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Today, we need your help to create our next Para! This time, it's a man. What is his occupation, what does he look like, what is his favorite hobby, what should his name be? Please help us decide all of this by filling this short form! In the coming weeks, we will create that Para in the game and reveal it to everyone :)

This is for Patrons only so don't share that info or the form please!


Also, there's an extra question in the form where you can add a fun detail about this Para's life. Next week, we will collect the best ideas and create a poll so we can all decide and add the final touch to this character together. This is really exciting and we can't wait to see the final result!

Thank you!





Omg on my way !


Just done it ❤️


This is so exciting!! This is a cool way of letting us design him, thank you!


pls give me a stay at home bad boy dad so i can relive romancing robert in dream daddy


done! good luck :)


Love it


Finished it! Can’t wait to see what he looks like.

BJ Harris

Looking forward to the Reveal❤️


I kind of want him to be a bad boy 👀


Base him off of jughead from riverdale!


How exciting! Looking forward to seeing how he turns out


Done! Can’t wait to see how he turns out! 🎉


Ooh fun! Can’t wait to see the results! I’m so excited about the game and proud to be contributing to it, even if only through a small contribution!❤️ Thanks for all the hard work to everyone on the team❤️

Joanie Boissonneault

That's a nice little thing to do! Love it. Can't wait to see what people want to see.


I was secretly hoping to have custom fields so I can submit Jim Pickens and his lifestyle 🤣 but I def can't wait to see what the male Para will end up being


Yay! So exited to see what he looks like!


Yay! I can't wait!!!


Can I get a hell yeah for a handsome hipster father named Sebastian?


That was fun!


So fun getting to interact and help build the game in this aspect!!


if he’s not a mysterious bad boy i’m suing


He should lowkey like Maggie but Maggie is a independent women


This is awesome!! Thankyou so much guys for doing this for us. Can’t wait, I can imagine him being a awesome and bubbly character and a foodie! 🥰🤣 it’s great! Much love ❤️🎉


I hope we can do more stuff like this for future npcs 💕


done!🥺 so excited

Mo Des

Ahhhh I'm so excited!! Thanks for making another interactive poll, I missed those :,)

Lena Marie

Love this kind of interaction with the Patrons :)


The male Parafolk and Maggie are going to look so great together!😊


It's the best feeling to take part in creating something that unique ❤️


Maggie and Seabass, we love to see it

Laura Burchart

Good luck choosing!! Can't wait to see your decision!!


The team, project everything about this is amazing I am so happy to be apart of this :)


So excited 😍😍

Jennifer Huber

It means so much that we are able to give some ideas to the team for the game. You all have so much to do and it is awesome that you want your patrons to play even a small part in the way the game develops! Thank you!!

Tanisha Rogers

So excited can't wait to see what he looks like.


This is such an awesome opportunity :D Thanks for always having such an open ear for the ideas of the community <3


I really love how you’ve added the option for a stay at home dad. :)


Ohhh I can’t wait for the reveal 🥳


THIS is how a game developer should treat it's fans and player base. Our opinions and desires blend with those of their creators. We will keep coming back again and again because you care about us. You're the model other developers should inspire to be. Thanks for including us in this game and looking forward to the future.


Survey done!! Would love to see a bad boy who is inventive and resourceful! Would be a pretty cool story!


A bad boy, who's favorite hobby its art and its looking for a job. Also he likes to collect antiquities. Even tho he is a bad boy, he is secretly a nerd and book worm :)


mysterious bad boy dad who loves to cook ... he isn’t really goth he just loves the aesthetic


Done 🙌🏻


Oh I really loved the character I wrote. Def wanna see a stay at home nerd XD


Can't wait to meet him <3


Friendly nerd called Adam! ❤️


Omg a mysterious bad boy who is looking for a job and is lowkey a softie at heart


Bad boy who loves baking cupcakes whilst listening to heavy metal music 🤣


I loved that stay-at-home dad was an option! This is so neat.


No way! Thats exactly what I picked.


Oh I LOVE this, I'm so excited to also see how the men will appear in game and how they can be customised etc! I also chose a Classy man who just moved into the city, wanting to find a new job - a man who's passion is cooking with the name Lucas! He moved to the big city to make a name for himself rather than being the boy who got everything from a silver spoon.. even if it doesn't work, I'm excited to see how he looks either way!! :)


I think that our Parafolk Zach loves skincare and he wants to see an alien hahaha. ❤️


I want him to be a single father who was awarded full custody of his child. I don’t think single Dads who will do anything for their kids get enough representation.


I'm going for Adam that looks like a bad boy, hard to approach but in fact is really sweet and loves baking <3 haha


Very exciting to contribute. Loved the first Para. I voted in the poll. Please give him facial hair!


Ooh, I like this. He's a friendly nerd called Zach to me. Fun fact: He's gay.


Super hopeful for my baking bad boy Sebastian. 😍 And I know it’s not going to happen but short spiky blue tipped hair is killing me. I almost wanted a friendly nerd but I think we already got that with Maggie. ☺️


I think it would be cool to have the mysterious bad boy Adam, who knows his way around a kitchen. He has to, of course, being a stay at home dad and all. His past haunts him to his day, and he’s been thinking lately maybe that’s the reason why he is the way he is now. Alongside his son, a recipe that he has {almost} perfected has stayed close to his heart over the years. In the past, a few important people in his life were known to love this decadent dish. In fact, it had them addicted and crawling back for more with uncontrollable desire for Adam’s creation. He knew of the consequences, but continued to fuel the fire. He seems to regret what he has done, but with a new start in a town with fresh faces, he’s thinking that it just might be time to dust off the ole recipe book again and find some new subjects to experiment on...


A handsome hipster dad who paint at home and can't cook anything.


Okay, that's cool!!! I would say, his name is Jefferson, he has a big heart and loves books, tea and whisky. He plays Piano, but likes most music. Typical guy which looks like a badguy but has a huge heart and loves his family.


fun :) thank you!




Avan Jogia


I was thinking a snob chef who secretly wishes he lived a bit more dangerously and pursued that singing career. lol


Yes! Not much of a fan of the bad boy type but apparently everyone else does.... love to see a hipster or a nerd stay at home dad.

Jason S

A Friendly nerd with superb cooking skill, looking for any opportunities in town, called Lucas 😁


Stay at home cooking dad type but with the a bad boy personality or something would be a funny/fun contrast I think


Yessss! I could picture him instantly, with a baby girl named Novalee


This was so difficult! Can't wait to see the result.


Deaf handsome hipster named Adam who loves to cook and has just moved here and is looking for work!


I want him to be a stay at home dad like my husband was lol I think a lot of people have a bad view on stay-at-home dads (well people I've come across), because he HAS to work because he is the man of the house. I personally love working and love him at home because he takes care of the house, plus protects it because he knows martial arts and carries a gun licence. I know he'll protect our children better than I can lol I don't know how to fight or use a gun 😆 but he's teaching me. It's hard to choose friendly nerd and classy charmer, cause my husband is both Ooph lmao I'm now realizing I'm making this out to be my husband, but I'm too lazy to delete what I typed 😆 Oh well~ can't wait to see the results, I personally don't want a bad boy though lol but if he ends up being a bad boy, I don't mind either :3

Aleksandra Gołębiewska

Mine suggestion: Lucas, stay at home dad who loves cooking and has a popular YT channel about building worlds in minecraft. I may have mentioned his love towards tarantulas, hence he may have some connection with Lucas the Spider😂. *nerd 💯 and proud of it😊 **owner of a well received podcast ***Love of his life, wife dearest, is a bread winner-he says how much he is proud of her at every occassion he can♥️


I made Adam a charming stay at home dad who has a passion for cooking. For fun he spends his time bird watching and running a bird blog.


Pleasantly surprised that I see so many people saying stay-at-home dad! 😌 Personally I suggested a charming single (but working) dad with some young kiddos. I thought that’d be kinda different and interesting. But whatever the result is I’ll be interested all the same lol


Love all of your ideas, and here's mine: Zach is a very handsome and quirky artist who just moved into town alone, despite his family's disapproval for not going into a stable career. He is looking to be inspired by the town and the people in it! And he's definitely a little bit rebellious :)


A classy stay at home dad, Sebastian, in suitepants and rolled up buttondown shirt. Baking/cooking in a uptown apartment with modern style and open living.


I LOVE this! Thank you for including us so much in this process! I’m also astonished at how quickly things are developing!(Btw I love the mentioning of hobbies, I’m hoping for some kind of hobby system so the paras can have some sense of purpose outside of work and parenting!)


A stay at home gay dad of a beautiful baby girl, cooking for a living, healthy and friendly :-)


Femboy ❤️

Naomi Vincent

Ultimately, I think a man who takes a chance to follow his dream career is something that will resonate with the team ;) So I hope that is worked into the character. Even if it isn't darling, bad-boy Adam!


Sebastian the Classic Charmer, Works in an Office, loves Art, and is Crazy About Mid Century Modern...He's a mad man!


sebastian the handsome hipster. new to town, looking for work. loves cooking. he loves traveling and nature! prob has a doggo


Lucas, a friendly nerd who loves to cook! He is a foodie who is charmful with the ladies. Plus he can cook a mean meal. Lucas is new to town and landed a accounting job at a firm. Lucas dreams to be a sous chef, but has been pressured by his parents to pursue his career in accounting. Lucas is enjoying the new town and looks forward to uncovering the food scene. With his charm and wits, he just might meet the right people and follow his dreams!


Adam, a handsome hipster who loves to cook and admires foods from all cultures. Perhaps a single dad who wants to give his daughter the world while searching for his dream culinary career :)


Tbh I want to choose stay at home dad because I want to see babies/children/child at the same time of reveal 😂 But then again, not sure if they can hit us with an animal that's his "baby" xD cuz I have my furrbabies and they're my babies ❤

NaJa Jackson

Adam, a classy and charming stay-at-home dad with a passion for cooking. Perhaps he has a scar on his hand from when he was first learning how to cook. Perhaps he did so to impress a special someone, and things just got away from him...literally.


I want either a friendly nerd or bad boy who’s a stay at home dad. He loves to bake sweets but he’s terrible at it and his kids eat his baked goods even though they’re all burnt and kinda gross because they love seeing him happy🖤

Lisbeth Kirkhorn Melsåsen

I want a little bit of contrast between the pre-made parafolk, so for this one I imagine a darker character who have the ability to stir up quite a bit of drama in town. Mysterious bad boy, technology, unemployed, Zach.


I really appreciate the Paralives team for offering so many opportunities for us to give our input. It’s your game but for you to actively encourage outside opinions is just awesome. Can’t wait to see what you all do with this fella!


YES! Imagine a parafolk who's a player causing drama dating around the town! 😆

Ella Pilchik

I love how involved we are in this. Maybe this will be my first paras husband, who knows?


I love all the options, which is a good sign. I think I'll like him no matter what he turns out to be!


I really love how involved we are, i really liked all the options! I’m excited to meet him soon🙏❤️


Lucas, a mysterious bad boy with a love for cooking. He gives his savings to his parents so that they can live a luxurious life ❤


I am torn between my logic brain that wants the cute single dad vs. my lizard brain who of course wants the mysterious bad boy, Lucas.


i had to go with bad boy sebastian because stardew valley!


Adam! A nerdy, stay at home daddy, with a passion for cooking. I hope he’s single!

Bethy Grace

How exciting!! Can't wait to see how this turns out 😀😍


Lucas! The hipster stay at home Dad who loves cooking and collecting vintage comic books 😇


Adam just moved into town to search for work, but while he's on the hunt for a job he plans on raising his cooking skill in the kitchen. Be sure to welcome him to the neighborhood! He's that handsome hipster that just moved in down the street. Look for the fedora and you've found him- he's obsessed with them! Even wants to open a shop one day to sell his personal designs! :)


As a casual aside, calling the parafolk 'para' for short amuses me, because I am also called 'para' for short.


He was always the bad boy in school and all the girls were attracted to him even though they knew they would get their hearts broken eventually. But one fun night on the town would result in Sebastian becoming a father. He decided to settle down with his then fiance and daughter, until his mistress decided the family life wasn't for her. She disappeared one quiet night, leaving Sebastian to raise his newborn daughter all alone. He paints to make money and fatherhood is difficult but he wouldn't change it for the world. He loves his daughter but sometimes it's hard to not lead the old life he used to live. Can he man up and become the hero that his daughter sees? Or is everything bound to fall apart? Only time will tell.


Mine is a Victorian man named Sebastian who is an app designer who is charming. He has fancy designs on his pants.


Excited to see how he turns out

Monica Johnson

"The mysterious stay-at-home dad, Adam, loves to cook. Whenever he's not spending time cooking with his kid, he's working hard to provide a luxury life for him, and his kid. His stay at home job consist of multiple micro jobs so he's a micro-tasker. His bad boy mysteriousness comes from him being known as the single guy in town who keeps to himself because of a rough past with his ex, so he has trust issues as well. When Adam is out in public, he's seen as an introvert with a straight face, but the minute he sees his kids smile, Adam lights up with joy, letting out his inner dad jokes." I love that so many people are choosing stay at home dad, who cooks so I went with that. I couldn't choose between the names Adam and Lucas, so I just randomly chose Adam. Stay at home dad, good father, cooker, and Mysterious bad boy all good traits to me, so I wanted to mix it up and throw in some negative ones that would be good storywise like trust-issues.


A man with cat please... 😆❤️


Adam, the handsome hipster who treats his pets as kids and sings in the shower. He does manual work and he's into art!


I chose Adam, a handsome hipster the stay at home Dad trying to make it as an artist while raising his child. He loves camping and adventures in the great outdoors. I like the idea of him being a solo Dad to his little girl and them being the owners of the dog Alex has shown previously. Also living nextdoor to Maggie who often helps out the pair and the two adults being good friends (maybe more if the player chooses) but Maggie and the daughter being especially close too.


I’m looking through the comments and holy smokes, they’re all better than what i had in mind LOL. i can’t wait to see how it turns out ehehhehe 🥰🥰🥰


Fr! I was struggling to put my lil sentence together 😂 while these people in the comments are blowing me away with their creativity!


I chose Zach, a friendly geek and a stay-at-home dad with an immense passion for cooking. He deeply loves his family and wishes to make them proud. Whenever there is an important event, such as a birthday or holiday, he'll whip up a lavish feast that will leave anyone drooling. It is his dream to win a cooking competition on TV and make his family proud.


Sebastian, bit of a nerd, works a boring 9-5 to pay the bills but has a MASSIVE love for tech and spends his free time working on the video game hes developing ;)


Zach, mysterious bad boy whose just arrived in town. He is passionate about cooking and is a world champion of completing puzzle makers (😅)


Sebastian, a handsome hipster who has just arrived in town and is looking for a job. In his free time he loves to cook.

Mikeela Chandler

Sebastian, a handsome hipster who’s working at a regular manual labor job. His favorite hobby is painting and loves to paint abstract paintings in his spare time. He hopes to make it big as a big time artist.

Vicarious Human

Mysterious bad boy, stay at home dad. (I like this duality very much.) After the way his past relationships have gone, his trust broken, he's always on guard. His cool attitude is only a wall he puts up to protect his kid and himself from heartbreak. The Real Sebastian has a big heart, that will only mend through trust.


Can he be black I want the next para to be non white passing?


I put Adam is a bad boy stay at home dad who watches his son while his wife, a lawyer works. I said that he and his wife are an interracial couple. I want him to not be white passing because I feel like there should be as much diversity as possible and having more white characters than non white characters is overdone and tiresom

Naomi Vincent

You and I had the same idea! I love the thought of a bad-boy cook (though I said baker in my response). I think someone edgy will help the team contrast personalities with Maggie.


This is about what I chose, too! Well, the first sentence. Then I was boring and just selected a favorite color. 🤷‍♀️


I made him Lucas, a taurus and art heaux - new to town and looking for work. I agree he should be black - non passing.


Lucas, a hipster art boy, who just graduated college and wants to pursue his dreams to become a freelance digital artist. He just moved to the town from dorms so he’s not pressuring himself to anything big. Maybe he could start with a part time job in a coffee shop? :)) I saw this idea with the male Parafolk being neighbors with Maggie, and that would so cool! They could have like a friendly/ lil romantic relationship and the player could choose it they stay just friends or if they’d like to discover deeper interests in each other... Another often idea was that he owned the dog Alex from the main photo - also such a cool idea!


I put Sebastian , a true bad boy who’s hobby is cooking. He just got to town so he’s looking for work. And he has a lisp which just makes him more attractive 😍


Lucas, a friendly nerd who loves cooking. He his looking for work and just arrived in town. He stays up late at night to chill on music while creating new cooking recipes (his apartment is a mess though) and he has a lizard pet!


Ha! Other than the small fact, that was exactly what I filled in too!


I love being able to participate in things like this, thank you for including us in some of the processes. May I suggest that if we have another one of these polls, they be a non-binary parafolk? I have friends that are looking forward to this game, and are of the LGBTQIA+ community. Representation for them and many others in the community would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to you and your team for all the time and work you've put into this project <3


Lucas, friendly nerd, likes tech, manual labour. Made a song and music video for fun that went viral 10yrs ago, now he is recognized all over the world, just without the money and fame.


I created Zach, a Nerd who is looking for a job and just arrived in town, he loves cooking. He loves to bake cookies, to take them to his grandma's retirement home and to share them with her and the other residents


Done! 🥰 I’ve done a friendly nerd, Sebastian who has just arrived to the town, he’ll be lovely once you get to know him but is a bit of a loner perhaps as he hides away doing technology as it’s his hobby to create and tinker with stuff. But he has a secret - for good or bad, he’s an excellent hacker 😈🤓🤣


Zach est un vétérinaire dévoué à son travail, si bien qu'il est mal à l'aise avec les êtres humains. Il aime sortir, courir avec son chien pour se détendre après le travail. Il vit dans une maison avec plusieurs animaux (furets, chats, chiens...). Zach est plutôt solitaire, réservé, un peu fou et avec un trait d'humour, ce qui pourrait plaire a Maggie et son chat.


Zach est un vétérinaire dévoué à son travail, si bien qu'il est mal à l'aise avec les être humains.Il aime sortir, courir avec son chien pour se détendre après le travail. Il vit dans une maison avec plusieurs animaux (furets, chat, chien ...) Zach est plutôt solitaire, réservé mais un peu fou avec un trait d'humour ce qui pourrait plaire à Maggie et son chien.


Zach, a bad boy who love arts and music. He is an aspiring rockstar so he moved from his small town to the big city to make a name of himself. In between the greatness and struggling opportunities he plays gigs at the neighborhood cafe and writes his own music. He always carry the small notebook to write down his thoughts and his ideas. Then one day he meets his muse. MAGGIE and HER CAT!


The pastry chefs in reality TV shows are always bad boys. Dunno why but it is the truth. Watch Top Chef, Cake Boss, Master Chef, etc. LOL.

Constance Guin

I want Sebastian to be a cute cooking need who loves sci-fi and is a stay at home dad! I imagine him loving to cook for his partner and kid(s) everyday and collecting any sci-fi related goodies on his little desk. Maybe he could be friend with Maggie too?! The family could have a cat and a puppy, and would live in a small suburb neighbourhood with like a bunch of trees and flowers around it! A swingset in the garden and a small gardening area because Seb loves to cook with fresh and natural ingredients only! 😊

Melissa Toothman

LOL! You have my husband's name on there with traits that suit him all the way down. Now, I'm rooting for nerdy Zach who loves technology (cooking and art also acceptable), has an office job (but more interesting to make him new to town).


Lucas, an office working tech savant who is also a classy charmer. He may look like a ladies man but in reality he has eyes on that certain lady in town

gianmarco orsini

Bad boy style, Lucas, he is a stay at home dad who loves to cook for his son and is a bit of a Wiccan witch who burns sage while listening to rock music from the 70s. I'mma put a ring on him


I would love for this new Para to be a POC! Black and Asian representation (for example) is desperately needed in gaming in my opinion.


Adam is a bad boy who's working in an office. He love cooking and cats sorry I was out of inspiration for the funny fact 😅


I went with a bad boy and stay-at-home dad Lucas, who likes cooking and is secretly a popular blogger (maybe related to cooking, baking, or parenting?)


Me encantaría ver a un misterioso chico malo que ama el arte y los tatuajes (podría trabajar como tatuador), pero tiene una fascinación por la jardinería y le gusta plantar sus propias flores. ¿Su Nombre? Zach, suena mas peligroso jejeje.


Yes! Plus I wanna see how they’re going to tackle Afro textured hair.


Obviously Lucas the super sweet, nerdy gentleman. He's great at cooking, but not the most handy para in the neighborhood. For some reason he always get's friend-zoned, but with his positive outlook on life he sees this move to a new town as the perfect opportunity to re-discover himself. Will his charity work win over the hearts of some or will it take up too much of his time to see love when it's right in-front of him? Aw sucks... poor Lucas!


Since im a strong advocate for poc representation. I just hope he's black or something 👀🤷🏾‍♀️ Zach is a geeky computer scientist who is of ethipian Muslim descent


jeez, that is excatle the way I imagined hit, including the name and all the other options! :DD


I would love to see the devs as para townies!!


I chose Zach. The mysterious bad boy who we later learn is a stay-at-home dad that loves using technology to modify cars and to make toys for his daughter.


His name is Yahya Khalil. He is a queer Middle Eastern architecture graduate and loves to cook and take long walks along the beach. He also loves spending time with family and friends as well as hosting fabulous dinner parties and hanging out at the coffee shop while enjoying a book to read or working on his laptop. He just moved in town and is starting off with his career while staying at a modest studio apartment he interior designed himself. :) Hope you guys love this character intro and info <3 I'm all for diversification in gaming but we also need more mid-eastern representation.

S&M Gonzalez

Adam Bardin is a loving hardworking father and husband who is married to his college sweetheart (they’re a interracial couple), he’s got that nerdy cute guy look, who has abs. But you wouldn’t think so just by looking at him rushing to work and taking his two kids to school each morning with his hair disarrayed and fresh coffee stains on his shirt as he’s getting into his car. He works as a real estate agent While his wife works from home as a remote clinical psychologist. Adam has golden skin, he wears black thick squared rimmed glasses (think Clark Kent glasses), has golden skin, short dark slightly wavy hair, and hazel eyes. He plays the trumpet with a local jazz band at Club 8 in town on Friday nights, loves surfing in his free time, and has a doberman pinscher named Paz (meaning peace). But there’s something that people don’t know about Adam, originally known as Lucas Cadieux ran away from his home country and has been on the run since from his family mainly his father a very wealthy and powerful man of his city. After willing to expose his father for illegal business practices. He never wanted to be nor live the life his father chose to live, and so after his wedding with his wife Chaylna they fled to a new world to start over. Will Adam finally be able to live in peace or be confronted with past soon?


I chose Lucas, the mysterious bad boy with a tragic past. He likes hobbies like cooking and manual labor to keep his mind and hands busy while he processes being his sick fathers sole caregiver (I’ve been watching queer eye lol)


Lucas is the best name! I'm sure everything else about him will be great, but he should definitely be called Lucas ;-)

Roe B.

Are you...me? I chose the same name, archetype, and even that he cooks and does manual labor, whilst also loving to babysit for his family (close enough to yours). I don't even watch Queer Eye.

Brandie Haynes

I chose Sebastian, a handsome hipster who is a stay at home dad who loves art.


Can he be south East Asian? I never see brown Asian representation. it’s an issue that not many people know about but there’s really strong colourism in Asian culture. Pretty much all of my mums family bleach/ed their skin. My auntie who was a pageant girl had to bleach her skin in order to be viewed as pretty.

Vicarious Human

Yes. African American man with brown eyes that appear golden & strong sexy jawline. ❤️😵


I lived in SE Asia and it also happened there. Which is sad, since their skin is so beautiful !

Vicarious Human

I love what you are thinking here. I think he should also be an African American man with brown eyes that appear golden & strong sexy jawline. ❤️😵


Lucas the friendly stay at home nerdy dad. He’s always embarrassing his kids with his obsession with tea. He loves it. Has all sorts of tea and always has a pot brewing.


I went with a bad boy called Zach who's really into cooking. He's usually aloof/distant but gets really excited and animated when it comes to decorating cakes and cupcakes. (I think I'm imagining him as a great british bake off contestant :p)


Lucas toujours drôle raconte des blagues , il est pompier grand, blond, et est amoureux de Maggie , mais elle ne voit en lui qu'un ami rigolo. il aime le sport et est un bon cuisinier et par dessus tout il adore jardiner . il est affectueux et a beaucoup d 'amis .


I chose bad boy Zach who likes cooking too!! I also added that he enjoys Jazz music lol


Sebastian is a tough bad boy that scares paras away...until they see how much he dotes on his daughter. He loves her and will help with dress up, tea parties and can sing every Princess song. He loves baking with her and will do anything for his little girl <3


Hey I think it would be cool if he was an “elderly” para !! Not sure if you’ve started working on other age groups yet, but if so it would be nice to see. I get it, tons of young adults play games, myself included. But Um, I totally love a super sweet grandfather or a grumpy “get off my lawn ! “ grandfather too <3


I said this Para had gained a lot of weight recently and took it as an opportunity to renew his wardrobe to be more colorful :) Hopefully that'll help display new body shapes, in particular how fatness works in the PAM (fat rolls, gravity, etc. are often forgotten in depictions of fatness).


Adam looks like a misterious bad boy, but few would guess from his looks that he is a loving single dad. He works from home to be with his 5 year old daughter Zoe. He genuinely enjoys playing tea-time with her, not that he would admit it to anyone!


Lucas is a mysterious bad boy, who recently moved into town. He has a love for technology and has an IQ of 148. Fun fact about him: he's secretly a hacker.

Brandie Haynes

agh! why does everyone want the mysterious bad boy! I want the handsome hipster!


Would be so cool if he was a handsome hipster, stay-at-home dad who loves to cook. So fresh to make the first male a caring housewife of sorts


We need a Karen to hate on in Paralives too!!! ;_;


Ah I agree, it’s such an over-romanticised and over-used stereotype! He is always ‘secretly soft’ and ‘doesn’t want to admit that he plays with dolls with his daughter’ - like hello - way to reinforce toxic masculinity where men should be ashamed for their softness. If the game wants to be really inclusive and forward-thinking, it should in my opinion shy away from that outdated stereotype.


I went with a classy charmer, named him Lucas, and he is into arts. His occupation is a stay-home-dad, and he loves to collect rare stones and shells. :)


Sebastian - nerdy,clumsy,fun loving,charming hipster stay-at-home dad, who loves to cook / burns stuff in the oven sometimes/...


I think Adam should be the one. The first man on earth or Paralives.


Lucas who aspires to one day open his own Italian restaurant in the town :))


I went whit Zach (plz make it Zack) a bad boy who likes art -but for extras- and is a psycopath inspired by Dabi (blueflame) - and his kind of looks + Natsume Hyuga and his kind of personality. but he has to be under 18 or even in middle school because i dont want him to live alone in an all black dark emo house + its more fun. Oh and Zach/Zack's fave colour is black and red (cause they aaaaaaaall like black and blue!!!)


Housewife??? Houseman Homeman homedad..... but wife? ay, donno kid


Lucas: a single dad who owns a bakery and plot twist: He's hardcore as heck ♥

Breoni Hester

I went with the handsome hipster nerd who's unemployed because he just relocated with his teacher boyfriend.


I rlly like the idea of a single dad of some sort!


I missed it 😭😭😭