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Hey everyone!

The end of the month is creeping up and I'm aware I've yet to post something new. 

I'd been away for a while and I was feeling severely down and under the weather, and had a hard time feeling any of the art I usually do. I tried to draw something here and there but it never felt right trying to force it and I felt it would be a disservice to everyone to put up something I wasn't happy with or into, just forced out for the sake of it. You all deserve something awesome and great and especially something that has passion behind it. Why else do this if there isn't any love behind what you do?

To be sure, I'm getting there when it comes to feeling better and I've even started by drawing some things recently (some you might have seen the other day on the tweets!). I intend to continue improving and continuing to do more as the days go, as well as get back on schedule.

I can admit I also needed to be forthcoming sooner about what I was feeling and what was going on. I hadn't done so earlier as I was concerned - afraid - that, among other things, I would bear some truly negative responses and I wasn't sure I was prepared for that. But it isn't fair to allow that fear to hold me back from communicating with everyone. As well, it isn't fair to expect anything super negative from those who've been kind and supportive like my fans and friends. Y'all have been nothing but kind and wonderful. Don't think I haven't noticed.

As in most things, communication is key, and its not okay to drop the ball. For that I'm sorry and I hope I can make it up to folks both here and elsewhere, along with making sure there's never a time where I don't talk about what's going on, especially with those who've supported me.

While I'll be getting back to things and hopefully back to the proper schedule, I've put the patreon on pause for the next month so none of you will be charged in the meantime. It's especially fair given how little was done this month. I'm hoping I can make up for the lack of things by doing more over the next month.

And if you're wondering, yep, even while on pause one can still post to their hearts content! That's what I hope and expect to do, so please, do bear with me in the meantime. :)

TL;DR: Didn't feel great; didn't write much; didn't post much, therefore pausing a month to make things alright, alright, alright.



Hey I know where you’re coming with. I myself have been feeling a bit of slag in some of my own art. I am not even sure if I am improving or if my work is mediocre. I sometimes turn to things I like most to see if it will inspire me to draw. I do occasionally get ideas that sometimes linger in my head and try to draw it out on an instant. And when I can’t think of anything to draw, I would just absent minded draw random doodles of characters and such to kick start my brain. It’s fine to take breaks in order to prevent burning out from pressure. Anyway, I hope you get back in the grove of things soon GlassFish. Hey, if you want, you could try the Inktober challenge to see if that will kickstart some ideas and improve your work. It helped me last year when I was uncertain about my work. I actually saw a bit of growth in some of my work. Well, I think I talked your ear off long enough with my speech. Take care.


I think we understand. Take your time and get on your feet we will be patiently waiting 😺


Come back to us when your ready to go! We will all be here still.


Hey, do what you need to do to be the awesome you. Don't let anyone bring you down.