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Hello everyone. 

I wanted to provide some updates, as well as some clarity.

Two weeks ago on Wednesday, my grandfather suffered a major stroke. I had to leave immediately to help my family take care of him on the short time he was on hospice. Unfortunately, the following Monday (last week), he passed. Grief and handling funeral affairs and the estate is never easy, and all of this took up a great deal of time. 

I want to apologize that because of this, I will not be able to complete Inktober/Yokaitober as I had intended. I admit I also wasn't entirely thrilled with how the one piece I managed to complete turned out. I'm working on another illustration this week though, that I hope will make up for it. This will also be the exclusive print mailed out for the Neutron stars tier. It still fits the yokai theme, and I hope will make you all just as thrilled.

Streams will resume the second week in November.

Thank you all for your patience over these last couple of months. Life sometimes comes at you fast, and all you can do is roll with it. Your support has been so appreciated.



Take as much time as you need.