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Holy crap, it's June already and 2021 is halfway over. It's crazy to think about. But I appreciate you guys still being on this journey with me. Here are things to look forward to in the coming month!

Streaming -
The stream schedule for this month is up! Make sure you check out this post here. I'll update if anything changes. I'm blocking out Saturdays to do a little bit of gaming. Heck yeah. I think I may continue my Destiny 2 streak this month, and see how far we get. But if you guys would like to see me play something else, too, let me know!

Shop Updates -
Prints are ready, and will be shipped out next week! If you're interested in getting your own, make sure you check out the shop now. I still have a few original works up for grabs, too. Paintings and Copic drawings. And they are the original piece, not a print! Last month's illustration will also be going up, as well as this year's MerMay piece. Also keep an eye out for exclusive WIPs of my stickers! I hope to have those in production come August.

Commissions -
All commissions are still slated for July completion. Patrons, please stay tuned for a surprise opening, soon! Also slated for July completion. If you're not a Star yet, consider subscribing and get first dibs on any new openings and merchandise listings!

Patreon Sketches -
I am so sorry May's are late again, but they will be completed this week! The form for this month's will be posted next week. You know what to do, Giants. ;)

Cosplay and Photography -
Due to the unexpected circumstances that came up at the end of May, I wasn't able to properly start my cosplays. (I did a little wig prepping, but nothing substantial.) However I do plan to start really getting to work on weekends this month! Please look forward to progress. On that note, many of you know I also dabble in photography. So please expect a good smattering of practice shots to pop up as Patreon exclusives, as well as me attempting (and probably somewhat succeeding) at some self shoots! Don't worry, art is still my main focus, and these will be secondary, and "as I get to them" projects.

Monthly Illustration -

You guys, I can scarcely believe you all voted for me to do something with my self indulgent space elf. That's right, the poll closed in at a traditional marker piece of my mecha pilot OC, Rexian. And I'm super flattered you want to see more of them. As usual, the line art comes first, and the colored piece will be finished for July! Thank you so much!

Hm... there was something else I think... what was it...

Oh? A new tier coming??? Heck yeah. I've got a new tier slated for August release, and I'm really excited to include it. Details will follow in July updates. I hope you'll all be looking forward to it and the incentives I have to offer!

Again, thank you guys for all of your support, and I can't wait to make the most of this month, too.


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