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Hey everyone! Andrei here ready to show you a special post on the creation of our audio assets! In the last few weeks, the team has been focusing on finishing everything left to do in the Build mode before Early Access. So we’ve been adding tons of cozy sounds to the game as features get implemented and the UI gets polished. Well, today I’m going to show you a more in-depth look at how I make most of these sounds for the game. We’ve already made a similar post showcasing the Paramaker sounds which you can find here. However this time, we’re going to delve deeper into the process 💥This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it!

🎥In the above video, you saw the recording process of some of the Build mode sounds as well as the before/after of a sound made for the new terrain tools (which were shown in last week’s post here, go check it out!). This is just a part of the whole process since there’s a lot of planning, implementing and revising included. In this post, I’ll chop down the step-by-step process of making our sound assets and getting them into the game… 🥁

The Planning

Before recording anything, we have to play the game and see what features need sound! It requires a nice balance since too many sounds will be overwhelming and too few will be dull. I get to discuss all of this directly with Alex as we brainstorm ideas together (our meetings usually end up being us mimicking the goofiest noises 😅). Once we confirm all the sounds we want, we put them in a HUGE document where we track all of the audio in the game 📝

The Recording

In the followingdays, I usually have to find a bunch of junk I have at home to record sounds, and if I feel like I’m missing some to do what I want to do, I BUY MORE JUNK. As you saw in the video above, I usually go to the dollar store or second-handstores to get what I need. I then set up the mics, prep the floor, lock the room and start recording the whole day in all sorts of manners, there are no rules! Most times, the best things (sounds in this case) come from where you least expected them!

Here are all the things I got from the dollar store that day

Filtering and Editing

Then comes the “choosing the best one” part, where I listen to all the recordings and find the little jewels among the rocks 💎This is also where we get to mess around with the sounds even more by adding effects, chopping, reversing and combining them. I match them with a gameplay recording to see that they fit the mood of the game’s features. Every chosen sound has to be polished until voilà, they are ready to go! 🤌

Implementation and Revision

Finally, I export the sounds, compress them into an Ogg Vorbis format to save space and put them in the game. With the many implementation features that the modding tools have, I can do SOOO many things with our audio. But let’s save that for a later post 🤐I make sure everything works and add some tweaks here and there. Alex and I then get together to review the new sounds to see if they need tweaking and decide on which ones to do next! 😁 

By repeating this whole process, we create hundreds and hundreds of new sounds for the game and see it coming to life with each passing day! As we get ready to finalize the Build mode for Early Access, the experience of building just keeps getting cozier and more rewarding ⭐ What was your favorite part of the video? If you have any ideas for things to record, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! I wish everybody a happy, sweet, heart-warming and fun Friday! 🦊

Until next time,

Andrei ♪♩♩ ♪♩♩♩


Amanda Hannu Näckros

I love the sound of hard heels on gravel so these sounds were AMAZING!!

Kelsey Griffith

Love all of these. What is the plan for personalization of sounds? For instance, any game I play that makes a "we're sculpting a mountain out of the ground" sound just TERRIFIES my dog who is scared of any rumbling sound. The only way to mitigate this is to turn off sound effects, but then I miss out on all the other cool sounds! I guess I can just plug in headphones, but...I play alone in a room lol

Andrei Castanon

Hey Kelsey great question! In the user's Audio options, volume sliders will be divided in 4 categories which are Music, Ambience, Voice over and UI. The terrain tools' sounds are UI so you won't get to hear other interface sounds if you mute the slider. However, you can always go in the Control Panel and mute the sound individually or even tweak it if you want! Hope that helps 😁


I would love it if you could get the sound of cats and dogs sneezing. It would be so cute. My dog has allergies and he sneezes more than normal in the summer time.