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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the past few weeks being quiet in updates.  Been a busy month, but fortunately, today I wanted to share that the official release date of the new House Chores update will be Friday, July 28th for $5+ HC Patrons!  The public/free release will be on Monday, July 31st!

There's been quite a lot going on behind the scenes so I definitely need the max amount of time this month to get everything done without too much stress.  I'm also working on a new game called Kingdom of Passion (shameless self-promo) So I'm hoping to get an Alpha build of that game up and running soon!

== What's Next? ==

One thing I've been thinking about a lot is what the theme of the next update will be.  Originally, I was planning on an update focusing on both Linda & Julie.  As you'll soon find out with Beta 0.14, the women in House Chores are starting to get a little... suspicious...

But the more I think about it, the next release will probably be around September/October.  This year, I was hoping to do a Halloween update so I'm still contemplating on which theme to focus on next.  I'll probably do a poll soon to gauge interest in that.  But feel free to leave a comment here about what you're most excited to see next!


That's enough rambling from me!  

I'll see you all soon with the launch of Beta 0.14!  Thank you all so much for your patience and for playing House Chores! =D



I'd love to see a Thanksgiving theme(mc gets to STUFFING)! But dealers choice tho, I don't wanna pressure you


Halloween would be a good one.