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hey guys, I'm back again! I spent a lot of January studying some construction and other things to get back into feeling good about my art again and I think I'm feeling pretty good! A lot of my drawings were primarily in my sketchbook so I'll throw in the few pics i posted to twitter, but I have some earlier digital scribblings too.

The biggest thing I wanted to focus on was improving my understanding of the simplified forms that make up the body so that I could take those and distort them in 3d space and make more dynamic poses that look like theyre messing with perspective a bit more. Maybe the examples here aren't really pushing it too hard but I think I can visualize and construct a body SO much better now and I can attempt some harder angles or poses without reference which is a great improvement.

besides these, I also have some zelda pics I started back up again, and I'm trying my hand at drawing some more nsfw things for the moment to put my new findings to the test. Mostly Scarlet/Edgar since they've been on the brain again as I think about what the next chapter of Red Muscle.

In other news, I'm going to try to get a preorder for a physical printing of Weekend With Yuka up on my store soon! There will be an announcement here when it's up but I'm excited to get this book printed as a final act to feel like I've completed it 100%.

So that's all for now but expect more drawings and comics soon!




Glad to see you!