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I think that, *The Return of the Glassfish* has been.. pretty good so far? What say you folks? I wanted to get back on track and I feel as though I'm getting there pretty quickly. Feels good!

Looking at October we got ourselves some more PG Project! Started and almost completed the Intergalactic Trouble comic! And got in more than a few animated Game Mock-Ups! All in all? Not too shabby!

But what of the next month? Well, for starters, we'll be finishing the Intergalactic comic, with two more pages to go! Though there may be more down the road depending on what you guys think! More PG Project? More PG Project! We've got the 2005 version behind us, but still several more years (and versions!) to go. And yes, more of the mock-ups! I'd love to do more of those! Maybe experiment more with scenes as well. We'll see!

Last but not least, Mega Smash! The long awaited return! :P I know you awesome folks have been waiting but I think with what's still to come, you won't be disappointed! :)

Speaking of which, previously I did have a more set schedule and.. it kinda worked for a bit? But there was way too much, too soon to do every week and I think, if I do another more structured schedule? It'll be a little more pared back, and manageable. Still something I'm thinking about but wanted to be sure to mention.

Well then! Thanks for reading through and being here and supporting this and just being awesome in general! I really love to read and appreciate all the comments you've been leaving here. And same goes for the discord! Including the kind and enjoyable atmosphere many of you have contributed to. Thank you, guys and gals.

'till next post! 

Keep Swimming!

TL;DR: We're back in action! More PG in the Nudie; more Intergalatic shenanigans; more animated what-if's; more Mega Smash(ing), baby! And those comments? Keep 'em coming! :)



Begin the Hype Train!


Mang I'm waiting for major melons sequel if I have to pay for it. So be it.


glass thank you for all your hard work you have done a awesome job on stuff you are the best


Honestly, I wouldn't be against one, but it would depend on several things and it likely wouldn't be anytime soon. But yes, I would be down for a sequel sometime, too. :)


Do you need paper? I will throw it at you mang.


You're already supporting the work here, so that's more than enough, but thank you for the offer and the sentiment! Also, keep in mind it was a commission so I can't go forward with it just like that, even if I wanted to. I would have to ask permission and work something out with the original commissioner! That isn't likely to occur soon.


I beg you hunt the boah down when you have time or I could commission like a major melons clone in a way


Even if we could go forward? It would take some time to really get off the ground given all the things I'm still doing and working on at the moment and are still planned. And I wouldn't be able to take a comic commission. But, can I sometimes have fun with a Major Melons pic here and there? Sure. So, I'll keep it in mind. :)


Thank you mang thank you


Or womang


Lol thank you ma'am


Awesome!! Love your work and glad you are on your feets. Always glad to have any work you do!