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Howdy fam!!

In the interest of generating muse and seeing how creative y'all can get, I've been thinking about running a contest to see who can come up with the best captions for the couple of images below- which you might recognize! But what's going on in this picture? What are they saying?

I usually like to include dialogue for all of my pictures as it gives it a nice flavor and spice, but for some reason these images have eluded me as to what Matron might be saying to Luke, or vise versa.

So... I'll open up the floor for a week for you guys to send me your best captions for the images, including whatever sound fx you might like- with dialogue from either Luke or Matron or both! Or maybe even a third person narration? Whichever you like! Feel free to really go hard and get creative. I open the floor to thee.

Who are these characters?

The characters featured here are Luke and Matron from my MSPFA HLWK: Corrupted Files. Luke looks a bit different in this picture, though... seems like Matron might have convinced him to have a more pleasing physique for her and the carnival?

How do I submit my entry?

Submissions will be accepted however you can get them to me- either in comments or on dms or however else.

How many entries can I submit?

You may submit as many as you like, but I will ultimately only choose one the one that I like best for consideration. No one person will win both 1st and 2nd place!

How long do I have?

This competition will last until Thursday, November 24th... also known as Thanksgiving Day this year!

What is to be won?

I will feature the dialogue / captions from the first prize in when I post these pictures on my official websites off of Patreon! The winner will be fully credited and praised, of course! The winner will also be given one (1) free request for a picture within reason!

The runner up will additionally also be praised and will receive one (1) free request for a sketch within reason! Those who know me well know I struggle to do sketches and still tend to also make them fully colored and shaded, so this is still a really good value, I swear.

Good luck everyone!




Luke: "Wow... so... uh, you come here often?" Matron: "I'm about to."


Luke: you taste so sweet... Matron: almost as sweet as you look, boy.