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Hey everyone!

I wanted to just give another update here to provide players with an up-to-date post on what's happening behind the scenes!

Normally I don't go into THIS much detail but because of how long it's been since the last update, I want to make sure supporters know exactly where the next update is terms of progress.

== Progress ==

For art, right now the minor scene I teased last month is sent to get animated.

The only other thing I think I need for this next update is one 'full' NSFW scene for Linda.  These are like the scenes that take place in the living room & bathroom/kitchen.  Progress on that should begin within a week.  Remember, for a short time, the artist working on HC is also helping me finish up my other game, Town of Passion so the plan is to alternate between drawing something for ToP & then HC, vice versa.  Once ToP is finished, HC will get  the full attention which should allow for more frequent updates.

Once the full scene is finished, it'll need to get animated.  After that, I should have everything I need.

This could change if I want to add some misc 'moments' to her storyline but currently this is what I've got planned.

== Release Window ==

IF everything goes according to usual when it comes to having the art complete & animated, I could see art being ready by sometime in March.  

From there, I need to actually design the update and the part that might be tricky is I have to sort of 'de-rust' since it's been so long working on HC haha.  This step shouldn't be that bad though.

I'm thinking I can have the next update out NO LATER than April but as soon as March.

As we get closer to this time frame, I'll be able to know with more certainty.  But I'm at a point now where I can start seeing a good window of time to knock this update out and have it released. 


That's everything for this update!  Like I said, normally I will NOT fully detail the behind the scenes schedule for a number of reasons but in this case, I feel like it's owed that you guys know exactly how things are progressing.  I hate false promises so I want to help reassure supporters where things are at.  Once that next build comes out, I'll be able to relax a bit haha.

Thank you all so much for your support!  I will see you all soon with another update.  Hopefully I'll be able to share a sketch for Linda's scene soon as well!   Until then, see ya!
