style one since i love taking my sims to the beach in ts3 so I would love to have a small beach section


Étienne sounds like a wonderful addition to the team. Great update!!


Welcome Étienne!


Welcome Étienne!! As for lot types, I'd love to see salons, cafes, museums, theaters (as in the play kind, although movies would be cool too), doctor's offices, graveyards. Just anything that has a small town feel to it, honestly.


Id love to see wedding venues and cemeteries

Catherine Glick

I also think having a restaurant lot type would be awesome. I would also like to see multifunction lots so you could have maybe a retail shop next to say a coffe shop


Lot type ideas: grocery store, laundromat, café, bookstore, clothing shop, yoga studio, gym, parks.


I think the animal shelter idea is super unique, I've never seen anything like that in a life Sim game. I really like lot one personally and agree with others on a small canal coming from the mountain to the ocean would be neat. keep up the good work guys!


I think Sim’s YouTube Builders could build the town/houses for the game developers. Not so popular builders and more famous alike such as XFreezerBunnyX, Sims 4 Creations, Roxbury Sims, Lilsimsie, James Turner, etc. I want to see orphanages in the game either in base or as a free update.


Welcome Étienne! I'm excited to see what you'll add to the team. Now to the lots I would like to see in game - I did suggest this one on Twitter - traffic playground for the kids. As for the others: Study café - café for students where they could study. Monuments - like a statue of town's founder, old townhall, clock tower, etc. Shops and mall - I would like to see more type of shops than just groceries and clothes shop - so for example toy shop, florist, optics, bookstore, electronics, etc Botanic garder, natural reserve

Rexi SimsbySky

Welcome Étienne! :-) I would love to have a mix of the 3 versions. At one end the mountains, at the other end the sea. in between a river that comes from the mountains and flows into the sea. Along the river then the different residential zones and shopping zones, parks, cafes, schools, ect. Amazing work! I can't wait to play Paralives <3


Welcome, Étienne! I would love a working farm. Perhaps a farmer's market? I don't know why, but farm stuff gives me all the happys. I ADORE that you're going add things to encourage players to get out in the town! In the Sims, my Sims just stay home all day and buy skill books or objects, and the location never changes. Or they go to the library to get some work done. Libraries and home, that's all I ever do. >_> It's a little like my real life, actually. So, yes, I very much want incentive to get my paras out of the house.

Judi Dielman

Etienne sounds awesome 😎, I would love to see a dance studio in the game.


Welcome, Étienne! What's your favorite type of D&D character? As far as lot types, I think it's important to allow the user to create their own without having specific types. Sometimes I want to create outside of the scope of what's available and (in the other game) I can't because there are type requirements. If we must do types then I'd like to see some of the main ones you need to run a city - City Hall, "school" - where you can go to skill faster, community center with creative activities, museums, parks, shops, library, cafe, gym, pool, community garden, fishing, worship. I guess some of these can be multipurpose.


In the Sims, I really enjoy lots where I can do something with my Sims that they can't or don't normally do in their own homes. For example, mountain sports, camping, karaoke, or festivals. I hope we have similar lot types in Paralives! I also enjoy places where it's easy to interact with others. I would be a huge fan of a community center-type lot that offered scheduled classes e.g., art or cooking. It would be a great opportunity for Paras to learn skills at an increased rate, meet other Paras, and give players a fun building challenge. Community lots that I find really boring in the Sims are ones where there’s not much potential for interaction with the environment. Pretty much the only thing you can do in museums is “view” paintings/statues. There’s nothing to read or learn (or contribute to skill acquisition), there are no interactive science-type or kids’ museums, no zoos or aquariums with feeding hours or petting areas, and no themed exhibits about bugs or earth science. So I would really enjoy lot types that give you an actual reason to go.


Hello Ètienne!! ❤️


For lot types: - gas stations - motels - camping grounds - convenience store - malls Also welcome to the team Étienne!


I'm literally crying after reading that we can customize the towns with roads and lakes and MOUNTAINS?! omg ;-; this is so amazing. For lot types I would loveeeeeee having a Mall lot type. So when the paras are there they can meet up with friends, see a new movie (if we could have mini events/wants where paras want to see the newest superhero movie or something OMG), get exercise, maybe have incentives to spend money like getting coupon notifications and being excited about great deals, etc. I like malls just because they're fun places to fulfill basically all needs, and depending on what area the town is in it might be a bustling place of activity in an urban downtown area, or just a nice spot where all the rural kids and teens hang out


Amazing! Ètienne, I hope you'll feel welcome! I would really like to see a base game swimming centre.


Hello Ètienne, welcome to the team!! On the release of the game I would like to see the following lots: day care (so the kids can go and meet new kids while parents are at work or just out on the town), pet shelter (so we can interact with pets before we decide which one to adopt), a camping ground in the mountains so we can escape a little from the city and have some family quality time. For future additions to the game I'd like to see different hotels around the town so paras can have different vacation destinations. I love the idea of a public library!! I also think that in the rural area we could have large lots that can be used as work farms, and we also could have a farmer's market and equestrian competitions.


#1is definitely my favorite


i liked the second map , i dont think i would like to see a beach in the first world but mostly focus on different lots and a ferry swimming around the canal, also will there be much activity in the neighborhoods like a cute event in a park like a puppy race and a lot of people that are around . i would like that and also i have a feeling the development is going so fast .


So exciting! Love the mock ups my favorite is number 2


Welcome to the team Étienne!

Faith Brightwell

I think 1 and 2 are my favorite! But I was wondering if a farm lot type of thing would be a thing as well? I mean, I love farming in games so I think it would be so much fun! Also I’m so excited for y’all to eventually work on pets and horses!! Y’all are doing a really great job on this! Also, welcome, Etienne!!!


I love the second town. The idea of the towns having different zones makes me excited.


Oh, totally forgot about different lot types. I'd love to see: Dog/cat parks, playgrounds, regular parks, community beaches, cafés, grocery stores, library, restaurant, gym, bars/pubs/clubs.

Aaron J Levesque

Would shops include small diners and restaurants? I would love to see small diners and places for paras to eat in the world! A good place to propose/ go out on dates!

Megan Santucci

In one of the early vids they show kitchen cabinet customization and there's a cooktop so I think that's at least on the radar!


Warm welcome to Étienne! Regarding Lots, I think it would be cool to have Lots that offer different things depending on Season, Weather etc. and also have Paras, that prefer different Lots above others, depending on their personality and hobbies. I think some Quality of (Para)Life Lots would be pretty neat, since you already mentioned Daycares. I also think having more Gameplayfunctions as Lots would make the game feel more organic. For exmaple: I think having a small private Doctor Clinics where a Para can go when they're ill and/or want to get a sick day off (maybe if they're not actualy ill, tie that to a skill?), is much more appealing than just phoning in. Or having some small themed restaurants where you can order food or just go in visit it. And speaking of that, having actual Lots tied to your Paras occupation would be really nice. If a Para's a Doctor they'll actually work in a Hospital or you can have them rent a small lot for their private clinic. Then you could customize their workspace to fit in with their character. Other than that the Lot I'd look most forward to would simply be Pet Parks. You can just have Paras go their to chill, but you could also have Pet Competitions there, or trainers who help you... well... train your pet. But my main reason is that more Pets = more cuteness.

Megan Santucci

I agree that we should have a museum if we have collectibles! It's not much fun to catch every fish or collect every crystal or whatever if we don't have a way to display them!

Makayla Boyko

Welcome Étienne! It was so great reading your intro into the team and I totally agree, go big or go home with them frames! For the different mock ups, I definitely like the first one as it offers the most variety as well as the most opportunity for different activities out of the 3 sketches. I actually had a bunch of ideas for different lot types as well as activities that could be done in a few of the districts: Mountains Camp ground: Camping, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain climbing Lodge: Skiing, Snowboarding, sledding National Park Rural Farms/Orchards: Apple Picking, picking out a pumpkin, county farm maybe? Vineyard: wine (or juice) tasting Beach Public beach: scuba diving/snorkeling, boating House Boat I had another idea that I would love to see incorporated into the game, but I understand that it would probably be best suited for a DLC pack or expansion pack. So my favorite expansion pack of all time from the sims series has been World Adventures for the Sims 3. I love the idea of travelling to different places that have entirely different cultures and learning about them! There could be maps based on different cultures, but one thing that the sims didn't do, that could be done in this game is to have cultural specific lots and events/activities. I also loved the tomb lots in World Adventures which you would be granted opportunities to gather riches and rare relics or antiques, but had to solve puzzles and face dangers such as traps, bugs, and even mummies! Basically living out your fantasies of being Indiana Jones! These relics and antiques could then be donated to a museum or kept for décor/furniture or even sold in a shop.


Hello Étienne! It's wounderful to have a new member on the team with new experiences and care for detail! Also dungeons and dragons is cool! I play it as well with friends As for towns: Depending which kind of town we are speaking about, but for a grand town.. I would like to have a library, a hospital, restauranta (even rabbits holes ones), a comic shop (maybe even to play pen and paper there, grocery shop, maybe a second hand shop? Pets shop and pet clinic, a hair cutter, a cinema, a school, a studio (which kind of studio (music, radio station, artist, freelancer, etc.) could be optional), a park, a zoo/Aquarium, a Baker, a train station, a sports centrum where you learn different sports or martial arts, a fitness center, a playground for kids, a Dojo, an Imbiss, a shop for bikes, a flower shop, a jewelier shop where you can buy an engagement ring or becoming a gold Smith... In the mountains maybe a cabin where you can eat and rest after hiking. Maybe even a train which gets you up to the mountains. And world building: I would absolutely love a world building option where you can built very different towns with different geographical locations, different climates, different architecture and different size. As example: A little typical Scandinavian village between a birch forest with a lake or a river, or near the ocean with cliffs (here I would also like to be able for my paras to be farmers or have a ranch) or becoming photographer or an artist/writer. A bigger American city with Skylines, Skyscraper, petrol Stadions, fast food restaurants and illuminated advertisements, trains A traditional japanese countrysidetown, with rice fields, forest, flower fields, shrines, bamboo forest, cherry blossoms A little french town in the hills with lavender and olive fields with crooked streets and sunny weather. An English town with british weather and viktorian styled houses and cottages, where you get the feeling that time never changes and that Mr Darcy might appear every next moment to escort you to the next ball of the season. A german old town with timber houses on a rather flat ground with field and forest An Australian town on a beach. An African town in a very warm climate.... and many more. I don't know how customisable everything will be in the end, but maybe there could be an option to define the geographical location (hills, mountains, beach, Fjord, flat) and climates (warm, cold, etc.) weather (sunny, rainy, spooky, foggy, neutral, windy, etc), Flora (forest, fields, Moor, Dschungel, savanna, etc) of a town bevore you create the town.


I’d love to see grocery stores, coffee shops/restaurants, parks (maybe a dog park), bars, and libraries!


Bienvenue @Étienne 🙌🏾🤗. Les updates sont vraiment cool, j'ai vraiment très hâte de découvrir ces mondes libres !!😤😤


I really love the idea of pet shelters. <3 For the first town, I would like to see #1 or #3. A mountain area where you can live off the grid with your dog from the shelter sounds great :)

Megan Santucci

I like that in design #3 the low density residential wraps around the town center instead of just being a rectangle next to it. But we definitely need a water feature like in #1 or #2 so we can use the legendary houseboats! 😆


I would love a pet shelter and a fruit/vegetable patch where you can grab your own ingredients for food. Also a flower shop would be lovely!

Megan Santucci

A lot I want to have: A big playground with a massive fort/playscape thing. (I also really want modular playground equipment--so I could have a couple of swings and a slide in my backyard or I could have a massive playground that can fit a dozen kids at once.)

Mag Gamemagg

bienvenu Etienne , j'aime les lots 1 et 2 ... et 3 :D hâte de voir ce que vous allez nous proposer.


Welcome to the team Étienne

Megan Santucci

And adding my vote to some kind of community center. I want to be able to have weddings or senior bingo games or performances from the local theater club.


Welcome, Ètienne! Seems like you have a fun personality. Can’t wait to see what you bring to Paralives 😆 Lot types: Daycare for sure!! Gas Station!! Banks w/ ATM machines Real Estate Office Nail Salon Zoo Amusement park Supermarket Laundromat Orphanage


I'd love something similar to #1 as it combines beach and mountain gameplay, maybe a canal could be incorporated as a river flowing from the mountain to the sea


What I would think is very cool for a post release update, would be if can share lots and families similar to the Sims 4, but have kind of geographical categories similar to how they look on the mock maps. So for example if you make a new town and want create lots for mostly like upperclass Paras and then realize that you don't have any ideas for the more rural parts, you could designate a Zone similar to Cities Skylines, choose a category and then have that semi-autofilled with Lots and families other's shared within that same category.


I love everything about this! I'm so happy 😊 I really hope you'll be able to manage travel between towns (the suggestion you make, a loading screen between open towns seems the best that could be, I think) I like the first plan the most! It seems pretty simple, but I like the idea of a first town pretty classic.

Ewaka Flaka

I would love to see the eventual “follow them to work” thing in place of rabbit holes! I know it’s not an initial plan and that is totally okay, so a future update or like “expansion” would definitely be a cool implementation, and we could either work with them or let them work on their own! I feel like this would be super fun for most jobs available! I would like to see a funeral home, it seems weird, but I’m actually in mortuary school and I don’t feel like I’ve found something interesting like that in any games. I feel like funerals, weddings, and events could be very fun and are often not as fulfilling as they could be. Perhaps planning and having a funeral director/embalmer as a job and lot, as well as cemeteries and gravestones, would definitely be a fun addition! I saw someone earlier say orphanages I totally agree! I’d love to be able to meet children then adopt from there! Zoo is also a really cool idea that is often overlooked. Basically, I would love to see as much variety as you can think of, but I don’t just want them to be useless, if that makes sense. Lot types are super fun, but they can also feel shallow if there really isn’t anything to do. I’m super sure you’ll get tons and tons of awesome ideas, and I hope that you don’t feel overwhelmed to have to do them all at launch! Feel free to take your time and do things with updates! That way it won’t feel pressured, and new content can keep everyone coming back! ❤️ also, welcome to the team Etienne! Love love love seeing it grow!


Looks amazing! I'd love to see lots along the spa/sauna/pool/health club line - somewhere characters can go to chill and socialize. Maybe it's niche but I've always enjoyed the ergonomic questions these venues pose!

Megan Cartier

I really like #2 and #3. I like the idea of both a canal and a commercial zone/public space that becomes the heart of the city.


Are apartment buildings (where we can put a different household into every apartment) considered lot types? If we can we have that please apartments are awesome!


i love the idea of #1 having a beach and mountain area sounds really serene and beautiful.


i think a cemetery lot type makes sense to have because then the populated paras are dressed and/or behaving in an appropriate manner on that lot (also a wedding venue?). any lot types that might require different types of interaction or behavior would be what i'm looking for most, because the rest just comes down to naming things (any retail lot for example would more or less be treated the same so doesnt need to be further distinguished other than through name)


Everything sounds so wonderful, I am so excited! I have a little suggestion, maybe you've considered it already, but it would be awesome if the travels between the towns would be meaningful like Paras would have to use a certain transport to get to certain towns. Something from as simple as a car ride or taxi to train and airplane. As well as making it cost money like for gas for the car or tickets for transport. That would make the world so much more alive <3


Welcome Étienne!!! I already love you😂 For town buildings, this is a rly small thing but I’d love to see gas station convenience stores! I think public indoor activities like laser tag and Cosmic Adventures type places for kids would be super fun too!! Old school arcades would also be amazing, and I saw someone mention laundromats earlier too and would love to have one of those in town :D


I’d love to see pet shelters but also hair salons and theatres!


I love some of the ideas of a zoo, public transportation, etc here in the comments. And honestly I just love what you guys are doing and planning so I’m just excited! 😁


This is a great idea. The loading screen between towns could be disguised by a cutscene with your paras shown in a plane/train/bus/car etc. For example, Mass Effect showed the characters riding in elevators to disguise their loading screens (not a life sim/open world but maybe still relevant)


a bakery :>


Bars, Nightclubs, lounges etc. I need a thriving nightlife

Naomi Vincent

Bienvenue, Etinne! I like that for the towns, #1 has a beach- however, #3 is the way towns in real life are. Business, commerce, etc. tend to be situated in the center of towns. This is because people tend to move close to their job or essential shops. So jobs and business act as an anchor for high density living like apartments and townhomes instead of houses unless the para is wealthy enough. So maybe there can be an extra panel for beach below the rural area. Also, one life sim/rpg game series that does town design well is My Time at Portia. That game also has roads and transportation so it might be good to take a look at that.


I'm enjoying the 2nd mock for the town the most tbh


I like the third plan


Omg this has me sooooo excited ! Pls include a beach in the first town 🥺 it’s so classic and peaceful !! And omg imagine if there was a pier for fishing and maybe a Ferris wheel. And if you get to a certain swimming level you can give kids swimming lessons! And there could be a cool nightlife at the beach, like singers and performers with their hats out and people dancing, etc.

Tee W

I am looking forward to this game more and more every month😍😍😍😍


Welcome Étienne!! Btw i love how the whole town plan is looking. Great job paralives team❤️


I would also loooove if the loading screen between towns was disguised with your para sitting on a train or if they own a car, driving their car, etc. it would bring so much life to the game. I think the commercial zone being in the center is the best for sure. I’d love a nice aesthetic to certain places, fairy lights, fireflies, bokeh effects, etc. A makeout point for teens in the mountains would be cute :P A town hall somewhere close to the center would also be super cool. That always gives the town a cohesive feel. In the sims 4 the town is just a splatter of awkward places that you can shallowly interact with, but in sims 3 or animal crossing for example, little things like town hall give the space a cohesiveness. And each building having a purpose that you can’t access anywhere else, rather than it being an artificial alteration of things you can do at home


I would love to be able to own real estate, and rent out to NPCs. Buy a plot of land, design/build a house, and then come back a while later to see how the npcs have decorated it. Being able to invest in local businesses would be fun too. But yeah, being able to have my Paras work in store on the ground floor and then live in a town house above it would be an absolute dream!


I love the concept of traveling between towns, even if there’s a loading screen. If anything, you can disguise the loading screen as images of your Paras on the train or the plane or driving on the highway getting to that next town. Maybe an entire Paraworld full of towns you can travel to!!


Welcome Étienne! A clothing store sounds pretty cool!


Welcome, Étienne! Glad to see another member on the team! I like concept #2 the most since it divides up the districts so naturally! Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I'd love to see how living in different districts or even towns differs from other areas. Are rural towns/districts less populated? Is it easier to get to know the folks there? Are they less susceptible to change? And vice versa with dense cities. I'd love to see different careers in these areas and how they change over time (i.e., a drought would majorly affect farmers, a stock market crash would affect industries/housing, etc.) Also, why would some Paras be more inclined to live in urban, suburban, or rural areas? Will there be traits or other designations that make them more likely to live in or move to these areas? Basically, anything that makes living in these areas more unique would make it an actual choice when deciding where to put your Paras! These were just some thoughts I had when looking at the designs. Obviously, I know these concepts for the first town are to show off the different (urban, suburban, rural) areas Paralives will be able to create but just looking at them has me thinking of how different living in each one could be! Love the progress of the game! Y'all are doing great work :)

Noah Bitton

Welcome! I would love coffee shops to be added !! A cute atmosphere where your paras could just relax and enjoy it all!


I would love to see theaters and cinemas, and make them actually usefull (not just for watching a movie or a show, but also doing extra activities such as a premiere, taking acting lessons, etc)

S&M Gonzalez

This is a tough decision I really like both #2 and #3 But Iove the canal in the middle of the city the most though, it’d be cute if paras could travel on it too, it reminds me much of Europe! It’d be interesting to see in the game. I hope and love if we can create different neighborhoods and multiple towns too within a world we create. Like one world five different towns in it, maybe a neighborhood that’s in a really pretty country side then as you travel further into town there’d be another that’s a suburban neighborhood with row townhouses next to shops that’s more upscale. Lot ideas: * Bakeries * Grocery store and farmers market * Sushi or ramen restaurant * Post office * Bank * Theatre to watch classic plays and operas. * A gig place where paras can go watch bands play concerts or have their band play at, it could be name something cool like The Orange Peel (based on a band). * Court house/ city hall * Cafes where you meet up to have book club,study,or meet new people. * Fancy night lounge clubs. * Bridal shop * Pet store * Flower shop to buy seeds,flowers, and maybe some produce too. * Camping grounds * A mall with food stands inside mimicking a food court. That’s be so cute! It’d be a nice social place for teens and preteens to hangout too. * YMCA community pool and sports facilities. * Different mix of restaurants fine dining to family style * 24/7 Diner * Bookstore * Nightclub * Thrift store * Real estate agent office to go buy houses. * Car dealership * Toy store * If we get a beach a boardwalk would be so cool on the beach overlooking the ocean * Maybe different types of stands could be placed around town too to give sense of paras owning businesses and interacting with locals where they can buy newspapers, food, and snacks


1st town plan gives us a little bit of everything!! ❤️


Ahh I love all three! I think that I would love #2 later on, but maybe 1 or 3 is better for the starter world! Eventually having all three would be ideal though!


I'm absolutely torn between options1 & 2 for the concept map, but I think I'm gonna side with 1 on this. Simply because I dream of having a beach with a boardwalk type venue included in the game with things like Ferris wheels, amusement rides, arcades and street vendors :)


Add apartments as well!

MexiVenus (Juno)

I would absolutely love a themed park for the first town. When I say themed park, I mean something like the summer/winter festivals they did back in the sims 3. I always loved taking my family out and taking pictures, getting my face painted, entering hotdog eating contests, and more! In paralives, with seasons it would be lovely to have a season themed festival, or better yet a para themed. Paralives could have their own holidays (the team making up ones) and our paras could choose to participate (being excited) or not (moodlet: Ugh, not this again! ___ hates x Day! See scrapbook for memory). It would be a wonderful addition to the town and would definitely be a great date spot and for the future, if freelance careers or showbiz careers are added, they’d be a great place to perform, other than a town talent show.

MexiVenus (Juno)

Also I’m really loving the idea of 1 and 3, with the key favor being : beach. I love the beach and would love the first town to incorporate this large mass of water, b u t, I also love that unique layout for the low density residential. Something that could be em operated to still have that fun “let’s go out!” Could be a little lake or river in the mountain area. Paras could fish, swim, maybe after a developing some skill they could even try panning for some gold (a skill most likely added after launch) we could have children play make believe, have fears of the fish, and could incorporate legends here with folk tales that might spook paras at night

Ese Obahor

#1 has got to be my favorite. I love the beach


Just based in comments and what I know to be fairly possible in terms of gameplay and programming, I think the main lots for the community should be 1. Theatre, either rabbit hole or not, possible featuring live shows 2. Grocery stores or fresh markets 3. Pools or gyms, pretty standard 4. Spas 5. Festival lots for seasons or events, weddings, or even funerals 6. Location based activities I.e canoeing or boating on water, hiking or exploring in mountain areas, volleyball or beach activities on the... well the beach 7. Daycare or child focused lots (maybe playgrounds or other things) 8. This is less possible but something that would be super cool, a zoo! I’ve never seen a zoo implemented. It could be in an update or DLC but I’d love to see it 9. Specific retail stores such as pet stores, clothing stores, furniture, vehicles 10. Last but not least, gas stations


3 makes the most sense, but i would love to see it with a beach like in 1. Also THANK YOU for making a high density. biggest thing I hated in sims was going straight into a house vs an apartment starting out. made having a house feel less significant.


#2! #2! =D


Welcome Étienne! I hope you have a great time. :) I would like an animal shelter as a lot type. I think it would be really fun to go to a place to adopt a cat or a dog, instead of checking online and have the person bring some pets over (sims 4). For gameplay reasons I also liked the pet stores in sims 1. Maybe you have a concrete image of what kind of dog/cat your para should get when he/she's grown up. But you don't want to create it in CAS, because that's lacking of the feeling of really going to an adopting a pet. Of course in RL you can't go to the shelter and create that kind of pet that you like, but it's a game so why not. Also it would be nice if you have the option to adopt a pet from a neighbor. Maybe you could look online or in the paper and then visit other paras that are offering puppies or kitten. I think Sims 3 had something like that. Another "lot type" that pops into my mind is maybe just a forest where kids could play pretend, maybe sword fights with sticks, cook soupsor potions with leaves and stuff like that. Maybe also build treehouses or a fort to play in.

BJ Harris

As an athlete I would love to have a community center. It could be a place to have different sports events and kids could have their own little league. I think 3 is the best option but I really like the beach in one.


Welcome Étienne. I hope you will have a great time. :) I would love to see shopping malls, cinemas, grocery stores, bookshops etc. in the game. It would be amazing to go shopping and actually having these items in an inventor.


Yay for another team member! I am really partial to option #1! I think a beach section is really fitting and could get more use than a river could, more interactions for paras that way! For me I would really like to see apartment buildings done, which I realize may not be able to be done in the release. I was not a fan of the way they were done in the Sims 3/4, and think it would be more interesting if it was something I could make with a certain number of individual households within a building. I also love the idea of animal shelters, festival grounds, grocery stores, movie theatres, and restaurants! For me personally, I would just like the option to make as many different kinds of commercial lots as possible, so having basic tools to make my own lot whether that be an arcade or a bookstore is important to me :)


I would love to see an Artisan Market, Farmer's Market, or Flea Market. I've always enjoyed other games where my characters can create their own products and sell them directly to others. Also, a Pub or Bar would be nice, pharmacy or even a cannabis store (in my small Canadian town we have 2), and wineries/brewhouses/distilleries. And it would be cool to see a soup kitchen or food bank, thrift store, homeless shelter, and/or counseling office too - they could even all be out of the same building (my small town has most of these hosted out of a church basement).


Collaborating with some builders would be neat and it's something we might do at one point!


Horse farm, cinema, theater, school


Also, I personally like option 2 for the town layout.

Elizabeth Gonzales

Welcome Éntienne! I'm pretty partial to #1 and #2! I like the idea of some kind of water front, but also mountain!


I would love to see malls or something where we can have shopping and cafes on the same lot. I'd also love an option for home businesses where you basically have a residential lot that you can "open" to customers.


Amusement park would be great


"Sometimes I want to create outside of the scope of what's available and (in the other game) I can't because there are type requirements." Good point, we'll have to take that into account


I love town option #1 - with the beach!

Nea Emrys

I've been spent a lot of time thinking about how simulation games can categorize different lot types, and honestly, there's only two different types that are necessary - one that a para can own themselves and a second lot type that the para doesn't own. That's it. The specifics of the non-owned lot type should be decided by gameplay and objects on that lot, nothing else. I personally think the ability to customize the non-playable paras or objects aswell as naming the lot is all enough to make the lot specific enough. Anything that makes the lot 'pre-specific' is ONLY limiting. So to me I'm looking more at the objects themselves, and the customization of para behavior on that lot. What if my para wants to own the entire town? They should be able to imo. :) I would love to get more into specifics, but I could honestly write entire essays about it. I just think it's REALLY important to have customizable lots on who owns them and behavior of ALL paras that enters the lot. In short there is NO need to categorize lot types in simulations outside of who owns it. The rest is player customizable, including the name, what objects are on it etc.


The only thing that comes to my mind right now is my hair ruffling hell of a struggle for the last weeks (or rather months)... I want to build and appartment building with 6-7 floors in the other simulation game, with an underground parking garage in the basement and some shops in the groundfloor. Well, besides not being able to get that functioning properly with the shops (there are mods like "live in business"), but I can't built enough floors... or appartments... or a decent way to build a way down to a parking garage floor ^^" And... the lot is 64x64 but still not big enough for me, because I had plans for the backside of the lot too (pool and vegetable community gardens, kids playground, ...). So... I guess my wishes would be: - bigger lotsize - more floors up and down ( skyscrapers love ) - appartment buildings - building tool that helps getting a decent way down to a basement for parking floor - "live in business" (though that is not "that" much of a priority to me, decorating is fine) - "farming", haha. Well... having fields of wheat or fields of fruit trees in the backyard (though I long for chickens and stuff as well ... someday) Another thing I remember from S3 ... Movie theaters and amusement parks, hotels... and generally: traveling. I loved the traveling worlds and the "little quests" if anyone remembers exploring the ruins in asia or the desert. Just... happy memories. That's all that comes to mind right now. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your hard work! And: welcome new team member!


Also I was thinking an airport you know for traveling in between different towns.


number two most definitely. I love the canals!! I would like the option to toggle to medium density (a few community lots and stuff rather than high density which I would class as skyscrapers and closely packed buildings).


I really like how you see this and we might do something similar to that But it's still great to think about what kind of venues and buildings you might encounter in town


Yeah i love a nice canal! What ever gets picked, I would love water!


Welcome, Etienne! 😃🤚 For the lot types, I’d like amusement parks, arcades, campgrounds, casinos, cinemas, fast-food joints, mega-malls, nightclubs, resorts, spas, water parks and more that didn’t come to mind. For the mock-up, #1. I’m just a sucker for diverse maps. 😃Living in a low-density area, going shopping in a high-density area, taking a break in a rural area, going for a swim in the sea and going mountain climbing or sth, ALL THAT IN ONE TOWN, WITHOUT ANY LOADING SCREENS, need I say more? 🔥


OMG, a pet shelter would be amazing! I've been a regular volunteer at a cat shelter for years now and they can be super cozy places full of love! Ours even has a working fireplace and the cats love relaxing on pillows by the fireplace!

Diamond Nicole

I really love types 1 and 2! The canal idea looks pretty but I would love to see my paras hang out at the beach too >< if we ever get a beach in the game I wonder if bbn it would be possible to show people walking along the beach selling drinks, fruits, snacks, and other beach necessities(idk if I'm making sense)? I think that would be cool. I think most people said what I was thinking such as bookstores, markets, malls, movie theater ect. I would also like to see nursing/rehabilitation homes, fosterhouse, hospitals, maybe a gas station/convenient store hybrid, library, and computer cafe (or cafes in general), and salons/barbershops! We appreciate ya'lls transparency and hard work! Yall are awesome ❤❤❤ and welcome aboard Entienne!!!


Grocery stores, farmers markets, and community gardens


I love the idea of hotels, but yes any type of supermarkets and shops would be good


#2 on the town design I really love that canal

Kilvio Taveras

Can this game also support multiplayer?


#1. Having a beach would be great!

Kilvio Taveras

Bank, grocery store, hospitals, spa, car dealership, vacation homes, additional homes, real estate, retail stores,


#3 is my favorite, but I also like # 2.


I’d love to see a cemetery, grocery store, and clothing shop!


you know as much as i love this, my concern is how computers will be able to run such worlds. Sims 3 was a disappointment to play for me due to the huge lag, texture loads, crashing etc cause of cheaper/older computers not being able to handle running the game. i just wanna know if you guys have kept in mind about it since i really want this game to be a huge success.


i can't say for sure since I am not a developer, but Sims 3 was released in 2009, game industry went very far since then, so it shouldn't be such a big problem now <3


I like town #3s layout, but I wish both a beach and a canal were included. Having a city centre along with low populated areas, rural areas, mountain, beach and canal would be ideal, and would allow you to do different towns layouts based on different parts of the world. The layout I am thinking of is basically like Germany but with a beach! I think it would be the best of all because you have everything but at the same time, multiple towns could be included that showcase different things that would still give us access to all the areas listed above.


For the full life progression experience, I echo the cemetery consensus! Also, maybe a chapel/community gathering place/location for weddings/funerals/life events etc... And building off of that, it could be nice to have an auditorium/theater or sorts for all the town to gather for things like graduations/award ceremonies (could be indoor or outdoor like a greek stadium ).


All the ideas above are amazing. I’d add that I really need more interactive lots, not only loop-hole ones (and we could maybe choose between both options when going somewhere, like we would do at work in that other game). Also, log types made to socialize should actually have a lot of paras in there, I want crowded bars and markets... I don’t know if that would be possible, but I’d love to have lots with different types, like a coffee shop area in a public library ? I’d love to see that! And layout #1 is definitely my fav, with #2 close behind. Welcome Étienne ♡


In regards to the mock ups, I like the layout of #3 (Commercial is the center of town) but I like that #1 has a beach.


For lot types, I'd definitely like to see a grocery store, a movie theater and some sort of community center/town hall. Naturally I'd like to see a lot of things (Malls, cemetery, orphanage, etc) but I also care more for quality over quantity. The thing that frustrates me the most about Sims is: #1-Too much lag and #2-It's shallow and empty. I agree with the mindset of having a smaller but higher quality town.

S&M Gonzalez

Also clothing stores, vinyl records store/music store, and possibly more luxury stores after launch like jewelry stores and furniture stores/home improvement or something like IKEA

S&M Gonzalez

I forgot to mention I’d really love to have multi use lots where we can build residential and businesses together on the same plot of land. Also if it’s possible maybe a train station or airport for traveling in between worlds or towns it could give paras option on fastest mode of travel and pricing which could affect their mood


This blog post is so wonderful!! Thanks team! -For a rabbithole, I would love to have a post office & bus depot. Paras could then go to work as a post courrier or bus driver in the town. -As an interactive lot, a cafe-bookstore would be a dream, especially if Paras could host events there (game nights, book signings ...?) and also a theater venue, for any event that requires a stage. Town layout #2 is my favorite... I'm partial to canals <3


I would love to be able to shop for anything the para's need - clothing stores, grocery stores, book stores, etc. But also be able to have them buy online if they want. I love the ability to create our own town, that will be amazing!!


I really like #3 with #1 close behind! But I think it'd be amazing if in #3 we could have a canal surrounding the commercial district. I can imagine lantern-lit boats traveling by the stores/restaurants at night being very pretty. As for lots, I'd like skill schools (like for hobbies such as art, martial arts, music, ect.) It'd be nice if these had set hours so our parafolk would meetup and build their relationship with friends or strangers during practice (and I'd especially love a lot of chance cards involved for storytelling 😁 )

Trinity Smith

I like 1. There HAS to be a beach at initial release

Trinity Smith

Grocery store and mall. Maybe the zoo/aquarium in an update after release?


#1 would love to have a beach

Maiden Minnesota

Grocery store. That's the one thing that I think has really been missing. I like the idea of having to go buy your groceries, not just have money deleted from your wallet. Obviously there needs to be some sort of "staple" system so your Paras don't starve while waiting for their next paycheck (which I also think should come once a week, instead of daily), but the bulk of the food should come from the store, and if you don't have an ingredient, you can't make a particular dish.

Daniel Charles

This is exactly what I was going to comment on. I don't like the idea of essentials just being *Poof* there. Players should have to find the time for their Paras to shop for these things. Clothes, books, (other entertainment/hobby items -- maybe small electronics) and groceries seem like a good start. Ordering online as another option should have shipping/delivery/convenience fees, or something to that extent :)


''Yes, you will be able to edit the size and shapes of existing lots. You can make them pretty big but we have not decided the limits yet.'' PLEASE don't put a small limit. This it what I hate about Sims, we can't edit the lot and we can't make it BIG. I love building houses and I want the possibility to create big villas, rich mansions or even castles if I want to! About the town, prefer the #1 idea, has the beach is fun lot to build on.. and has everything else as well. Keep up the good work!

Naomi Vincent

In regard to lot types- I think there should be a "job" and a hobby place for each age and a place for families. For instance, adults have work and nightclubs, teens have school and an arcade, children have school and playgrounds, toddlers/babies have baby sitters and playpins, elderly have a community center for dancing, bingo, etc. The community center can have a garden, a pool, gym, games, a dance hall for weddings, prom etc. I also think there should be a city hall where you can protest or give speeches, etc. However, I am someone who always plays historically, usually in the tudor or baroque periods, so things that can be ported over into those times are very welcome. I would like it if we had to buy cellphones and computers aren't the only way to do things.


This is all encouraging to hear. Don't worry about the depth and quality of the first town - you can always make another one or change it as you ramp up to release.


I don't know if it is really fitting to say in context of this, but I think it would be cute if the streets got decorated according to the season. So in winter the streets might have Christmasy lights hanging between the houses (townhouses) or the lamppost might be decorated or something. It might be too much work, it is just something I enjoy in real life - especially around Christmas.

Bethy Grace

Welcome, Etienne! I enjoyed reading your story and hope that you enjoy your internship! I would just like the ability to zone a community lot and build whatever we want, similar to The Sims 2. You could make anything from a gym to a library, and it was awesome. I also would love to be able to create our own shops, cafes, stores, restaurants and other para-run businesses, though I would understand if a full business running gameplay system wasn't implemented at first. I can't wait to have the build-a-world tool. This is going to be amazing. The first thing I will do is recreate Pelican Town from Stardew Valley :D


Reading this made me so excited! Even though some aspects will be rabbit holes, if you’re going to have something like daycare, I’d really like to have to incorporate traveling to drop off a child as part of a morning routine instead of them just zapping off to the rabbit hole.


I would love to have a spa, salon or in general places to pamper my paras after stress from their job or at home with their partner/kids etc.


I'd really love some kind of public meeting hall/community center/rec center/ town hall. It would be a great lot type to have town events or host private events/player created events and maybe play host to some kind of government system as well? Could also house services like a public pool, community sports leagues, after school/summer activities for kids, night/weekend classes for adults, group exercise, community theater, volunteer opportunities, etc (some/all of which could be stuff added down the road, but having a lot set up for this type of thing would be really good I think, in conjunction with a public library). I also agree on the grocery store idea. It would also be nice to have a plaza area, either as part of the park or separate, where there could maybe be a regular farmer's market, an occasional craft fair/art market, a flea market or two, a place where buskers and street performers and portrait artists could congregate, maybe a town fair, holiday celebration(s) or even a seasonal carnival? I would love to see hospitals, public cemeteries, train stations/airports/ferry stations/bus depots etc that take you between towns (even if this is just a lot to enter to jump to the loading screen), as well as build-able and player-operable hotels, museums/galleries, theaters/concert halls, player-operable daycares/preschools, build-able/customizable and at least somewhat intractable schools, houseboats, build-able and operable salons/spas, player-operable pet shelters, and player-operable restaurants, bakeries, confectioneries, and cafes, if not on release, in future updates or dlc. Having mixed use lots in the future for live/work opportunities would also be dreamy.

Megan Santucci

Oh and we definitely need an observatory/planetarium type location for Maggie!


will there be bars or hang-out spots for different age groups?

Fran Smith

Yay! This looks great! I like #3 town layout the best, the high density town surrounded by mountain/rural/suburbia, except I'd also like to see a beach in the top right-hand corner, so that you could come down the mountain and onto the beach. That would be awesome! I'm playing "Pumpkin Days" at the moment, a Stardew Valley style clone. The gameplay is a little jumpy, but it is has an absolutely brilliant huge world, and the town centres are really awesome! You can go into the shops and talk to the people and buy stuff etc, which I hope we will also be able to do in Paralives. One thing that I think is really, really cool that Paralives could consider is the library in this game. The library, as well as being a building to meet people etc, is also the manual and information centre. The bookcases are labelled with categories of game information and you can run around them, find the area you're interested in, and click on them to do a little game research. I reckon this would be a brilliant thing to also incorporate into Paralives. Could you build a library with many bookcases to click on for information for how to play Paralives? It doesn't take the place of a tutorial. It's separate. Pumpkin Days still has a tutorial in the shape of quests to meet people etc. I just think this is a brilliant way to provide gameplay information in a realistic fashion, yet not break the immersion while you're investigating gameplay aspects. As for the rest of the buildings, even if they start off as rabbit holes (understandable) I'd just like to see some realism: the school as a place where all the kids actually go each day - I want to see all the town kids as well as my kids go there; shops that actually sell different stuff (even if you can't see the items) - I want to eventually be able to go into a shop and buy stuff like groceries, clothes, furniture, department store, books, animals, cars, plants/seeds, knick-knacks, tech gadgets like computers/phones, perhaps even a paint/wallpaper shop where you can go to pick paint and wallpaper. It could be a click on the salesperson or just a counter with a pop-up sales window. That's fine, at least to start off with. The only thing that has to be functional/clickable would be the counter. I'd love it if my Paras could just buy everything in-game after the initial build from shops around town. It's realistic and doesn't break my immersion while I go look for things in build/buy and 'zap' them into my Para's house like magic. Awesome! This looks like a very exciting stage!! Can't wait to see more!! :-))


Honestly name ideas for your first town should be special, soooo here's some of my ideas 😁✌🏻 Alextown, paraton city, masse village, paraview city, paradise city, paramay village paratown. It's nothing much but I do like these names, Also are we capable of building stuff like piers, broadwalks, and build on the ocean/lakes to get gorgeous beach houses /fishermen homes?

ash czasz

i love the #2 layout! if you could add the beach from layout #1 along the west or east of layout #2 that would be a fantastic neighborhood!! congrats on the new staff member :)


Reading about towns got me to thinking about government: it would be cool if there was a mayor and a city council, for example with townies holdings those positions. And every so often there would be elections: your age will matter, your job, your standing in the community etc. It could be just as a rabbit hole job, but with messages popping up with goals and decisions, problems and other stuff. Maybe not for the release but later, but still the quite innocent political stuff could be nice. BitLife has quite a simple but a still fun example.

Sabine B

Oh I love town layouts! #2 calls to me the most, #3 second. I love the idea of a beach though. One thing that I hope you take into consideration is future lot types and space for them in the first towns. Sunset Valley is my favourite town in Sims 3 but it doesn't have enough room for all the lots they added in later packs. In terms of looks and style, I'd say stick to something basic and suburban for the first town. If it's a fairly blank slate then we can customise it with our own designs. I worry that if you try to cater to every style and culture it will look messy and disjointed. Save the interesting locations and go all in for later towns!

Fran Smith

Snap! This is exactly what I want (mentioned in my own comment). I reckon the beach should be in the top right corner so that you can come down from the mountain onto the beach. :-)

Fran Smith

Me too! I've always thought that the day cycles were far too short!

Sabine B

To clarify: when I say suburban, I don't mean Americanise (Canadianise?) it. I've long gotten used to garbage cans and red flags on mailboxes in games, but that's not what I live with in Australia. Maybe have some sort of options for default mailboxes and bins? It was super exciting to see Australia represented in Forza Horizon 3. It wasn't even my part of the country but it was closer than any other game. (The rainforest was my part of Aus 🌿)

Fran Smith

Yes, I'd love the possibility to build farms, large mansions, modest houses, apartments, townhouses, hovels, tiny house villages and even caravan lots. So I'd love a big diversity in lot sizes. :-)


I really like map #3 but the canal in 2 is intriguing. I hope there are lakes, oceans, or rivers somewhere to go hang out. Ooh camping and fishing sound really cool in the mountains! Welcome Étienne!!

Mary Breyer

A roller skating rink with fun music and lights would be so cool! Also an ice rink where there can be public skates or hockey games to watch or your para (or kid para) can play on a hockey team and that would be epic! Bowling alley would be fun. Maybe a community center/Rec center/YMCA where you can take classes (yoga, dance, swim, gymnastics, parenting, Lamaze, spin, etc.), meet other paras, form friendships or groups. Different styles of restaurants like sushi, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Spanish (Spain), French, etc. And also a bakery and candy shoppe and ice cream shoppe.


I love the idea of a Farmer's Market! It could be a recurring event on park lots on the weekend, where market stalls and food trucks would appear for the day.


You've really put your finger on something I find lacking in parks and museums in The Sims! Museums of different kinds would be awesome, and maybe art museums could have events like temporary exhibits or large scale art objects that you simply couldn't have at home, with more varied interactions, like contemplating or discussing art pieces, which would inspire your Paras to take up a brush or give them a boost to creative skill building when they get home.


I like map 3 but I think a beachfront on the left side, similar to map 1 would be nice. A canal/river might be good going from the mountain down to the beach.


Layout #3 would be amazing, I like #2 as well.


It would be great to see pet shelter, daycare, office, school, restaurant and cafe in the game.


Hello, Etienne! Welcome to the team; I hope you enjoy it! Branson, MO has a pretty good integration of these areas, including mountains (ish), a river, and a lake, which could play the beach in your game. It has strip that has a bunch of shops, restaurants, and entertainment right on the river, rural (mostly trees, but I think there might be a big of agricultural?) and suburban areas, and *very* high density commercial along main.


Regarding loading between towns, it would be great if you could choose a mode of transport to get to that town (rabbit hole style no animations to that point of the loading screen) that affects money spent, moodlets and needs. The actual loading screen time would be the same of course, maybe a different picture/animation depending on how they decided to go (eg ACNH dodo screen). For example, choosing to “drive” to the new town would be the cheapest, however their needs would be partially depleted once they arrive with specific moodlets that could affect their first day in town. Going by plane would be the most expensive, but retain more needs. A train could be more of the middle ground, with a relaxation buff for example. I think this would make it more meaningful in deciding to visit another town, in which you need to consider and prepare for it.


I would love to be able to have cinemas, book stores, libraries, bakeries, candy shops, pizza places, cafés and coffee shops. Would also be cool with a post office, town hall, thrift shops, grocery stores, market places, and malls.


I know religion isn't planned in the game, but would we be able to build and use churches? For weddings and funerals for example?


Yes! I have already kind of started planning a town in my head for when the update comes 😆 And I would love to have a train station!

S&M Gonzalez

hopefully we could have just the basic build tools that'd allow us too

The Dude

Im voting for #2.


I can already see myself falling completely in love with the custom world creation feature (It was my absolute favourite thing in sims 3)! I think I like mockup #1 or #2 the best. Suburban housing is my least favourite to play in. As for lot types, adding to everyone else's great ideas, I'd love hidden/discoverable lots (added/edited with a cheat-code). I think it would add so much lore, and feels great to both discover yourself and to place for others. For example, an abandoned house in the mountain, historical ruins, ancient gravesites, a secret basement with an inconspicuous entrance or a kids clubhouse in the woods. If the theme of the first town is Canadian, perhaps something like Anse aux Meadows - a viking settlement in which was discovered in Canada in the 60's. Additionally, for those who enjoy to make worlds, it'd allow us to add word detail with the building feature like custom bridges, piers, fountains etc. without cluttering up the UI in play mode. A stray idea, apropos lore, would be the ability to add simple graffiti/etchings on some surfaces (walls, threes, bathroom stalls). "Name + name" on trees for an everyday example. Some of the real worlds most fun easter-eggs are things like Casanova and Marquis de Sade signatures in Neros palace, the two vikings writing their name in runes in the Hagia Sophia and all of the obscene grafitti in Pompeii. I'd love to be able to add/discover something like that around my paratowns.


Reading that Q&A i almost cried from happiness!! SO many awesome things you are planning to add to the game, I AM HYPED! Lots Type I can think of - Malls, sports stadiums with seats to watch teams playing (the ability to form a team can be awesome) music concert stadium, Movie theater? Dogs releasing parks? Oh maybe Party Yachts if there is a space for that LOL that's what I have atm in mind :)


I would really love to see mixed-use lots, which you mention as something to look into more in the future. I'd love to see restaurants as well.


I think Christmas is too religiously specific for that. I personally hate that holiday because of my own reasons, but others may find it overwhelming. Non specific winter holidays would probably be better (I still hate them, but that's my problem not everyone else's)


This is so amazing! Thank you. And welcome, Étienne! I love the ideas. For lot types, if you give us enough options when it comes to objects and their interactivity, we could turn them into whatever we want. I would like a hotel, but if you can just have a list of things that are allowed or not in a community lot (for paras), and we can mess with it, we can set it so it fits whatever we want. All layouts are great! And I can't wait to learn the name of the world! Just one thing, if the world is medium size, there are no rabbit holes and we have means of transportation like cars (maybe bikes?), can you make it so that paras leave the town limits to go to work or school? I don't want them to just dissapear in front of their house. But it's not a big one and I can see how that could be too much for some people. Just an idea to consider and maybe spark another, better, option.

Samara Stanleigh

I’d love beaches, a laundromat, and even airports when other towns are added!

Tom Lu

This update honestly fills me with joy. Buildings that share walls, resizable lots, an explorable town, open world. I love all of it! One specific lot type I would enjoy seeing is a dog park, where paras can take their dogs and let them run off leash. It would be so sweet to see dogs with different personalities interact. I would love to see paras walk their dogs around town with the leash on too.


#1 seems more city like while also having a beach #2 seems Venice like to stand out. A good second choice. # 3 seems standard city with a big hill

Vicarious Human

Rural _Farm Lot Types: -Orchard & feilds -Animal Farm -Mix of Both Equestrian competitions Horseback ridding Petting zoo at the farm _Water erea or beach/ocean Beach supply kiosk (swimsuit, volley ball and net, fishing poles, sandcastle kit, kite kit, beach towels, etc.) Icecream shop on the beach _Parks Dog parks Playgrounds for children w/ toddler safety playpen areas Soccer feilds MAIN community fruit, veggie, etc garden Sculpture garden Zen rock garden w/ koi pond & sozu* type of Japanese founain _Mountain Camping supply kiosk


Hey guys. I have a question: how do I join the discord server? Or where do I find the invite link?


I would love to see a pet shelter and a farmers market or greenhouse/nursery! You guys are great and I continue to get more and more excited for this game!


Rabbit holes like in sims 3, where your para goes to hang out or eat. I don't need to see everything


Yay welcome to the team!! One thing that jumps out to me is having a laundry mat. I think that would be cool to add to the game eventually.


Definetly agreed with everything you said! The other thing would be the ability to turn off the electricity and water and disallow all the modern transportation either from the specific lot or the whole town in the settings. Great possibilities for historical, off grid and post-apocalyptic gameplays.


Not exactly a lot type...but I was thinking it would be cool if we had large piers that could be built upon. Like those piers you see with ferris wheels on them.


Other than that, things like a cinema, arcade (I know they don't really exist these days but I think it would still be cool) and maybe a farmers market? (if crop growing will be in the base game).


Layout #2 is pretty fun. I wonder if we can swim in the canal? Also Layout #1 would be great. If there was a way to maybe combine both layouts or having rivers/canals take up less space so there's still a beach. Either one would look pretty though!


I am so excited! This post makes it all feel so much more real to me for some reason. Keep up the great work, team!!


I'm so looking forward to having an open world with customisable lots, zones with different themes, and being able to make our own towns - I love it! The main lot type I want to suggest is graveyards! A graveyard can add a lot of context, history and character to a town. It'll also become a useful place to send the gravestones of our own paras (assuming they leave gravestones when they die?) whether it's from progressing through family trees or just a high-fatality play style.


Don't know if this has been mentioned but what about a community center? It could be a good rabbit hole to put events and meetings you're not sure where to put elsewhere. (like different kinds of classes or workshops)

S&M Gonzalez

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this already or not and i dont know if it'd be complex to do, but what about rabbithole mini fast food restaurants you'd see around town? Where the para drives around the building to the menu board and a pop up would appear asking you to make your order, and other paras in their cars could wait in line behind yours to order too. Then they could get out and eat at benches or stay in their car and eat.

S&M Gonzalez

Also if we have non-rabbithole businesses in the future, and we build say 7 businesses on one lot, would it be possible for them to use each cash register that's present in each store instead of going to just one? Sims always did this even though I would have separate cash registers for each store they'd still go to one store which always bugged me :/

Kate, enjoyer of worlds

Things I feel strongly about: - Graveyards - a lot of people's reference point here is Sims 4 and we are all sorely missing the graveyard/cemetery as a place to remember and mourn or be creeped out. Could be some cool interactions that gothy and spooky paras get to do there - live music/performance venue - could be a concert ground or a theatre or a club, but I'd really like my paras to be able to perform live (whether this is comedy routines, music, poetry, plays etc). That could be done with a "stage" or "mic" object of some kind though I suppose which could exist in another type of lot. If the paras could schedule a performance so others actually watch with interest as well that would be so nice. - Wedding venue/community venue for large gatherings. Others here have suggested a kind of town hall which would be a good place for large gatherings. It would be cool to have a dedicated space for celebrations like weddings (if these will be included in the game) as most people don't get married in their homes or at the park (*side eyes in the general direction of you-know-which-game* [sorry for bringing up that game again]) Things that are not important to me but would be cute: - outdoor market/farmer's market - community allotment - for parafolk in high density housing they could hire/buy a space to grow things


Lot types I would love to see are bakeries/cafes that paras could buy stuff from and sit at, and maybe work at too, cemeteries where the headstones of paras who die are put, maybe great for photography, and teens might hang there, and maybe eventually ghosts? And lastly I’d love like, a metaphysical shop wear you can buy crystals, herbs, plants, books, candles, incense, essential oils, pillows, hanging decor, rugs, and there could be workshops there for taro readings, yoga, crystal healing, fun stuff like that.


Oh and I’d love really big lot sizes, I dream of one day being able to build hogwarts without cutting half out. (Speaking of which, it would be great to be able to build under the water so that windows look out to underwater. :)


Lot 1 looks great to me, as I would like to have a beadch in the town - it will laos be great to have the option to go into the water, fish, play on the beach and just lie around and spend some time there, instead of just having in it the background. In case you want to add a restarant or a cafe you can add one near the beach. If you decide to go for the other lot layouts with the canal or the mountain it will be great if there're similar activities that will be available for both options. Like someone mentioned, I think a graveyard will be very cool to have. When the paras die it will be good to have the option to either keep or spread their ashes at home or in the town, or if you choose to burry them in the graveyard. If they want to spread the ashes on the beach or in the mountain that will be nice and could create a connetion for the paras to that place. So if there's ghosts they could appear to them there, or they could just be reminded of the dead paras when they're at that place. A Theatre building will be nice, it could combine live stage performances, such as plays and concerts, it could also play movies so it works as a Cinema, too. In case your paras want to take classes in acting, dancing, or anything else stage related they could do that there.


Oh noes, I managed to delete my original message once again. Too many edits, I suppose... Welcome, Étienne, and thank you for sharing your story! It's nice to hear you've found the new programmer to your team. (: Due to the variable performances of the different computers, I was thinking if it was up to the player which lots they would like to be functional and rabbit holes. Inspired by (mods of) That Other Game and lacks of CAW, I'd like to suggest the following: ▪ If the player desires something, let's say a grocery store, to be a rabbit hole, they could choose it by tuning the settings of the desired building's door. If the player desires it to be functional instead, they place the required objects into the building. In the grocery store's case, it would mean the register and the selling rugs/pedestals etc. (And when it comes the stores, I really wish literally everything the paras can buy collect, harvest, create, craft and make is sellable. From stones, apples and flowers to paintings, bakeries, toys, and puppies.) ▪The same logic would work with the active/inactive careers: either set the door as the rabbit hole door or place the required objects which increase the job performance. It would be a nice first touch before the fleshed out (but still hypotethical) active careers. ▪It would be nice if there was a gate, ticket seller or something else to be placed on the lot by the player. They could set by themselves what kind of paras can get in, how much it costs etc. It would allow the player to build any business type they desire. Like gyms, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, museums... The possibilities are endless. Instead of the lot type itself, the required object with its settings would be The Thing which attracts or prevents paras to visit the specific venue. EDIT: In the case of many different venue objects with conflicting settings, the paras would simply prevent going where they prefer not to go; having the gym "ticket seller" doesn't prevent the para who dislikes the sports but adores the books going to the bookstore placed on the same lot. Sorry if it sounded too complicated. ▪Could there be different building and even room traits like haunted houses and rooms? The traits would either attract or prevent paras visiting the lot according to their own traits. The following ideas are meant for the future updates since they contain fantasy elements: ▪ The ability to build the floating and transporting lots (thinking of the Laputa and Howl's moving castle as the preferences). It would be very neat if the floating lots could be built above the other lots and the transportable could accross them. ▪The ability to build under the sea level. It would even be the special lot type; like an apartment but "upside down". ▪This may sound crazy but I wish it was possible to place the lots under the bridges and on the roads. The first would trivially make possible to build under the hypotethical bridges, whereas the later would make possible to build the underground corridors and stores below the streets and off course, the buildings on the roads. I think it would be relatively easy to code, just taking the routing of the transportion and paras themselves carefully into the account. ▪A terrain tool to craft a non-rabbit cave is something which I've always desired to have. The other is a terrain tool which allows the player to craft a liveable holes to the ground. Easy tools to build the hobbit styled houses would be very neat, too. When it comes to the venue ideas, there are many awesome suggestions above! I warmly agree with stores, restaurants, beaches, daycare centres, pet shelters, semeters, plazas, playgrounds/parks, theathres, farms, concert/ballet/opera/performance halls, farmers markets, hotels/motels, libraries and the idea of mixed lots (live/work). Well, everything. Besides, I'd like to see functional spas, amusenment parks, and waterparks. I assume the player can mix and match these together: there can be different venues on the same lot, can't there be? Like Starsickle already said, please don't feel pressured to create the perfect town. The firmer and stabler base which can be easily expanded, the better.


Another idea! I was thinking it could be cool to have a carnival or funfair type lot as well that appears maybe once or twice a year. Secondly....what about historical or "tour" lots? Basically a lot that would be designated as a historical or cultural location and paras could take tours around the lot. (so think an old castle lot or mansion that is now open to the public)


I, myself am not religious however it would add a ton of gameplay and versatility to a town to have Churches in the game where Paras would be able to go for a wedding or reclaim inner peace, meditate or (like with museums) just looking around and enjoy the architecture and art pieces. I can imagine it would be hard to create such as there are just sooooo many religions, but a neutral style would probably be great. It would be also great to have in the future the option to create multi-category type lots and I've seen it that it will possible be an update for the future, but that would give such a flexibility creating options like a hotel with a restaurant and a bar, a gym with a lounge, a cinema with shopping center, etc.


Hum, creating a fictional religion with a bit of gameplay could be interesting. But as someone living somewhere where the subject is super taboo i'm scared of the delicate nature of this. And yes! Multiple category type of lot would be amazing! Mostly for the comercial ones! Maybe have a comercial-center type of lot that let you have departments like bowling alley, coffee shop and retails store for exemple. Or have the possibility to have a owner&resident type of lot where the shop is downstairs and the owner can live on top. Could be in a future update or extension if it's too big for the initial release.


Will there be sex like in wickedwhims on sims 4?


"Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language." Since the game is rated for teens, I doubt there will be anything graphical and explict. Perhaps with mods in future but not by default - just "a rabbit hole" like woohoing etc.


Agreed with everything but especially with the muliple floors. Maybe a cheat which allows unlimited floors like in TS2 because the limit has usually been set to protect the performance? Turning off the restriction by the cheat and with a warning would leave the responsibility up to the players. :D


I completely forgot to write but your town editing sounds already very promising! Just a little suggestion: would it be possible to turn off the electricity, modern transportation and plumbing/running water completely in the town's settings? It would make historical, offgrid and post-apocalyptical gameplays much more easier to set. I already mentioned about this in the other post but it seems to be missing.

Cookielllama :p

If and only if you will be able to achieve that we can visit other towns it would be really cool if it wouldn't be just a loading screen. I'd like it more if a train, boat or plane takes you there or maybe even driving there by car if it's nearby. Meaning that you would for example enter a station, enter the train which takes you to the end of the map then a loading screen appears and you arrive at the station of the other town


To be honest, for me the most crucial part is the town feeling lived in. Like a lot of sims 4 stuff is just skeletal. Like when you get to a community lot and everyone sim who is there that day spawns in next to you?


I would love to see an arcade! <3

Matilda Lindholm

I'd love to have a bunch of community lots. Grocery shops and arcades are the highest on my list.


Hi, new patron. I really want the canal so badly. I hope that map can also have mountains.


I love the concept. Can't wait to get the game ^^


beach pleaseeee


Aaaahhh love the canal one!!


I think having a teahouse would be really cool! Teahouses can be culturally eastern or western, which leaves room for diversity there. Another that I’d love to see is a theatre ^^ maybe a community garden!


I think this is the link https://discord.com/invite/paralives


A Vintage restaurant, like the roadside ones like Pop's (from riverdale), with sofas by the window, a jukebox, that would be really cool! ♥ And I loved the #1 and #3 City Designs! ♥ In the mountain, will it have a snowy peak? It would be awesome!!!


Very lovely idea! The possibility to build Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Iranian, Turkish, (vintage) English etc. teahouses sounds already very inspiring. ♡-♡


Lets have 1 its got a beach and mountain!!!

Heaven Moore

I think that #1 looks really really nice! I would also LOVE to see pet shelters 🙌🏻


What about some geeky lot types? Like a convention hall or a card/game shop? Cultural center and community spaces (Bookstores, hardware store, computer/tech store like best buy or microcenter would be cool too)


Oh man; I'm hyped for the possibility of business and residential on the same building but separate.


i think a cinema would be a great idea!

S&M Gonzalez

Or even an airstrip/runway would be nice we can place anywhere for planes to land on

S&M Gonzalez

I’ve been reading the comments and now I’m confused by everyone saying loading screens to visit other towns. Do they mean multiple towns within per world made? Or visiting other caw worlds in general?


I much prefer the town with the beach! I also think that whatever initial lot types you’re thinking of are good, but maybe have some other premade lots in a bin for players to put in whatever they think is best for performance reasons. Some of these can include a bar, gym, cinema, restaurant, and dance club/lounge.


I think they mean towns as in worlds in ts4 if thats what youre confused about. In ts4 you have different neigbourhoods in one world and i think they mean 1 town is open world as a whole, and then travelling to another town would be like a different world with of course loading screens!


I think the first town mockup could be interesting because not everyone lives in a country where they have a beach so it would let people experience something different from their reality. The same is true for the mountains, especially if it snows there from time to time. I also like the one with the canal but, understandable, the town might start to feel a bit clunky if you try to fit too many elements in one single town, so maybe that could be an additional town down the line. In any case, I am totally expecting to see a farm with a red barn and some crops on the rural area. As for a specific lot type I would like to see in Paralives, definitely rooting for a pet store and pet shelter (especially since the community seemed a bit split on having pet breeders), a daycare where paras can leave their kids and a gym where they can go to decompress after work or on the weekends and try to stay healthy. On that note, not sure what they're called in English but maybe some areas could have either cycling roads or those pedestrian roads for people to go for a jog alongside the regular car roads.

Amy Joscelyn

I'd be interested in a grocery store, or some kind of food-seller lot type. Some of the forms that could take could be an open air market or farmers market, a little corner bodega, or one of those sprawling stores that has everything including comfortable, wide aisles that are perfect for pacing when it's 2am and you can't sleep. Plus the variety could mean the offerings of food could range drastically based on where it's located—a densely urban grocer could sell more processed and/or more high end foods, while a more rural grocery store could be focused on homegrown fruits from the nearby farm.


Another idea! I think this would be most useful for visiting other towns/neighborhoods but I think a motel and/or bed and breakfast type lots would be really cool. Since paras would need a place to stay if they want to stay in a neighborhood for longer than a few hours.

S&M Gonzalez

I had some ideas pop up today while I was cleaning my house lol I wanted to share before I lost them. What if we were able to set different tags for stores not just for description purposes like: sunglasses only, swim suits only,lingerie only. But they would target and attract personality traits of paras so when they enter the store they’d get mood buffs, or get mood buffs when they pass by the store and think about it, and even likely to spend more at a store because it resonates with who they are. Also I know this might not be in the initial release but maybe afterwards, if we get clothing stores, I’m hoping we can pick and choose what clothing items and accessories we want to sell at a store. (Say for instance I’d only want to sell shoes and socks and nothing else). Including being able to set the prices for items and quantity, so if it sells out they have to replace it or pick something new. If an item was to sell out, I think it’d be more realistic if there was a waiting period for it to “restock” again maybe a few days or couple hours, instead of instantly. Also some other venue ideas I had were: * A jazz club where you’d go eat dinner and watch a show or watch many different big bands play, like the old ones from the 1940s like mocambo or think the movie the notebook scene where ally is proposed to. * Pawn shops - it wouldn’t be just for quick money but maybe paras who craft things can sell it there too if they can’t anywhere else. * Senior center - where elderly can go meet people their own age and do activities * Ice cream stores * Christmas or Holiday store - where paras can go buy holiday decorations year round * Community garden * Makeup store like MAC - i don’t know if this would make sense since we will have makeup in the PAM. But maybe with updates we would have to go to this store to unlock new makeup or new colors developed by the team to be added to PAM. And it could unlock a mood buff that makes their makeup look better to them and others or skill points that make them a pro at makeup so if they do others makeup it’ll be better than if someone who didn’t visit makeup stores. * Drive in movie theater * Organic store - paras buy eco friendly items, spices, candles, and food maybe that will make them a healthier para when they put it in their home or lower their bills. * Cheap motels you find on side of roads. * Also for the boat houses will their be docks for them I wonder to be place beside others, but they can sail out if they want. * Open fields that could be for multipurpose uses, like where paras can go and have family activités, parties, a carnival or circus could come to town and plop there for a couple days, or seasonal festivals pop up there

S&M Gonzalez

Oh and another thought I had was since we can make worlds, if we wanted to make a world with multiple islands separated by ocean in it, would they be able to travel by boat to each part?

Sherri Small

I know we can make connected town houses, but we also need apartments that you go inside and use stairs or an elevator to get to the different floors. In my area those are common 2 or 3 story buildings. Also it would be cool if we could put our favorite shows and movies into the game files to watch on para TVs. Also, if we could add music files for para radios.

Libra Frills

I looove the idea of a town having a beach! The town having a big body of water in general makes sense for the boathouse feature. And having a museum or animal rescue/shelter would be so fantastic!


I really like the different town designs! I think it's great to have diverse areas, personally i really wish we have a canal perfect for house-boat and small boats, and a more rural/mountain area for horse. I believe appartements won't be in the initial release so having the possibility to put two buildings next to eachothers is a good compensation!


An animal shelter would be really cool! Something i would really like a night club or something more specific for adults (which would obviously fit into the family rating of the game), maybe there could also be a system which would only allow adults paras to enter this type of lots!

Macanon Snow

I absolutely agree with your idea, that'll be awesome to have in the game. Especially for animal loving and partying players 😁

Vicarious Human

High density commercial & residential _Mall Party supply depot (party supplies, costumes, decorations, balloons, trinkets, novelty gifts, etc) Candy and chocolatier shop Several clothing department stores (shoes, bridal, bride's maids & prom dresses, tailor & suit store, classy upscale clothes, several casual clothing stores of different styles). Food court Electronics, tech & doodads (example:Sharper Image, Sky Mall, Brookstone) Hair salon/ barber shop Retro arcade Movie Theater Furniture & appliance store Tattoo parlor Laser Tag _Second-hand store _Plant nursery (availability is seasonally rotated) house plants, yard plants, seeds & gardening supplies _Flower shop (available year-round) flower vase & or bouquet in single or bunch from flower selection of your choosing. Floral jewelry (1.corsage pin), (2.corsage bracelet), (3.floral brooch), (4.flower crown) _Restaurants Asian style noodle & soup place Italian restaurant and pizza deliveries Japanese sushi _Coffee shops 1.Bookshop study cafe 2.Patisserie cafe* would be great date spot (stop in for a coffee and treat or Order specialty pastries & cakes for special occations. Bar/pub Bowling alley Nightclub Dentist & Doctor:health & Mind Post office (courier services) bank, police & social services -(who bring you to the help you may need). _PUBLIC AREAS Plaza w/ raised community flower garden in town center Plaza location farmer's market Public pool Laundromat/washateria _Senior citizen's activity group meetups Tai chi Walking group Bingo Coupon lottery draws Chess Public flower garden planting Book club Easel & chair art group Adult Swim


I think the first mock-up of the town has a very good variety of locales.


Grocery stores with purchasable items that are not just in a rabbit hole or pop-up menu, would love to actually be able to shop for the items in live mode. Other retail (like clothing, furniture, electronics stores) could be similar to the grocery stores! Hobby shops like a music store, arts & crafts shop, sporting goods store, etc. Other lot type ideas : movie theater tattoo shop hair salon arcade bank restaurants


I love the idea of Grocery Stores, especially in the way they did in SIMS 2. Which, EA was silly enough NOT to place it in all their games! Stores where you can actually buy things and then store them at home instead of Rabbit Holing the whole event. Shopping can be fun!


All of this, plus the fact basically everything should be sellable and purchaseable. Let paras sell whatever they desire! (Btw, I wish the paras could be self-employed and sell services, too. It would make nanny, taxi driving and cleaner careers possible, for example.)


Yes please! ♡-♡ Perhaps in future updates if not in the initial release.


Yaay, custom music mentioned! To be honest, I've been thinking a lot of it for some odd reason but haven't dared to say my suggestions yet. In my option, the most useful way to add custom music may be just putting either mp3s or playlists to the folders of each radio channels. It would be very neat also to create your own radio channels by simply creating new folders to the particular music folder and add any music or playlists you like. When adding the new music folder, the player could also add the new music genre which might be chosen to the paras as the favourite or disliked genre. Besides, the player could set in the settings what kind of mood the channel might cause when listened and in the case the music genre was not disliked by the para themselves. The mood boosts might be like creating sleepy or romantic atmosphere, giving the paras the energy boost to increase the performance and so on. If there were also different dancing styles, the player could set specific style to each music genre. In this way, listening to the music would really affect the gameplay itself instead of being just "background noice" like it has usually been in the Sims.


Awww!! Such amazing news as always 🥰🙏🏻 big warm welcome Etienne 🤗 <3

Kara Braun

I would LOVE to see a farmers market or other farm type things where I could either grow my own food or purchase locally grown food!

Kara Braun

How about a community garden?


Love the prospect of townhouses and wall to edge building capacity. I want to build things that look like London and we've so many terraced buildings!

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Can we have a canal/river coming from the mountain n going into a beach port ? So we can boat ride down to the beach n park our boats on the port then go back home near the mountains n park it in our home/pull it up ?

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Also how bout meat shops? Or a small farm like area in the rural mountain area away from people where we can shop for fresh/organic veggies or meat ? This could also be a ranch with horses, n could become full fledged with a range of animals if there is a farm animal update- also selling/giving away animals as pets like small pigs n ponies to rich townies. If collecting herbs n materials n weeds n hunting for small animals(rabbits, wild boars) is in the picture is love to run a ranch in the real deal style - thi I don't got enough research to rly know what that is , does anyone here tho? By hiring lots of ranchhands n animal trainers etc it sounds like a fun high scale time frame organising gameplay for the ambitious gamer, tho I'd hope it's optional.

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Something for everyone with all kinds of houses sounds like The Good Place architecture? Do we get every flavour froyo 😂😁?


I would really love it if paras could run and own stores, and if paras could rent retail space from other paras. Maybe not at launch since that's a big ask, but it'd be an awesome expansion/dlc/update. Ooh, and farmer's market stalls that could be assigned to npcs/inactive pcs, but could also be run by the active para(s)


Theme parks and water park


shops downstairs and flats above would be so so goals for the "high density commercial/residential" areas


I would love to see a detailed expansion on the commercial side of things. I want the different commercial buildings to really feel different and function differently, not just the same UI pasted over all of it like what we've seen in things like "get to work". There should be clearly definable differences between a baker and a clothing store, gas station, book store, coffee shop, etc. I also feel it is important to immersion for there to be a decent sized pool of retail options for your paras to go into. Thinking about it from a play perspective, having a shy young girl who dreams of grow up and owning a book store, etc. would add a lot to gameplay and helping your paras feel alive, like their dreams are more than a bubble to click away when it annoys you. Owning a business is a viable career that a LOT of people choose. On the other side of that coin, its also important for immersion because that's what real life is like. You go down town and there's all kinds of stuff to do and chose from. Of course there isn't going to be a 1-1 ratio of reality, that's not possible right now, but having a good base line of options will go a long way in filling that gap.


The work you are all doing is incredible - I think it would be really cool to have some sort of community forest/garden/agricultural land! (maybe based off of the park model?)

Naomi Vincent

Also, there are tons of custom worlds for ts3 which can be used as a template (ie which build items should be made, what should be place where etc. ) here are some amazing towns from ts3- https://thesimscatalog.com/sims3/downloads/worlds/large/mayfield-springs/ and https://thesimscatalog.com/sims3/downloads/worlds/large/st-claire/ and https://thesimscatalog.com/sims3/downloads/worlds/large/los-aniegos-ip-edition/

Joey Frank

what about some low wealth housing? smaller + rundown houses, overgrown greenery, roads that arent well paved, etc?


I like #3 the most but I would add a beach