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Hey guys! 

September was a whirlwind of a month, but it was good to keep it steady for my first few weeks back. Old commission queue and old Patreon sketches will be done by the end of the week, and I'll have started the new one.

But October is also a month of drawing challenges, and apparently, a LOT of fandom ship weeks. 😱 Am I ever going to find time for them all? No. But I'm going to try and squeeze in at least one monstergirl/boy, and some robots kissing among my work. 

Anyway, here's some other news for you. The start of the month is going to be BUSY!

October's High Res Download:
I polled, and you all have answered. By a landslide, it was decided October's line art download, and November's final piece will be a traditional media tribute to Sailor Moon for the 30th Anniversary this year. YAY!! I'm rally excited to focus on this for streaming at the beginning of the month.

Other Patreon Rewards:
If you were a  $15 Patron this month, please fill out your sketch form at the beginning of October (when posted) for two sketches. One for September, and one for October. I was so caught up with wedding and DragonCon nonsense, posting the form actually slipped my mind.

$25 Patron forms will also be posted at the beginning of the month, and October will be the month you receive your sketches. The form will be posted again in November for sketches to be posted in December.

If you are a member of any tier $10 and up, please ensure your address is attached to your membership, as September's postcard prints will also be shipped out at the beginning of the month. If you need a refresher for this month's design, check out this post! 

Streaming Schedule:
My current schedule is Monday/Thursday/Sunday. Mondays start earlier as I have obligations in the evening.  I am contemplating moving my Thursday stream times a little later, however. I am also considering moving my days. 🤔 Below is my proposed schedule moving forward for October. (All times are in US EST)

Mondays @ 3pm-6/6:30pm (Art)
Thursdays @ 6pm-9/10pm (Art)
Sundays @ 5pm-whenever (Game)

If there are days/times that work better for any of you, let me know! I stream for you guys, and I want to work out a schedule that's reasonable!

Thank you all for your support, and I'm so ready for SPOOKY SEASON.


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