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Hello Stars, Galaxies, Universe. 

The better part of the past year has been a whirlwind. An exhausting whirlwind that's thrown myself and everyone through a back and forth and up and down. I can't say "the end is in sight", but what I can say is that things are going back to the way they were prior to October 2021 (mostly). And then some!

I hope this is a good thing!

To anyone who hasn't been keeping up with the ongoing saga of my personal life, here's a quick run down. (But if you don't care, please feel free to skip to the next section.) 

In October 2021, my grandfather unexpectedly passed away. Handling this took up a lot of my time and energy, but was also the first incident in a series of what has been a string of fairly constant bad luck. In my grief, I was unable to maintain my business and Patreon promises, and I was in a tricky financial situation after our move into a new home that September. I ended up landing a full time job in January, and while it was a wonderful opportunity, it also left me with less time to dedicate to my craft and to my supporters. I also suffered a hand/arm injury during this time, which left me with even less ability. A new hire caused the environment of this initially comfortable place of employment to quickly turn hostile. And as this was building, the company entered a partnership that upended our systems and processes, which in turn caused lot of chaos, and I was working several months of 10-12 hour days. The hostility continued to grow, which led me to make the very difficult decision to leave a place I really enjoyed, and was willing to make sacrifices for.

But hey... I quit my job.

Which means...

Tl;dr I am a full time creator again!


- Changes are once more coming to Patreon! I will be moving forward with the plan I had initially intended to roll out at the beginning of the year, but with some tweaks. The prices of some familiar tiers will be different, and some changes to the new tiers that were initially proposed. You can expect:
The current $1 tier.
The current $5 tier.
A print/sticker tier at $10.
The portrait sketch tier will now be $15 instead of $10, and will include the $5 tier. I had realized I was doing too much for too little. the sketches will be delivered every month.
The waist-up sketch tier will be $25, include the $10 and below tiers, and the sketches will be delivered once every two months.
If you've considered becoming a patron, next month is your time! If you're a current patron, please be ready to edit your tier if you need to!

- A new commission queue will be opening! I am getting through the last of my pieces, as well as previous Patreon sketches from the beginning of the year, but I will be opening a new round in September! Please be advised that my prices will be increasing again.

- Streaming is back! I've been getting back into the groove of streaming this month, and while I've only averaged one day a week with the occasional Sunday, two day a week schedule will continue through September, and  move to three days in October. More details to follow, as I am taking the next week off due to Dragon*Con!

- Community events! I've been aiming to do this for OVER A YEAR, but I have scheduled my first Discord community event. And there will be many more to come! Details are already posted in the discord announcements, but I will have further details on the paint party posted in the next few days. If you need a Discord link? Here you go! This one shouldn't expire: https://discord.gg/vffZ7nGWuy 

If you've stuck with me this far, and for this long? Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I really could not have made it this far without you, and wouldn't have kept the foundation I needed to start again. 

I'm trying to make the best of a crappy situation, and I look forward to moving forward together. :)



Hooray! This is exciting!