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I think this one is looking a lot better! I've been practicing extra hard on animation, going back to the basic and climbing up. The one thing I've been focusing on is keeping my forms smooth and consistent. Which is a bigger challenge for me than you think XD

One more mock-up to go, then I'll be jumping back to the PG project! But to be honest, I might be doing both animation and the PG pinups side by side.




God lord! This is absolutely phenomenal, Glass! Amazing Job!!!




That is flawless and fluid motion! Yeah, do a switch over instead, looks like you found that sweet spot!


Thanks! I made this in the same program as the others, so there's really no need to switch over (yet). It's more related to practice than anything. 😄


Oh! Well, I don't want to switch over completely, of course! I love both! 😅


You rock!!

Kyle Young

Sorry glass just remembered you wanted me to comment here if you didn't see my discord message I said the animation is great i like how the ass goes down then there's those vibration lines didn't see any lags or graphic issues great job


Aww, thanks! Super happy with the way this one came out and glad it looks smoother. And happy with the responses to it! Really has me wanting to do more animation overall. 😊