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Hey Stars! I hope you're all having a great day  today. 

I just wanted to share some updates and keep you all in the know about some setbacks. It's not too much, honestly, but I value you all and want to keep you appraised of all sucesses and losses. And this update has both.

Red Giant Sketches - June's are finally finished and will be posted later today! YAY! July's are still on track for being posted at the end of this month. 

Commissions - I will not feasibly be able to finish the commissions that remain in a week. I'm a little disappointed in myself for having to push things back, but sometimes that's the nature of the game. Real life issues have been costing me a lot of lost time, but I'm doing my best to make up for it! That being said: All remaining commissions will be started, and at the very least have a sketch for approval by July 31st! Here is hoping that I can get them wrapped up by the first or second week of August at the latest.

Commission slots will be opening in August! It may just be mid August instead of the beginning.

Moving - I have BIG BIG NEWS that I will be moving in September, but most of the big work will be started in August. This means I will still be moving at a pretty slow pace as far as work is concerned. But my decision to raise my prices and take on smaller queues will definitely help in this endeavor. It just unfortunately means that there may be a bigger gap between commission openings between August and October. It's a very exciting and happy change, but also very daunting and stressful at the time. 

This also means an unfortunate slow down in my game streams. I will still try to load one up every now and then, but these may not be regularly scheduled. I still enjoy sharing my play throughs with you guys and would like to continue that, even if it's sporadic. 

New Tier - My $20 print/merch tier is still slated to launch next month, and I hope to have a preview of what you'll be receiving next week.

As always, I thank you guys immensely for your understanding and support. I would not be here without you, and I wouldn't be able to continue either. You're the best. And I mean it.


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