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Wow, now this is uncharacteristic! An actual sketch wip from me? And of something not Homestuck or even close to it? Turns out Rebecca was an early crush of mine. I always loved her. Now that she's in DBD I can rekindle this and draw her getting her guts rearranged. But really, this is also my feeling bad for not posting anything... I haven't been drawing porn, honestly. I've been drawing a lot of other stuff, but not porn. Do you guys want to see the other stuff, even if it isn't 'sexy' per se? Please let me know! But in the meantime, I wanted to provide an honest look at what my sketches tend to look like somewhere between the messy phase and the proper lineart phase. 

It's tough baring my soul and showing my work-in-progress like this, because I know it isn't really that good, but if anyone deserves to see it it's y'all <3



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