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Thanks for all the new patrons (and you old ones that have stuck around as well)! Since red muscle chapter 7 has been all wrapped up and released, I have a bit of freedom when it comes to the work I make next. I want to do some more content for you guys and get back to making some exclusive things, I just have a handful of options that I can't quite decide on for what to do first.

I've been thinking about doing stuff like nsfw sketches, monthly character polls, comic analysis/tutorials, stuff like that? I definitely want to try to do all of those things, but I want to know what you all would want to see me focus on first.

any suggestions of your own are also welcome! I've got another batch of Exposure 2 pages coming for the $5 patrons soon, so be on the lookout for that too!



tutorials, analysis, polls are all great ideas.

Bates Willis

Nsfw, wedgies and spankings, please!

Rudy Mora

i'll be 100% honest with you, I'm not going to be drawing other people's fetishes