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Hey yall! Hope your start to 2021 has been ok. I've overworked myself to the bone regarding Weekend With Yuka so I decided to take a break from it and let myself just draw whatever for a little bit. Here's a few doodles like some cow ladies, scarlet doodles, and a few sexy studies. I don't know if I've talked about it here before, but Yuka, Ren, Ami and Frankie are all part of the same world and I want them to interact with each other. Frankie and Ren have been friends since high school (maybe Ami too) and I really like thinking about the different dynamics these ladies can have together. They all exist in the fictional city of Bumpers that Mariel and I have been thinking about for a long time as a base setting for our jokes and real world type characters. Red Muscle doesnt exist in the same universe because of the fish people, but any time there's a character that has no supernatural or otherworldly ties I like to think of them as existing in Bumpers somewhere.

I have a few more pages of WWY that i still have to post so that will be coming soon, but otherwise I'll try to draw some more silly stuff and just unwind from endless comics. thinking about doing a character poll or maybe some requests but I haven't put too much thought into it yet.

anyways, that's all for now! see you in the next post!




Scarlet doodles give me life 😊