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wanted to practice a lineless style to see if it was a viable option for my soul calibur draws. this was fun and i like how it looks but i'm still looking for the right approach. anyways, I've been playing a lot of old 2d fighters and I think I like chun li's alpha costume more than her original, but that's just me!! everything about it is just more fun. I would love to see the 3rd strike chun proportions in the alpha costume, that's gonna have to be how I draw her as I get better at drawing her.

Sorry if the patreon starts to get a little dry for the lower tier patrons for the rest of this month and then some, I've been working on comic pages nonstop. I'm almost done with inks for the intro to Exposure 2 (I'll have to start thinking of a proper name) so $5 patrons will get some more previews soon. As for everyone else, again please let me know what kind of stuff you would like to see! Maybe I can do some sketch requests or start some commissions, but just leave a comment if there's something you'd want me to draw.




Pretty :O And no worries