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Hey everyone!

I wanted to talk about some of the current plans with House Chores.  As many of you know by know, the game has been in limbo due to the previous artist being unable to continue working on the project so I was working to find a replacement.  

Well now, it's time to begin working with a new artist and testing things out!  Let me detail some of the current plans!

== January Plans/Patron Charging ==

This month, the new artist is going to start small with a minor NSFW scene: One of those scenes that takes place over the pre-existing background.  The goal is to see just how accurate they can match the style/shading.  

If this test goes well, the next commission will presumably be a full-blown NSFW scene and the game should be in a position to wrap up nicely by sometime this year!

Because progress has officially resumed, I think I will keep Patron Charging open this month.  There is still time to decide so if plans go awry and I'm not happy with the amount of progress this month, I can still notify everyone and cancel the monthly charging.  Previously, I had stopped Patron charging since there was virtually 0 progress being made.  That is changing now!

Now, I want to talk a bit about potential changes/priorities for House Chores-

== 'Maid' Character ==

The maid is the character who this game was originally meant to focus on exclusively.  After a while, we had decided to add two extra characters to spice up the interactivity but now that expansion has sort of backfired.

The main focus right now is to finish up the Maid's storyline.  This really only requires one more major NSFW scene but I would like to add a few minor interactions around the house to help bring life to the story.  Once her story is complete, I may find a way to wrap up the story so House Chores can be at least mostly complete.

If the art style is able to be matched very closely, I will look at finishing up the planned story for the maid's sister as well.  Her story had just gotten off the ground so it would be nice to wrap that up as well!

== 'Tutor' Character ==

I have some bad news in regards to the 'Tutor' of House Chores: The girl with the glasses.

Her bedroom is the only location in the house that isn't complete.  In addition, you may have noticed she doesn't change her expression.  I had been previously waiting to receive her expressions and sadly just never received that part of the commission.  Safe to say, I don't think I'm going to be receiving them at this point =/

So this puts me and the new artist in a tricky spot with her in particular.  I don't know how well her bedroom & facial expressions can be added in so at this point, I don't know if it's even going to happen.

Best case scenario: the new artist does a PHENOMENAL job adapting to the art style and her expressions/bedroom can be added while still feeling natural to the rest of the game.

The possibility is still there but for right now I'm going to consider writing her off as more reclusive so the story can focus on the maid.  I want to stress: this plan may change and she may get attention down the road!


That's everything for this update.  Fingers crossed that this first test commission goes well.  I have high hopes but the fate of this project does rely pretty heavily on my satisfaction with this transition.

I will see you all with another update later this month confirming/denying the future of the project so stay tuned!  It's going to be a very important month for HC in general.  

Thank you all so much for your patience and support.  We've weathered the storm and now it's time to get this ship sailing once again!  I'll see you all soon =D



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