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  • Plushie of Jerry! (female of course) 36
  • Croissant!!! Croissant with wings! 6
  • 2024-06-01
  • 42 votes
{'title': 'Update! (MILESTONE CELEBRATION? PLUSHIE CAMPAIGN PART 2?!)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Plushie of Jerry! (female of course)', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Croissant!!! Croissant with wings!', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 1, 1, 15, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 42}


Woah guys there are so many of you and I’m so overwhelmed!! This is gonna be a bit of a read since the last page update/interest check I made was the beginning of May and the last time I really sat down and spoke with y'all was April/March. So much has changed, including the direction of my content and the scale of my Patreon page, so I apologize for this being a lot ;u; Thanks for supporting me and being patient with me while I figure out how to distribute spicy rewards while avoiding breaking Patreon’s new rules. Page update and then a poll for something fun!

For the spicy croissants:

Hi and thanks so much for coming! A lot of you guys are new, and I'm pretty sure a lot of you may be here for the spicy art on my twitter ^^;

  • I’m trying to alternate between sfw & spicy posts every week online & Patreon. Reminder I post on Wednesdays & Fridays.
  • Not every post will be spicy but I do plan on consistently uploading spicy art to that drive link :3 so keep an eye out for more!
  • I hope to have you guys give me more ideas of what you'd like to see next in regards to spicy art because I wanna make you guys happy! I'll be making more polls and text posts for you in the future. *I will clarify now that I prob won't draw anything more explicit than what I have been doing-- Jerry's a softcore gal, thanks for respecting that!

I am having lots of fun drawing Jerry bein cute or sexy on Twitter, so thanks for enjoying her ♥️ I can’t wait to upload the next few lewds for you, I think you'll like them >:3

For the special croissants here to see YT videos and everything else I make:

To those of you who are here to see all my content and not just spice,,,, thank you♥️😭🙏🏻✨I won't lie, I've been a bit down in the dumps this month so knowing that you guys are still around motivates me so much and I'm so grateful~ I can see those entrance surveys and they made my day, it really means so much to me! Truthfully, making videos doesn’t seem to set me up as fast as making the kind of👀"art" I have been making lately, which is probably why you're gonna see an influx of spicy pin ups/edits. But, I promise I won’t give up on YouTube and my other sfw content for you guys and myself! 

  • I am also trying my best to update my YouTube channel weekly. Thanks for commenting, coming to video premieres, and subscribing! I love interacting with you there too <3
  • I think I’m gonna try making longer formatted videos like talking or story times soon, since a lot of people seem to be wanting that! If that happens, I may not upload YT weekly anymore since these will take longer but I want to be active on YT again fr.
  • I'll be taking suggestions or making polls on video topics if that is definitely something you have been waiting for on the YT channel.
  • I also have printed stickers to make an online shop too, so I’m doing everything I can to afford the site fees and soon a PO box! I’m gonna try and figure out how to give discounts and stuff🙏🏻

Milestone Celebration:

Mentioned this before, my platform here has almost doubled in the past month and a half, but I do wanna form a real community with you guys and get to know the people supporting me :) My first goal was to hit a certain income threshold to deal with basic monthly expenses. As I keep going, hopefully I can start making investments for my online shop and merch creation! While I've almost made it to my first couple goals, Patreon income can always fluctuate, so I am gonna give it a little more time to stabilize before I celebrate and prep in the mean time.

I was thinking for the first milestone celebration I can do a stream with doodle/sketch requests for everyone who joins chat! Once I hit my milestone, which will be hopefully soon, I'll make an announcement post scheduling the event with specifics and hope you can join in~

Do a lot of you guys use Discord or prefer the community chat function here on Patreon? I know I encourage a lot of you to join my server, but I do admittedly get nervous speaking in there. If you do and would like to chat with me more, I'll definitely make more of an effort to drop by regularly~

Thanks for reading all this if you’ve made it this far, I know it’s a lot 🙏🏻💀 Patreon is my dream, making art and YouTube videos you all enjoy is my dream. I cannot stress enough how happy I am to be here and thankful I am to be closer to that goal.

Poll Time!

AND NOW!!! Drum roll, I have been approached by a company wanting to collaborate on a PLUSHIE WITH ME!

For those of you who have been here since...Jan-Feb(??) I actually had this opportunity before from a different company. HOWEVER, I decided not to go with that company for their lack of communication and their poor quality when it came to designing my prototype. (In fact I showed the prototype here on Patreon, and we ALL agreed "not today"

This company seems a lot nicer and more personal, so I'm gonna give it a shot with them. They even told me up front a price estimate and the amount of plushies I'd need to sell for the thing to be funded!

  • Plushie may end up costing around $32
  • I'll need to sell 100 for it to be funded
  • I can get a 10% off discounts for Patreon supporters

So here comes the big question, and if you'd still be interested in buying a plushie from me, would you prefer...

A plushie of Jerry or of my Croissant mascot? (I know I don't draw the croissant mascot much. and I think I'm gonna start doing it more.) Jerry's design is a little complicated so truthfully I do believe me designing an OnlyCroissant plushie will come out much cuter and be more generic, but I realize for the price you guys may want something more detailed??

EDIT: I will also be taking a poll on Twitter and other social media to see what they would like too— the ultimate goal is to sell 100 plushies but I want to give you guys the news first!

AAAAAAH That's finally the end!! Thanks for reading this big old post. Patreon is new for me, and I'm really putting my heart and soul into it (maybe too much? xD) I'm always open for feedback, suggestions, ideas, etc! Thanks for supporting me, Croissants~ <3 <3


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