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HOLY CRAP this was actually a scheduled post, that didn't actually... get scheduled and was sitting in drafts until I went to schedule another post. WHOOPS. I am sorry for the unintended radio silence!

Hey guys! 

It's like, my favorite art month. MerMay. I love drawing mers, and I always try to at least draw one every May. Even if it's only a doodle! I've been itching to get back to my traditional media with all of m y past works being digital. So I'm going to try to make even a simple illustration with watercolor or inks for this month.

Again expect two downloads! A Mermay illustration, and finally finishing Tadhgn!

Also, be expecting some more Faustian Nonsense works in progress. I've been crunching through deadlines of other pieces, so that I can concentrate fully on stuff I can show, as well as finishing up Patreon sketches from January. (I swear I haven't forgotten!)

I also plan to start streaming again. Wednesdays are best for my schedule, so expect things starting back up on Wednesday, May 11 (Edit, NOPE not today, due to technical issues and work. I'll see you guys NEXT Wednesday, May 18!) I'll be swapping  between traditional and digital streams again. I really miss streaming. It keeps me focused, and I love hanging out with you guys. 

My arm is still not 100%, but I'm at least able to work again, thank god. One day I'll be back at full capacity. ONE DAY. 

Addendum, 5/11: I totally got some new paint that I'm super excited to use, and I hope you guys are ready to watch me experiment. 


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