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Hey guys! I was planning on moving in Jan/Feb, but it seems I'll be moving early December instead now, to a whole new state. I'm prepping this month to get ready to go in December, while I have a huge workload of commissions this month overlapping into December. Thing is, I will be staying at the boyo's parents' house for an indefinite amount of time. (They want us to stay with them until we find an place of our own in that state/area) so I'll be moving AGAIN once we actually FIND a place.)

I'll try my best to post some personal artwork for Patreon/myself this and next month if I can, but this is why I haven't updated much lately. Please be patient with me <3 If you've commissioned me, thank you! It might be a while, but I'll do my best to get everything done.  I really wanted to have the strip challenge trend started for NNN but I can only hope~

As for Giga Chads, I'll have to be honest, I may need to put the tier rewards on hold until I'm moved in. If you'd like, I can try and double up your rewards for January/December. I'll keep y'all posted. Rewards are optional each month but if you're very certain about what you want for a reward I'll backlog them! 

Thanks so much for supporting me guys, I'll do my best not to disappoint. I'll be honest, with this move and the burnout of commissions, I really do wanna focus on creating more content for myself again to save my mental health! I'll be open to any suggestions of art stuff you wanna see but please keep in mind my IRL life is a bit hectic for the next few months. <3 <3 Thanks guys!!!


Knife Crow

Hell yeah, best of luck champ

Geek May Cry

Word!! Good luck with everything Jerry! Will be looking forward to anything you’re able to post as always! :D