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Hi there!

Thanks to everyone who voted and shared their ideas last week about the cooking system in Paralives! It gave us a lot of stuff to think about! And in case you missed it, we posted a short video yesterday to showcase a box fort that I built in the game, check it out if you haven't!

Cultural Diversity Survey Results

Christine worked really hard on gathering all your ideas from the survey and these data will be very helpful for us while making the game. Here's a little something she wanted to share about the survey results:

Thank you to the many who participated in the Culture Diversity Survey (over 8000!). It goes without saying that it took a while to analyze and summarize everything but we loved learning more about everyone’s culture! It really felt like a trip around the world.

The survey made it possible to highlight possible solutions in order to represent the greatest number of people. The ability to create your own holidays, celebrations or traditions is a great example. There’s a lot of cool gameplay elements to consider here: setting a date, decorating, inviting some Parafolks over and choosing specific actions and interactions (e.g. opening up gifts, fasting or dancing all together). Some people wanted to be able to remove their Para’s shoes when entering a house. How about setting certain actions as house rules? Another interesting example are the different greetings that exist around the world. Will your Para greet a superior by shaking his hand or bowing? Will it greet a family member with kisses on the cheeks or with a heartfelt pat in the back? There’s still so much possibilities to explore! We also understand the importance of creating diverse preset skintones with the right undertones and an attention to details (like lighter colored skin in the palms of the hands for example). Offering multiple hairstyles for each hair texture is necessary as well as providing choices for different hair lengths. 

Needless to say, we gathered a lot of inspiration for hairstyles, clothes, furniture, food and more! Imagine a Powerpoint of fifty slides filled with images and a large document filled with bullet points of ideas. Do you visualize it? Well, that’s what we have!

The moodboard above only contains about 1% of it all, can you recognize some things related to your culture?  

Name Customization

In Paralives, you can customize the name of your Parafolks in many ways. We plan to showcase that to everyone next week but we wanted to give you an exclusive sneak peek first so please don't share that outside of the Patreon community for now :) 

If you want, you can enter a nickname for your Para. People who are close to someone might call them by that nickname. It can be an abbreviation or a modification of the first name like Bob for Robert or "The Rock". By the way, Maggie's real first name is Margaret!

Middle Names
Here in Canada, we don't use middle names much but many countries do (John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Homer J Simpson, etc). Some people have one or many middle names so your Paras will also have that option.

Optional First Name and Last Name
Sometimes, you just want to remove your last last name or first name entirely so you can do that as well in Paralives. Hi Madonna, Lorde and the others!

Switch the Order of the Last Name and Given Name
In some East Asian cultures, the last name comes before the given (first) name. So we added that option as well!

That's it! I hope you liked this preview and don't hesitate to tell us if we forgot a name customization option!

Poll: Maggie's Last Name

Speaking of names, we realized that Maggie, our first townie, still doesn't have a last name. So please help us and vote in the poll below so we can properly name her!

Take care!




I love this


And Margareth Vaughan, ok people? Lol


I'm already in love with the game 😍


I am continuously impressed by these updates. As someone with six legal names and one standout nickname, I struggled whenever choosing user names or character names in games so I came up with a jumble of letters from each name for my online alias. So this feature is super original and considerate. Thank you team!! X


This is amazing! I love seeing the passion that goes into this project. The naming system is so much more than I ever dreamed of!


love this so much❤️


I was AAAaaa, sorry, I was just making a character in [REDACTED] and they were supposed to be Korean, but the name system didn’t allow for what I imagined, in other words: another win for Paralives!


LOVE this!! With every post you make I get more and more hyped for this game. It’s so wonderful that you guys are taking the time to incorporate different options for different cultures around the world. This is going to be the most inclusive game ever made!


The puff buns in the PPT are giving me good vibes about black hair in Paralives. Super excited for middle names


Omg taking off your shoes at home and nicknames!!! Things I didn't know I needed but now I can't wait to use them! So excited


Never thought I’d internally squeal over name customizations but here I am. I’m super excited for this and just how many doors it can open for storytelling!


You’re making me more and more excited for this game! 😁


Will there be an option of adding multiple middle names?


i love this - especially because in the Caribbean your family might call you by your middle name not your first! or by both if youre in trouble 😂😂

Luciana Keil

Excited about the option for our paras to have one word names. Great for recreating fantasy characters from other things.


This looks absolutely amazing I cannot WAIIIITTTTT


I love that you’re thinking about ways for each player to establish expected behaviors in their game without having to micromanage everything or directly intervene to make the non-active Para do things a certain way 💕


I'm so happy to see so much attention to feedback and research. It makes me so excited to see the amount of dedication put into making the game for the community. Thank you so much parafolk team!


It could be great an option for having two surnames as some countries do, like Spanish-speaking countries.




I love love love your detailed parafolk. In my country the first names don't matter much. We call people by nicknames first followed by first names. Such as my username is my real life name. Nickname Jo first name Montanee. So I am very happy that you add nicknames in your game too.


Día de los Muertos. Thank you so much for this


Another great post! Thankyou guys. This all rocks 💚❤️🙏🏻🌸


Oh wow I never thought of this flexibility for names, especially middle names! I should have since I'm from a country that definitely has a ton of them! Great job team.


I'm excited for kinky hair styles! I hope we get as many kinky hair styles as straight. Thank you for all of this so far.


Oh, here's something about names... In Brazil our middle name is not actually a second given name, but a second last name, usually coming from the mother side. So if your mom is called Maria Silva and your dad is called João Souza, your name would be Ana Silva Souza (given name + mom's surname + dad's surname). It'd be cool to have this option as paras create families and have kids. :)


I know I say this a lot but you're all doing work that I never DREAMED would even be an option, and it's beyond exciting! This game is gunna feel like home.

Melissa Toothman

I love that we can have Nicknames, and all those customization options. What about titles and suffixes. I.E. Sebastian Jr., Professor Wyndam Marion, or Mathew Moneywell, III.


I'm just sad they didn't contemplate how names are given in some countries in Europe, like Portugal, we have always 2 surnames, the last one from our mother and than the last one from our father. You see when people get Mery the keep their names, and if they want the husband's surname they add it. Some people only one one name and can have like 5 surmanes. Me I have one name and 2 surnames. Apart from that I love this.


Thank you for considering all of these things! As far as hair goes, I really hope the diversity extends to the male options as well. A lot of the time when I'm trying to download cc for my male sims theres barely any even though they lack diversity in hair as well...please dont forget about the boys haha😊😊😊


OMG ! I'm french, I live in France, but mate is my culture ! I love to drink it ! And I think it's a great idea to have multiple names. I have first, second and third names before my last name, and it's pretty cool to know that you have the possibility, when you're bored of being called always the same, to change :p Just one thing : is there a channel, somewhere on discord where you're listing the polls ? I don't want to miss one of them...

Melissa Toothman

I don't know if this is happening to others, but a few seconds after I cast my vote in this poll, my vote disappears, and I have to recast it, but it keeps disappearing.

Katy Thompson

Forgive me if I’m wrong but couldn’t you use the middle name option as a place to put additional surnames?

Melissa Toothman

Also, some Hispanic cultures have several surnames, so an option to have as many surnames as you need (surname 1, surname 2, surname 3, etc. would be welcome I think.


The nickname idea is adorable!!


Will names have a character limit? in Spain, Portugal and S. America most people have two last names so it would be a shame if I could put only one instead of both. Also will we have the ability to put multiple nicknames or just one?


I already love the UI even though it isn’t complete, I like the simpler version over the complexer version in Seb’s vid. I’m so excited for the full showcase of the name system!


One thing I want to know, if you want to get rid of all the names, or do you need atleast one of the options?


Well done Christine, 8000 forms, that’s a lot, you’re such a great help!🖤


We are thinking about titles and might add them later, can't confirm yet :)


:D Polls are in Patreon posts only but I usually send a message on Discord in #patrons when there's a new post :)


Alex said above that you can enter multiple words in each field :)


In the Spanish Speaking countries (including both Spain and Latin America) we do have two surnames, the first one from our dad and the second from our mum. It would be great if you incorporate this into the game!


You can add more than one word in every entry. So multiple last names, multiple first names, and even multiple nicknames. :)




Taking name customization a step further, it would be interesting to add prefixes and suffixes/epithets.(Doctor/Lord/Lady/Professor/Senator, III/Senior/Junior/the Brave, etc.) I like to play with royalty mods and stories in games like Sims, and also elements of Crusader Kings 3, and struggle with attaining the customization I want in this respect.


It is so awesome how much ideas and thoughts you already brought into that game... I'm so stunned and can't wait to watch how it grows on. <3


Oh I think Maynard could be cool, because she was revealed to us in may! Or maybe just Margaret May


this is really amazing. where I am from you only use last for documents. you dont refer to anyone buy it, friends family teachers, even my doctor I referred to by the first name. when I see they do that in America I just feel like they putting a barrier between each other by doing it.

Maxayn Henderson

I love this. My kids have 2 middle names and being able to do that is great. I also love the last name first as someone who is learning Asian language, the option to do is great!!! So when paras get married or divorced will it ask if they want to change their last name?


Génial !


Vaughan, Like Stevie :D


Wow this is crazy! The level of customization will be so deep. I can't wait to play and see everything it offers once it's done. Fière que ça vienne de chez nous! :) Lâchez-pas!


At first, I didn't think anything about how the name system should work. But now after knowing that we can swap the order of first name and last name, have middle names without running out of space, have nicknames and have the ability of just having one name being enough, it's actually pretty essential. Also, Margaret "Maggie" Johnson


This is fantastic!!!!


OMG the name thing is awesome! I loved it! <3 congradulations!


I don't like the idea of naming her Maggie Murray, because that essentially makes her a rip-off of Margaret (Meg) Murray, the main character of A Wrinkle in Time, who also loves astronomy. She's a cool character, but I think Maggie needs to be her own person (parafolk).


I also really can't decide on vaughan or elliot. Amazing choices


I don't know if my last coment got sent, but WOW!! This is above and beyond. I LOVE IT. Amazing stuff you guys


THESE ARE SO COOL!! I'm loving the attention to detail and wanting to make it so that the player can really see themselves in this world you are creating. This is absolutely fantastic! Great work team, can't wait to see more from you C^:


Gosh that’s so awesome you don’t need to have a last name!! It’s something I didn’t think I needed but now I do. I remember being so frustrated making characters that had no last names and having to make a dumb one up myself. Thank you!!


Thought Homer was a President for a second...

Mari R.

I love this, it's so cool! And regarding multiple surnames like we have in Brazil, i think being able to type more than one name in the "Last Name" tab is enough to fulfill that


I LOVE how customizable names are. I kind of forgot about that aspect of life but I’m glad you guys didn’t lol. I’m so excited!!


Maggie Johnson... MJ for short name!


I nearly screamed when I saw the cobogós 💛 represents brazil and other latin american cultures so well


I'm so excited for how you are allowing customization with the names. I was thinking of suggesting it a while ago so when I read this I was very happy.

Akasha O'Connell

Love what we can do with names! Also setting house rules like no shoes inside will be incredible. As for hair, something I'd love to see, as someone with very long hair, is VERY LONG hair...like waist, hip, and even knee length hair, and multiple options for each. Also, please give us some plain styles...not everyone styles their hair elaborately every day, and not everyone has a side part or likes asymmetrical styles. One of my biggest pet peeves with hair in the sims, is that plain styles with a center parting are rare.


Ohmygosh the naming system is incredible!!!❤️❤️❤️I was just hoping for nicknames but I never imagined you guys would go this far above and beyond to incorporate so many different name systems.


Bed head would be amazing and when you would shower and you would get the option to change it


I really like the house rules idea, I think that would be so versatile !!!

Nea Emrys

Oh, I would LOVE to be able to add titles to my paras aswell - like President, or Princess, or just Miss or whatever else I come up with. :P


This post makes me so excited 🤩 I really hope we can have custom holidays and traditions! And I like the idea of house rules!!

comprehensive galaxy

Not quite a name *option*, but you'll want to make sure the name fields allow for non-Latin characters without breaking any databases or such.


I love the house rules idea! It would be so great to see the Parafolk take off their shoes and maybe even slip into house shoes! It would be fun if a Parafolk could go to a rabbit hole hair salon and get a new style or get their current style updated, like with braids and locs!


Love this! You guys really thought of everything when it comes to name customization! As a suggestion, maybe a title for the character as well? Parafolk that are highly respected could be referred to with their title by other parafolk. Just thinking outside the box!


The way I started getting teary eyes, thank you for working hard to represent everyone from different backgrounds. Can't wait to see how everything looks when it's finished.


Omg😳. I loooove this. Thank you para studios PLEASE hurry I cannot wait until you come out.


lsjfdlksdjdlgkjsd i freaked when i saw dia de los muertos on the moodboard i swear i went "if they put that in ill be satisfied" but yous went above and beyond to include even the smallest details across all cultures KING SHIT


Vaughan ftw


I'm not totally sure why, but I got a little teary-eyed reading this post. I think it's all the attention to the details of different cultures and how naming works in different parts of the world. It's just so dang thoughtful.


You know I didn't think I could get excited about naming paras, but once again you guys never cease to amaze me. I would have never thought to put this much effort into naming paras, but this is great! Especially the nickname feature.


It would be awesome if we could set house traditions ourselves and recreate parts of our own culture. ♥ My grandparents are originally from Turkey and like them I'm a Muslim. So it would be awesome to see this somehow in the game.

Stacey Dunnachie

It's so awesome to see all of the customisation ideas you guys are putting into the game! There are things I would have never thought of, and it's so cool to see it included!

S&M Gonzalez

Yes I’m not too worried about females hairstyles as much because it’s saturated for us lol, but the males they have none hardly in cc from my whole time I’ve played simulations


I’m so surprised , you guys added Icelandic (and Faroese) farmhouses on the moodboard, Its sweet to see. I also love the rest of the the details and cultures!

S&M Gonzalez

I was so excited to see this post! I love that you included the options of giving us the ability to not only set nicknames but give our paras middle names and using last name first especially for those of us who are of Asian background! This is such a nice feature to have I’ve always wanted. It’d be cool if paras get to know each other really well begin calling them by their nicknames vs their first names :) I can’t wait to see what you all will bring in the coming months. I know paras will be speaking their own language, but it’d be cool if all paras could all say paras names in English (and others in different parts of the world their own language) so we could hear their names and nicknames

Megan Santucci

I noticed that immediately too. Margaret Murray is a great name but maybe not for our Maggie.

S&M Gonzalez

I’d also love to see paras being able to greet each other in many different ways based on ages ,family, or acquaintances. Being able to add undertones to skins would be amazing too especially for tan-darker skinned paras we like to make in representing of ourselves.


im excited to see all the rules that people come up with! in addition to households having rules such as taking off shoes before going indoors, itd be interesting if whether or not people followed the rules was determined by their personality, like if they weren't a nice person they'd just go indoors with their shoes on anyway, things like that. Yall are doing amazing work C:

Nicole Penny

OMG I LOVE the idea of house rules, taking shoes off is just second nature in the UK you don't even think about it, its just polite and normal


Wow, all those surveys must've been overwhelming! Great ideas for features! I love the house rules and different ways of greeting others. It'll help to make each Para and their family feel truly realistic and unique. And nicknames! Thank you for that one! It always feels so cold in other games when my characters call close friends by their full first name - or weird when a nickname is listed as the first name on a formal occasion!

Megan Santucci

I'm kind of disappointed that all of the last name options for Maggie are super Englishy. I was hoping that she'd have a bit more of a multicultural background. Not that you can't have a multicultural background and be named Margaret Johnson, but it still seems like a missed opportunity.


I mean, I have the whitest last name you can think of but I'm a mixed latina. Last names don't always correlate with race or culture.


omg im so excited for these! there are some that i didn't even think about when i took the survey, like the names and such. Glad to see aspects of my culture on the moodboard!


Oh my god, the house rules & name customisation options sound fantastic!

Joanie Boissonneault

Maynard! Such a Québécois familly name. Would've loved ut

NaJa Jackson

This. This is the post.


thank you so much for the name customization. its such a small detail but im SO thankful we will finally be able to have middle names in a life sim game.


I'm about to cry over this thank you all so MUCH <3 I am speaking on a panel about diversity and belonging today and this was super heartening to read before I leave!


This is dope.


These are all so cool! I'm hoping for custom titles too, like Miss, Ms, Mx, Lady, Sir, etc. That'll be a cherry on top!


I’ve been thinking the same thing about the titles! I would also like to see about having a suffix attached at the end of your paras name, like in some Asian cultures; -san, -chan, -kun, -sama, etc. I think it would be so cool and representative of people that identify with that culture or similar cultures!


Hello, if you feature my name can you use my friend's name? She lost her job recently due to COVID-19, her name is Caylah.

Tee W

I am loving everything about this so far 😍😍😍


I forgot to fill out the diversity form 😭 the only two items I’d love to see in the game are Durags and bonnets! We use those in the African American community to help preserve hairstyles while we sleep at night ❤️ I voted for the last name Elliot! I think it flows better with her first name.


This is awesome! I hope you consider including the disabled community, as well.

Kitten Walters

I sent Alex a message a few weeks ago and it sounds like he's going to do a disability survey. : )


wow! it'd so cool to have name customization! *O* thanks, guys!


Blown away by the concepts for name customization! Wasn't something I knew I desperately wanted until seeing it like this


Being able to put last name first was something I have come to not expect so seeing it is a very pleasant surprise!


Can we call our Paras by their last name like in Harry Potter Mr. Potter Miss Gringer Mrs. Delacour Professor Snape .You do such a great job thank you Paralives <3 Maggie Vaughan for me :)


This looks really cool! I have a question, will you only be able to choose one nickname, and are they changable? I get called different nicknames in different friend groups, so it would feel more natural to pick several. Either way, still a really cool and useful feature!


In France, men shake hands with each other, men kiss women and women kiss men.


When we have our disabilities survey, would we be able to vote it paras can learn sign language


Could we have wish trees in the game? You make a wish and tie a colorful cloth to a branch. It’s an ancient part of my culture and they always look so pretty!!


I definitely think having Family traits or rules to customize is a great feature. Probably would go into the character creator when starting a family. Would also be quirky to have different traited families clumsily interact with each other, like one goes for a kiss greeting on someone who bows, then has to learn or have an adaptive trait to auto perform a greeting. I also love you guys took the time out for the cultural survey, and thank you for checking the feedback! I also would like to ask for a feature for distant relatives. Where when you create a family, and then during a holiday the game will ask if you want to invite your distant relatives and will auto generate random members to come visit like grandmoms uncles and aunts, so you don’t have to find a way to make multiple households one at a time and try to connect them later.


Wow this is looking great already! I'm extremely excited for this game. Since I notice that in some video you posted there was little white things floating in the air, I don't remember if you guys confirmed that it was little dust particles. Anyway, if they are dust particles does that mean that we are going to need to clean up from time to time? I would personally love that! One of my dream on life simulator games would be to be able to clean the house once in a while, I don't know, mopping the floor or something like. I don't know if this is too much to ask but I would personally love that. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WORKING ON PARALIVES, I WILL KEEP SUPPORTING YOUR AMAZING WORK~♡

Joshua Gonzales

I love this distant relative idea. In TS4 it is so much work to make different households that are family interact as a family. They are essentially just other random people on your family tree.


can we have negative traits too, as many of the comments seem to be about making the game too perfect.. I sometimes like to make unlikeable characters.. burping, littering, grumpy, etc etc


I am so impressed I’ve never seen a game take such attention to detail I am so surprised to see my culture in the slides and it made me feel welcomed. I also love the bowing aspect and taking off shoes because that exists in my Nigerian culture when you meet anyone who is an elder.


I love this so excited to see the many black hairstyles and my culture incorporated in the game. I want to be able to build a town of all black people and they all have many hairstyles to choose from and outfits that reflect black styles. They def have my vote I can’t wait to see how it all looks.

Bethy Grace

I LOVE this. The naming system looks SO cool!! Great idea everyone! - Question for the Devs, will we be able to edit the nickname / etc during gameplay?? It would be cool if one of my Paras became famous or something and then I could give them a nickname to be known by?


I'm so excited about all the cultural diversity being implemented! Hope you guys are doing well. Drink more water!


Speaking of negative traits, I wonder if the team has considered adding jails to the game? If you para is caught shoplifting or vandalizing a building with graffiti, etc they could spend a few days in jail as punishment. I’m not sure if that will fit under a teen rating but if it can it will be a cool feature to add in the future.


House rules?! I love this idea so much!!!


I love the idea of house rules! So many amazing things already! Cannot wait to play!


Both Elliot and Vaughan are so close. So maybe it could be combination? Margaret Vaughan-Elliot, as she got her surname from her mom? Or maybe Elliot could be her middle name


Yes you should be able to edit all your names during gameplay!


Margaret Vaughan-Elliot has a particular ring to it that would fit rather nicely. Almost Gothic. I'm down.


I love all the name options especially the switching of the order <3


Looks amazing! Thank you for taking such care when it comes to representation! May I ask how you are planning to name babies? I would like the option to change last names, because in my country (Spain) we use the last names of both parents (so we use two), but we can also change the order! Just an idea, of course.


I loooove the name customization options! Something that's always bothered me being so barebones in the *cough* other game yet I didn't even realize you guys would be able to implement it! Thank you so much ❤︎


Would love to see things like 'Dr.' 'Sir' and Jr.' be customizable.


how many characters will be allowed for the names? i have a long last name (14 letters) and every game i play ive had to shorten it. just wondering!

Lily Tindel

I am going to cry 🥺


Love it! I was actually surprised by my own reaction to all the name options. I cannot wait to play this game!




I really like alliterated names. They always sound like superheroes to me


Thank you! That looks awesome, I liked the names option! Greets from Colombia




Thank you I always wanted the nicknames. How cool is that!!!


And now I suddenly remembered we have patronymics in my country. Oh well, it would probably be difficult to implement, and name customization looks great as it is :)


I just had another idea for a name option. The closest thing in the preview is "nickname" but it's not a nickname. Some names such as "Timothy", "Samantha" and "Tobias", are often shortened to"Tim", "Sam" or "Toby" But these short versions are often not the person's nickname. Should there be a "Short Name" option as well, so say, "Tobias" could be entered as first name, "Toby" as a Short name, and say.... "Tubby" as his nickname.


If Author or Performer are careers please consider adding Stage Name and Pseudonym


Amazing news. I absolutely love the name customization options you are giving. Great work, you guys.


Omg I love the genkan (entrance way to take off shoes) and the Asian architecture <3 So amazing so far. I also love the African clothing and architecture!!!


Thank you for actually listening and considering all these things!


I keep missing these polls, but I love the detail you guys are putting into the game!

Desirée Eriksson

Oww. I wish I got to vote on this. I really liked the sound of Elliot, even though Vaughan is a cooler name XD


Would there be an option to create a para that's mixed race? Or of two different cultures (ex: being 1st/2nd/3rd, etc -generation American. Or paraland-ian). I guess feature customization would allow you to make a para look however you want but what about in their history?