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Hiya! My iPad is like 5 years old, and has been showing signs of a slow death for the past couple years. I’d like to buy a new one since it’s my only form of income truth be told.

If you like my art and want me to make more in the future please consider commissioning me! Mention in your order you’re a patron and I’ll throw in a bonus sketch for free, depending your tier, it can be a spicy one ♥️

I offer character art, streaming asset art, nsfw pin ups and more!

To be transparent, my goal is to earn $800-$1K worth of commissions or work since these bitches expensive af. Thanks to everyone who has supported me on my Patreon journey, it means so much! I hate to ask more of you, but I promise to work very hard and give your art lots of love! I really hope I can continue doing Patreon, it’s been so much fun🥺 thanks for reading!

Prices + Samples: https://jeminix2.carrd.co/#commissions

Order Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuzuw4cVb666guGMwP3b9a6F2WdYqIOjh47DZnaiDZ8qOX_w/viewform?usp=send_form


Geek May Cry

Damn, sorry that's happening to you dude, hoping you get those funds asap!!


Thank you dude! It’s gonna be okay, I’m just trying to make sure I’m covered before it dies for good; if it dies before I can even work to raise the money for it then I’d be in real trouble Dx I’ll chat w you on discord soon— thank you so so much, I appreciate you😭🙏🏻