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Hey guys, I have another batch of pages for you all! I haven't been working on the comic for a minute because I need a break but I still have enough pages drawn out for 2 more posts. I'm going to be trying to finish Red Muscle ch8 before I pick this back up again so once I've caught up with these rough pages I'll be sharing some WIPs of that.

So we jump back in right after Yuka is thrown to the ground by Ren to keep her from answering her phone, the source of all her stress that's driven her to burnout. Yuka is wincing from the pain of having to let the phone go, it's very serious for her! When it finally stops ringing and Ren checks it, it was nothing more than a spam call but we can tell Yuka has a problem. Ren drops on top of her from trying to wrangle Yuka away from the phone and Yuka snaps at her a bit. Ren tries to pry information out of her about how it's gotten so bad and Yuka dumps her feelings she's been bottling up about feeling like now that she's responsible for Ren's livelihood that she is really nervous about pushing her business to the next stage and messing up. Ren listens and starts to tell her a story about her own past, events that took place even before Exposure (the first comic with a little bit of Ren's back story). She starts to talk about being on the high school soccer team and how an injury completely uprooted her plans for college and her life trajectory.

We're going to see more of this back story in the next few pages! Ren's life hasn't been all that easy but she seems to be doing alright for herself. Her story is sure to help Yuka snap out of it and they can finally start enjoying their vacation.

That's all I've got for you today, thanks for reading! A new sketchbook will be up next for all patrons!




Workaholicism is bad Hope Yuka does enjoy herself