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sorry for the lack of updates! work has been taking up so much more of my time lately with the pandemic right now, so progress has been slow. I do have some thumbnails to share though! I'll walk you through what's happening in the story so far. I'm going to make this post open for all tiers to make up for the lack of content here.

Ch7 drops in right where we left off, Scarlet is in shock with images of Ula all around Concha Rosada. She wants answers, turning to the locals to ask them what they know about Ula. they tell her about how popular Ulala Inc is, being a beacon in fish culture for new fashion trends and lately they've been making lifestyle consumer goods.

one fish shows off Ula's social media and just how popular her posts are, putting her at peak influencer status. he mentions that Ulala Inc does tours and Scarlet finds herself in front of the offices, ready to fight.

She tries to psych herself up for a confrontation with ula, but her imagination starts wandering. She starts getting overwhelmed with the idea of big buff bodyguards waiting for her inside to ambush her, and Flip Flops comes out from the entrance and scares her.

flip flops recognizes scarlet after looking at her for a second, knowing that Ula wants him to do research on her. He asks for an interview and scarlet thinks to herself that as a hero, she should be able to turn things around in her favor. she accepts his offer to an interview and they head out to grab some drinks and talk.

The two end up in Big Friend Cafe as scarlet mentally prepares for whatever flip flops throws at her, waiting for an opportunity to get information out of him as well. Flip flops immediately catches scarlet off guard by using his first question to ask if his jacket looks nice, saying he's been trying to wear more bright colors and didnt know if he looked funny.

flip flops asks scarlet a series of usless questions like "if you could eat only one food forever, what would it be?" or "know any good tv shows?". the two are basically just having a fun conversation and becoming friends, flip flops recommending local establishments to check out.

after a while, he says that scarlet is a fun person and doesnt know why ula is hung up on her. scarlet asks if shes been secretly training super soldiers to destroy her, and flip flops describes the actual situation. business has been booming and ula thinks scarlet is really just a hinderance, wanting to focus on innovating products and growing the business. He says that all his coworkers dont really get why ula hates scarlet so much and would probably get along well with her. he gets the idea to take scarlet on a personal tour of the facility so she can see how chill his coworkers actually are.

This chapter is going to get crazy coming up with a big fight thats going to change scarlet's entire view of being a hero. Don't forget about Ricki either! Lots of good stuff to be packed in this chapter, I'll try my best to keep updates coming along across the month. Hope this peaked your interest!


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