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Hello everyone,

Alex here to share a couple of small updates! As usual, this post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thanks! 🔐

🎮 Testing the Game with Close Friends!

Since we are planning to release the game in Early Access on Steam in 2025, we have now switched gear and we will be playtesting the game a lot more. Starting in a couple of weeks, we will be asking some of our close friends to come to our office to test the game every month. For the first session, they will be trying their hands at building houses. 🏡

Within the team, we are used to working with the build mode but we’re eager to see how people from outside the team play with it and to see which feature can be made easier to use and more fun in general. I’m sure that this will drive us to make many improvements and polishes and we will be sharing these with you here on Patreon!

Side note: we often get asked if Patrons will be able to test the game before the release. Unfortunately, it’s not planned. We can’t wait to let you play when the game releases in Early Access and collect your feedback on what we can do to improve the game. However, for now, we are already aware of the important features to improve so we will be sticking to close friends for our tests because it’s easier for us to watch them play right in front of us and see where they get stuck. I hope that makes sense!

🧑 Guess the Parafolk!

When you will be creating your characters in the Paramaker, in addition to using the dozens of body and face sliders, you will have access to presets of eyes, noses, mouths and so on. These will help you select something that is close to what you aim for before you then tweak the individual sliders.

To make sure that we have enough of presets covering a large array of people, Sonia attempted to recreate well known people:

 Can you guess who these actors are? Post your answers in the comments!

👨‍👩‍👧 Team Updates (Illustrated)

🌒 Eclipse

 Total eclipses only happen once or twice in a lifetime and we were lucky enough to be able to watch it as a team this week. It was incredible!!

💬 Game Developer Conference

A few weeks ago, I went to GDC, the annual Game Developer Conference. I went to 35 sessions given by different game developers from around the world. I learned many things, met people and I came back with a lot of ideas and energy. Also, look at my cool Paralives shirt in the picture above!

 One of the talks I saw was given by Larian, the studio behind Baldur’s Gate 3. It was amazing to hear about the development challenges they encountered because their game was one of my favorite from last year!

🐶 New Dog on the Team!

 This week, Chloé adopted a very, verrrry cute puppy! Welcome to the team!

Have a great weekend and take care!



Bethy Grace

I didn't recognise number #1 but I was also guessing #2 Samuel L Jackson and #3 Benedict Cumberbatch?? PUPPYYYY!!!! So cute ohmygoodness


1 is Giancarlo Esposito, 2 is Samuel L. Jackson but I have no clue who 3 is