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This is a PDF of Exposure I had thrown together to get feedback from people before made the final version. This was one of the fastest turnaround times for a comics I've ever done, from initial thumbnails to 32 finished pages in about a month (how I did that, I still don't know). Scroll to the bottom of this post for the attachment.

I'm also including some photos of my sketchbook where I draw the initial passes of all my comics, you can see all the places I changed panels halfway through and all my scribbles in the margins to keep learning how to draw my characters as I was going.

I hope seeing this kind of work is useful! I'm still thinking of more things I can talk about on here in regards to comics, if you have any suggestions or comments on comics content you'd want to see from me, let me know!


Rudy Mora

I suppose I could, I'll save it for a bit later to space my posts out throughout the month.


Great process work-- always super fascinating to look through!