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Hello everyone. I hope your start to spring has been a wonderful one. 

My condition with my arm is improving, though it's not 100%. I don't think it will be a long road to recovery, but it may be a little while longer before I can maintain a pretty steady baseline and prevent it from being any worse.

But I'm still working! Just slower. 

I'm trying out a new schedule for things. It's an experiment, but will give me more rest, and hopefully get me in a more productive routine for when I can take on a heavier load.

My current commission queue and over due patron sketches are reaching their end! I'll probably take a small break from commissions once they're done, and focus on some more personal work,  I have some fanart and original characters I've really been wanting to dive into. But once it's all out of my system, I'll be opening up a very limited number of slots again.

I don't want to put a deadline on the opening of the higher tiers, yet. I hope may, but I'm uncertain. I want my arm to get better before I can commit to taking on a heavier workload. I'm saying a loose goal of Sometime This Summer. So for now, Patreon will remain a tip jar and a download hub. I really appreciate everyone's patience as I continue to navigate the curve balls life is throwing me.

Happy spring!


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