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I'm working on a birthday gift for Daniel/Beilin. This is his au ra, Alun, who is just a great character. He's been a good friend and a lot of help getting established in FFXIV, so I wanted to do something nice for him since his birthday last year took such a hit with COVID. Probably won't get done in time for his actual birthday, which is in like, a day LOL but hey, starting it early and finishing it late evens out, right? 

Anyway, I whipped up the doodle (second image) as a warmup sketch the other day, but it ended up being such a good base, I decided just to transfer it to a higher resolution canvas and build and tweak from there. It;s going to b e a long work in progress, and something I'm using to practice and play with some different techniques digitally. But I'm really liking how she's turning out so far.



Matthew Romeo

Your process always blows me away 💜


aaa thank you! Sometimes my sketches are really dang messy. lol THis one ended up not so much. I'm trying to get back into doodling with pen, again. That helps a lot.