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Hello Galaxy! (Get it? Because y'all are stars. I know. I'm so witty.)

I know it's not 2022 yet, but it's just around the corner. Like, THIS WEEKEND. But I have some big news that came a little sooner than expected, along with a lot of other exciting updates. At least, I hope they're exciting. 

The first, and biggest update:
I have a new full-time job. While I'm super excited, it unfortunately means that I have to make some serious changes moving into 2022 as far as the art and streaming side of things go.

What's NOT Changing:
Patreon will still run as normal. I will probably be making some adjustments to the higher tiers, but nothing too major. I will definitely be running this by all of my Patrons before any changes are made. Until if and when all of those changes are made, all tiers will be offered as is, as well as the monthly lineart/illustration.
Streams will be twice a week, but later in the evenings.

What is Changing:
My commission queue is going to be non-existent until I finish my work for Faustian Nonsense. This gives me more time to focus on Patreon in my downtime, and personal work. When I take on another queue, it will be VERY limited, and will have an increased turnaround time.
Things will be a little less staggered across the month, giving me more time to complete them. (I'm gonna be better about queuing posts on the weekend so they'll post on the week.)
Sketch rewards for Red Giants will be due earlier, giving me a little more time to complete them

The unfortunate news about this job is having to cut back on art output. But the good news is the fact that I have something steady, and have the ability to invest more capital into growing even further, including more merch, like bags and pins, as well as investing more in the stream with equipment, subscriptions, and giveaways. 

March is coming up on my one year on Patreon, as well as streaming regularly, and I don't plan to  lose the momentum on what I've done so far. It took a lot out of me to start, and I really want to continue. 

And I still have a "rebranding" (more like an official branding lol) in the works. And thanks to your votes from the previous polls, the theme will be a synthwave/cyberpunk kind of theme, with a darker color scheme. I also hope to have all of this done by the end of March, and am working to have a launch in April. 

I thank you all for your continued support, and hope you'll take this journey with me into the new year!



Congratulations on the job!