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Questions & answers are taken from a Dodleston Messages group where Debbie is active. Questions were compiled by a person going by the name Clive Potter. Questions were asked by multiple different people within the group, including me (Aly), and answered by Debbie same day. She is still mulling over the offer to come on LGH.

Q. Why do you think that the messages came to you and Ken? Why do think that 2109 ‘chose’ you for what could be considered an ‘experiment’? Or do you feel that it was random and that you were also both happened to be at the right time and place?

A. You've pretty much answered this in your last statement. We both believe it was random. I'm fairly sure that 2109 didn't choose us! It's clear the phenomena was geographically related ie to Meadow Cottage, in fact not even the whole Cottage, the restriction of the phenomena seemed to be within a 3m radius of the kitchen pillar at the back of the house (mostly in the kitchen). When I moved out and got a house elsewhere so we could sleep and get rest from the whole thing, the phenomena didn't follow us, it continued in the kitchen at Meadow Cottage. We know the place seems a hot-spot as there have been at least two resident families who have had poltergeist and apparitional stuff happen at the Cottage and a house at the back apparently at the same time we were having the experience so I don't think it's people related. See past posts on this way down the page here. An interesting idea is that the events were triggered by the earthquake we had two months before the events started which shook our house and others in the street badly and is still recorded as the largest on land earthquake recorded in the UK to this day, but all that is guess work. We are not even convinced that 2109 were 'in charge' of what was going on, it seems to us they appeared more like joyriders!

Q. Do you think that the communications were a single one-off event, or do you think that it could be repeated?

A. See above. We think it's a hotspot so there is a possibility that it could happen again. The Cottage was a very chilled and comfortable space to be in before and after the phenomena, so there may be certain environmental triggers additional to the hotspot theory. We certainly had absolutely nothing deemed paranormal before or after this period at Meadow Cottage and interestingly my dreams stopped at exactly the same time the phenomena stopped and Ive never had such vivid dreams again.

Q.Would you ever think of trying to resume communications in the hope of opening up a channel to Tomas again – if this was possible?

A. If we were living at Meadow Cottage and if it was just Tomas and no poltergeist then yes, perhaps, but the emotional upheaval is not to be underestimated so I'm unsure, I'm not sure Ken would say yes to that.

Q. What did you think 2109 was at the time of the communications?

A. Initially a hoax. Then the year 2109. Now AI - though this view could change again!

Q Did you feel that you were talking to a real individual when communicating to Tomas?

A. Yes. Both Ken, myself, Peter and most people communicating with Tomas believed him to be a real person.

Q.Did you feel that Tomas was communicating in almost ‘real time’ (that is, that you were communicating across time), or that he was existing in a different dimension or plane of existence?

A. It was natural to assume it was in 'real time' one event followed another naturally but the truth is we don't know.

Q.Did you ever think that 2109 was at any time evil or malignant in any way?

A. This is not easy to answer as we never knew what 2109 was and what they were trying to achieve. We don't have the context to answer this really. They were a pain in the butt that's for sure!

Q.Did you and Ken ever look for the Book of Tomas? Did you ever find any clues within the messages?

A. Yes in the late 80s early 90s until we realised there was no point and that it would be better if someone else found it for us or we would be accused of planting the book or working our story backwards to fit in with a weird 16thC. book we found.

Q. What do you think that Tomas would have done with his book once he had written it?

A. That's really a difficult one, we only have the clues that you all have for those who have read the book. I personally think he would leave it in a significant building like a church but given the times he was in even churches were not necessarily a safe bet.

Q. If you had the time and knowledge to prepare with communications with Tomas what questions would you have ideally had wanted to ask him?

A. What's his forwarding address.

Q.How have family and friends reacted to you when you have told them about the events and the book written by Ken?

A. At the time: virtually all our friends at the time were involved in some way or another, many having first hand accounts of the poltergeist or messages, we got almost everyone to baby-sit 'it', so pretty much all of them knew something unexplainable was going on. After the events we generally don't discuss it other than with those who were involved, it's just easier.

Q.How did this incredible experience affect you both as people, and did it change your life in ways that were unforeseen?

A. Yes, yes and yes - how could it not affect us?! Everything Ken and I have done in our lives has been greatly influenced by those events in fairly fundamental ways. We have taken paths in our careers and life that were a consequence of what happened at Dodleston.

Q.How did the events change your views on the nature of reality?

A. We have taken a more Systems view of the world and how it possibly works. The world is clearly not linear.

Q.If you could speak to Tomas again what would you say to him?

A. Me personally? "Sorry for being stupid and not appreciating your position better". I always wished this had happened to me when I was older sadly, I would have handled things so much differently.

Q. I have always wondered if you (Debs) and Ken ever wished you’d not experienced what you did, or despite all the stress and upset, you think it enriched your lives and feel privileged to have been involved with something so astonishing and unique?

A.Both Ken, Peter and I felt and still feel, enormously privileged by what we experienced, more so now than ever given how rare this event seems now.

Q. At the end of the book (2nd ed), Ken says that 2/3 of the material was cut out by the publisher and that there will be an opportunity for those interested to read the full version. I would be most interested, as I'm sure many others here as well (answered along with Steve's question).

Q. I would also love to read the entire story in unabridged and unedited form with all the documents included.

A. So, just to clarify, the 2/3rds that was cut out by the publisher was not the actual messages generally, it was the narrative, a large part was Peter doing a deeper dive into Tomas's Language - obviously we weren't happy to have so much cut out, especially Peter's text but the Publisher called the shots on that sadly. There were a small handful of messages not included because they were either repetitive, incomplete (interrupted) or, as you say, of a personal nature. The personal ones were generally not to Ken and myself, they were either ones we didn't see, eg to Gary Rowe or of a medical nature which we were asked to not read and personal to the recipient - we did not have complete control on all messages at Meadow Cottage and it was up to those recipients to release these publicly should they ever wish to do so - I certainly won't be naming these people as I don't feel that would be very ethical. I can say that these particular messages only had information relevant to the people they addressed and had no meaningful content to anyone else. The last few messages that we will eventually release from Tomas don't really say anything which is not already mentioned in the book I think but I do believe Ken will publish these in some form, probably on the long awaited website but don't get too excited, I don't think there is anything of any revelation in them as far as I remember.


Kat and Alice the Malice

That is so interesting!! If indeed 2109 was there for a butterfly-effect thing then her comment about how her and Ken's lives have changed drastically after the messages could maybe mean that 2109's work has been done? Who's to say what Debbie and Ken would've been doing if it hadn't happened???


I seriously hope she comes on the show because I have so many questions just like this! I'd love to just see her face-to-face via zoom so I can evaluate her responses for myself...

Korki Miller

I love hearing Deb's answers!

Arielle G

thank you for compiling these!!! deep into a roadtrip and read this out loud for the car after the bonus episode of the podcast... complete with a bad british accent. we are hooked 😆 hope debbie comes on the show!