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I generally try not to talk about myself, but I feel I have to at least give an update about what's going on. I haven't been in the best mental space since the end of last year really, so far I'd managed to not let it affect my art output too much, but since corona I've had very little social contact and haven't been able to manage it as well.

I'll do my best to get back to things as soon as possible, I really don't want to make negative posts like this but I can't really give it a positive spin, I hope you all stay safe and take care of yourselves. 

Anyways I don't want to leave you with nothing, I was mostly working on a four part (no promises) momo sequence, now sequences being sequences, I'd rather not spoil things and only show it once it's finished, so instead here's a WIP for the hibiki sequel.



No worries man, good to know you’re okay! Whatever you’re going through, hopefully you get better soon!


Obviously sad to hear that you are having a tough time with what's going on, but happy to hear that you and your loved ones are safe at the bare minimum, get well soon!!

Geb Baserr

Hey it's tough rn, don't feel alone. Fight!


I appreciate your honesty and bravery about how you're feeling. Please, take as much time as you need to feel better.


Happies before fats, dude. Take care of yourself out there, no storm lasts forever.


Do what you gotta! This community is with you 1000% ♥️


Hang in there mira 😊


My only expectation of you is that you be kind to yourself, okay? 😄


Just take care of yourself, mental health and such has priority. So take all the time you need!


I hope that sometime soon you can feel as happy as we all know you deserve to feel. Hang in there!


self care is the most important. If you need time we are understanding, I've been there.