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Remember those hero game mock-up animations I did awhile back? Well, I'm at it again! This time having some fun with Captain Marvel here!

Plan to finish it soon with something "extra" in the works! ;)




oh my god this is awesome great job

Sean Jackson

Godspeed Spider-man!


YAY! THEY ARE BACK AGAIN!!! I can't wait for Captain Marvel's Dialog in this one!

Daddy Warbucks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 19:20:08 Wonderful. Glad you are continuing with this series.
2019-06-03 22:44:31 Wonderful. Glad you are continuing with this series.

Wonderful. Glad you are continuing with this series.

The Silver Socialist

What other characters have you put in these Mock-ups?


I recently posted some on twitter! https://twitter.com/GlassfishBowl/status/1135214751808663552