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Hello everyone, Alice here with you today! ☀️

This week, we wanted to show you our new dance interactions, as well as some of our first animations made for babies and pregnant Parafolks! To showcase these, I made a short video that you can watch at the top of this Patreon Post. ⬆🎥 

Note that this post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

🎥 The Animations in the Video

  • Dance - Low Skill

  • Dance - Low Skill Variation 

  • Dance - Medium Skill

  • Dance - Medium Skill Variation

  • Dance - High Skill

  • Dance - High Skill

  • Baby - Laying Idle (previously shown here)

  • Baby - Laying Idle Variation

  • Baby - Grabbing Feet

  • Pregnant Parafolk - Idle

In case you missed it, you can find our previous animation showcase in this Patreon post. Also, the music you can hear in today's video is Andrei's lovely composition called Inner Child that we shared in this previous post here!✨

💃 How Will the Dances Work?

  • For the initial launch, we prioritized creating casual dance animations. By that, we mean the kind of moves that could fit as many settings as possible or the sort of moves one could make at a club or a casual party. We aimed for a neutral style, avoiding overly specific or technical choreography. However, we would like to see more dancing styles after Early Access! Why not try something like swing, hip hop, belly dance, jazz, or even country dancing? 

  • As you may have noticed, each skill level has one base animation that will loop a few times and one variation (for now) that will play from time to time. Later on, we would love to add more variations for each skill, and dance styles.

  • Regarding my workflow for making these animations, as always when I’m not confident enough to shoot my own references I look for videos of talented people, in this case skilled dance teachers! Once I’ve edited everything and it’s validated, I can start animating in our 3D software, Blender❤. 

  • Some of you may be wondering if Paralives will have dance animations that work with a duo. We would love to add that option, however, Parafolks dancing while holding each other is a big challenge, especially because of our character height customization feature. After the initial release of the game, we might have more time to create dance animations for couples and to make sure they look good even if a small Para dances with a tall one!

👶 Baby Animations and a Little Sneak Peek at Pregnant Parafolks

  • Today we also wanted to show you a bit more of our baby animations. In the video above, you’ll find two of our main baby idle animations and one cute idle variation I’ve just made where the baby is trying to grab their feet to eat them. More baby animations are planned for the following weeks and we can’t wait to show them to you!

  • We included a little treat at the end of the video: YES, this is our first pregnant Parafolk ever. 🥹 Sonia kindly created her so we could showcase this new idle animation to you. It is the very first task that Lina has completed for Paralives and we love the result!

That is all for today! We really hope you’ve enjoyed this post, please do not hesitate to share your feedback and ask any questions you may have in the comment section below. We’re always happy to discuss ideas and hear your opinions. ❤

Have a great weekend!
Alice (◔◡◔)/



Great work guys 👏


The baby!!!! 🥹😍 So cute, awesome work!!


2025 where are you?😭😭😩😩😩 Also, those high skill level dance moves were nasty!😂👌🏽

Morgan V

Can’t wait to see how genetics will work ❤️


Low dancing skill animation is so on point 😂


I loooove the first pregnant Para ❤️❤️❤️

Star Zoë



Woohoo! Babies! Responsibilities of raising a child in real life is scary, but parababies on the other hand… 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶

Luiza Alves


Stephanie Marion

Haaaa the dance moves 🤌 Also babies 🥹 and the pregnancy 💕 this is so cool! Can't wait to play your game guys !!!

Julio Saliba

What a cute baby! Also, I would love to see more dance moves from modern styles to traditional/cultural ones!


The different dance steps are beautifully chosen, but sometimes the feet don't move smoothly but rather choppy. The baby animations are also incredibly cute, but I would prefer if the lines were softer, especially on the legs. I love your work and your transparency. A huge thank you to each and every one of the team. You are doing great work!!! ❤️💐🤗

Elyane Bigeard

Will there be specificities of babies like rising early, likes to be carried, hates being woken up, often hiccups or many others if so how many? I hope over 18 and much later to put specificities for children and adolescents, and also could we choose our gender other than man and woman and sexual orientations ?


The dancing looks really good!

Danica's melody

I love the animation showcase the idle baby and dancing animations look incredible. But I did realise how the babies skin details/ wrinkles were really dark compared to the adult paras. Also the redness was quite harsh on the baby. Apart from that I absolutely adored this video. Is there a possibility that the babies skin details will be tweaked to be less harsh like the adults?


Grabbing their toes!! I love it! ❤️ And, the dance moves are smooth and varied. The more variety the better! Great work!! 👏


The low skill variation is giving Max Caulfield vibes ❤️


I love the cute animations, and the pregnant para! But I'm sorry, there are a couple of things I didn't enjoy: the first was the high skill dance movement. There's something strange, like when you play a video too fast? And the baby is too shiny in my opinion, but this one is easy, it's only the white lines that stand a bit too much. the baby is so cute though!


Same :D Please consider adding the heavenly "lawnmower" move after early access release, so clumsy dancers are properly represented :ь


Wonderful animations! ❤️

Sara Rocha

OMG the baby grabbing their foot was adorable 🥹🥹


When the game comes with a base world, will it have a household with a pregnant parafolk? I think it would be pretty nice

Gwen Tinsley

I love the baby grabbing feet animation so much 🥹😭

Stephanie F

It all looks so incredible! All the hardwork is definitely paying off :) One small thing from my view, is that the babies are very cute but they look quite harsh. Could they be made to look softer? Toning down the wrinkle lines and redness.


The soundtrack puts me in a state of bliss. I'm pretty sure you guys are writing the theme music of my life. The animations are amazing as always! Thank you for sharing the pregnant para!

Maxayn Henderson

Loved it all ❤️. Can't wait to see more. I appreciate all the hard work the team is doing.


Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback, I'm taking notes!❤ Everything is still a work in progress so yes, it is possible that the babies' look might change. :)

Katie Nehamee

The baby grabbing feet animation was adorable 🥹❤️ they all look so good though!

Lane Brettschneider

So exciting!! Thank you so much for sharing all of these! As someone who loves dancing and is medium- to high-skill in real life, I do have a couple of thoughts on dancing. 1. The standard Medium Skill move is my favorite! It feels so realistic. I would definitely bust that one out myself! 2. A lot of times even a high-skill dancer will just do a simple step-touch move, similar to the Medium Skill animation, because it's the most appropriate move! Like at a wedding or other party setting where you're not trying to show off. The Charleston looks great but it's not really a default move haha! It's more like a move to throw in every once in a while to show off :) 3. I'd also love to see some groovier moves - less footwork, more hip swinging! Shaking your hips to the beat works great with any style of music. 4. I'm sure this has been suggested before (or you might even have it already!), but it would be very cool if there is a dance-like idle animation. When I hear a beat, I can't help but move my feet or tap my hands on my legs. Even if I'm in public, or even if the beat is inside my head haha! So it would be cool to see a musical/dance-inclined Para, or any Para, tap to a beat when they're just standing around. Though again, you might already have this, I can't remember! Thank you again for all your hard work and for sharing it with us! Everything looks beautiful, and as always, makes me so excited to play!


I love the cradling the bump animation it’s such a small thing to create but such a realistic one! ❤️


Paralives really out here calling my sick dance moves "low skill." 😔 😂 Looks great! Love the grabbing feet animation!


Hi! Thank you for your questions. :) I've just asked and sadly we can't confirm anything regarding baby (or other life stages) personalities or traits just yet!

Marina Pantazis

Will it be possible to dance with one or many para folks ? Like duo dance (Tango, Salsa, slow, east swing,...) or group dance (ex. Capoeira)🪩 ?

Jordan Harrison

Ok first, those dance animations were on point! Rose did not come to play at all. The foot work... the foot work! Second, the baby grabbing their little feet was so adorable, I need the babies nowww 🥹🥹 and lastly, the pregnant para is so pretty!!!! She looks so cute rubbing her tummy! This has to be my favorite update in a long time! Loving everything so far


Hi Anna, thank you so much for your feedback! I totally agree and I'd love to spend more time on this specific animation if I can. :)


you're incredibly talented, Alice :)


We can't confirm anything about our base world yet but that could be evry nice, yes!


This look so cute!


Hi Stephanie, thank you for your kind words! ❤ Yes, I've asked and it is planned for our artist to tweak the babies' textextures later on. :)

Victoria Garcia

Omg the idle pregnant animation is soo cute!!


Maybe it's just a little too fast or something! Good luck with it, either way! I love your animations, they're so fluid and realistic :)

Janie Tellier

Wow ces animations me donne vraiment hâte au jeu!! Les animations de bébé sont A-DO-RABLE

Nicole Nolan

I’m loving the dance moves, but I’m especially loving the baby grabbing their feet! You guys are doing an amazing job and I can’t wait to see and play the complete project.

Maiden Minnesota

The baby's legs are WAY too long. A baby's legs are only about 1/2 the length of the torso and head combined, or about the length of 4 of their heads.


It’s all so wonderful!!

Jean321x .

So Lane already mentioned some things that I wanted to address but I will also just mention it. I assume when you have a moment you will have a look at it. Also, I have noticed that either you (Alice) a team member or even Alex will like or reply to our post. For me, it shows that as a studio you truly care about your community. As for the post: 1.) I think that as your dance skill increases your Para should accumulate the dance moves. Thus, at the high level, you can do the high-level animations and the ones down. This should also reduce the requirement of making new animations. Seeing as the high-level animation cycle will become more varied as the skills increase with all backs to the 'lower' animations. 2.) From an animator's side, how difficult would it be to allow for a base system that 'auto' selects a set of animations based on the music that is being played? So that the 'random' animation fits the rhythm more. 3.) You mentioned that couple dances will be coming after EA which makes sense based on the reasons you have provided. However, What about if you want your Paras to dance in a group using the group interaction? Will the group dance in a circle or how would the locomotion regarding this look? 4.) When looking at the dance systems of the sims, the action can some be out of place or seem 'unnatural' Have you guys thought about how to implement this system in a way that feels more natural? 5.) You mentioned that you can't speak on life stages yet. Would it be possible to get a rough estimate of when we can expect a post regarding it?

Yvette Lopez

More hip-focused dances please! While the Irish-looking toe dances are cute, a lot of cultures use more hips in their dances, such as latino/hispanic and African dances. Also, I imagine you’ll add couple dancing, essential to weddings and romantic dates. The baby and pregnant mom are perfect — living their best lives


I know, Andrei is so talented! Thank you so much❤


These animations look amazing! Although I still think the characters are way too bright and stand out too much from the room (specially the baby in this case), they don't look like they belong or something 🤔


Hi Lane! Thank so much for taking the time to give this much feedback, I really appreciate❤ 1. So glad you like it! 2. Yes I agree, maybe we'll have something more "simple" that loops for the base High Skill move and the other 2 animations as variations? 3. Omg yes, I'm keeping this in mind for later additions! 😄 4. Yes we have one, but I don't remember if we've shared it or not! But adding more variations for these could be really nice. Thank you again so much and thank you for your support 🥹


Yes!! Lina did a great job for her first animation❤


Hi Marina, I knew this question would come so I adressed that subject in the post above. :)Here's what I said: "Some of you may be wondering if Paralives will have dance animations that work with a duo. We would love to add that option, however, Parafolks dancing while holding each other is a big challenge, especially because of our character height customization feature. After the initial release of the game, we might have more time to create dance animations for couples and to make sure they look good even if a small Para dances with a tall one!"

BonaparteBardithion .

The baby's face seems a little too mature from a distance for me. But that might be because I'm used to animated babies having huge eyes for exaggerated cuteness and expression. The eyes on this baby are round enough, they just seem kind of small unless I zoom in closer. Less expression readability from afar or on a small screen. But that's more a style nitpick and I could get used to this one.

Colleen Bonomo

I'm so excited 😭😭 can't wait for early access!!


I for example find the baby completly realistic!! I was just not sure about his proportion but to be honest i don't even care! I'm so ready to play this game AHHHH

Tereza Restrepo García

Very nice! The only thing for me it seems that the baby has kinda too black lines on his knees. Not so fan of so dark lines but everything else is perfect.

Yassou 야

Omg the animations are so well done !!!! And i looove the dancing ones 😻

Panthro Samah

For a group interaction it would be cool if they initially dance in a circle, but someone in the group take turns going to the center and try to do the variant moves.

Panthro Samah

I always love your animations, Alice. Everything looks very natural. It is a long way to have the variety that I know that you all are striving for, but if you keep this level of quality, this game has an incredible potential. I eager to play it already!

Ana Isabel Ribeiro

The pregnant Para resting her hand on her belly... Wow :')


I really like all of these animations! I especially like the way the pregnant para holds her back in the pregnancy animation, it feels quite realistic to me, since a lot of pregnant people get back pain during the later stages of pregnancy.


Hi Alice ! Great work on the animations ! I really like what the Para is doing with her heels in the Medium animation. And the variation is sick !!! I like that she looks confident while still looking a bit at her feet, that really fits the idea of a medium skill well. The baby grabbing its foot is absolutely adorable (but I suspect you knew that). The idea of adding a variation and leaving room for more in the future is really interesting. That's a great way to release a product that will feel finished in Early Access, but thinking ahead to make it more interesting in later updates. I really like that. I could absolutely see people modding their own variations, too. Let's give a name to that pregnant Parafolk ! Sonia did a great job with her. I like that she likes purple, too XD The way she's arching her back shows that she's not just a regular Para with a big belly, but that she's struggling against the weight of the baby, and it really shows. Feels very natural ! On a different topic, I was watching a Tiny Glades dev video recently and I have to say, the way their windows adapt to the roof is really incredible. What do you Paradevs think of this feature ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y579pGbhf-s Lastly, I was recently browsing the Notion roadmap (you know, as one does), and I was thinking there's a feature I'd very much like for Paralives to treat as default : when browsing any catalog of assets (PAM, build/buy mode, etc.), I'd love it if by default we could have one line of the description dedicated to showing the name of the creator. For basegame assets, it'd be just "Paralives" or "Paralives basegame" or something like that, but for a modded asset, it'd show the name of the mod. That way it'd be easier to organize our content, recognize what assets are buggy and need to be uninstalled/patched... and it'd make it the default for mod devs to "sign their work" when uploading an asset to the Workshop which is a healthy culture imho. I play some games where this is not done by default, and it's A PAIN to recognize what is the asset that is not rendering properly. But I also play a game (namely Rimworld) where there's a mod that extracts that data from the Steam Workshop, and it's a life saver that I keep feeling is so simple and essential, it should be basegame. It's also a great way, when streaming or filming any kind of gameplay video, to give proper credit while playing :) Just a suggestion !


Aaaaa the baby animations are so cute! Also so random but everything is crisp and smooth, I’m reading on my iPad and everything looks insanely great! I’m so excited to see lots of different styles of dance come to the game in future- and for maybe the little’uns to have little dances too 🥺 so so hyped to see more pregnancy and baby stuff when u guys are ready!


Phenomenal job as always, Alice! I'm also loving the expression on her face, she looks like she's having a blast 😄. The baby ones are so freaking cute and the pregnant one is such a nice touch for pregnant paras. Great job Lina!


J'aime beaucoup l'animation du bébé qui attrape son pieds c'est vraiment adorable. Les animations son fluide c'est très agréable.


I agree it looks similar to how the old textures of the adults had too many lines and made them look too muscular


Nice! And I like the music.

Ana Caroline Martins da Silva

Loving the progress! Paralives has such relaxing vibes, I could listen the soundtrack to sleep


I would love that for asset naming! Mod management will be a big thing for me and I love to be as organized as possible


I love it! The only thing is that with dancing it can be very time bound. I think there maybe ways to do dancing that won’t date the game in a year or two. Maybe looking at similar dance moves across the late 20th and 21st century - think soul train, TRL, tik tok? Sorry if that’s too critical, it’s just that a teen para and an elder para doing 2024 dance moves in 2030 may be weird

Rachel Creaser

Can you add powwow dancing 🥹 jingle dress or fancy shawl omg


Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time :o 1. Cool idea, thank you for sharing! 2. Honestly I'm not sure, that would be a question for our programmers! But regarding animations, it just means that we would need more animations based on different rhythms! :) 3. It might evolve over time and our programmers are the best to answer this, but for now I believe they will dance in circle yes. It could be great to be able to choose though, like maybe in more "natural/random" way, like friends would dance in a party or a club. 4. I'm not sure I understand the question, sorry :/ 5. I'm not working on Lifestages' design so I can't really tell you more, but that could be a good question for a next DevChat. :)


I agree, would love to add some variations later! Thanks❤

Rachel Creaser

Yall could be the first life sim game to actually implement NA Indigenous cultures appropriately without dating Indigenous peoples to the past like many other games do


Thank you!❤ We're taking all the feedback, thanks! :))


Thank you for your feedback! I'm taking notes and will share this later with the team :)


Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, we're excietd too!! ❤


Thank you for your feedback Tereza! It's still a work in progress, our 3D artists will come back on this soon. :)


Thank you so much! There are aways some that I dislike or have a hard time with, but I always do my best! I'm very happy you like them, thank you so much! ❤


The baby animations are so cute, and I love the attention to detail on how the pregnant para stands and poses. Will pregnancy be locked to female only paras?


Hi! Thank you so much! I'm very happy that you like these new animations❤ I loved playing Tiny Glades' demo, this game is incredible. Everything is so satisfaying and well made. I loved the windows feature haha. :) Yes that's a great idea, I would also love to be able to organize my (many future) mods by creator. Taking notes! Thanks!


Thank you Ceceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ❤ We can't wait to show you more!


Thanks! Yes I agree, these songs are so good❤


Thank you for the feedback❤ We'd love to add more later on, also I'm sure modders will looove adding more moves, can't wait to see that!


I'd love that! We're creating the bascics right now but we want to add more dances after early Access :)


Hi! Thank you so much! No, pregnancy will not be locked based on genre or body type. It will most likely be an option to check or uncheck when creating or editing a Parafolk in the PAM :)


That's fantastic to hear, thank you for adding such inclusive options :)


SO excited for family gameplay. Pregnancy is a huge part of life and so I'm hoping to see lots of options and gameplay!


Wait the dance animations are hella cute. So is the idle pregnancy animation. The babies animations are good I thibk the art style is a bit tough for the little ones in terms of shading, etc. But I am so hype this is just so cute. I love this!!


Ok Rose was killing those dance moves. Baby Sasha can't wait to see you grow up. Love it! Thank you!

Akasha O'Connell

Why do I feel called out by the low level dancing? 😅😂

Erin Bailey

Dang first para gettin down okay period!

Fran Smith

Seconded! These are some of the best, most natural animations I have seen in any game! You are definitely awesomely talented, Alice!

Fran Smith

Great post! Exactly what I hope to see in a post - progress, explanation of what is happening, explanation of what is planned for the future and why, which is evident in the *almost* lack of questions asking for this information :). It's great to see that you started with some very standard dance moves (of course, highly expected) and that you tell us that later there will be more variety added (and of course, we'll be downloading modded dance moves I assume). Alice, I have no animation skills or qualifications (or talent, lol!) but I play a lot of games with life elements. Your animations are amongst some of the most natural looking, if not THE most natural looking animations I have seen. Indeed, this thought strikes me at every post from Paralives where I see your work. They look brilliant! Well done!!

Rachel Creaser

Maybe babies can eventually learn rolling with tummy time!

BooDotBoo .

Love seeing the progress! I definitely hope we see more types of dances, eventually. I keep thinking, while these are great, I’m not sure they’ll make sense for every genre of music. Like, the dancing might be too slow for some music, but too fast for other music.

Michelle Koleva

Amazing! I love how clean it looks, with no lines on the neck and arms, where they are merged with the head and body respectively. Amazing work!


So my rambling dancing technique equates to "high skill variation"... Interesting.


The mom rubbing her belly is such a sweet little touch!


everything looks great! will there be slow dancing options in the future?

Íris Sól Þrastardóttir

I loved all of it, especially the idea of having many different dance styles. An idea would be to also have different dance styles for different music, e.g. headbanging with heavy metal and more casual dancing with pop! I love the pregnant parafolk, she's beautiful and the animation is so cute.

Bangtan TaeTae

please don't tell me the pregnancy's will be stuck wearing a maternity gown


Hi! I'm not sure if this post is the right one for the following question, but I'm curious, will male Parafolk be able to get pregnant? Like in other games, with a toggle for it, or just not something that has been considered? Thanks!


Such nice and smooth animations! And the baby ones are SOOO cute, I'm obsessed

Eleanor Swan

I would love to see ballet-dancing Parafolks!

Lenina Hastley

The dance is very good to start with, fluid and quite danceable for anyone. A very realistic baby, he beat us all by eating his foot. The pregnant woman, I have a little doubt, but I don't know what stage of gestation she is in, or if it is because of the dress, I was hoping that the shape of the belly would be more noticeable and differentiated a little better from a large person. I like that the shape of the belly is very well defined, and I loved finally seeing how we have a mother capable of touching her belly as a natural gesture in the breasts.

Javier Palenzuela

I like the idea about advancing in dance skill, like the others skills on the game and that they are quite different between stages. I know it's quite hard to add more styles of dance but i'm really glad to hear that it's something that will come in time. This is a really good start. I'm quite impress about the baby and how fluid his movements look, they are a headache for a lot of designers because they look quite unrealistic, but it's not your case. I'm looking forward to see more of it. Finally, the pregnant parafolk looks really natural for being the first and i hope we will see a lot of evolution during pregnancy.


Thanks so much❤❤ It is planned for our 3D artists to continue working on our babies' look!


Hi Fran! Thank you so much for taking the time to write these sweet sweet words.❤ This means a lot!! 🥹


Hi! I completely agree, but as a small team we have to prioritize our tasks before Early Access. I can't wait to be able to add more later and see what the modders will create as well! 😃


Thank you!❤ We'd love to add slow dancing


Thank youuu❤ Yes I agree! Thank you for sharing your ideas 🤗


Hi! Pregnancy will not be locked based on genre or body type. It will most likely be an option to check or uncheck when creating or editing a Parafolk in the PAM. :)


Aw thank you so much, I'm glad you like it! ❤


Hi! Thank you so much❤ The pregnant Para is at her last stage, but it is still a work in progress. :)


Hi Javier, thank you so much for your feedback! We're super happy you like it so far. ❤


Hi! No, for now we don't plan to restrict what pregnant Paras can wear. Everything in the PAM will still be available for them. :)

Lucie Baha

Does the second animator in the team mean that you will be able to create more variation for interactions according to the personality of the parafolks ?

Amanda Hotchkiss

Nice moves! But can you cabage patch and moonwalk? Lol

Vash T

So great!! Thank you for sharing!


Love the dance animations! I am too excited for this game!

Ericka Pooler

The baby is so cute!! I also love the idea of the dancing skill, and how the dance moves improve when you are higher in the skill! Ready to party!


I am excited for dancing, especially swing dancing.


We still have some work for all the basics, but that's the goal. We really want our world to feel alive! 🌞


Thanks! Not yet, but I've just discovered what the cabbage patch dance move is and we need it. 😄


Yes! Would love to be able to add that dance style later! :)


Hi Dev team! I have a few questions regarding pregnancy in the game. Will the parafolk gain weight during and after pregnancy? Will there be a hospital where they can give birth? Will there be sonograms that expecting moms can get? Will there be pregnancy tests that parafolk can take? That’s all I have for now! I’m so glad to be back after a year or so! 😁😁😁

Ví Rideaux

The baby is so cute 🥰 I'm so excited for this game

Simmer sinner

i cant wait, im gonna spend so many hrs in this gameeeeeee


I have a few recommendations. Baby strollers, so you can walk around with your baby. And different types of dancing (ballet, modern, waltz, general dancing in pairs) and have dancing as a career. Singing could also be a skill within the musical career where people also can play in bands or like the same song with different instruments

Sammy Clark

aw this is so exciting!


The dances, especially the medium skill (mostly because that's what you see irl most often lol) look so real and it, I'll say it again and again, makes the Paras feel like actual people that you can empathize with 😭 Like I'm already invested in this girl just looking at her cute dancing and having a fun time 🥹 I love that Alice chose a realistic approach for the animations rather than cartoonish. They are also just absolutely, incredibly detailed and well-made, it's astonishing that a SINGLE animator manages to make so many high-quality animations for a game! I sincerely hope Alice wins prices for her work if she hasn't already. Pixar level stuff ♥️


This looks awesome! It was fully expecting the baby to be like: "Baby Idle." "Baby Idle Medium Skill". "Baby Idle Maximum Skill" at first.

Taylor Riegle (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-21 19:33:13 Maybe you guys could make a clothing store like from The Sims 2! Or a grocery store!
2024-06-21 01:28:52 Maybe you guys could make a clothing store like from The Sims 2! Or a grocery store!

Maybe you guys could make a clothing store like from The Sims 2! Or a grocery store!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The medium variation and high skill dance animations are a tad sharp and jerky, if that makes sense. Probably has to do with the looping of the animation. Otherwise, beautiful work!


The animations are great! I don’t know whether it’s the baby’s facial features or proportions but I found it a bit unsettling, almost the way a face looks “wrong” when it’s missing eyebrows.

phoenix grey

I adore the baby and pregnancy animations!

Teri Lastovicka

These dancing animations looks so cool 😍 I can't wait to see them in the game while playing 😭 I just hope that the game will run smoothly on steam deck cause I only play on handheld consoles (steam deck and switch) If this game would be available on switch that would be just a dream come true for me and many others 😍


Oooo so exciting! I can’t wait to see how you do with couples dancing as well! And I love the baby and pregnancy animations! So cute


Aww, cute baby! The nursery furniture is gorgeous!


For the dance, I don't know who remembers the "Urbz, sims in the city", but they used to have choregraphies when dancing alone, and choregraphies when dancing together. https://youtu.be/wAxcXlI7VuA I'm just throwing that here as an idea for future content, thinking it could be a good idea with Paras dancing as a group to implement something a little more natural obviously than a pre-made dance, but synchro anyways. (Urbz entering a group already dancing, would simply get into position, and wait for their turn to jump in and get in sync with the rest of the group.)

Ruslana Ivasenko

I wonder until what age we will be able to breastfeed infants? Or will there even be a breastfeeding option? Or will it just be bottle-feeding with formula?🤔

Nathalie Carluccio

OMG 🤯 the feet grab is everything ❤️❤️❤️😃😃😃👍👍👍

Ruslana Ivasenko

I wonder how long a Parafolk's pregnancy will last?🤰


Very adorable updates! I do want to say that with babies, they seem to be more head and torso, and their legs and arms tend to look a bit short, is what I've observed. The baby's legs look maybe too long. But that's just a suggestion. I love the animations.

Heather Kiser

The graphics on this game look so beautiful and cozy. I’m so excited

Christina Ozeki

These are amazing, I love the dancing moves and the baby grabbing/eating its feet! Fantastic! :)


What I love most about this is it's not just a flat texture but 3d paints. The Grass painter reminds me of Viva Pinata, one of my favorite games series.


Those dancing animations are way more expressive than the older animations! Very nice. :)

Barrett Family

They look awesome! I love the idea of having different dance styles. Country line dance to heavy metal? Why not! Do the salsa to rap? Go for it!


I would love if the highlights from the babies knees were removed, they look alittle bit off to me like scars or something lol