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Hey guys! Mariel and I just recently found a new convention in Pomona, CA called sticker expo which is a short one day event in august and we signed up! I have a whooole bunch of ideas for new stickers to make and I knew i wanted a nice Samus sticker, i've really grown attached to Samus ever since Dread came out. I've still got to print my Soul Calibur ladies, I want a Frankie sticker that I think will make you guys laugh (i've got a concept), and a few other ones that will be fun.

This is all I have for now! I've also been writing a VERY long post about a certain character archetype that I've been very attached to with some examples in my favorite mangas, that will be free for the public to read as soon as possible. More Weekend With Yuka posts coming soon too.




She's so badass in Dread, love this!