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Hi everyone. Another long post ahead.

I have some news. I'll leave it up to you all to decide whether it's good or bad news. But I hope it will be news that turns into something better in the end.

I have not been shy of how the last several months have really impacted me. I had several major, life changing events that happened back to back, and it's been increasingly difficult to stay on top of things. I know part of this is my fault, as many of these were coupled with trying to get my feet under me while trying to earn a living through my art. It was, and still is a rocky road, and I hate that after pushing 10 months of growth and relative success, that I'm having to rethink things moving forward. 

That being said: I am NOT giving up! Not at all! I worked my butt off over the past ten months to get where I am, and I have no intention of letting my dream and desire to make my entire living off my art fall to the wayside. One day, I'll be able to do that full time again, and make it sustainable. Unfortunately, I can't do that right now.

What I did realize over these past several weeks, is that that I am still forcing myself to work under deadlines and pressures that I could manage when I was doing nothing but art. I have been working for hours and hours immediately upon returning home from my already 8+ hour days at my day job. I was losing sleep, I couldn't make dinner, I couldn't even relax when I got home. The stress was making it so hard to create and be productive. Not to mention, I was losing any and all free time. I realized I can't keep trying to make myself do fulltime output when I don't have the fulltime hours and ability! And I desperately *need* to catch up. I need to catch up for you guys, and my own mental benefit.

So here is what is happening:

I am delaying my soft rebrand/relaunch until the beginning of April, not March.

I am temporarily disabling the Red Giants and Neutron Stars tiers. These two teirs will not be available for pledge for the  months of February and March. These will be reopening with the new benefits with my soft rebranding relaunch at the beginning of April. Those of you in these tiers are welcome to adjust your pledge to the $5 Main Sequence Stars tier until they are available again! 

I will be streaming one set day a week until April.

All of these temporary changes will not only give me the opportunity to catch up on my back log, but also allow me to settle in and recoup from the chaos life had me in since September. I will be catching up on Patreon rewards, such as the sketches and merchandise for January, as well as bringing the last of my commission queue to a close, so that I can be refreshed and ready to start pushing forward again!

Please understand that this was a decision that I didn't make lightly, and I hope that you guys will continue to stick with me, even if we gotta pull back just a little bit. 

BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE! Here's what to expect from the NEW, restructured tiers! While the poll was overwhelmingly (and surprisingly!) in favor of raising the Red-Giants tier altogether, after much consideration, I felt it best to use both options. So here is a look at what will be coming in April:

Red Giants: This tier will include all of the previous benefits. However, the sketches will be moved to an every two months basis, and the price will be changing *very* slightly. This will now be a $8 a month  tier, the extra $3 a month going toward your sketch reward. This tier will be limited to 8 people.

Supergiants: This tier is the $15 a month tier as I advertised in my last poll. Every two months, you will receive a higher quality sketch. Every two months, you would receive a half body sketch, of higher resolution, and far more refined, with loose inking, a solid flash of color, and solid color shape background.  This would increase the total price to $30, but this would be on par with the quality of one of my inked half body commissions (which start at $45). This tier will be limited to 8 people.

Neutron Stars: Will include the benefits of the Supergiants, as well as the current print/sticker reward. This tier will be increasing to $25.

Dang, I also need to fix my tagging system. WOMP.


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