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Edit: I forgot to let you guys know the theme for the illustrations! WHOOPS.  ANYWAY.

Whew, only a day left of September, and honestly I'm ready for it to be done. It was a very wild and busy month, but I thank you all so much for sticking with me and being patient through the move. It has been an exhausting endeavor, but I'm happy to announce that we're officially fully moved in to the new place! I'm ready to start getting it in order, and really set up my studio and work station with a much bigger space. It may take a while, but I do aim to share it with you all once I get it all together!

As we move into the spooky season, I've got some updates, and hopefully some cool content. IDK, y'all think I'm cool right?

Discord - If you haven't already, please consider joining the Discord! It's a pretty fun place for everyone to hang out, and a small section for patrons that will soon be growing!  

Neutron Stars - September's Rewards will be mailed out next week.  Thank you all so much for your patience! Keep reading for October's rewards.

Streaming - Streaming is BACK ON! Schedule will be posted in the next few days. I hope to  be doing a mix of traditional and digital art streams. I also finally set up my streamlabs bot lmao be proud of me. Gaming streams will ALSO be back on weekends! I will most likely be streaming the game of the month for the community I'm in, Titanfall 2!

Monthly Illustration - October is going to be a little different. I don't really participate in Inktober specifically anymore,  but I've always liked the idea of the challenge. This coming month I want to do a small 6x8 drawing a week, in the spirit of the inking challenge. These will all be black and white, traditional pieces, with a flash of color also done in ink. There will be a total of 4! These will be available for high res download, and will be provided as postcard sized prints for the Neutron Stars tier. Make sure you upgrade in the next few days if you want to own these! The theme for this month was voted Japanese Yokai!

Last but definitely not least, I have a pretty big announcement!!
I have been invited to join a podcast network as an illustrator for hire! Faustian Nonsense is a network of really fantastic and fun podcasts, full of actual plays of various table top games, unique stories, and queer voices. Be Not Afraid, Chain of Being, The Lavender Tavern, and Ghosts on a Train are just a couple of the programs in this network, and all worth checking out. I'm really excited to be a part of this group.

I will be doing some work for an upcoming project with this group, which means after this current bout of commissions, I will be putting them on pause until this work is completed. The next opening may be in a few months. But don't worry! I absolutely plan to continue putting out personal work, and high quality illustrations for Patreon! And I can't wait to share the project with you all once it goes live.

Thank you guys so much for all of your support, and I'm so ready to get back into the swing of things.



Congrats on the podcast job!!! I'm so excited for you az, you deserve it!!!