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This was totally supposed to be End of April updates, but honestly I've been trying to space out my posting a little more so you guys aren't getting hit with multiple posts a day. So these are May Updates now, and you're gonna like it.

Streaming: Due to some outside interference, my streaming schedule for this month may be on a week by week basis, and sometimes spur of the moment. I will not be able to have a set schedule. Please keep an eye on Discord and Twitter announcements. I am still going to try and stream twice a week, but may only be able to squeeze in one day.

High Res Download: The finished illustration for Reno and Rude will be posted within the next week or two! New polls will be conducted through the month to determine June/July's download.

MerMay: MerMay is one of my favorite art events. It's not only a great pun, but merpeople are so much fun to draw and design. I may try to do one a week, even if it's just a little spread in my sketchbook. I hope you guys will look forward to this. If I have enough time, I might even whip up a full piece.

Patreon Sketches: These will be digital again this month. As usual, I will have a link to the form next week.

Commissions: I'm moving through these very quickly! I will also be posting another queue update post for this month for easy reference. Please note I do plan to take a bit of a break on working on commissions in order to do some personal work. Maybe even a new original piece for you guys to bid on. ;)

Last but not least,

Cosplay: This month I'm starting back in the cosplay grind. I've been out of it for over a year thanks to COVID. Being fully vaccinated, and seeing a little more hope on the horizon for the end of the year, I'm feeling motivated to try and start up again! This has always been intended to be part of my Patreon, so I plan to document my progress with you guys. If there is anything in specific you would like for me to fully break down and explain my process, let me know! Otherwise I'll just be showing progress. :)
The two costumes I am hoping to have done by fall are
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7 Remake)
Hermes (Hades (game))

Happy May!


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