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It's been pretty wild seeing so many of you support me on patreon, while I've always been humbled by the amount of appreciation people have shown for these drawings, it's been quite a different story seeing how many of you have been willing to go as far as to financially support it, and I am very grateful for that (it's also a weight of my mind not having to justify any of the expenses I've made on this hobby to myself).

Anyway I didn't want to do this thank patron day thing without offering anything, so here's a cute girl cheering you all on. I told her to look excited but I probably didn't give her quite enough cookies to act that excited, so you'll have to be satisfied with a moderate cheering performance here.




Mira? I thank you, for your amazing cute works over the years , I follow you many years on Devi and I love your art and style soo much <3


"It's also a weight of my mind" Well that's good, you can take that weight, and dump it all on this poor, cookie-deprived girl! Thank you for sharing your talent with us : )

Some Dude

Much appreciated. Happy to support you doing what you love


Its fine dude, you do good art, scratch that, your art in terms of fats is one of the best around