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Good morning Stars!

It's a new month, which means I have a few things to go over.

First off, I once again apologize for being behind. I feel like a broken record at this point. My health and some other real life issues set me back more than I want to admit. I want to say that this will improve going forward, but I know for a fact the next two months are actually going to be more than a little crazy!

But for mostly good reasons! While my health is still on a rollercoaster, and a contributing factor in my delays, there are a couple of other BIG, time consuming, but exciting stressors the next couple months.

This month, May, I will be mostly working on convention prep for a table that I will have coming up in the first week of June. I'm really excited to show you all the couple of new things that I'll be working on. Some things will be going up in my shop before the convention, but any and all leftover stock will be available after the convention! For this reason, the first week of June, the shop will be offline so I can manage inventory for the con, and update inventory afterward.

Throughout both May and June, I will be moving into a new house! May will mostly be focused on packing and organizing, while the actual move will be happening in June. It's a very nice place, and I'm excited for it. But moving is an exhausting and time consuming experience, so it will be eating up a lot of my availability, and might even take a week or two of my full days.

That being said, I have halted my streaming schedule, and will be back with a new, regular schedule starting in July!

Commissions will still be opening! My turnaround time may not be quite as fast, but they will be available! Commissions for Patron claim will be open Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3. Leftover slots will be made public on Friday, May 5. Be on the look out for the posts to claim your spots!

April's second download will be May's first download. Whoops. Along with the rest of the sketches, which should be up by tomorrow! I'm hoping to finish the Trigun piece this week.

While the next couple months will be hectic, I'm hoping to make them productive! Thanks for sticking with me, you guys. :)


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