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Hey everyone!

Been a minute on this page but behind the scenes has been quite a ride.  Let me fill you in.

I disabled payments on this page for the time being.  Meaning at the start of January, patrons will not be charged.  I did this because, for a while, nothing was happening behind the scenes on House Chores.  I could not, in good faith, accept financial support for HC when it was hanging in limbo.  Payments will resume when the next build is available.

 == Current Status of House Chores == 

I had a private talk with the artist about both of our feelings about the project and where to go in the future.  I don't want to straight up breach privacy so I'll sum up the tl;dr:

Sassquatch - Overwhelmed with the amount of art required for HC while balancing life

Me - Growing dissatisfaction working on Visual Novel engine (laggy, random crashes, a bad time in general)

For a short time, this game was considered cancelled.  However, I have a game plan moving into 2020.  The game's engine/style will switch to RPG Maker.  This way, I can work on the project more efficiently and Sassquatch doesn't have to design backgrounds.

There's still much that needs to be done in order to complete the engine transition, but I've been working on it this past month.

While House Chores isn't cancelled, right now, I'd consider it on life support.  I'm not making any more promises until the next build is actually being worked on and presentable to players.  Especially when it comes to art: if the artist isn't wanting to work on the project, there's only so much I can do.  I want to structure the game in a way that is kind to his own schedule and priorities.

We'll see what happens in January!

== 2019/2020 ==

2019's been quite a wild ride for my main projects and the introduction of this project.  I wanted to challenge myself working on a new engine and experimenting with a new style.  

Unfortunately, not all experiments work out.  During the time making the Alpha build, I grew to hate the engine, plain and simple.  My experience with it was rough.  Creating the Alpha, I lost hours of progress a couple times due to crashes, dealt with a laggy UI, and ultimately didn't feel optimistic about sticking with the engine.

However, my love & vision for HC remains.  I want this project to see a full completion so I'm sticking with it moving into the new year but we have to make some changes.

I want to also take this time to thank everyone who has played and supported House Chores so far.  We've hit some bumps in the road but I appreciate those who continue to stick around, support, and be patient with me as I get the roadmap sorted out.  If everything works out smoothly, I think 2020 will be a promising year for House Chores!  

(I do still intend to finish the project next year as well)


That is everything for this update.  Thank you all so much for supporting.  Have a Happy Holidays & New Year, and I hope to update you with more soon!



Wolfgang Dumke

Hi, I also think it's not good to go to RPGmaker. misery , mourning in German: Schade


Well, I prefer RPGmaker honestly. Most if not all my favorite games are made in the RPGmaker engine (ToP and ZR included in my favorites, obviously) so I'm happy with it. I honestly don't understand the stigma the RPGmaker engine seems to have in certain communities... is it because people don't like the grind? The pixel maps? I'm sure it'll be easier working with a program you're familiar with anyway. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of this project. Happy holidays!


I think it's because of all the low quality hentai games made in RPGMaker, it's a good engine don't get me wrong but many people use it to just create a half baked story and slap some CGs in there to make money. There is an overwhelming amount of bad RPGMaker hentai games out there. Very rare to find gems like Princess & Conquest, ToP and ZR. It's also easier to "immerse" yourself in the experience in Ren'py in my opinion.